Start a Dungeon

Chapter 415

Chapter 414 Accept flowers and applause

From the beginning of the landing to the recovery of City No. 3, to the removal of all the gangs of thieves that took advantage of the fire.

It took a total of 3 days and 3 nights before and after.

At this point, the southern area of ​​Continent No. 2 is considered safe. With the opening of the intercontinental teleportation array and the arrival of the main force of Birdman, the people in this area can be regarded as relieved.

Now that the site has been recovered, they have to come here to consume and increase energy income. After all, the rescue of the dungeon can’t be done in vain.

But before that

First, the residents’ property must be redistributed to them.

Because when the sheep head invaded here, they looted

Almost none of the residents’ property in the city was spared. What’s more, this group of monsters looted several wealthy birdman families and killed them.

Now, with the demise of the sheep head monsters in the southern area, Lott ordered the people to count the funds that the group of monsters placed in the warehouse and return them to the people.

If the deceased families can find survivors, they will return the property to them.

If it can’t be found, the Birdman Council decides to use half of it to rebuild, and the other half to pay Elena’s remuneration for sending troops.

But Lot said that these rewards will be redistributed to the people in the name of the underground city, and let them come here to travel and consume.

At this point, the stabilization work is complete.

the next day

Countless people gathered on both sides of the street and cheered enthusiastically.

The tauren marines wearing blue exoskeleton armor leisurely lined up in three columns and walked among the flowers and ribbons flying in the sky.

Today is a day to celebrate liberation.

It is also the time for the heroes to accept flowers and applause.

The team behind the Marines were the death knights in black armor, the werewolves wrapped in cloth armor, and the enchanters in black robes.

When the black samurai came out under the guard of the four hellboys, the cheers of the people became more intense.

At this moment, everyone is cheering for the heroes who liberated the city.

This grand scene was staged in three cities at the same time.

But the three black warriors were all pretended by golems.

Vader didn’t seem to like leaving his Enforcer.

When the parade is over, the next time is the speech time-Lott controls the magic puppet to give a chicken blood speech.

This is inevitable, on the one hand, it can be regarded as boosting the morale of the people, and on the other hand, the residents of the city who are still in dire straits have hope.

At the same time, it can also provoke the sheepheads, so that they can quickly send troops over. The bombs here are already very thirsty.

As a result, everyone’s mood has been unprecedentedly high.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the people in the picture, Lott sighed helplessly: “You are really blind if you are not in the dungeon-you can’t get a penny by shouting outside and breaking your throat.”

“My lord.” Vickers asked while standing beside him holding a tablet. “The birdman officer and the councillors invite you to join them in their hall of oaths, and at the same time they also invited Mr. Cavaliers.

Lott waved his hand after listening, “Let Curtis pass for us.”

Politically, diplomats are still needed. Vinda used to choke people when he was drunk—just kidding, he seemed to be unable to eat normally, and he relied on nutrient solutions for his vitality.

Although that guy has nothing to do with the Dark Lord in the movie, his skills and physical defects are well preserved, like burned limbs and respiratory system.

Let’s see if we can fix it for him another day.

The three cities were recovered, the intercontinental teleportation array was opened, and the main force of Birdman arrived.

Their scale is as much as 12 million, among which there are 800,000 Tier 4 arms-these are the real elites of the major families of bird people.

I didn’t dare to send elites over, because I was afraid that my family’s direct line would be exhausted.

After all, ordinary soldiers can be recruited if they have money, and they can go to the battlefield with casual training.

And which of these Tier 4 advanced units has to consume huge resources, plus years of fighting to have such a powerful strength.

This is not something you can buy with money alone, time accounts for a considerable proportion.

Therefore, the bird people will not easily send them out, after all, one will die and one will be less.

And now with the side support of Eleanor’s overlord’s army, this gives them full confidence-sending their own soldiers over can not only increase combat experience, but also gain future political capital.

The republican parliamentary system is quite complicated.

But these are all internal affairs of Birdman, and they have little to do with Lott.

A day’s carnival passes, and night falls

After dinner, Lott sat on the sofa with a hug and listened to the two beauties talking about the trivial things they encountered while shopping during the day.

Although it sounds a little boring, but seeing them speak so vigorously, they quietly acted as a listener without disturbing them.

But at this time, Lot found that Vickers was eager to talk next to him, and he wanted to talk, but he didn’t dare to talk for fear of disturbing Maria’s interest.

“Okay girls, I have to work.” Lott interrupted with his arms around their waists, then turned his head to look at the goblins, “Tell me what’s going on.”

When the goblin heard it, he said quickly: “The knight officer sent a message saying that if the lord is free to give him a reply, there is something for you to see.”

It doesn’t seem to be anxious.

Lott: “Take it over.”

System: “Establishing connection….. connected.”

“Good evening, Lord.” The black warrior’s head appeared on the screen. After saying hello to Lott, he looked at Maria and Tina. “Also… two deacon ladies. ”

Maria is a housekeeper, which is correct, but Lot did not make clear what position Tina is.

Because the relationship between Maria and Lot is well known, so the subordinates simply call women who have the same relationship with the lord as the deacon lady, so you don’t have to worry about offending the big monster.

Simply perfect!

After getting Maria’s satisfactory nod of her head, Vader looked at Lot and said calmly: “My Lord, I want to show you a secondary image here.”

After speaking, his own avatar was shrunk to form a window and placed in the upper left corner The big screen in the middle was pitch black.

Next second

The picture appears

It is a large group of humanoid individuals converged by thermal imaging. They are arranged in a long line to move fast in a certain terrain. With the situational awareness scanning again, all the lines of sight are clearly visible, just like the day.

It was a large group of elite teams made up of sheep’s head monsters.

Their destination is towards the three cities that Lot has just recovered.

Seeing this, it is not difficult to guess that the other party intends to sneak into the city by night to implement the plan to seize the city.

“It’s just taking the city, isn’t it over if you just bomb it?” Lott asked strangely.

“No, Lord, they don’t want to seize the city.” The black warrior’s tone sounded a little excited.

Lott was surprised for a moment and motioned for him to speak.

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