Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Seventeen. Chapter Four Hundred Ninety-Nine. I’m A Little Teapot

Emma, it's not good. Liv sent her through the link. Peter says he has control of the ship and has disabled the other two. The New York rescue operations are going much smoother now you've taken out the two heavy hitters. But Jean, Liv paused. Jean is not doing so good.

We know. Their leader is a zealot, let me see what we can do. Is Jean okay?

Liv hesitated. Jean is physically fine. Shuri calmed her, but we cannot deal with that right now. We still have Kree to deal with.

Emma looked over at Carol. Yon was wiping off the blood from his mouth and the pair continued to trade blows. It was obvious it was personal for the pair. But with Wakanda devastated and Genosha gone, it was personal for them all.

Personal enough that she knew this wasn’t a stand-back and-watch moment.

Yon froze as Emma wrapped him in a telekinetic bubble. She would never admit it, but feeling Jean use her powers alongside hers gave her some ideas on how to use them. As she conjured several smaller bands around him, he struggled to move. 

Purple energy crackled over his skin and Emma felt the feedback. Her head felt like it was splitting as that damn Supreme Intelligence tried to ravage her mind. Rather than deal with the pain, she shifted into her diamond form and charged. The pain vanished so she landed a heavy blow into his jaw, coupled with another by Carol. As they punched him between them, he faltered and crumpled to his knees.

“We don’t have time for this. His implant ties him to that stupid machine doesn't it?” Carol, huffing as she rested her hands on her knees, nodded, “Good, then stand up and connect to it.”

Emma stood behind Carol and gently touched the back of her neck. She pulsed her telepathy through the implant, into Yons and then out into the greater galaxy.

It was ingenious. It was a smaller version of the same faster-than-light network they used for space flight. You didn't need a whole lot of power when it was a simple system of commands sent as brainwaves.

Precious had shared with the others, and while Emma wasn’t as technical as the rest, she knew enough. With her powers she attacked.

The Supreme Intelligence laughed, You think you can override my programming? It morphed into Emma's father, I made you, you little whore, and I can unmake you.

Oh please, darling, he died years ago, plus, he isn't even my father. There is only one man I want to call daddy, and he would smash that tiny brain of yours to pieces. Emma pulsed back, and, with Precious, he can.

Emma let Precious connect to Peter, who was tied into the ship's communication network.

Emma, I can't hold this for long. The ship is complicated enough without adding a giant supercomputer to it. So, what do you want?

Don't worry darling, I only need to borrow a little of that power you have. 

Emma reached out through their link and grabbed the Mind Stone. She didn’t need to touch it like Peter, she already had a connection to it through her powers.

Supreme Intelligence, would you like to play a game? It’s called Emma says.

I'm a little teapot short and stout, 

here is my handle, 

here is my spout, 

you can go to hell without a doubt, 

take your gun and blow your brains out.

Across the Kree empire, every Kree with an implant froze. They slowly drew any weapon they had nearby and followed that one simple command. Billions died as they executed themselves.

Most creatures knew rhythm and sought it out. The heartbeat of a mother, seasons, the moon, tidal forces. All different rhythms and even the stars pulsed out radio waves in an unheard universe of music. 

Memories could be linked to rhymes. It was a cheap and easy way to remember something, and it was easy to trick someone into following a beat. Most people did it subconsciously, and apparently, so did the Supreme Intelligence.

The Supreme Intelligence dropped its guard after it expected an attack but found only a song. But Emma used its cadence and rhyme to tag on the last part. By the time it realised, it was too late and as its subjects died en mass, it screamed in anger. 

YOU DARE! YOU DARE TO TOUCH US. FILTHY MUTANT! It roared back at her, and Yon bucked as its presence in his mind began to overload the processor it had implanted.


Now, now darling, such a temper is unbecoming in the elderly. Why don’t you just scurry back to whatever shithole the Kree call a homeworld and stay there? Like a good little whipped puppy. We have toasters on Earth with more personality than you, and fridges that are smarter as well.

YOU DARE! The Supreme Intelligence screamed at her. Emma could feel the pressure through the link, but it was nothing compared to the Mind Stone. WE WILL BURN THAT ARROGANCE FROM YOU. WE WILL TAKE YOUR PLANET AND MAKE YOU WORSHIP US!

Yes well, the only person I worship is me darling, and you aren't even worth licking my boots clean. And, as you’re stuck billions of light-years away, I'm really not impressed.

Yon-Rogg was shaking now, and blood was streaming down his face from his eyes. Carol bit her lip to stop from crying out as the connection between the processor in her neck and his began to burn.

“Emma, stop,” she could barely whisper.

Emma, you are hurting Carol, Ravage chastised her, we are upset with you.

Emma grinned, and all you can do is make things hot. My coffee machine can do that. You’re pathetic.

The Supreme Intelligence ranted incoherently, and Emma felt the pressure build. It wasn't directed at her mind, but the two in front of her.

No, no I don't think so.

She pulled Carol away from the flaccid body of Yon and put her hand on the back of her neck. Carol still had the implant, a wafer-thin disc attached to her spine. Carefully, using her powers, the fingernail-sized wafer floated free. Carol relaxed and slumped over, held up by Emma. She let Yon drop, uncaring what the Supreme Intelligence did to him. 

Yon writhed on the ground, the back of his neck slowly turning black, and with one last cry of agony, he was still.

Emma crushed the chip, “Can’t even kill someone. How useless,” she remarked as she felt that Yon was still alive. Probing his mind, she found it was scoured clean, and the Supreme Intelligence had not been kind. “So, do I?”

Carol sat panting and rubbing the back of her neck. “Is he a threat?”

“To public healthcare maybe, but no. He’s a shell. It seems his master was unkind and left us to deal with him.”

Carol sighed, “Then no, leave him. We can hand him to the Asgardians for trial, and they can take care of him.”

Peter, what's the situation on the ship? Emma asked him.

Dead, that little stunt killed anyone with an implant.

Good, We took care of Yon and the Kree on the ground. Anyone without an implant is either harmless or unimportant. We still have casualties here though. How is everyone else?

I can still sense some alien minds, and the Asgardian fleet is hanging on at the edge of the system. I think it's the Skrulls though, not all of them could get off-planet as fast as the Asgardians could.

Well, they can stay there for all I care. 

Yeah. Stay safe Emma. Wanda?

Yes, Peter, she replied, let me guess. You want me to come and meet you, and then portal you to the other ships?

That would be nice, but if everyone on them is dead, that's not an option. No, I do want you to get Carol, and Carol and I will check each ship. Flying a giant spaceship is hard. And as she’s our resident alien, then we need her.

I will be there as soon as I can Peter.

Wanda, just to let you know, in case I'm asleep later, you did good, and everyone did good. He felt their collective laughter and love return back through the link. I love you all, and I’m glad you are all safe.

He sent a private message to Shuri, My heart. I cannot say how I feel, as no words can describe it. I'm sorry is too small. I understand your people need you, stay there, and we will send as much help as we can. Jean, you too. Stay, help with what you can, and know we will be at home waiting for you both.

There was no reply, and he felt the swell of grief coming from Wakanda. Both Shuri and Jean were there in the link but neither had words for him.

Peter slumped against the control panel he was feeding symbskin into. Right now, without having to combat any Kree it was easy enough to set an orbit and leave the ship floating. Once its course was set, he retracted the skin and waved wearily as Flash and Steve both headed onto the bridge.

Talon and Vonya had met, with Laura winning the bet. She had headed back to the control room and nudged Natasha. Talon had taken over the running of the guns while Widow sped off to join her sister in the hunt for the remaining Kree.

"Uh, hey Pete, how's it going up there?"

Flash was on the intercom, with the crew dead or being hunted it was safe enough to use.

“Yelena and Natasha are still scouring the ship. We've got little to no resistance any more. They're leaving anyone who surrenders though. We got a message out to the Asgardians that the Kree are dead, and they are heading back.”

Flash sighed, "So can I turn the heating back on, I mean, it's warm enough here but the rest of the ship is in the minuses."

"Go ahead. We've got a verbal and written surrender. The Kree won't break it. Once the Asgardians get here, they'll start moving prisoners." Peter paused. He had been in touch with the fleet, and Asgard would only help off-world. “But uh, They won’t come down to the planet. They said the treaty wasn’t signed and the Kree still have a claim on the planet.”

Flash rubbed the back of his head, and looked over at Steve, “it got political.”

Steve nodded, "It always does. We do the dirty work, they claim the glory. It's a soldier's job Flash, but. We did good, so screw them." He didn’t care what happened next, as long as they turned the heating back on.

Flash laughed as Steve swore, and Steve joined in. Steve leaned over, "Hey, can we come up there. I know you have supplies."

“Yelena said she passed a canteen a few floors down,“ Peter said, "Meet us there."

The canteen wasn't hard to find, and Flash had already gone through the supplies. The Kree weren't big on morale-boosting food, so it was food bars and water. There was meat for the officers, but without knowing what it was, Flash decided against it. The Kree could be cannibals for all he knew.

Laura came and sat next to him, “See, big bad guy dead, saved the day. Big party, lots of cake,” she leaned over, “and then lots of sex.”

Peter chuckled to himself. “We need to clean up first, and let everyone grieve.”

Nobody knew just yet. T’Challa and Elektra were both gone. Steve would be crushed to hear about Bucky. It was just another thing the Earth had to deal with now. A lot of dead, and a lot of grief. It would be the turning point, if the anger didn't take over.

The Kree would be easy to blame, but the Nova and the Asgardians also had a lot to answer for. They had claimed Earth was under their protection, and then left when they were needed.

There was a lot of death, and it was only after the fight was won that everyone had their dues to pay. And deal with the assholes who would make their mission to get more than their fair share.

With Charles gone, and Wakanda in ruins, he knew the vultures would circle soon. All he could do was hope that his giant spaceship was enough to put anyone with dumb ideas in their place. As much as he hated the idea, it was time for him to step up, and pull everything together.

He snorted to himself, Guess I'll be Spider-Man after all, sitting in my giant web.

Peter slid his fingers into Laura's hand and she looked up at him and smiled,

“Don’t worry. Dad always said, "Kill ‘em all, and then go get drunk”.”

Peter wasn't quite sure that was the saying. But he was tired, angry and trying to process the scale of what just happened, so he didn't care. He closed his eyes and lifted her hand to kiss the back of it.

Getting drunk right now sounded like a really good idea.

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