Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Eighteen. Chapter Five Hundred Eleven. Illuminating

We always enjoy this part. The creation of a new sphere. It pleases us when we watch it spark and become whatever it wishes to be.

The being, all things at once, the creator of everything, the One-Above-All, stood and waited. In its hand, a single point appeared. The single point, an impossible existence in any space but this one, floated free. One-Above-All watched as it joined the myriad of others. Some large, some small, but all his creation, floating in the plane called the multiverse.

Once it reached its destination, guided by the being, it stopped and for a moment, or an eternity, it just waited.

As if the space simply existed, the single point expanded. It created a perfect sphere that shimmered in unimaginable colours. The being paused and waited until it sparked.

We always enjoy this part.

At the centre of the point, as if the sphere were two bubbles, one expanding into infinity. The second, the point from which the first grew and expanded, a single ball of glowing plasma existed. Hotter than a billion suns, its energy flowed throughout the newly created space. It seeded the universe, banishing the darkness and filling it with light. As its energy bled away, it shrunk and the glowing ball condensed into a giant single clear crystal. A star, infinitely large and indescribably perfect. The first of many.

The Infinity Crystal.


As the energy seeped from it further, extending into each area of the universe it shrunk once more. The flawless surface tried to shrink beyond its own measure and it cracked. The crack widened and the crystal splintered into three equal parts.

The Infinity Gems, each one a perfect replica, circled each other. The first was black, almost invisible if not for the light given off by its brethren. A heavy deep voice whispered into the newly formed universe.

I am the alpha and the omega, I am the end of all things. I am the void. I am the infinite hunger of Oblivion. I am Null.

So dramatic brother, said the second, bright white gem, I am Life, I am rebirth and I am creation, where you end I begin. I am Phoenix. Her voice sounded like a tinkling of bells, each word chiming with life and laughter.

The third and last gem sat between the three. It was neither black nor white, it paled and became a grey colour.

I am the bridge, I flow through all things, I seek the end but I seek to begin again, I am Death, I am Raven. The final voice sounded cold and unwelcoming. It stated its purpose and any other words died on its lips.

As the three gems circled each other their energy spread out. It was their purpose to seed the universe. It was their task to be the source of everything. As they filled the universe with their power, they too faded. As they grew weaker, their forms shimmered into the void. One, a tall white humanoid, with long black hair, stared hungrily around him. The second, a huge avian of fire, beat her wings and watched as sparks danced around her. And the last, a pale shadow, who felt the universe still around her as she took its warmth and heat, and gave back only cold.

As they faded and became clear once more the three gems split once more. Each broke in half, and now six gems floated in the proto space.

The first, a blue gem, spoke.

I exist to give meaning to distance and movement, I am Hargan, the Measurer of Space.

The second stone, filled with a bright green light, spoke.

I exist to give order to our actions, I am Nezarr the Calculator of Time.

The third, the red stone, spoke.

I exist to give stability to our lives, I am Jemiah the Analyzer of Souls.

The fourth gem, coloured orange, spoke.

I exist to spark life in the tapestry, I am Arishem the Judge of Reality.

The fifth gem, filled with bright purple light, spoke.

I am the remnant of the first, and I exist to give light to this universe, I am Eson the Searcher of Power.

The last gem, coloured yellow, spoke.

I exist to witness each moment of this universe and guard its knowledge, I am Ego the Recorder of Minds.

As the light in each gem flared, they faded from existence, to be replaced by massive behemoths. Each took a form comfortable but utterly alien to the life that they would create. As each nodded with new flesh they set about filling the universe with their creations.

Unseen by the gems, three silent figures watched them.

Do we interfere sister?

No, we do not, for they are of us but cannot comprehend us. Brother, we do not interfere with their Purpose, as they shall not interfere with ours.

I am aware, sister, but it is my nature to wish for their destruction. For as you seek the death of their creations, I too must seek the end of all things.

Then you will only find your end, they are of us and as such contain our spark as well as their own, do not be rash brother.

But Null had already split the realm called space and returned to the safety of his void. As the two sisters looked at each other they felt the start. A small flicker formed in the vessels they called their flesh. Emotions were sparked by the creations of the brethren. The Universe was being filled, and their Purpose was being called for. As each new Celestial created, Phoenix breathed life into their works. And as each Celestial became disappointed, Raven culled their mistakes.

And you sister, what of you?

I seek enjoyment, and I go where life goes. I see they have created smaller creatures, infinitely tiny and brief. I shall inhabit one, and taste all it tastes. I shall enjoy each and every existence before they succumb to you.

I take no joy in ending their existence sister, it is my Purpose, as Null should learn. I shall find a more durable host. I have no need for one that ends so quickly.

As the pair departed to fulfil their own part in the cosmic dance, they were watched, as all things were.

One last being was created in the void. One unbound by the rules, one unbound by the Six. It was created by The One-Above-All to observe. Once the Watcher had been assigned to its task, it turned its own attention to the emptiness in front of it. Its purpose was to create, nothing more.

We always enjoy this part. The creation of a new sphere. It pleases us when we watch it spark and become whatever it wishes to be.

And a new point floated free.

“That was all very fascinating,” the scruffy unshaven blonde man said, “but I don’t get why I’m here.”

He stood in front of a set of five chairs, all set on a huge dais towering above the podium he stood on.

“Because, Agent Mobius, watch what happens next,” said Charles Xavier. He sat at the centre position as he was the leader of the group, in this reality at least.

Mobius shrugged and Reed Richards pressed a button on a strange device he held in his hand.

“We all know the creation of the multiverse, and what it normally entails,” he started, “but with this one.”

The display lit up, and the black cocoon surrounding the sphere expanded and it went dark. The sphere representing the universe vanished against the backdrop.

Mobius shrugged, “So? It popped. Happens all the time. Some just don't make it.”

“I am afraid you are mistaken, Agent Mobius, now watch closely,” Charles said.

He nodded to Reed who pushed another button.

“Aegis has science beyond science. Combining ancient technology with ancient magics we can examine every corner of reality.”

Mobius waved a hand. “Yeah yeah, we know. The agency was founded using the same technology,”

The display shifted and panned out. The black background, holding millions of Spheres, lit up. Where the Sphere had been was a void. An area of complete darkness. It wasn't the only one, and to a casual observer, it wasn't unusual. But Reed Richards was not a casual observer.

“See,” Reed said, looking up from his pad.

Adjusting the display, where there was darkness, sat the missing Sphere. It was perfectly hidden in the surrounding area until Reed revealed it.

“A Devourer Sphere?”

Reed nodded, “We already have evidence of one inversion.”

The picture zoomed out and they could see tendrils reaching out from the sphere. They were leaching onto nearby spheres, and several had already blackened and succumbed.

Mobius rubbed his forehead, “So, a rogue universe is purposefully causing inversions. You know that's a bit out of my pay grade.”

“We have begun to detect fluctuations within the dimensional barrier. Enough to send in two, maybe three agents.”

“It's sealed?” Mobius asked and Reed nodded again. “So, you want me to risk my agents trying to stop whatever is happening with that universe?”

Charles smiled, “And thank you for offering Agent Mobius.”

“You could’a just asked” Mobius sighed, “anyone we can’t send?”

Some universes were opposites. Not just Antimatter, but different chemistries and physics. Sending in agents from the wrong universe would trigger an inversion on its own.

“We have no idea,” Reed admitted. 

The black sphere that was blocking their scans also blocked everything. It was only through microscopic fracture they were getting any readings at all. It was a small comfort that he recognised his own technology. Every Reed Richards dabbled in dimensional technology and this universe was no different. It was an in, and once he could contact himself, find the cause of the inversion and eliminate it.

“It’s fine. I have someone in mind,” Mobius said. “But you owe me.”

He was still shaking his head when he touched his time bracelet, “Aegis, please meet.” He paused as he spotted the grumpy older-looking man, standing next to the red and black-clad ninja.

“Didn't we fire you?” Mobius asked. He was expecting a Wolverine. He was a bit unstable in some timelines but most of them were good men.

“Aww, don't be like that Mobie baby,“ Deadpool crooned, “I’m hurt. You guys never hired me in the first place.”

“Cable?” Mobius asked.

“It's fine. Give me the assignment. Maybe I could leave him in a collapsing singularity.”

Cable lifted his arm and as the file flashed into his datapad, “Hey, do you have any idea what universe it is?”

“We have no idea, but you can seek out our incarnations. Mine in particular should be amenable to helping,” Charles said. “A message, most, if not all Spheres contain those willing to help. We will not send you in blind, not if the natives can help.” Charles touched a panel on his chair and Cable's belt accepted an upload. Deadpool smacked his a few times and the file transferred over. “What? ET chrome dome, we come in Reece’s Pieces? I gotta find out if there are any hot babes who dig scars. Chicks dig scars right?”

“Riiight.” Cable sighed. He unholstered his gun and cocked it. “That's not a problem.” Cable lowered his gun and fired twice into the control disk of Deadpools belt.

"Hey Hey Hey. Mind the pork and beans, buddy."

Cable ignored him and bashed the front of the belt with the butt of his gun.

Deadpool looked down at the sparking device and then back at Cable. It began to flash, green, then orange, and finally red he looked over at Cable. “Oh you asshole.” The energy field from the belt expanded, surrounding Deadpool in a cocoon. “I’ll be back in Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Three,” he shouted before the cocoon contracted. With a small pop, Deadpool vanished.

Mobius frowned at Cable, “was that necessary?”

Cable checked his gun, holstered it and shrugged, “He’s a cockroach, he’s not dead.”

Mobius raised a finger to complain, but stopped, “Well, at least we know travel is safe. You have your orders. Find out what's causing this and stop it.”

“Containment or termination?” Cable asked.

Mobius looked up at the dias, “Well? This is your show.”

Charles looked down, “We would prefer containment. Not all Devourers are hostile. But...if it should be mindless or unwilling to compromise, then you may use your judgement.”

“Collateral damage?”

Charles raised an eyebrow, “An agent willing to minimise risk. I assume you will keep them to a minimum.” Cable shrugged, but nodded, “Then we would prefer you at least considered innocents. Those involved, less so.”

“Fair enough. Don’t shoot until I find out which asshole is responsible, and kill them.” Cable saluted, twisted the front of his belt, “Dimensional Slide by One.” He vanished within the same cocoon of energy as Deadpool.

Charles looked slightly perturbed. “Are all your agents as,” he paused, searching for the right word. ”Colourful?”

Mobius shrugged and rubbed his mouth and chin with a hand, “Some variants are naturally crazy. We get a few that slip through once in a while. Summers is a good man though, even if he encounters variations of himself or his parents. Don’t worry Charles. They’ll be fine.”

Charles frowned as he looked down at Agent Mobius, “It’s not them I am concerned about. We may still save those universes if we can neutralise the main threat.”

Morbius waved a hand as he lifted his Pad from his pocket. As he programmed in his destination he hit enter and a door of orange swirling energy opened. “Yeah yeah. A parasite, leaching energy from their surroundings. I know I know. I do read fanfiction,” before stepping through.

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