Sign in at the beginning, I am the Holy Body of Chaos

Chapter 234 Under the Castle of Fontaine

The silver-armored knight seemed to have heard the joke, his eyebrows were full of disdain, and he laughed loudly: "Haha, if you dare to resist the great Holy See of Light, then you are a despicable clown of the Holy See of Darkness. !"

Put a high hat on people at every turn?

Chu Nan's violent temper is tolerable, what can't be tolerated, uncle Ren, aunt can't bear it.

With a cold eyebrow sweep, he didn't move directly, but only took a light step, but the horse was startled suddenly, neighed high-pitched, and threw the silver-armored knight off with a whimper.


Catherine couldn't help laughing out loud.

What a shame!
The silver-armored knight staggered up from the ground. At this moment, the horse had already run away without knowing where.

The trembling silver armored knight raised his sword again and asked, "Damn dark sinner, what have you done!"

"First, take your sword away."

"Second, whether I am dark or light is not up to you."

"The third and most important point is that if you don't know how to ride a horse, and if you fall and eat shit, do you still have the face to ask the teacher?"

Chu Nan smiled lightly, raised his hand and gently spread the tip of the sword with just one finger.

The sound of the sword buzzed, it was a good sword, but unfortunately, it followed the wrong master.

"You dare to openly insult the noble knight of light, you are courting death!" The silver armored knight became furious, and shouted loudly, a white light of fighting spirit immediately climbed on the blade of his sword.

The sharp grudge, like a sharp edge, tore through the ground and whipped up gusts of wind.

Through the ability of visual digitization, Chu Nan can easily see the real cultivation of this person.

More than 8000 points of grudge, plus more than [-] points of magic power.

Although this level can be regarded as a master in the early stage of Jindan, it is really not worth mentioning compared to myself.

The silver-armored warrior thought he couldn't see how powerful he was, so he held his sword with both hands on the spot and raised it above his head: "Elf, I am the Knight of Light, Buddy! The third-level prefecture level! If you can die under the punishment of my brilliance, That is your honor!"

Putting on a show, Chu Nan shook his head, and said without a chuckle, "Sanctioning against Guanghui, isn't it an earth-level fighting skill? I'll show you what you can do!"

"You!" Buddy, the silver armored knight, was furious, and his sword light rose, his terrifying aura seemed to soar into the sky.

This move was quite interesting, Chu Nan nodded slightly, and raised a finger indifferently.

Buddy shivered coldly. He had never seen such an arrogant person before!

Angry, he didn't say much, and just poured his whole body's battle energy into the sword body, making the already soaring sword light even more intense by three points.

Immediately afterwards, he took a step forward, the ground cracked, and he shouted: "Fighting Skills Brilliant Sanction!"

At this moment, a silver light suddenly rushed over, and Chu Nan only heard a burst of shouting in his ears: "Fighting Skills Radiant Shield!"

The two strands of white light collided together, creating a violent gust of wind.

"Sir!" Catherine panicked. The two forces were truly terrifying.

The light gradually dissipated, and soon, Chu Nan's figure reappeared.

There was already a man standing in front of him, and it was that man who withstood Buddy's full blow for Chu Nan.

"It's him, Joseph!" Catherine breathed a sigh of relief.

When Buddy saw Joseph, his tone finally softened a little: "What are you blocking me from, that elf is a believer in darkness and must be removed!"


Joseph shouted angrily. As Buddy's colleague, he didn't know the character of the other party.

He turned around, bowed respectfully to Chu Nan, and then said: "Buddy, this gentleman is my guest! If you dare to mess around again, don't blame me for launching a holy duel of light to you!"

Theoretically speaking, the Guangming Holy See forbids internal fighting, but people are human after all, with emotions and desires, stumbling, who can guarantee that they will never provoke others?
Wanting revenge, or other conflicts that never get resolved, sooner or later something big will happen.

Ever since, in the Holy See of Light, a bright duel was derived as a way to resolve internal disputes, but it was also the last resort.

Once a bright duel is initiated, the other party cannot refuse and must accept it.

Correspondingly, fighting in the arena is a matter of life and death.

No matter what means can be used, it is said to be a duel of light, but in fact it is a fight of life and death.

So, when Buddy heard that Joseph wanted to launch a bright duel against himself for an outsider.

That expression is wonderful.

There was shock, there was panic, and more of it was fear.


Buddy didn't dare to really provoke Joseph, he just gave Chu Nan a hard look, and shouted, "You're lucky! Hmph!"

If the words fall, people go.

Chu Nan laughed, who is luckier between us?As far as your three-legged cat kung fu is concerned, even if it is inconvenient for you to use your spiritual power in a real fight, you can easily handle it with your physical body alone.

"Sir, I'm sorry that this happened to you." Joseph smiled awkwardly, apologizing to Chu Nan.

Regarding this, Chu Nan just waved his hand nonchalantly, and then asked straight to the point, "Tell me, what's going on?"

"This..." Joseph was silent, of course he knew that the other party was asking about the medicinal materials.

Seeing his expression, Chu Nan didn't understand, maybe something happened.

However, this is not the point, Chu Nan hurriedly asked again: "How much can I get, even if it is only [-] plants, it should be enough to treat people with mild symptoms."

Joseph still didn't speak, just shook his head vigorously.

Chu Nan's heart skipped a beat, and he tried to ask again: "Not even ten thousand, five thousand?"

Joseph still shook his head, Chu Nan felt a little sullen, and refused to give five thousand. Does the Holy See want to watch everyone in this city die?
Taking a deep breath, trying to calm down his restless mood, Chu Nan asked again: "Then how much can you apply for, two thousand? One thousand? You have to say how much?"

"Hey..." Joseph finally opened his mouth. He frowned and said with a gloomy look, "Don't ask, the elder means that there is not a single plant."

This time, not to mention Chu Nan, even Catherine couldn't sit still.

"No one? Hey, human knight, what do you mean?"

Joseph's face was very embarrassing. This situation was unexpected for him. He hesitated for a while, and only said: "Don't ask, I really can't help it. You guys pack up and prepare for isolation! You two, I should I can keep it, and I will find a way to send you away after the saint's speech is over."

The Virgin's Speech?

Chu Nan smiled. Although Joseph didn't say much, he could probably guess a thing or two.

The high level of the Holy See of Light is afraid that the reason why they are unwilling to approve medicinal materials is simply because human-level medicinal materials are expensive, that's all.

The saint's speech is so cruel.

Not only do you have to give up the people in the city, but you also have to earn that reputation and face!
The so-called Bright Holy See, in the final analysis, is nothing but a pool of dirty water!
Chu Nan shook his head, went back to his room and rummaged through the Qiankun bag.

There must be a way!
There is definitely a way!

In his mind, all kinds of prescriptions were quickly reviewed, and Chu Nan's heart was very angry and anxious.

The mysterious medicine of the east cannot save the people of that city.

What about the ground?

What about Tianjie?
We don't believe that we have the "Book of Immortals", we really can't find a way to save the people of this city!

Suddenly, Chu Nan noticed the scroll lying quietly in the corner of the Qiankun bag.


Taking it out with a wave of his hand, looking at the scroll emitting a little bit of mysterious streamer, Chu Nan's frown gradually faded away: "Forbidden-spell-level magic scroll, nectar from the sky? This thing seems to be from my last lottery draw."

What is the forbidden level?
Chu Nan didn't know, the only thing he could be sure of was that it was definitely beyond the so-called sky level in the West.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly checked the effect of the scroll.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, he is very happy and laughs: "Hahaha! It's saved, the people of this city are saved!"

While speaking, he stood up and looked at the bright knights who were still arresting people outside the window, with a disdainful arc on the corner of his mouth, he said, "If you don't save me, then I will save you! Manna from the sky, release holy healing on a large scale Magic, scrolls at the level of forbidden spells, I still don’t believe it can’t get rid of a small plague.”

After the words fell, a spiritual force had moved the scroll along his fingertips.

In the next moment, bursts of holy light radiated from the scroll. At the beginning, the light was slightly weak, barely covering the entire room.

But as time goes by, one life is two, two is three, and three is endless.

Thousands of holy rays of light burst out from the room, and immediately after that, the scroll was packed with endless power and rushed straight into the sky.

Everyone in the city was stunned.

"what happened?"

"What a warm light, this is... Could this be a gift from the God of Light?"

"A miracle, definitely a miracle! The God of Light has not given up on us! The God of Light has come to save us!"

In the streets and alleys, countless people knelt down and worshiped from the bottom of their hearts in the direction of Chu Nan.

Especially those people suffering from plague, they kowtow devoutly and are very excited.

However, this is far from over.

The scroll emitting white light did not stop expanding its power. In the blink of an eye, the white and holy light was like a sky curtain, covering the entire Fontaine City.

White light turns into fog, and fog condenses into white clouds.

Bursts of nectar come floating in, washing away the filth, and washing away pain and illness.

"The Supreme God of Light! Your pious people thank you! Thank you for your mercy! Thank you for saving hundreds of thousands of people in Fontaine!"

"My God! Your humble people feel your mercy and offer you my most sincere prayers!"

"Great God! We feel your gift and calling, please give us light and justice, and defeat the evil, dirty and dark Holy See!"

The Knights of Light also knelt down quickly, murmuring pious words in their mouths.

Even the saint and the elders of the Holy See who were far away in the city lord's mansion were shocked.

"A miracle, a true miracle!"

"Saint, it's that direction, let's go!"

"Well, this is God's call. As the saint of the Holy See, I should go to worship!"

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