Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 2291 - : There are stones in the fairyland

A field of fairyland.

This is a barren mountain.

There is a city beneath the barren mountain, and within the city a group of immortals are walking forward without fear.

“I heard that no five immortals are at war.”

“I heard that the forces of all parties are fighting very fiercely. It can be said that it is the biggest war after the start of the Xian Kingdom. The opportunity is full of Tianjun flying everywhere.”

“Tianjun? Isn’t there a Tiandi?”

“Heavenly Emperor does not come out of the mountain. After all, the destructive power of the Heavenly Emperor is too strong. In order to avoid the destruction of the Immortal Realm, the Heavenly Emperor will not easily shoot, so he is restricted.”

“Those emperors will obey?”

“The Immortal Emperor disagrees, what can those Heavenly Emperors do?”

“thats right.”

“However, in the past five years, the five immortal kingdoms have been fighting too much. If it can be done at once, peaceful coexistence from now on is also a good choice.”

“is not that right.”

“But who do you think can win this time?”

“It’s difficult to estimate. Originally, I was optimistic about the Central Immortal Kingdom. After all, their territory is relatively large, and there are many geniuses in the territory. They can definitely crush any immortal country. But they are wrong. They should not be too rampant. He directly fought against the other four immortal kingdoms, so that under the circumstances of four hits and one, he completely lost the opportunity. “

“I am not optimistic about the Central Immortal Kingdom. After all, the Central Immortal Kingdom has also experienced some weakness in recent years. Unless their top Emperor Tian shot, it will be difficult to affect the overall situation.”


, As the hottest topic recently, naturally attracted everyone’s attention.

Everyone was discussing this issue, but they did not notice that, not far behind them, there was a huge formation fluctuation, followed by a crack in the void.

next moment.

Ye Xiaohu fell from the void.

“where is this place?”

“Looks like it’s not a demon country anymore?”

“The **** of craftsmen really is not reliable, the opening of the space-time channel has no laws at all.”


Ye Xiaohu groaned, and then directly transformed into an ordinary fairy, and fell from the clouds, and walked in one direction.

Because Ye Xiaohu has already come to this place, there is a fairy city, so he wants to come to this place to get some information.

“Stop, who?”

Which thought Ye Xiaohu had just approached the fairy city, was stopped by a group of guards: “Which place can have customs clearance?”


Ye Xiaohu frowned: “What is customs clearance? I don’t have that play.”

Hearing Ye Xiaohu’s remarks, the guards of Xiancheng suddenly became nervous, and took out their fairy soldiers one by one, and surrounded Ye Xiaohu in place, which made Ye Xiaohu slightly stunned.

He has been in the fairy world for so long, and it is the first time he sees such a picture.

When Ye Xiaohu was surprised, a passer-by who followed the process behind Ye Xiaohu couldn’t help but smiled bitterly: “Daoyou, you should have been closed for a long time, have you just been out of customs?”


Ye Xiaohu glanced back at the other person, and then descended the donkey’s way: “Daoist, what do you mean by customs clearance?”

“Custom clearance is actually a letter of identity and power.”

Passerby looked at Ye Xiaohu and said with a smile: “In fact, these things are not used in the usual times, but now it is a period of melee in the Five Great Immortals, so all forces are reluctant to contact these things for safety and security. , So that some unnecessary trouble occurs, so everyone has to be investigated. “

Ye Xiaohu nodded slightly, and soon understood the meaning in the other party’s words.

Therefore, Ye Xiaohu didn’t care about the other party’s thoughts, instead he continued to ask: “Daoyou, which county is this place, and which fairy country does it belong to?”

“It seems that Daoyou have been closed for at least a million years!”

Long Renjia was taken aback, and there were some unbelievable words: “This place is called the deserted city, located in the north of the desert, not belonging to any fairyland, but a neutral city.”

Abandoned man city?

Yi Xiaohu froze for a moment, then recalled what he had seen in the past, and could not help but have a certain understanding of this city.

Abandoned City.

Is located in the area where the central fairyland, the western fairyland, and the northern fairyland meet. They survive in such a gap.

Because of some special reasons, the three great immortals once encircled and suppressed a deserted city, but they all ended in failure.

Because there is a Heavenly Emperor in the Deserted City, known as the Deserted Emperor, it is the first prospect under the Five Great Immortal Emperors, known as the invincible master of the Heavenly Emperor.

The three great immortal emperors appreciate their abilities, so they want to attract each other to join their own fairy country, do not want to kill each other.

Therefore, after consuming each other in this way, gradually the results of today and today gradually formed, forming a huge deserted city.

But the establishment of the deserted city, there are actually many interesting facts.

Especially, the Emperor Huang was not as simple as it seemed, because he was the same period as the Five Great Immortal Emperors, and he realized the mystery of the Immortal Emperor together.

But everyone else has broken through, but this Emperor has no breakthrough, which makes people have to wonder what is going on.

And now it is tens of thousands of years later, everything is already in the sea, so will the Emperor Faminer still be like the past?

Ye Xiaohu didn’t know.

But he knew that this place was not ordinary, and he needed a good study.

Ye Xiaohu, who had planned to go back to the retreat of the Central Immortal Kingdom immediately, thought about it and decided to stay and explore the deserted city first.

So Ye Xiaohu thanked the passer-by, and then arched toward the guard: “Sorry, I have been closed, so I don’t know the current situation, and this is the first time I came to the deserted city, and I don’t know this place. Rules.

However, although I did not pass the customs clearance, but according to the meaning of the Taoist words just now, I should belong to the Central Immortal Kingdom. “

Central fairyland?

Hearing that Ye Xiaohu reported himself, the guards became more nervous.

Because this war of the Five Great Immortals was actually initiated by the Central Immortal Kingdom, they naturally suspected that Ye Xiaohu was on behalf of the Central Immortal Kingdom to surrender to the Desert City.

When the face of the deserted city guard changed greatly, Ye Xiaohu quickly said: “Relax, I don’t represent any hungry force. I just passed the gate and wanted to find a place to settle down. After I came over, I can leave this place at any time and will never stay. “

The guard had just rejected Ye Xiaohu’s proposal, and as a result an invisible force instantly passed into the guard’s ear.

Ye Xiaohu, who felt a force, could not help but stunned slightly, because he felt a familiar breath, as if he was an acquaintance.

But which acquaintance is specific, Ye Xiaohu is not very clear.

As Ye Xiaohu was thinking, the guard on the opposite side could not help but say: “Just now the master of the city has communicated with you to allow you to enter the city, but he also has a requirement that you must leave within a month, and you must never stay here.”

“A month?”

Ye Xiaohu murmured, then nodded and said, “Yes, I accept your proposal.”

“Since this is the case, then you turn in a million immortals and enter the city!”

“it is good.”

Ye Xiaohu is not bad, so he directly handed over all the elixir according to the amount requested by the other party.

After was done, no one would continue to stop Ye Xiaohu.

So Ye Xiaohu walked into the city easily.

At this time, the passer-by chased up again and said, “Daoist, you were blackmailed just now.”



“how you said that?”

“The normal entrance fee for the deserted city is one hundred thousand elixir, and you are one million elixir, which is ten times the normal situation!”

“Ten times? It’s quite a lot, but it doesn’t matter, as long as you can find a place to settle down.”

“Since Daoyou is your first time in the deserted city, why not join me and settle down?”


Ye Xiaohu nodded and did not refuse the other party’s enthusiasm.

So Ye Xiaohu followed Passerby all the way, and by communicating with the other party, Ye Xiaohu knew that the other party called to leave Lu Yuantian.

Lu Yuantian is a loose cultivation, in the past has been practicing in the northern fairyland.

However, this time the Five Great Immortals went to war, and Lu Yuantian’s cultivation place was also destroyed, so in order to find more suitable and more suitable cultivation places, he could only come to the desert city.

Hearing Lu Yuantian ’s introduction, Ye Xiaohu could n’t help but ask curiously: “Since the five great immortals are all at war, why did n’t anyone take the lead in fighting against the Desert City, or have they all joined in the battle?

“Don’t you?”

Lu Yuantian gave Ye Xiaohu a white glance and said, “The big guys are not fools. Naturally, some people have already done it according to your guess. It’s just that they won the deserted city, but none of them succeeded. The deserted city always insisted on neutrality. Gesture. Even if you do n’t come to harass me, I wo n’t hit you. But if you come to beat me, then I will send troops to do it with you.

At this stage, the five immortal kingdoms are all dying, who would provoke an enemy that is difficult to estimate?

Not to mention the immortal emperors of the five great immortal kingdoms, the strong men who signed the level of the heavenly emperor will not go out of the mountain or enter the world. But the deserted city has not signed this agreement, so once the deserted city is rushed, then the deserted city will die with you.

When the time comes, no fairy country can eat it, and it has to pay a heavy price.

Even if the Immortal Emperor came, he could not make up for the loss. “

Hearing Lu Yuantian’s words, Ye Xiaohu nodded in recognition.

A strong man second only to Immortal Emperor sits in town, and he does have such confidence.

However, Ye Xiaohu believes that if the Five Great Immortals are at an advanced stage, they will definitely change this fate. They will never hope to have such a problem factor hidden in their hinterland.


Now the five great immortal wars are very frequent, and there is no time to solve the deserted city for the time being.

As Ye Xiaohu felt emotional, Lu Yuantian across the road continued: “Daoyou, in fact, this time you came to the deserted city with great luck.”

Yi Xiaohu was slightly surprised, so he asked rhetorically: “What’s the answer?”

“Look at the people around you.”

“Nothing special!”

“Actually, there are not so many people in the deserted city. After all, this is an independent and deserted city. Most people are not happy to come here. But the reason why there are so many people here today is because this place is about to Hold a grand event. “

“Grand event?”


“What event, please ask Daoyou to introduce it to me.”

“This time the event is the Stone Gambling Conference in the Wild Man City Xianshichang.”


Ye Xiaohu was slightly surprised.

When he was on the earth, he knew about gambling stones and even participated in gambling stones a few times, so he was not very strange to gambling stones.

But Ye Xiaohu never thought that after he came to the fairy realm, he could still hear the set playing on earth.

When Ye Xiaohu was in a daze, Lu Yuantian across the road continued: “Is the Dao You curious, why does the Desert City hold such a grand event?”

“Not bad.”

Ye Xiaohu did not deny: “We celestial beings, it is reasonable to say that such a situation is not necessary.”

“It was true at first, but the fairy stone in the deserted city is not ordinary.”

Lu Yuantian ’s eyes were very complicated. I saw that he responded to the past, and then in the face of Ye Xiaohu said: “The fairy stone in the deserted city can not only be sold and sold, but also can be cultivated from all kinds of immortals. Laws, demons, monsters, holy sons, and magic weapons … so a large number of people who come here every year come to gamble and see if they can reclaim what they need from the fairy stone. “

“Recovering the fairy law from the fairy stone, the magic weapon …”

Ye Xiaohu was shocked when he heard Lu Yuantian ’s introduction ~ ~ Obviously he was shocked by this result, so he asked curiously: “Daoist, are you sure you are kidding?”

“I’m very sure.”

Lu Yuantian took out a lupin from his own hands, and couldn’t help but proudly said: “See, this magic weapon is the magic weapon I cultivated in the fairy stone at that time.”

Ye Xiaohu’s face changed and said, “Daoyou, can I take a look?”


“Relax, I will never take it away, after all, this is a deserted city.”


Lu Yuantian glanced at Ye Xiaohu and felt that Ye Xiaohu was a credible person, so he didn’t hesitate too much and handed the feather fan to Ye Xiaohu.

Ye Xiaohu took the lupin and watched it carefully for a while.

Could not help but sigh, remembering the past in his mind, and then said to the landing Yuan Tian: “Can I go to this place?”

Lu Yuantian stated: “Yes, as long as you pay one million deposits, you can go to the reclamation.”

“Since that is the case, after waiting for the footsteps, I would like to take you to the site of reclamation.”

Ye Xiaohu returned the lupin to Lu Yuantian, and thanked each other for a while, which made Lu Yuantian very happy.

Saw that he carefully packed the lupin, then smiled, and took Ye Xiaohu to the place where he often settled, and arranged accommodation for Ye Xiaohu.

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