start with scouting

Chapter 51 Even with Wade

Chapter 51 Even with Wade
ESPN once interviewed three coaches who coached and won more than [-] games. Riley, as one of them, was asked how much tactics affect the game.

He replied: "More than half of the tactics will be seen through, so it is best to have a player like Wade, Kobe or LeBron in the team, and use elite-level talent to break those powerful defenses."

Right now, it seems that Riley, who has already prepared to retire, is not interested in such an away game with little attention. He will just let Wade lead the team to play. It doesn't matter whether he wins or loses, and he doesn't need to prove anything.

With such conjectures, Su Yang turned his head to watch Wade's every move, and found that Wade ran to the left sideline early, with his hands on his knees, and his eyes were fixed on the situation in the backcourt.

With that appearance, it is clear that he is going to start the bombardment mode.

Wade has just returned from injury for a few games, but it should not be underestimated.Su Yang immediately turned his head to look at Monty, and suggested in a low voice to set up defense against Wade, such as local three defenses and two defenses.

Monty was stunned for a moment, and then shouted at the Blazers players on the court, demanding to implement the defensive strategy code-named 2A, that is, to target the opponent's [-]nd player with all his strength.

As soon as the shouts fell, Heat Jason passed the ball to Wade on the right at 45 degrees, turned around and ran to the left half, and Haslem stepped up the wall to block Roy.

Wade took the opportunity to move the ball to the right sideline, but Ade retreated early to make room, and Roy bypassed Haslem to catch up, generously giving Wade a chance to shoot a three-pointer.

But in the regular season last season, Wade averaged 1.5 three-pointers per game and 0.4 hits per game, with a shooting percentage as low as 26.6%. He even missed a three-pointer in the playoffs.

Right now, every few games after Wade returns from injury, a chance to shoot a three-pointer suddenly appears. He has no desire at all, but bends down, lowers his center of gravity and rushes in.

That action was clearly intended to force Roy.

Roy twisted his hips in a hurry, and slid his feet to catch up.

But the Flash is the Flash, and his speed was too fast, and he couldn't catch up even if he stood up first.

Seeing this situation, Frye shrunk to the basket from the short corner on the left, Alder still blocked Haslem, and did not give an air cut opportunity, while the rest of the Blazers shrank to the paint.

In the blink of an eye, the paint is filled with people.

Wade was unable to make a layup, and the risk of jumping a long pass was great.He hesitated for a moment, stopped abruptly, stepped on the ground, jumped sideways, carried Roy's side interference, and forced a mid-range shot.

when!Basketball hits the basket and hits the iron.

Ade jumped to catch the rebound, and Blake had already run to the center line. Seeing this, Su Yang immediately clapped his hands vigorously and shouted: "Long pass..."

Whether the fast break can be successful depends on how the big man handles the few tenths of a second after he grabs the rebound. If he can make a long pass, it will be difficult for the defender to fly faster than the ball.

Of course, there are very few big players who can make stable long passes, and generally big players are prone to make mistakes in long passes, but Su Yang has always encouraged players to develop more players, so there is no need to worry about making mistakes!

The shouts did not fall, Ade raised his hands above his head, aimed at the center line and made a strong long pass, the cheers in the arena exploded instantly, and the atmosphere boiled up!

Blake took the ball from the center line, and immediately bowed to accelerate the start. Like a flash of precious white lightning, he rushed to the top of the arc in the blink of an eye, and raised his hand to make a floor pass.

boom!The basketball bounces to the right corner.

Webster bowed to catch the ball, turned sideways to avoid the flying pounce to block Dorell White, then stood firm, and amidst the cheers of the audience, he steadily threw a three-pointer.

bass!The basketball went into the net hollow, 14 to 4.

There was applause in the arena, Dorell White walked out of the bottom line, took the basketball from the referee, and hurriedly passed it to Wade running to the center line, and the Heat launched a fast break.

Wade turned around with the ball, made an emergency stop and turned around to pass Roy, and rushed to the three-point line like a hot wheel.

Other Heat players, except for O'Neal, looked for positions to stand and wait, but the Trail Blazers shrunk directly to the paint, not worried about Wade scoring and assisting three-pointers.

It was a kind of naked contempt, but there was nothing Wade could do. Among the Heat's starting five, Jason Williams, the only one with a decent three-point shooting percentage, hadn't reached the top of the arc yet.

Amidst the boos of the crowd, Wade stopped his sprint, shook his head and refused Haslem's cover, and began to bow and shake his hands under his crotch, ready to eat Roy alone.

In terms of Roy's single defense ability, it is extremely difficult to deal with Wade's singles.But Roy didn't think about one-on-one defense at all, and ignored the fans' cries that they wanted to watch a one-on-one play, and directly blocked the space on the line sideways, forcing Wade to go to the sideline to break through.

Wade was not entangled, took a few strides, rushed to the short corner area on the left in the blink of an eye, but faced Alder and Frye shrinking and encircling, the situation became Wade singled out the three Blazers.

Perhaps out of anger at the Blazers for not talking about martial arts, Wade rushed to the edge of the paint area to face Alder, suddenly slammed the ball and turned around, that big butt forcibly left the space.

But the Blazers shrank to the basket, and the moment Wade turned around, Webster raised his hand and slammed, cutting off the basketball in Wade's hand.

Wade yelled a foul, but the referee ignored it, and Webster picked up the basketball and rushed forward, and the rest of the Blazers rushed down simultaneously.

Seeing this, Su Yang stood up and applauded, and there was a tsunami-like shout in the rose garden. Webster rushed to the center line and raised his hand to pass a long pass to the right.

Roy caught the ball and turned around, one step past White, who was changing defenses, and hit the basket like a sharp arrow. He jumped against Haslem's defense and threw the ball vigorously to the left corner.

Blake bowed to catch the ball, ignoring O'Neill's threatening stomping and roaring threats, and raised his hand to score a three-pointer. The basketball slammed into the net with a bang, 17 to 4.

The Blazers played a 13-0 attack wave, the cheers in the Rose Garden were loud, and the fans shouted that it was too strong.

The whistle sounded, and the Heat asked for a timeout, but Riley's expression remained unchanged, and he waved at assistant coach Spoelstra, as if to let Spoelstra arrange it.

Such a scene was simultaneously displayed on the central screen, boos broke out in the rose garden again, and Su Yang raised his head when he heard the sound, just in time to see Si Bo nervously holding a tactical board to give a speech.

"Is this intentional for us to face off as an assistant coach, or do you think I am not qualified to compete with him, or have I completely lost interest in coaching?"

Su Yang thought in his heart, "It's just a good time to show Riley the future basketball direction he dreamed of, how powerful are five swingers over two meters..."

Determined to pay attention, Su Yang beckoned to the players to surround him, then turned his head and asked Monty to make defensive arrangements first.

The defense was almost perfect before, and Monty only said that he will continue to maintain it in the future, and don't panic when encountering new situations.

Su Yang went on to say: "They have a high probability of strengthening defense, and may even use zone defense to slow down our offensive and defensive conversion speed. We don't have to fight too hard with them..."

In a few words, Su Yang arranged for Jones and Mike Roberts to come on stage, replaced Frye and Blake, arranged for Roy to play point guard, and barely formed a swing lineup of five two-meter-plus.

With such a lineup, the defense is slightly weaker, but it can deal with the zone defense extremely well, and it can also reduce the burden on Roy and Adelaide, allowing others to dominate the game and facilitate the replacement of the two.

The whistle sounded at the end of the timeout, and the players of the two teams entered the court respectively. The Heat replaced O'Neal and Jason with Ricky Davis and Daequan Cook.

Su Yang deliberately observed the Heat, and found that Riley was not surprised by the Trail Blazers lineup, and suddenly came up with an idea.

"Riley put forward the concept of future basketball. Could it be that he hopes to have five Magic Johnsons? And let him guess correctly..."

(End of this chapter)

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