Chapter 40: Chapter 34: Your Life?
The Sith woman blinked and said nothing for a moment, as though giving me time to retract my statement. It was surprisingly intimidating coming from someone that had to tilt her head back to look me in the eyes.
Reminded me of a girl I knew back home.
When that didn't come forth, she spoke again, "And just what exactly is that supposed to imply?"
"Just what I meant it to," I replied, "Either your Master overestimated your skill level to an absurd degree or they're trying to get you killed. Terentateks are no joke."
To my knowledge, there were only three people that had taken on Terentateks single-handed and come out victorious: Revan, the Wrath, and Grand Moff Odile Vaiken. All three of whom were explicitly prodigies in their respective eras.
Revan, despite missing most of his memories and skills, managed to kill two by himself, a damn near miraculous feat, and a third on Kashyyyk with help. He would later go on to shred through the Star Forge's defenses single-handed and defeat Malak, an incredibly accomplished swordsman and powerful Force wielder himself.
Wrath was a freak of nature when it came to swordsmanship and managed to kill Marka Ragnos' pet Terentatek, which was assuredly altered beyond what it already was "naturally."
Understandably, he got noticed fast after that feat. Since, you know, almost everybody on of note on Korriban felt it when it died.
Of the three, Vaiken was probably the most terrifying. Sure, on a personal level the other two were nightmares incarnate, but he was something else.
No Force powers or lightsabers, just a normal guy that happened to survive the genocide after the Great Hyperspace War, yet he still managed a feat that many Force users find impossible.
He stumbled across a Terentatek in the jungles of Dromund Kaas…and then killed it with zero preparation. In an Empire where he was a second-class citizen at best, he got personally noticed by Vitiate and elevated to a position of actual authority.
There was a damn good reason that the Imperial military still used him for propaganda, nearly a thousand years after he died.
Instead of getting angry like I half-expected, the Sith woman merely crossed her arms over her chest, "Oh? Enlighten me, then."
"How much do you know about terentateks?" I asked instead.
"Large, spike-covered monster the size of a small rancor," She replied, "My Master only gave me a general description. Probably to challenge me by forcing me to improvise instead of prepare."
I quirked an eyebrow up, "That all?"
A curt nod was my answer. Huh, that was kind of disappointing.
"Alright, let me expand on that a bit," I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed, "Like you said, they're big spiky monsters, but there are just a few tidbits that your Master probably should have mentioned.
Like the fact that they are immune to the Force and their hides are pretty lightsaber resistant. They were designed to hunt and eat Force Users. Like, say, us."
Though she didn't say anything and her face remained passive, the fingers of her unoccupied hand curled into a fist. Her rage was almost palpable.
"How do you kill one?"
"With great difficulty and a lot of firepower. Or skill," I answered, "Hunting terentateks usually requires a dedicated kill team. In the aftermath of the war with Exar Kun three hundred years ago, the Jedi employed teams made up of three or more Jedi Knights.
More often than not, they didn't succeed. Without the Force, you would have to rely solely on weapon skills."
Closing her eyes, a hiss passed through her teeth as she unclenched her hand. The anger swiftly flowed out of her with it, leaving a simmering ember behind, though her frustration could still be felt.
"Is there any good news in there?" She asked after a moment, her jaw only slightly clenched.
"Well," I shrugged, "They can't cut you off from the Force, so you can still augment yourself with it or manipulate your environment. And they're not invincible. With enough preparation and skill, they can be killed."
"That's something, I suppose," The warrior admitted resignedly, "Be that as it may, I cannot go back to my Master empty-handed."
I acknowledged the point with a nod, completely understanding. Sith Masters were unforgiving in that regard. If she returned without the blood, her teacher may simply kill her.
"Which is why you are going to help me kill it."
My brain halted, "Come again?"
She smiled. It wasn't a pretty thing, "Come now little Shadow, were you really expecting otherwise? You clearly know more about these creatures than I do. I've no wish to die. If I must make use of another's talents to survive, then I shall do so."
To be honest, that was an outlook that I could respect, since I employed it myself. I just wished it wasn't being used against me.
It was my turn to cross my arms over my chest, "There are faster ways to commit suicide than throwing myself at a terentatek."
"True, but then I could simply hack your legs off and use you as bait," She said a little too cheerfully.
She could at that. I hadn't forgotten that she was still holding her lightsaber.
Force, you and I needed to have a heart to heart sometime soon.
"You're not really giving me any incentive to be cooperative here," I retorted.
She blinked and cocked her head to one side. If she wasn't currently threatening to maim me, it would almost have been adorable, "You're not attached to your legs?"
I shook my head, "Oh no, I like my legs staying where they are. And I would prefer to keep them there. You're just kind of shit at bargaining."
Rather than be offended, she looked somewhat confused, "I was not aware I was bargaining. And I am unsure what "shit" means, but I'm going to assume it is something derogatory."
Right, don't use Earth swears. Nobody would know what they meant. Fun for later, though.
"Oh, but we are," I insisted as I allowed a small, cruel smile to spread across my face, "Even if you coerce me into "helping" you, what benefit am I gaining to keep me from being…unhelpful?
The woman blinked again, the grip on her lightsaber loosening slightly, "Your life?"
I had a quick answer for that, "If I'm going to die anyways, what is stopping me from ensuring that you go down with me? I promise you this, I'm a spiteful bastard."
She had no reply, though the gears in her head were turning. This Sith, likely raised among the privilege and wealth that came from being a Pureblood in the Empire and knowing little else, was so flabbergasted and uncertain of what was going on anymore.
It was probably the first time in her life that someone of lower status, a former slave at that, had talked back to her like this.
"A little tip for the future, in case both of us manage to survive this," I continued, "When trying to get someone to help you with something dangerous, appeal to their greed. More often than not, it'll overpower their sense of self-preservation."
I've read The Prince, though I'm a bit more partial to Otto von Bismarck's realpolitik and interessenpolitik. When faced with a self-less man, appeal to his ideology. When faced with a selfish man, feed into his interests. Adapt and act according to the circumstances.
"A favor," She finally stated, yellow eyes searching my face. She wasn't staring at the brand.
Good. The fact that she was listening to me meant that she was learning. And therefore, useful.
"A favor," I repeated. I thought it over for a moment. A favor from a Sith apprentice, with connections to a more powerful lord, was not insignificant, "Yes, a favor will do."
Whether she would uphold it was another matter, though blackmail was always an option.
Maybe the Force knew what it was doing when it directed me here after all.
"Now, I believe neither of us has introduced ourselves to the other," I held out my right hand, "I'm Aldrex."
Eyeing me warily, the woman hooked her lightsaber on her belt before reaching out to clasp my arm, "Tyrene." After letting go, she stepped back, "Now, how are we going to survive this?"
I didn't exactly want to take on a Terentatek head on, so I thought on the matter for a minute.
"Oh, I think I've got an idea or two…"
The first book has been completed on Patreon, you can look it up in the collection alongside the second book. You can visit Patreon if you want to read in Advance.
[email protected]/Rage_moon