Side Note

Chapter 57: One

Merry and her demons are currently laughing out loud, rolling on the floor laughing. Speedy and Mimi are barely holding back their laughter. May is doing this weird emotionless chuckle like she's clearly acting like she's laughing, but no actual laughing is coming out of her mouth. She's just there, slapping her knee. Mila is standing there, contemplating while staring at my pretty, pretty face, as usual. Lastly, Mel. She's just eating a sandwich. Specifically a ham sandwich. I had to wrestle a pig to get that sandwich made. Pigs are surprisingly adept at wrestling in this part of the world. So, why is everyone laughing? Because of this:


Your attacks always deal 1 DMG.

Side Note: That's a lotta damage.

An adventurer came to the house today, while we're on our break from 'Merida searching' (I keep forgetting she's gone), saying he was on a journey to kill every Sacred Power holder in the world, and when he heard there was a mansion filled with Sacred Power holders, he had to approach. Why didn't he just kill us in our sleep? Because he's honourable, or something like that.

"It is not because I'm honourable. I want them to know they died to me despite my Sacred Power. An assassination doesn't give that satisfaction."

"Oh, that makes sense. So do we fight you one by one or all together?"

"It doesn't matter. You will all die regardless."

"What an edgelord." Mel took a bite of her sandwich. "Can I go last? I want to finish my sandwich."

"I'll always let you finish, Mel."

"Cool. I'm sure you meant something different, but I'm ignoring that." And so Mel retreated to the edge of the room, walking over rolling demons and Merry.

"So the archer is last. Does anyone else want to tell me the order I should kill, or is it alright if we start?"

Merry stood up and caught her breath before facing the adventurer. "No, no, we shall start now. The demons will make quick work of you." The demons stopped laughing, standing up immediately and preparing demonic fire in their fists. I'm going to count them! There's… seven, eight if we include Merry. Goat people are demons, right? "I'm a sheep, not a goat."

Oh… whatever.

"Then I will kill the child first, as a show of mercy." He grabbed into his pocket, pulling out a handful of sand and then throwing it at May's face. "Pocket Sand Attack!" Immediately, a red bar appeared above May's head, then quickly shrunk to half size. May was caught off-guard and started coughing since she swallowed some of the sand. She didn't retaliate, not recognising it as an attack. 

Merry and her demons went back to rolling on the ground after that attack did seemingly nothing, this time Speedy and Mimi joining in. Mila seemed to be holding back a laugh, and I was about to join the cacophony of laughter if it weren't for the arrow Mel suddenly shot at the adventurer, who promptly dodged it. "The child… is it not an actual child? Is it a monster beyond my comprehension? No matter, I've faced worse."

Mel kept firing arrows at the adventurer, who kept dodging. Eventually, Mila stopped and thought for a few seconds before realising and started shooting icicle shards at the adventurer. I wonder why they're attacking him. Actually, I don't, I'm a combat genius, according to my Maid School teachers. They gave me a C out of jealousy. I forgave them for that, though, after a massive fight. Turns out it is possible to throw a dagger at seven simultaneously incoming targets. 

If I had to guess why Mel and Mila are trying to put the adventurer down, each individual grain of sand dealt 1 damage and considering that was a lot of grains of sand, that was a lot of damage. May probably didn't die because she's an ancient dragon. I feel like that's something we haven't questioned further. Why do we have an ancient dragon as a pet and a gardener? Like, I know we stole her from the previous owner, but why did she stick around?

Merry, the demons and Speedy quickly rose to their feet, like they heard what I was thinking, and immediately bolted to action. Not Mimi, though. She's still laughing with her tail dumbly wrapped around her legs. Speaking of legs, I wonder what cat ears taste like.

Anyways, back to the battle. The demons all sent demonic fireballs at the adventurer, who branded a dagger and cut them all down before Merry rammed her horned head into the adventurer's waist. Man, that was adorable. It's like she's trying to hug him. Maybe I should join in with the headbutt. Never mind, Speedy punched the guy into the wall.

"DAMN IT ALL!!! I CALL UPON THE CLOUDS TO MAKE IT RAI-" His words were cut off when a shadow emerged from behind him, then dragged him back, disappearing like the wind. Well, that was disappointing.

"So anyway, I love you, Mel."

"This is not the time to confess. Try again later." Mel said while looking at me with deader than usual eyes.

"Hmm… okay. Should I do it while naked on your bed next time?" I said with glee.
"I'll gladly observe that situation. Madeleine's love life is something I am oddly missing in my data." Mila said, grabbing out her notebook. I hope she draws me with all the details.

"Haa… I'm going back to searching for Mas- I mean Merida." Off went Speedy.

"I want some tea." Merry clapped her hands, getting one of the demons to go to the kitchen to make some tea.

"Hahaha… where's the funnily weak man?" Mimi finally stopped laughing. I still want to know what cat ears taste like.

And so our days went on peacefully. I love peace. Not as much as I like chaos, though. I wonder what the Chaos Storm is up to.

Character profile: Duffy

Sacred power: Peashooter

Amount of DMG dealt (In lifetime): 54,623,127

Description: The killer of those held sacred. Duffy was born in Cramus, a country that holds Sacred Powers in the highest regard, even more so than they already are. They hold them so high that the leader of the country, the Sacred Child, may only be chosen from those born within the country's borders and have a Sacred Power. The country has a unique academy made for those with Sacred Powers, which Duffy attended. There he suffered endless bullying due to his feeble ability. This led to him growing a deep hatred for Sacred Powers. He came across a strength of his power when, in a desperate attempt, he threw nearby dirt at an ogre, instantly killing it. He would go on to enact revenge, killing any Sacred Power holders he came across. He had killed the holders of powers such as Regenerator, Smartphone, and The Star. A shame Sacred Powers will always be passed down, one way or another. 

Chapter name: One by Metallica

The road trip was fun. As for the poll, I figured as much. I'll continue trying to throw random stuff out, but I might run out of ideas. For now, we're good, so don't worry. By the way, Peashooter is one of my favourite Sacred Powers. I like abilities that are most definitely weak, but due to the vague wording, you can do something broken with it. That's probably why a lot of Sacred Powers are vaguely worded. Mmm... vagueness.

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