Chapter 119: 119.) Those Who Hunt What Lies Beyond!
The omniverse exists as an infinite realm of concepts. It holds gigantic verses filled with hundreds of millions of universes within them known as Colossaverses. They represent the concepts themselves, holding their inhabitants to the theme of said Concept. As said before, Colossaverse I is a verse for the Body/Combat. Everyone born there and all clans found there are born with concepts tethered to that theme that function with their genetics. It's the same for all other Colossaverses and their inhabitants. But it would seem this omniverse is not alone in the endless void. There can be another, where beings are born tethered to a concept as strongly as our own Colossaverses. These beings are known as Stuliathans.
Stuliathans cross over into our verse all the time and it is said that some select gods are permitted to go to theirs. Stuliathans as a whole view Gods as lesser beings just as some Gods view mortals. So a lot of those that do visit end up causing a ruckus and come by as difficult to stop a lot of the time. Though those same select Gods that enter their realm are the same few that can stop the like of a Stuliathan. A lot of which can do so on their lonesome. We come face to face with one as a Stuliathan full of malice comes crashing in as the curtain falls on Shii and Haydes' conflict.
These Gods stand at the pinnacle of their fellow Divine beings. They were given a name that may sound funny to most, but the actual meaning behind sits heavy on all. They are known as GaGs, standing for Gods amongst Gods. These few are viewed as the most powerful and some even look at them as if they aren't even Gods themselves. Like… like if they could be something more than that. Sort of like what we view Stuliathans as.
Xebeel: "Now that you know who I am… allow me to tell you my reason for coming here."
Bubauno: "Grrgh…"
Xebeel: "You came into our verse which is fine, but you caused quite the ruckus and even took the lives of Quintillions of folks just trying to live their best lives. With that being said… I have been hired to take you down, dismantle you completely even."
Bubauno: "You believe you can do so alone!?"
Xebeel: "Try me, lowly beast."
Bubauno: "Challenge accepted, you worm!" *SWOOSH*
Xebeel: "Teh… it's nothing Full Body Physical Zenchi!"
Shiishii: "Did he say…"
Jollister: "F-Full Body!?"
Clarissa: "Damn right. I can do the same, but it would have gotten me nowhere with the strength difference between I and Bubauno. My fault for slacking for so long."
Gaia: "Mhm… *Stare* (Full Body huh?)"
Bubauno swings his claw down on Xebeel, who simply counters with a regular Boxing-style jab from his right. Their strikes clash and Bubauno is repelled without much trouble. He looks down at Xebeel with an alarmed look on his face. Xebeel smiles at him and blitzes his person, striking him with a flying high kick to the bottom of his jaw. Bubauno was knocked back as he stood on his hind legs. Xebeel follows up with a harsh left hook to the chest. Bubauno takes two more steps back while trying to recover. Xebeel was quick to keep the pressure going as a left footed punt kick lifted Bubauno off his feet. Then a right haymaker to the cheek sends him rolling across the cosmic floor. *WHAM*
Bubauno: "RAAAAUURGH!!!!" *fwaPOOOM* *Thud*... *SLAM*
Miitto: "All our efforts got us nowhere but put in the dirt. But here he is beating the beast back with just his fists and Zenchi."
Kenny: "That's the strength of my father after all. He's a warrior that's equal to Life and Death I."
Meiza: "So the rumors were true after all. He truly is an OG Strife member."
Clarissa: "Yeah… and one of my goals when it comes to strength and technique. He is also one of the few who can give Shiishii and Kishin a run for their money in H2H combat."
MorZick: "Indeed… with him here, this monster is as good as done."
Kareezim: "Mhm… *Stare* Lord Xebeel eh?" *Grin*
Xebeel floats just above everyone else, staring as Bubauno approaches him yet again. He suddenly appeared in front of Xebeel at speeds no one besides Xebeel himself could see. He had a blast sitting and ready for him that connected at point blank range. Xebeel didn't even budge as the blast engulfed him and what would've been the entirety of the Clusterverse they were within. Xebeel expands his Divine Halo found on his back and breaks the blast before it could do any real harm. He then dashes at Bubauno and lands a clean right handed uppercut to his chin. Bubauno floats back a few thousand meters as he regains his footing.
"Come on big guy, do something entertaining already." Xebeel says in a taunting fashion. Smiling at Bubauno as he stares over at him with eyes full of aggression and aggravation. Bubauno rushes in once more, but this time he does so in a single leap. Bringing his left paw above his head and summoning a slew of left claws that were full of different diseases. He glares at Xebeel and his eyes suddenly turn to the same blue as Xebeel's own essence. He rose his stats to match Xebeel's Physical stature for a short amount of time. He then swung his arms down.
Xebeel: "Well I'll be damned. Haha… let me show you my Birthright and Element. My Birthright being Manifestation and my Element is known as DemonSeed. It allows me to use the basic elements of the unholy and Demonic scripture. Only five others have this element." *SWIFT*
Bubauno: "GROOOUUUGHHH!!!"
Xebeel: "Zenchi's Blazing Sabre!!!" *SHINNNNG*
Bubauno was throttled back once more as their strikes met the other. His arm, as well as the additional Disease ridden arms were all severed in one swift gesture. The slash was powerful enough to cut through his attack and flesh, and even hold its shape and potency to keep moving forward afterwards. Bubauno was taken aback by this, but quickly regenerated his arm anyway. Xebeel smiled underneath his mask and waved the attack back towards Bubauno. Bubauno was quick to take notice of this and performed a backflip as if to dodge. But he instead used his tail to smash the attack to pieces and absorbed the remnants into his tail.
"Let's see you take this one." Bubauno says as he bounces off space itself and front flips into a tail smack. Xebeel stared up at him as his tail came crashing down atop of him. He raised his arms and formed a small cloak of essence around himself. The tail made contact and was immediately repelled upwards. Xebeel instantly grabbed hold of Bubauno's tail fur and flashed upwards. Bubauno was unable to fight the power of his pull and flew high into the Cosmos. He then came crashing down where they once were. Dragging Bubauno back down with him.
Xebeel: "Let's see you handle… THIS!!!" *WOOSH*
Xebeel smashes into a platform of his own design. Stomping his left foot into the floor as he summons forth a slew of miasma infused acids. Then he coated it in Zenchi as he slams Bubauno's gigantic body into the floor. *TSSS* Bubauno yelped in agony as he bounced up like a goofy cartoon character. His back was burned down to the bone from just a simple touch. Showing off high levels of potency from that of Xebeel. Bubauno heals his wounds within an instant as he lands on his feet. He dashes at Xebeel once more, increasing its paw size to be three times as large as himself. He managed to turn his cells into what looked like the Cosmos, as if each gigantic cell was a star or Astral body.
Bubauno: "Spatial Disease PALM!!!" *SWOOSH*
Xebeel: "Oh no you don't, beast! Manifest; Foot Sabre: Demonic Blaze!" *SWISH*
A gigantic wave of essence was released in the form of a red-ish black fire. It met with Bubauno's palm strike head on and stopped it in its tracks. Bubauno had adapted a bit and managed to stand his ground. Trying his best to smash through the slash before him. After a bit of struggling, Bubauno was able to smash through the attack and looked toward Xebeel. Swiping at him with glowing green claws, which Xebeel leapt above as if he knew it were coming ages ago. He glanced behind him and saw the end of the universe and a few universes after it were affected by his disease. It was potent enough to bypass Xebeel's essence for a bit before being snuffed out.
Xebeel: (He's adapting and upgrading his status as a constant. There's even traps set up all around me, cheeky little mutt. I won't allow a piece of trash like you to get away with anymore than this.) *FWIP* … *Fwip**fwip* *Fwop* *SWISH*
Bubauno: "Nrgh…" *SMASH*
Xebeel smashes his feet into the top of Bubauno's head. Smashing his face into the platform once more. Bubauno throws a fit and tosses Xebeel off of his head. He roars with rage and slashes at Xebeel once more, but with more than six times the Speed and a much higher potency of disease. His entire paw became a mess of slime with blackened claws protruding out in knarly shapes. Xebeel manifested a shield that was attached to his left arm. He blocks the attack head on, but an entire clusterverse was destroyed."
Xebeel: "Did you just cause the end 'effect' to what it looks like if a clusterverse fell to disease?" A causality effect, it happened due to an occurrence of Disease at the cosmic level. Rather than experiencing the actual disease, they experienced their end result due to your ability to go beyond the spectrum of time. A process of happenings due to an occurrence."
Bubauno: "Indeed you lowly God."
Xebeel: "Such harsh words from an imbecile such as yourself!" *WHOOM*
Bubauno was pushed away by Xebeel's backhand. Which Xebeel used as a cover up for his mean right straight. It was coated with Presence and Physical Zenchi, connecting with perfect precision. Xebeel manifested a gigantic arm to mimic what his real one was performing. The punch landed on Bubauno's gut, sending him flying back. Xebeel creates a second arm to mimic the movements of his left. He grabs hold of Bubauno and swings him around in circles until a small tornado of Demonic Essence and Disease is formed. Xebeel conquered every little spec of that storm using his Zenchi and stirred it into Bubauno. Coating his body in the mixture that had now become blue and sent him flying towards his own mess.
Xebeel: "Let's play clean up, you putrid piece of shit."
Bubauno: "GRAAAUGH!! (I can't stop nor lower my… momentum!)" *SWOOSH*
Xebeel: "Now then, True Zenchi: Causality Conquer, Bubauno Bomb."
Bubauno was launched into the field of lingering Disease essence left behind by his attack. The essence wrapped around his body turned into a current of electricity that shook him to his core. The rest wrapped itself around the area where the clusterverse once was and reversed the happenings as fast as they occurred.
Xebeel: "That's not all… *SWISH* Clusterverse Crush!"
Gaia: "Sis… did he just!?"
Clarissa: "Yep… he threw the clusterverse he just saved at Bubauno. Which is alright while his essence is wrapped around it. That thing has the potency of a Conglomeverse breaking down and imploding in ya face!"
Kareezim: "Sheesh."
Gaia: "Man… I'm so happy Shiishii is back."
Shiishii: "Happy to be back, now we can train to get to THAT level!"
Everyone: "Y-Yeah…"
The clusterverse was smashed into the back of Bubauno's body, sending him hurtling into the abyss of Space. His body was still heavily covered in lightning and being shocked in all areas. That was until the lightning gathered at the core of Bubauno's being. Detonating as soon as the last stream of lightning entered the newly created ball. The burst from the charge was large enough to wipe more than ten clusterverses clean off the map. Xebeel simply smiled underneath his mask as he stared at the light show he so graciously created. Mind you a normal sized Clusterverse can hold anywhere from 2,400 to 5,600 universes at once.
Xebeel even went as far as to expand the territory of space and manifest four more true clusterverses with their own inhabitants in tow. A feat of creation out of the kindness of his heart. And a love for the verse he lives within, such is the grace of a GaG level being. Bubauno quickly rose from the bombardment he had just taken, his body steaming from the attack. Though all his wounds were pretty much already healed completely. He stares over at Xebeel with a blank look, it would seem he came to the realization that this wasn't a battle he should take lightly anymore. As a response to this newly found information, he began to transform completely. Restructuring his body as he does, becoming much smaller in size, more compact as if he were copying Xebeel.
Xebeel: "I've… I've never seen one of you do this before. This should be a good one." *GWIP* *Swish*
Bubauno: "It's high time I showed you my true might. Prepare to be infected beyond measure, Xebeel Vermilli." *Swsh* *swash*
Xebeel: "Bring it on then, Bubauno Epidemis!"
Bubauno's body started to set into stone and settle. He looked as though he was more than eight feet tall. He had three sets of wings that resembled dark angels. Each was easily twice the size of his body and had an eye at the center of them. His face was covered by an armor plating that resembled a valkyrie's own. He had Armored plating that resembled reptile scales with alloy plates on his shoulders, forearms, thighs and calves. He had big draconic feet with the same disease ridden nails sticking out of his feet. His hands were of the same fashion, while having a giant green gem in the center of his chest. His waist held a long fur pelt that hung to his ankles while his tail was fat at the base. Stretching out for more than twelve feet. It got thinner as it went on until it reached the level of a classic demon tail with a bladed end for a tip of the tail. His entire body was jet black just as before with green lines traveling all through the body. Lining out his muscles and glowing brightly.
Xebeel: "Quite the intimidating look-"
Bubauno: "Shut it."
Xebeel: "Oh?"
Bubauno: "You're mine to devour, the ultimate prey!" *FLASH*
Xebeel: "Woah… (What a speed boost!)" *Swish*
Their fists clash as Xebeel turns around to counter an attack on his six. The clash ripped the fabric of space within their vicinity apart for more than five Clusterverses out. It shattered like glass and revealed an eerie place full of clouds and smoke. The stars were torn and the space was filled with a minefield of supernovae. It was as if the space was under constant breakdown as the dimension folded in on itself. But somehow… it was the reality of its existence and maintained a constant stability.
"You won't get anywhere near, even now." Xebeel says as he leans his head back. He fires a heavy headbutt at Bubauno, blinding him as his eyes try to adjust to the sudden shock. Xebeel fired an uppercut at his gut, but his body instinctively blocked as he slid back a bit. Two jabs were thrown by Bubauno, which were dodged by Xebeel with precise reactions. Then an uppercut was thrown followed by a left footed round-house kick. Xebeel dodges the upper cut and uses his left hand to push away the kick. He counters with a two jab, right footed punt kick combo. Bubauno dodges the Jabs using the bobbing technique, then ducked to avoid the kick. He leapt backwards just after and shot a blast from his chest.
Xebeel: "That won't work anymore than it did earlier!" *SWOOSH*
Xebeel stretches his right arm across his chest. He adds a layer of Armored Zenchi and swings the arm outwards. He makes perfect contact with the blast and disperses it without a hitch. Xebeel leaps at Bubauno who had his fingers extended outwards. He shot multiple disease balls out of his nails in an attempt to stop Xebeel. Xebeel easily reads his many attacks and dances about, continuing his rush towards Bubauno. He coats his right arm with Armored and Presence Zenchi to go along with the Physical Zenchi his body was coated in.
"You won't continue to have your way here, Xebeel!" Bubauno says as he coats his arm in layers of Studianths Flash, Studianths Coating and Knaught Scales. Their attacks clash with even force, sending waves of Erasure to the far reaches of the Gigatoverse. Their even force repelled both a few miles away. They cock their left arms back as they catch themselves. Charging in once more with the same force and pressure they did before. Their fists clash again and another wave was sent out. But this time Xebeel controlled the wave and sent out a little extra to cancel the first out along with the new one. Preventing the decimation of yet another Gigatoverse.
Xebeel: "You're mine!" *FLASH*
Bubauno: "K-Ke-Kerrrh!!!"
Xebeel blitzes Bubauno once more with a mighty right haymaker. Bubauno manages to block, but gets struck by the following left jab. Xebeel pivots to his right and throws a blazing right backhand. Bubauno ducks under the strike and throws a left hook as a counter. Xebeel dodges and Bubauno follows up with a quick flurry of ten jabs. Then a sweeping kick to follow, all of which miss their mark but successful get Xebeel to back off. Bubauno leaps after him while cocking his left arm back. Seven more forearms came out of his original with many diseases flowing with them, as well as an added surprise.
Xebeel: "That technique again- no. (He added causality to it this time. He wants to make sure the damage is done no matter what. Well if that's the case…) *FWOOSH* Zenchi Manifestation: Zenchi's Forearm Storm of Causality!"
Their attacks clash again, smashing each other to pieces as a Shockwave split multiple planets and stars in half. Bubauno was pushed back while Xebeel stayed moving forward. He lands a superman punch on Bubauno face, pushing him back further. Bubauno shakes his head to recollect himself, getting blitzed by a quick four punch combo. He guards against it with precise elbow strikes, but he allows a leg kick to the back of his knee to get through. He slightly bends from the force, allowing a punt kick to the chin to get through. Xebeel follows up with a left footed sweep kick that gets checked by Bubauno.
(Shit… this brat is tenacious!) Bubauno thinks to himself as he throws a few wild haymakers that miss their marks. Xebeel throws an elbow with his right which knocks bubuano off balance. A right footed round-house comes just after which further sends Bubauno flipping. Flipping into a heel kick from that same exact leg, sending him flying a few miles away as it flows through. Bubauno manages to catch himself and got into a new stance just after. Spreading his arms outwards as he does, staring down Xebeel who awaits his next move as he does.
Bubauno: "Allow me to show you the Classes… Class Change: Piece Class, Weapon Class; Split and mobilize!"
Bubauno split himself into six beings. Each had a different study and Concept tethered to their being. Each had a weapon that suited them best, surrounding Xebeel as they got themselves ready for battle. Xebeel only smiled as he stared around him and glared at his new slew of opponents. Each used their unique concepts to try and get one over on Xebeel. Attempting to Manipulate his cells, Mind and body with their essence. Xebeel simply uses his control of his body alongside the powerful levels of Zenchi. It countered every attempt Bubauno made while only one of Bubauno's clones was able to react and gain affinity to Xebeel. That happened to be the one whose concept centered around Immunity.
"Ah… seems all you did was add more incompetent movers to the party!" Xebeel says as he counters one clone's slash with his Sabre. Clashing and repelling more than two-hundred slashes from all six Bubauno clones. He had turned his hands into thick blades with sharp edges. He slashed and dashed at the arms of each clone, knocking their blade wielding right arms to the floor. They all show faces of irritation as he smiles at them through the mask once more. Laughing as he runs at them, having one clone tail behind him. Throwing a kick at his head, missing as Xebeel ducks and kicks him with a back sweep. Another two leap up as he rises, taking two big slashes to their chest and stomach while being pushed back by the force.
Bubauno: "D-Damnit… nothing works on this damned God!" *SWOOSH*
Xebeel: "It's a shame ain't it? That a God such as myself can humiliate you like this? Hehe… what a pathetic being you are." *SWISH*
Bubauno rushes at Xebeel once more, bringing along two more clones that hadn't been knocked on their asses just yet. He rushes in with his curved Sabre in hand, swinging it down on Xebeel as he does. Xebeel looks up and smacks the clone away with a swift swing from his cleaver hand. His two clones close in right after with horizontal slashes aimed at Xebeel's waist. Xebeel simply takes his right cleaver hand and smacked the clone to his right. Send him back a few feet as he follows up with a wide slash towards the clone to his left. He smacks him away as well, spinning on his left leg as he does.
"N-Nrgh!!!" The clone to his right grunted as he came in for another attempt to slash Xebeel. But Xebeel kept his spin going and sent the clone further this time, stopping his momentum as he made contact. He then uses that same arm to backhand the clone that was to his left. The previous clone to his right leapt up this time and used his control of the mind to try and wipe Xebeel's and cause him to go braindead at a constant. Meaning, even healing the mental scape would only result in a destructive wave ruining everything once more. Xebeel took heed of this and used Mental and Presence Zenchi in a combo to reverse the move back on to the clone.
Clone 1: "How the hell… does a God have this… much… STRENGTH!"
Xebeel: "You guys complain too much. Just actually put me down for once instead of letting me kick y'all sorry asses around. Plus… this isn't my first time dealing with your kind." *Swish* … *WHAM*
Xebeel struck the frozen Clone in the gut with a side kick. Causing his body to fold from the force, floating in place just before taking a round-house full of Zenchi to the face. He was sent flying while the other was smashed into the floor by a double footed stomp down from Xebeel. Followed by a punt kick to knock him away. The two clones that got slashed earlier attempted to blind him with a flurry of slashes from their twin Halberds. The flurry was blocked by a series of slashes used to create a small dome around Xebeel. He repelled both clones and knocked them away as well.
Xebeel: "It's high time I get rid of your calvary. You did better when you were whole."
Bubauno: "Greh! (He's actually right… splitting up against an opponent who can easily take me on when I'm whole was a ridiculous move. Why have I been so off my game, I've faced superior Stuliathans before!)"
Xebeel: (It's because I conquered your mind a few times. Using that, I commanded you to do such things, it was my way of seeing more of the classes being used that I haven't seen. Even if you can rid my control as you've done time and time again. It doesn't change what you've already been made to do. Now then… off with your copies!)" *FWISH*
Bubauno: "Y-You did WHAT!?"
Xebeel crosses his arms and charges both cleaver full of essence. His blades turned into blue flames that burned the space around him with a high intensity. His mask reflected the face of a smiling demon with blue flaring flames coming out the eyes and mouth. Now we know why it's blank with no eye or mouth holes. Interesting concept from the Stuliathan Hunter. He lifts his head and flared the flames to their highest potency. They nearly turned into pure rays of light as they were fired off in five directions. Vertical slashes traveled across the Cosmos and ran the clones down as they tried to counter with their weapons, coated in a heavy amount of Studianths Coating.
"Best to call them back before I destroy your studies. Leaving only that time that they have to regenerate, regenerate away from your body. Leaving you… in the same state as Rasho and Ato. They'd bully your weak ass in a second." Xebeel states as his slashes begin to break each of their weapons. Bubauno wasn't one to play about his studies and called them back as fast as he could, getting blitzed by Xebeel just as the last one entered his body. They headbutt one another with full force interlocking their hands just after. Another demon face shows itself, it looked close to an angry, laughing ghost face. Black smoke came from Xebeels body with a nasty, putrid green and red sludge that floated with it. The sludge turned into specks rapidly as it came from his sides. This was divine miasma at the highest potency Clarissa herself had even seen.
Clarissa: "Xebeel's… actually a monster. He fights just like mother and the others did during their active days. After all…. Shiitania and I were there the day they beat Rashomon. Now that guy, just as Xebeel says, is a TRUE monster." *Glare*
Rashiono: "Me?"
Clarissa: "Yes you!" *Point*
Rashiono: "Hm… you are indeed that brat I saw that day. I tried to kill you, girl! Where's the other one?"
Clarissa: "She runs her own clan now, and she's equal to that guy up there now. I'm a bit of a slacker, but I'm getting it together. Your weak ass would still need three of your studies to beat me at my best and all five to actually beat her now."
Rashiono: "Mhm… that much I figured, but she actually caught up to those monsters I fought that day? Ha, my brother and I learned fast that Gods aren't to be trifled with. But you are also all good sources of food, to think you lesser beings could even the field on your own. Let alone as a race, much respect to that."
Atoshen: "You being a food source is the highest honor from a Stuliathan. We eat our own kind for greater strength and understanding of concepts. We're not being spiteful to your whelp when we say that. But… now that we're back and awake, we three WILL gain our studies back without question. Death and Life I, as well as that one up.there will tell you that much. But having hosts… hosts that can gain strength equal to our own…"
Kennerlin: "It's a problem!"
Atoshen: "The bigger issue is… him!" *Point*
MorZick: "Why is that, well… besides the obvious?"
Rashiono: "He gives off a feeling… a familiar feeling that Life and Death gave off when we faced them. It's similar to you Gods but it isn't. It's the same as how we can feel us, our kind within you Gods even for those without studies. But… I don't like what I feel. I want to kill all who give it off this strongly, even a whole lot of you here. It's a stench that makes my skin crawl."
Shiishii: (How strange…) *BOOM* "Hm? Seems Xebeel's getting busy!"
Fong: "Good… I hope he kills that monster. It'll keep Silvio, Kenny and Zoshen safe. But most of all… Silvio…" *glare*
Shiishii: "Mhm… I agree with that baby girl." *Pat* *pat*
Xebeel and Bubauno were racing and dashing about all over the Gigatoverse. Slashing into another like two wild missiles that could break beyond the dimensional wall with speed and force alone. They were throwing whole Conglomeverses at one another as they try to give the other the slip. Xebeel quickly drew a hex on the floor and layered it with the Demonic star that flared up with his signature blue flames. Bubuano looked at this as a chance to get a clean hit with his Status Breaking Disease.
"No dice!" Xebeel says with a cocky smile engraved on the mask. He takes his Halo as if it was a gigantic ninja star and throws it at Bubauno. The size increased to be greater than a large Conglomeverse, smashing into Bubauno's claw as he threw his strike. The Halo broke the claws essence, but was repelled by the force of Bubauno's strike. Xebeel calls it back while using the layered spell he wrote out to launch him. But not just any normal launch, a launch that worked scriptures on his body meant for sealing while the star added a soul binding flame meant to keep Bubauno's essence and core tied to his physical body.
Here's how that came to be possible. You see, the entire fight has been Xebeel getting used to Bubauno and his abilities which is why he forced him to use the Piece Class, as he explained earlier. Once he had gotten used to Bubauno he conquered his concepts and gained his Immunity. Now he could seal and trap Bubauno into a one exit situation… complete Erasure.
Xebeel: "Here I come, witcho disgusting, flea ridden ass. Conqueror's Binding Sealment!"
Bubauno: "He's too fast!" *SMASH*
A gigantic Xebeel that dwarfed Clusterverses, smashed into Bubauno who was of equal size. They shrank as the scriptures from Xebeel went onto Bubauno. His body projected ten versions of himself as they twisted and were sucked into his body's core. Trapping him in his physical state, which would mean he had no clear escape anymore. His ability to blend into the Cosmos had officially been stripped. Easy to say he couldn't even turn into disease itself anymore. They turned into a comet of grand proportions, throttling through the dimensions as they broke back into Gaia's Cosmos. Smashing into a star that was more than two solar systems over.
Clarissa: "Everyone here should be fast enough to clear this distance in seconds. Let's head there NOW!" *PEW*
Everyone: "LET'S GO!"
Everyone dashed off into the direction of the crash. A supernova could be seen being devoured by a famished Bubauno. Xebeel floated above him, smiling devilishly as he did so. Bubauno snarled as he stared at Xebeel with rage in his eyes. He dashed up at Xebeel once more, slashing at him with his claws. He was still capable of speeds not even Clarissa could track perfectly. Xebeel swayed to the right, countering with an uppercut to his gut. A left hook disorients his senses while a right footed sweeping kick knocks Bubauno off his feet. Xebeel pivots on his left leg and brings his right leg around once more. Smashing it into the left cheek of Bubauno's face. Causing Bubauno to float in place for a while. Xebeel cocks his left arm back and coats it in Physical and Presence Zenchi. Throwing a gruesome haymaker that sends Bubauno smashing into Xebeel's platform. His body bounces and stumbles as the scriptures glow blue, more being written on his body all the while.
Gaia: "Safe to say he's done for."
Rashiono: "This is similar to the way we went out. They immobilize you before the worst comes to pass."
Shiishii: "The worst being?"
Kishin: "Didn't you study their stories and legends? They have their studies ripped out, essentially the same as being ripped to pieces from their point of view."
Atoshen: "Precisely, young one."
Xebeel glided down to where Bubauno landed. Looking down at him, watching his power slowly drain from his body as the Zenchi conquers his being further. He was completely under Xebeel's thumb, answering to every command given to him telepathically. All of which were telling him to stay down, but just like all others before him. He stubbornly fought the orders and stood up with little struggle. Stuliathans have wills greater than what most will witness in their lifetime. Ones that can't be broken no matter how much you pound at it, them, their essence and/or their actual body.
Xebeel: "Now for the painful part."
Bubauno: "As if I'll allow you to do what has happened to those before me! I refuse!" *SWISH*
Xebeel: "You don't really have a choice here. Bubbles, let's go!"
Bubbles: *ZIP* "You call?"
Xebeel: "It's time… go ahead and take my shape, I'm about to summon the Fairy and Spriggan!"
Bubbles: "Ooo~hoo YEAH! *POOF* Feels good to have limbs sometimes, y'know?"
Xebeel: "Psh… of course I do, but we can't goof off right now. Self-Split: Come Forth, Tink & Aspodeus!"
Bubbles: "Been a while since I got to fight with these guys. Good to see ya!"
Tink: "Indeed!"
Aspodeus: "Let's make this quick, I'm missing my sopes."
Xebeel: "Right… completely activate all four branches of Zenchi."
Bubauno: "Tsh… now he's splitting."
All four covered themselves in Physical, Presence and Armored Zenchi. Xebeel's two split personas looked like a human sized Fairy and Spriggan. The fairy gave off a pink light as if she were a star itself. She wore a dress with floral patterns on it that looked as though it could be apart of her skin. Her wings were covered in similar patterns and were very long in length. Her hair had flowers in it while being in a neat bun. Her face was of course young in appearance, having big eyes, a small nose and full lips as she smiled at Bubauno, holding a floral spear in hand. Her brother wore a tattered robe with big, wide open sleeves that dropped to his knees when his arms were to his side. His eyes were big as well, but they carried bags under them with stress lines to boot. His teeth were jagged, but his lips were full and his skin was clear of blemishes. His hair was long and messy with a long bang at the center of his face, covering his small nose. He had moth wings with dead branch patterns on them. And unlike his sister, his essence didn't shine brightly within him. It instead oozed out in a hazy green mist, black shade and dirtier, lime green stink lines. He held a rusty greatsword within his hands.
"Let's start then." Xebeel says as he walks towards Bubauno. He and Bubbles turn their arms into Sickles, all four of them had lines of essence beaming from Bubauno to their weapons. As if it was telling them where to aim, but what they were aiming for was obvious… it was the studies! Tink dove in first, having Bubauno's tail try to pierce her as it does. She dodges and slashes a chunk of his side off as she flashes by. He's thrown off balance as he looks back at her in frustration, losing notice of the second enemy coming his way. Aspodeus cleaved another chunk off the other side of his body as he flashed by. Making Bubauno twist and turn as he ascends into space.
Bubauno: "D-Damn you!!!"
Bubbles: *FLASH* "Zip it, cannon fodder. You've no right to complain… (There it is… the Immunity Study!)" *FWISH*
*Ching* *SHINNNG*
Bubbles severed the attachment Bubauno had to his Immunity Study, forcing it out of his body as a result. Bubauno rages out at the sight of this and swings wildly at Bubbles. He simply dodges and dashes away as Xebeel tags in with him. He too severs another study with the swing of his sickle. Blasting past Bubauno as his bodies goes floating back from the force. His Mind Manipulation Study was slashed out, he roars in agony while dodging a strike from Bubbles. He dashes at Xebeel as he stops his momentum, charging a ball of disease in his mouth as he does. Bubbles knocks him off balance with a kick to the back of his head. Both Aspodeus and Tink flank his six and twelve. Trading places as they slash through him, severing the Body Manipulation Study from within. His body floats upwards stunned by the shock of another being removed. He fights through it with sheer will power and folds into a ball and charges another helping of dense essence.
Xebeel: "None of what you do will work, face your newly written fate head on!" *FLASH*
Bubbles: "Keheh!" *FLASH*
Tink: "Don't fret, weakling. You'll be set free soon enough." *FLASH*
Aspodeus: "Uh… something clever or whateverrr. I don't give a fuck." *FLASH*
All four dash in on Bubauno, slashing through him once more and removing yet another study, Cellular Manipulation Bubauno was down to his last two concepts, breathing heavily as he stares at his opponents. He was in a fit, a rage like no other. He was desperately trying his best to escape his situation… then. It dawned on him. "In such an inescapable situation… how the hell did Ato ever get away!?" That was when it struck him… he knew his way out and felt a version of himself within a certain God below. That didn't matter to him though, he was going to devour a brethren for greater strength and affinity to suck in concepts. His removed ones would be his again!
Bubauno: "You may have gotten this far… but it's as far as you go, XEBEEEEELLL!!!" *FLASH*
Xebeel: "He rose his speed stat above our own by altering the status!?"
Tink: "Xebeel… he's going after the kids!!"
Clarissa & Xebeel: "CRAP!!" *PEW* *PEW*
They both dash after Bubauno with their greatest speeds, but it couldn't close the gap fast enough. His jaw opened wider than a human body that was 8 feet tall. Making it easy to gobble someone as short as Silvio in quick success. His teeth rotated to shred him apart as he entered his mouth. But just as he approached him, just as everyone realized the worst was about to come to pass. The one with the affinity for Bubauno leapt in the way, putting their body in front of Silvio. Xebeel realized this and placed a seal on their body just as Bubauno got within biting distance. He too realized what this was and it was the last thing he thought could happen. His tattered body instinctively retreated within them, sealing itself within…
The legends we hear always sound like fables. But who knew some could be true, proven by the fabled might displayed by XEBEEL. He crushes Bubauno in a display of dominance as he prepares to erase the beast and send his studies off. But then the worst came to pass and yet another God has been possessed. Just what could come of this as the conflicts come to an end?
Next Chapter: The Aftermath and
The New Goal!