Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Seventeen. Chapter Five Hundred Seven. The Bad

But there was more,

As the group walked away from Earth's monument to the devastation Peter looked to the stars. He hoped he’d made the right choice.

Peter knew how revenge could drive someone. How the pain of loss could twist and burn a person to the core. If anything happened to the girls, how the grief and anger would drive him to somewhere he didn’t want to dwell on.

The death toll was in the billions. Countless cities across the globe lay in ruins, and there was simply no means to help everyone. Humanitarian efforts were hampered by a lack of experts. Supplies were easy to get, as food supplies hadn't been hit. Asgard stepped forward, now the Odin was back and provided shuttles to deliver food. Peter spent his own time packing boxes, as the CLS needed surgeons to install. Everyone was helping.

The world was healing, helped by Peter's second wish.

Safely bring back everyone killed in Loki’s quest for the Stones.

He had an impossible choice. He knew he could only make a few changes. The power of creation was not for mortals to wield. He had little time and huge decisions.

He knew Loki had destroyed Asgard. The loss of the Power Stone set off a chain reaction in the Bifrost, sending it into overload. Not just Asgard. The Cybertronians were gone as well.

Loki had killed two species. Could he bring people back, knowing those races were gone?

Peter knew Loki was grieving over the loss of Veranke and had taken it upon herself to fix it. He only hoped that Vernakes death was early enough in the conflict that most people would be revived. He was right, and everyone killed on Earth was returned.

But it was a misspoken wish, spoken by a man unaware of just how far back the trickster god's schemes lay.

A young boy told of his adoption, and his heritage, reading a book. A book of myths concerning the six Infinity Stones, granting a wielder the power of the universe. A universe where he could have a family that wanted him, not one that kidnapped him.

A single ship, laden with a jewel, heading for an unknown destination. Knocked off course by a bomb, and into the homeworld of the Klyntar.

A small word in his brother’s ear, and a change of battle plans. Only the Stone was missing, sent to Midgard, with the last surviving Klyntar.

A few nudges. A few extra drinks and his brother’s boisterous and over-friendly behaviour did the rest. Banished, and soon to be in possession of the Stone,

All it took was the interference of one single man to throw everything into chaos.

Alexander Pierce was sitting in his old office, staring up at the muzzle of a pistol. “I hardly think that's fair, do you?” But Coulson was having none of it. “Do you have proof? Otherwise having to explain why you have my dead body might be a bit much don't you think?” As he looked over at the desk he saw the newly polished nameplate. “Director?”

As he raised his hands he sighed. He had no idea why he wasn’t dead, or why he had come back, but a good lawyer and a few weeks of bad prison food would be worth it. Nothing would stop him from getting revenge. Shield and Hydra were old news. No, he would make sure those who left him and his men to rot would get their dues. Malik and the rest.

Aleksei sat naked, clutching at invisible guts, spilling out from his stomach.

“Hey, what the fuck? Wait, Aleksei?”

Aleksei backpedalled, expecting an attack that never came. He wanted to fight, he wanted to kill that bastard Parker, but it wasn't Parker. He looked up at the man behind the desk. “Shultz?” He saw that while it was his office, it wasn’t ‘his’ office. It was more lavishly decorated, neater with more modern and expensive furniture. “What the hell?”

“Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Ain’t you dead?”

As Aleksei stared at the man, he shrugged. He stood, and Shultz threw a jacket at him. After he wrapped it around his waist he sat at the desk. Motioning to the packet on his desk, he took a cigarette and lit it, taking a deep draw. 

“Well, ain’t I got a story to tell you.”

Max clutched his chest, and bubbles rose from his mouth. The covering of rocks was heavy and even with his enhanced strength, he was trapped. Slowly suffocating in the same river. His eyes closed as his chest burned. As he thought he could take no more, a rough hand grabbed him and he was dragged to the surface.

As Flint dragged him to the ruins of the warehouse, Max coughed and spluttered. He flopped onto the shore, coughing and drawing in deep breaths of sweet New York air.

“I thought, I thought,” but Flint just stared. He shook his head

“Max, I can't. I have a kid, if Parker can do that to us, then no. I’m out. Tell Aleksei I didn’t make it.” As he stood his body changed, and he was wearing his normal tan trousers and green striped top. “Tell him I’m dead or there won’t be a third time.” 

As Max weakly nodded, lying back on the rotten and burnt wood, he watched as Marko walked away.

Harry lay naked in the empty shell of the Life Foundation building. He gasped as he looked around, and saw both Marcus and Cletus staring back at him.

"Well, well, well," Cletus snorted a laugh, "if this ain't just the prettiest thing you ever saw." He reached and lifted a shard. It looked like plastic but in Cletus's hands, it was a weapon. "I think this must be heaven, 'cause I get to..."

There was a flicker of white, and a blob flew towards Harry.

A red-limbed monster grabbed it out of the air. It clawed and screeched as Carnage opened his maw and began to tear into the white flesh. Carnage screeched in joy as the last morsel was sucked down, and his limbs began to bulk and thicken. The screech became an echoing laugh as the Symbiote morphed into a set of plain tan clothes.

"Well, ain't that a pickle." Cletus looked over at Marcus, who was trying to back away.

He was hurt, and weak from being forcefully bonded to Khaos.

Celtus stood and hovered over him, "You're her daddy ain'tcha?" He prodded Marcus in the shoulder with a long sharp fingernail. "You tell her and that bastard of hers I'm coming for them. No collar this time, no stupid songs, no stupid talking." He flicked his eyes over to Harry who was frozen in fear, "No stupid rules. Just me, and them, and a ton of blood."

He stood, "And Harry. I'll save you ‘til last. I'm going to make it slow and painful, for all the shit you did." Red wrapped around Cletus. "Then we'll find out who's hungry." Laughing, he dropped to all fours. Carnage hissed at the pair before he ran from the building.

"My...my daughter?" Marcus stuttered as he tried so hard to remember.

Harry, shaking, tried to stand. "Felicia. I remember." He collapsed, "I remember everything he did."

Marcus roared in pain and anger as Khao tried to exert itself over him. With no collar, and Monarch now dead, it failed. You will obey me, You will listen to me. Khaos needed to find Felicia, and sensing her nearby, he had to save her from Carnage. He turned and roared at Harry. One last warning before fleeing.

Harry's heart was pounding in his chest. It wasn't his fault. It was Monarch. They had to believe him. Pete would believe him. Pete could save him. Shakily standing he looked around at the empty shell of Monarchs folly. He closed his eyes and wiped away the tears. with a shaking hand.

Pete would believe him, right?

Gargoyle lay, bleeding and burnt amongst the tanks of the facility. He had found out about Shaw and his little projects by eating one of the cloned bodies. As he waited the tank hissed and out stepped Norman.

“You’re dying?” Goyle nodded. “Pathetic.” As the Symbiote swarmed and glooped its way to Norman he hit an emergency button on the side of the tank.

The Symbiote screeched in pain as the high-pitched emergency alarm went off. “You think I’d allow myself to be host to one of you things.” As Norman grabbed and slid Goyle into the tank he found a broom and pushed the Symbiote in with him. Closing the lid he set the tank to ‘Disposal’ and watched as thick heavy acid filled it and dissolved the pair.

Hmm, a press conference. Make this public, blame Harry and Shaw. A deranged clone would explain everything.

He would push everything onto Harry. If everyone was back it would be easy to make him the enemy. He would claw back everything he had lost and make them all pay for reducing him to such a pathetic state.

As he searched for clothes, he found a folder. It was stuffed in the locker of who must have been one of the lead researchers. There had been a red circle sticker on the door and Norman figured the man had done something to earn Shaw's ire. Not that he cared, as he helped himself to his clothes, his wallet, and a very nice watch. It was a start, not that he really needed one. He had several bolt holes and a few accounts full of laundered money.

As Norman flicked through the book of genetic samples Shaw had created an idea formed in his mind. Finding a pen, he made a list and checked it against the database of samples they had available.

Why find a team, when he could just make one? Not too many, maybe five. No six. Six was better. It would be perfect.

As he opened his eyes Sebastian saw nothing but darkness. He was stuck in the room, now filled with flooded dam water. He struggled and fumbling for his vest he pulled the pins on the remaining grenades. As they exploded, he shimmered and even against the pressure wave his cells drank in all that power. He held his breath, pushed against the ceiling and released it all in one blast, straight up.

As he pulled himself up through the ragged hole in the floor Shaw gasped in deep lungfuls of air. Lying on the cold hard steel he banged a hand against the floor. He sighed in satisfaction as the energy poured into him.

He flopped onto his back and closed his eyes. The Dam was a bust. The Hellfire Club was exposed, and he knew Emma had betrayed him. But his anger was nothing. He had lost his temper before, and wasted time and energy pursuing Erik. He had almost lost everything back then as well. All because he lost focus.

Why bother with an insect who would be dead in a few decades? No, he was patient, he was cunning, and he would slip back into the shadows and rebuild the Hellfire Club.

This time, he would build slowly. He would create an unstoppable mutant army, and then simply conquer the world.

Fisk sat on the water’s edge. He knew Parker had broken him. He had felt the unending agony as he broke every bone in his body before crushing his sternum.

He had tasted defeat at his hands twice now, and each time was more humiliating than the last. He was only alive as M'Baku needed him for something. Not that it mattered. M'Baku and the White Gorilla tribe were gone. Once Shuri came for him, he would be as well.

As the large man approached him from behind, he never felt the Vibranium spear enter his back.

M’Baku stood and watched Fisk die. His plans had failed, and his people had died. It was only a miracle they now lived. He would not waste this second chance. He knew he would never rule Wakanda as Shuri's king.

She had beaten him but cheated. Her Devourer was a threat, even when it was hiding, but nobody could see it but him. He was thankful he was so large, and she was so weak. If her strength had been greater she would have killed him. If her will had been resolute, she would have finished the job. But she did not. While the separation was painful and the collar he wore for months had irritated him, he had healed.

“Prepare the ritual,” he shouted before walking away. He did not need to see them drain Fisk of blood, or cut his heart from his chest.

He had the last of the Purple Heart Flower, and now he had the heart of an Avatar. M’Baku knew White Gorilla had been sent Fisk not to lead or inspire the tribe but as a sacrifice. M’Baku would take the power of the White Gorilla for himself, and he would become Ruler of Wakanda.

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