STRIFE: A Life and Death Tale

Chapter 121: 121.) Niflheim! 'The Results of Treachery!

Gahwardia… a beautiful place shrouded in the tough, bullheaded bliss of the Viking culture. Outside of their Castles and Tower Keeps, their homes and buildings are made of wood that was blessed with the sturdiness of Wartanium. A heavily used material amongst many within the first Colossaverse. With that being said, they use it within this wood to form huts, mansions, multiple story homes, cottages and even the likes of colossal, monumental constructs that serve as Worlds. Such is the versatility of this ultra rare wood they obsess over. But as we said before, they do have many business oriented facilities that are in the form of massive castles, towers of multiple purposes/usages and mansions. Some of these businesses would be; the likes of schools, Hotels and ins, malls, gigantic retail stores and so much more. Of course… this would also include prisons.

Prisons are as one would think, but there are levels to them. Many prestige levels that serve to show how the system views the level of crime performed and by whom. These levels are labeled by the danger of these acts and people. These labels consist of different animal names that go from least to greatest threat level in the wild. There are a total of seven levels with ten prisons to each. These prisons were scattered into the sectors of the clan, branched off from all and hidden within solitude. Those of the seventh and highest level… being tucked away within the Clan's pocket dimensions. So without further ado, the level threat names go as listed…

Rabbit: This level is designated for those who commit minor crimes. Such as theft, mass pollution, minor assault, embezzlement and minor destruction of any and all Gahwardian structures. These are offenders that spend the maximum of five years within the prison walls. Most of these prisons are located not far from residential galaxies. Usually only being as large as planets due to the Giants that sometimes get locked away.

Coyote: This level goes for those with a bit of a more bold face when it comes to crime. These are for those that rob major banks and facilities, cause large amounts of Destruction, use mind manipulation to cause any crime from this level and below. Misuse of their powers and large amounts of assault, battery and/or domestic violence. Those having to serve time within this prison level. Well… they usually have the pleasure of having to deal out anywhere from five to twenty years depending on the crime. You could compare their staying conditions to the common, decent jail within North America's USA.

Hippo: Now this is where things start to get a little more along the lines of what heinous crimes we see in our world. Ones that'd get someone the maximum penalty, though they got nothing on those that commit true crimes on the God realm. One could say this level is the maximum for the "Human" level of acts against the Way of the Clan that can be committed. These would include Murder, mass murder, capital destruction; such as taking down major monuments and structures dedicated to the livelihood of the clan. Genocide, homicide, armed assault upon multiple persons, committing a violent coup amongst minor governments and monarchs. Things of this caliber that would get one twenty-five years and more. Maybe even a little torture. One can easily imagine that these inmates are treated just as ones within maximum prisons on Earth 52 are treated.

Orca: This level can be deemed as the first of the Deity class offenses. Crimes of the lowest level one could commit towards God-kind. Some of which would include, proving to be a threat to any Civilization ranging from; Village (Planet) to an entire Nation(Galaxy). These beings could commit robbery, murder, assault, property destruction and any other crime. If it's of the level to bother an entire Civilization of these sizes, they'll have their asses locked up here. Serving a bare minimum of a century's worth of time and beyond.

Tyrannosaurus: This level of Prison is designated for those who commit crimes against even larger Civilizations found within the clan or even the Clan itself. Mass Murder or Massacres. Destruction and the theft of Kingdoms, and/or Empires as well. Mass Mind Control of the universal level and above. Purging and siege of Kingdoms and above, as well as trespassing on sacred grounds within the Gahwardian territory. All sacred land within the clan is used for prestige purposes that only the most esteemed individuals are permitted to use. Breaking into these places is considered one of the highest offenses one could commit. Offenders of this level are held within prison for a minimum of two-hundred and fifty years. Their life in prison is of a strict boot camp. Each prison holding only one-thousand prisoners maximum.

Dragon: This class is very simplified. Offenders of this class don't have many offenses they can commit that would book them here. There are a total of five and they go as follows. 1.) Rampaging throughout the clan or many clans. Resulting in many casualties and damage to the Civilization(s). 2.) Mass Genocide throughout the clan with astounding results. 3.) Theft or Seige of a Civilization as large as an Empire and above. 4.) The Destruction of an Empire or higher within the clan or clans. 5.) Plundering a Study from within the clan or the misuse of a Study whether you're a native to the clan or not. Commiting one of these five offenses will get you booked for five-hundred years automatically. Higher if more than one is committed at a time. Funny enough, only five-hundred inmates are allowed in this level of Prison at a time.

The final level is a bit special and is named after a beast that a bountiful amount of Gahwardians own the DNA of. This pack hunter is known as the great and powerful WOLF.

This level is quite simple really. The prison sits on its lonesome, holding only 100 inmates that have a millenia to serve for their crimes. Crimes that are a threat to the livelihood of the clans within Colossaverse I. Their bloodshed, the confiscation of rare and powerful artifacts, including studies of the Ultra Rare class and above. The absolute destruction they cause within the verse. Basically… they are a THREAT to the balance within this Colossaverse and so here at this prison they stay. The most powerful prison within the Clan and one of the ten most prominent prisons within the Colossaverse. The lone Wolf held within the central dimension of the clan. The maximum security fortress, Niflheim!

Morpheus: "Wait a second, you guys sent big bro to Niflheim!? But that place is horrid and riddled with criminals that actually pose a threat to the Colossaverse's peace and balance!"

Shiishii walks over, placing his hand on young Morpheus' shoulder.

Shiishii: "You see little bro, Haydes is of that level. Maybe not in strength, but his constant Treachery throughout our fair Combat verse added up over time. Summing up a list of crimes that literally deemed him a threat to the Colossaverse. Trying to kill me due to my role as the second Grim Reaper is also a threat to Omniversal balance. He's lucky not to be dead."

Morpheus' face grew pale from what he heard. He had no argument that could go against what had been said. Yet. He couldn't find it within himself to forsake his elder brother. For he was the one that taught him how to use his Strife element properly. He was stuck within the Limbo of decision making. So… he simply decided to stay there. Buoyantly neutral to this subject, but still couldn't help, but look distraught. For he regained a brother and then lost a brother within the span of a year. A mere second in God's time and Longevity.

Vashjai: "You've got to let go of those foolish whims you carry little brother. He did what he did, and it hurt us all. But at least he's still here, he wasn't gone like Shii was and he isn't dead somewhere within the verse. He's… here, so drop the sentimental crap already. We've got a spar to get to."

Vashjai pats his younger brother on the back, ensuring everything is OK. This led to Morpheus showing that esteemed smile of his. One that was contagious, like… you just couldn't help but smile with the kid. He's that kind of guy when he isn't sulking.

The three brothers were within the private quarters of Shiishii, better to say… his room. It was fifteen-hundred square feet all around. With three stories to it. The lowest level was designated for his living space. He had his own kitchen within that sat next to his Reaper-style dresser set. One that held a collection of books used for martial arts studying and creation. A bookcase sat next to it… one that was made of bones. Shiishii referred to it as his…

Morpheus: "Ew… your Case of Knowledge always disgusted me when I'd visit here with Kishin. We used yours and his book collection to speed up my Martial arts training."

Shiishii: "Disgusted is a strong word lil bastard. But I get ya, the skulls and skeletons hanging on the walls definitely wouldn't arouse you either. Though I can see your hand prints on my scythe collection. Those are my babies, they're also the same designs you see for my Scythe Study. They update whenever I upgrade a Scythe or make alterations."

Shiishii waltzed over to a large cabinet that sat next to his Scythes in the corner of his black room. It was colored purple to match the secondary color of his essence. From its top compartment came a pair of gloves that levitated to Shiishii's person. Concealing themselves within his black Gi.

Vashjai: "Hahaaaaa, that's pretty funny. No offense big bro, but I'm a bit creeped out from your room as well. Though that upstairs dojo is incredible I tell you h'what."

Shiishii: "Hahahaaa! I hear ya, and I don't blame y'all either. But let's get a move on, and respect to you boys for dawning yall STRIFE Gi for this. And ya even put on our Gate Member Headbands. Goddamn, we look good… now let's head over to this sparring match."

Shiishii walks over to his door, gesturing to his younger brothers to follow him. He winks at his room and the lights go dim as they exit.

Morpheus: "I can sense that Kishin is on his way and wearing his Gi and headband as well."

Shiishii: "Yeah… and so is…"

Vashjai walked to his brother's side, gripping his shoulder tightly.

Vashjai: "Haydes… huh?"

Within the confines of the greatest prison within Gahwardia. There lied the warden and father to Ebon. Lies are always told about his great strength, but he is NOT of Morzick's level. Moreover he stands at strength equal to that of Dr. Yoltenhiem. A being who could easily take on and beat some members of the current Grand Council. Such is the great prowess of Gerreoff. He could be seen wearing his Warden's coat and suit. Walking beside him was the Warden of Niflheim and lead of all guards and officers within the prison. It wasn't chimed on in the last chapter, sorry to break the fourth wall and all. But Gerreoff is the Grand Warden, the leader of ALL Prisons within Gahwardia. Hence the high level of strength he carries.

He and the Niflheim Warden were on the deepest and lowest floor the prison could offer. There… you could find cells that looked like blocks. Blocks that sat miles away from one another within this Realm like floor. This is where we could find inmate H, A.KA…

Gerreoff: "Haydes."

Haydes: …

Warden: "The great Grand Warden is speaking to you, filth-"

Gerreoff held out his hand, stopping the warden from speaking any further. He smiled as he looked down at his Nephew.

Gerreoff: "That won't be necessary, Heimdall… allow me. Haydes, I doubt you thought I'd transfer you from Frostheim over here to Niflheim. But after hearing what MorZick told me and telling your judge of these crimes. He deemed it worthy to skip trial and transfer you here, your father agreed."

Heimdall: "I mean it makes sense… Your crimes are many and all have to do with breaking balance. You are someone I look up to, but Frostheim is too good for you. It's a Hippo level prison. Your crime are NOT of the mortal realms level. And you know that."

Haydes: …

Heimdall: "Dammit… why won't he SPEAK!"

Heimdall smashes his fist against the cage.

Gerreoff: "Calm yourself… he's one of few words, but allow me to do what I came here for. Eh ehm… your father has granted Kishin and Annihilo Sect permission to use your essence as a conduit. A conduit to awaken this being known as Graze. Matter. X…"

Haydes' gaze grew fierce for a quick second. His eyes had glaring rage within them, so much so that even Gerreoff and Heimdall could tell they got a reaction.

Heimdall: "We are told that it will serve as half of the required labors to get you out of here and on house arrest for at least half of your original sentenced time here. Which would equate to twenty-five hundred years my friend. More labors must be performed to get out of that as well."

Heimdall voiced himself while squatting in front of Haydes. He showed the face of someone who showed regret. He truly does look up to Haydes, even though he is far older. Haydes is a better tactician and has greater sight, something Heimdall holds as supreme in combat.

Haydes: "Fine."

Gerreoff: "Good… then I'll be off my nephew, keep up the great work, Heimdall."

Heimdall: "Yes sir! Glad to have seen you today, maybe we can get in another round of sparring one of these days."

Gerreoff: "Why spar when we can fight for real in the selection matches for the Millennium Combat Tournament?"

Haydes smiled as he heard these words. Glaring at his uncle and Heimdall as they spoke.

Heimdall: "Ah, you're right Gerreoff, Sir. It's a deal then, I shall train in preparation for it!"

Gerreoff: "Good, I look forward to you and Haydes being there. Hehehee." *PEW*

Heimdall: "Heh… later inmates of the lowest floor, Codename: Purgyneim." *Bwimp*

Heimdall boom-flashed out, leaving the inmates to their solitary confinement.

???: "Haaaaydes. Caaan Youuuu hear me HAAAAAYDES?"

Haydes: "Tch… what is it Jörmundandr?"

Jörmundandr: "Hmmmph. I haaave a giiift from XigXaaaahm fooor youuu. It'll beee paassed in the neeext yaaaard peeerioooodah!"

Haydes: "Bah… keep that filth ya sea snake. I want nuttin to do with'em."

Jörmundandr: "Bah? Heeh… we'll seeee."

Haydes: "Mhm… (That damned XigXahm is still trying to reach me… even now!? I refuse to let that bastard have his way.)"

The ten inmates held on the floor all go silent for the time being. Which is how it usually is when it comes to those found on this floor. They choose to sit in silence as they deal out their long, despairing sentences. Staring at the floor as they're held up by the shackles of their punishers. Thinking of how little time they spend outside of these cages they call "Cells". This is due to the actual little time they get to stretch their bodies and feel "free". Their usual amount of time to be let out of their cells is exactly one hour and no more than that. And you may think of this as inhumane, but these are Gods here. They aren't so fragile that they need to be catered to, especially after what those on this floor have done. Plus… this prevents any trouble from occurring between the inmates. Stopping them from collecting more time and putting a pin within the minds of those that may be thinking to escape.

Speaking of which, escape from here is virtually impossible. For within its million years of existing, no one has EVER been able to escape. All who have tried are either locked away once more with penalties to their time needed to be served there. Or… they're simply killed due to the threat they pose to themselves and the prison when trying to escape. Heimdall is someone who prefers to eliminate idiots that attempt to escape their well deserved vacation at his Maximum security prison.

A few hours go by within the prison day. Haydes and the other inmates on his floor all perform duties as part of their stay here. They create a lot of the material used to build the homes, buildings and monuments within the clan. It's quite the help for the manufacturing factories found around Gahwardia. After that, they're usually tasked with cleaning the grounds alongside the highest ranking guards within the prison. Lastly, they find themselves always helping these same guards with their training. Revealing their own techniques and strategies to them, which makes it easier to subdue the inmates. Though the same can be said of the guards, they too reveal their best techniques during these training sessions. Such is the intensity they hold when sessions are being held. The sound of a loud buzzer rings throughout the prison floor. It was the signal that the inmates may enjoy some "free" time and roam about the yard. Portals appear in front of each of their cells just before they open. Each inmate steps through them to enter the yard directly with the other ninety inmates found within the prison's walls.

Haydes: "Mhm… you'd had bettah keep that gift to yourself, Jörmundandr."

Haydes stepped through the portal whilst staring at Jörmundandr whose cell was closest to his own.

Jörmundandr: "Mhmm."

Jörmundandr and the remaining inmates step into their portals. And through them was the yard of the prison, a barren desert with a small training ground smack dab in the center. Next to it was a sparring ground with spectators' seats around it. Inmates of every level besides the lowest were given at least two hours of freedom. Spread into four thirty-minute breaks. While those of the lowest level get three twenty-minute breaks.

With that being said, Haydes was one who always chose to sit alone in the open deserts range. He sat observing his fellow inmates that share a level with him. The main one being the most powerful inmate within the prison. Someone so strong that even Heimdall himself can't defeat them on his own in a true fight. That same inmate is the legendary Gahwardian warrior, Baldur Cootak! A member of the Cootak tribe, one of the ten prominent tribes within Gahwardia. Next to him was Freyr Armadean, a member of the Armadean tribe. They were yet another family amongst those ten, and Freyr himself was someone that could take on Heimdall as well. For he was the second strongest inmate within these walls. Both were large in size, reaching over six feet and seven inches. Both looked quite stalky within their prison garments. A black onesie with the insignia of Gahwardia on the back.

Baldur: "What a pain in me ass."

Freyr: "What's wrong Baldy?"

Baldur: "Jörmundandr seems to be approaching the young prince. I don't like it."

He ruffles his ginger, lengthy Mohawk. It was tied into a ponytail and sat as a braid that hung down to his upper back.

Freyr: "Want me to take care of 'em?"

Freyr continued to twirl his long, straight black hair while smiling maliciously. Showing an upper grill of gold, and diamond teeth.

Baldur: "Nay, my intuition says to let it all play out. Let's just relax as usual."

Freyr: "Roger that Cap'n"

Both warriors had tattoos beneath both their eyes that looked like fangs belonging to a Warterror. They were joined by an old man with horns on his forehead, a bald head and a great long beard. He had a tattoo of a crown around his head and tribal markings in the shape of an eye scar. It went down the right side of his face and all the way up beyond his hairline. Running along his scalp until it reached the back of his head. He was barely six foot two, and looked very frail underneath his prison garb. His eyes burned with a yellow tinge with patterns similar to the All-Seers. He was…

Freyr: "Old man Mimir. How ya doing, you coot?"

Freyr bumped fists with the elderly God.

Mimir: "Ah not too much, not too much. Just observing our warden as usual, since the son of bitch won't let a old mahn see the Colossaverse with my eyes. No matter how hard I try."

He rustled his beard whilst glaring at Heimdall and his guards.

Baldur: "As always I see. Guess being strong enough to take on Council members won't help you here. That bastard Heimdall has been training heavily, if he can stop your All-Seer abilities even within the yard."

*Crick* *Crack* he pops his neck.

Mimir: "The one place I had the freedom to peek in on me family."

Heimdall: "Heh… not anymore you old coot. Your offense was committed with that same All-Seer ability. Just be lucky you got to use it for as long as you did."

Guard: "Hmph… good work sir."

Heimdall: "Mhm…"

The two stare onwards as they watch the inmates socialize. Though, Heimdall seemed to be watching the same thing as Baldur. An interaction between the Great Giant, Jörmundandr, the Frost-Giant Yimir, another inmate of the lowest level along with Mimir. They spoke with Haydes within the yard. Though the atmosphere around them was full of hostility.

The two giants stood over eleven feet tall. Jörmundandr was at fourteen feet while Yimir stood at twelve and a half. They towered over the young Gahwardian as he rose to his feet.

Haydes: "What do you bastards want?"

Jörmundandr: "To give you some power that XigXahm sent our way. All in the hopes of you taking it."

Haydes: "Hmph… I don't want any help from you or that bastard. I've got my own ways of doin' things."

Yimir: "Insolent brat."

Jörmundandr: "no matteeerrr, you'll eveeeentually haaaave noooo choice ooon the suuuuubject."

Haydes: "Yeah… if you say so imbecile! I won't be doing as your boss wishes, ya hear?"

Yimir: "Why does this one seem to think he has a choice here?"

Haydes: "Because I do, ya piece of shit. By the grace of prono, there isn't a soul out there that can force me to do a DAMN thing!"

Yimir: "You want to bet!?"

Jörmundandr: "Mrhmm…"

Haydes: "Tch! Try me!"

Yimir balled his fists up. Looking down on Haydes as he prepares to thrash the young prince. Heimdall and his guards watch in the distance. Awaiting to see if a fight is to break out or not. They could feel the hostility within their small three growing largely as they sat in each other's faces. To the point that even Baldur and the others took notice of this. Standing up from their seats as they prepare for any "funny business" to occur.

Heimdall: "Don't make any moves, no matter the occurrence. I wish to see what Baldur does. As he himself has that self given role."

Heimdall glares viciously at his old adversary, and eternal rival.

Baldur: (Yimir wouldn't dare do what I think the putrid bitch is about to do.) "Mimir… be ready to walk with me."

Mimir: "Ai… will do Baldur, sir."

They all looked onward as Yimir boldly walked within Haydes' personal bubble. Something Haydes takes as disrespectful, highly disrespectful. He looks up at Yimir with a murderous glare within his eyes.

Haydes: "I told you what I told you, and I won't be repeating myself, Yimir."

Yimir: "Hrrmmn…"

Haydes: "It's best you back away, you're nowhere near the type of monster Jörmundandr is. You're more on my level, and that just means I'll kick your ass. Try me!"

Yimir: "Grrr- That's enough out of you, BOY!!!" *WOOSH*

Haydes: "Hmph!" *FWISH*

Jörmundandr: "Mhmmm…"

Haydes brushes Yimir's right hook to the side. Countering with a straight left that strikes Yimir on his right pectoral. The force sent him sliding back which gave Haydes the opportunity to leap forward. Using his left leg for a devastating ax kick. Yimir blocked the attack just barely, their clashing forces blow a hole into the floor.

Guard: "Sir! I really think we should do something-"

Heimdall: "Hush Nikoli… and watch this."

Nikoli: "Uh… *Glare* mhm."

Nikoli continues to look onward, taking notice of Baldur and Mimir making their way towards the two combatants.

Baldur: "Mimir, break those two up, will ya?"

Mimir: "It'd be my pleasah, Baldur. *Step* *step* You youngsters don't get to act as you please here." *Glare*

Haydes was being pushed back by Yimir's grappler strategy. Holding Haydes at the waste with his fingers interlocked at the knuckles. Haydes bashes his fists into his back three different times. Each one being stronger than the last, with the third one smashing Yimir into the floor.

Yimir: "Tch!"

Haydes: "Soft ass bitch." *Grin*

Yimir growled in anger, he clenched the floor with his hands and feet then leapt forward into Haydes. Tackling him to the ground, immediately landing two heavy hammer fists on Haydes' face. He easily withstood both attacks, crossing his arms to block the third strike as it came barreling down on him. He used his left leg to kick Yimir off of him. Yimir was forced to take a few steps back, stumbling a bit as he did. Which gave Haydes the chance to land a mighty kick on Yimir's face. But this only angers the giant even more, which angered Haydes even more… for some odd reason. Anyways, both warriors charged in once more only to have a shadow appear between them.

Mimir: "You youngins need to realize…"

Haydes: "Huh!?"

Yimir: "Old man Mimir-"

Both warriors were hit in their Solar plexus by his fists. Smashing both warriors into the floor with extreme force. Heimdall and Nikoli look onward at the events transpiring. Nikoli wished to speak, but was stopped by the grin he had seen on Heimdall's face.

Heimdall: "Ya see… now watch Baldur do his thing."

Nikoli: *Gulp* "Roger."

Haydes: "Gahdamned old man, how dare you-" *SWIP*

Baldur grabs ahold of Haydes' head by cuffing his hand on the back of it.

Baldur: "Yo kid… I'll let you slide since you're new here. But you, Yimir?" *Release* *Step* *step*

Yimir: "Tch!"

Baldur: "That's all your lousy ass is good at, smacking those pathetic lips of yours. Well… *Crouch* It's alright kiddo. Heimdall likes watching what's about to happen here. Because scumbags like you deserve it, even when it's… *SWISH* SHORT!!!"

Baldur's fist smashes Yimir's body into the dirt. He dug his hand into Yimir's stomach with a sphere of sharp force wrapped around it. It dug Yimir into a perfect plot within the ground. Perfect for five harsh foot stomps to smash into his face.

Baldur: "Don't… *smash* go around… *Smash* thinking. *Smash* You can do as you PLEASE!! *SMASH* *SMASH* … *grip* Hm?"

Jörmundandr: "That's… enouuuugh."

Baldur: "Cease the physical contact big guy. Freyr won't like it and Heimdall won't like what Freyr does. At any case… our time is up for the break."

Jörmundandr: "Mhm… Haaaydes, you misunderstand theeee "gift". It isss nooot something you caaan denyyy."

Heimdall: "That's what I mean… we may be the leads of the place, but our job is only easy due to my rival, Baldur. He is the Imprisoned Warden within these walls. Now get those guys back to the lowest level, the other guards can watch the rest."

Nikoli: "Sir, yes sir! (Woah… Baldur is that kind of guy, huh?)"

Haydes: "Baldur… (this guy… he's gotta be as strong as a Council member, maybe even beyond that!) Seems Gahwardia has quite a few monsters within its ranks."

Baldur: "Heh… I like you kid. You remind me of your father, now keep your head down in here. No more scuffles… got it!?" *Glare*

Haydes: "Y-Yeah…"

Yimir: "Right."

The inmates walk with Nikoli over to their portal gates. Baldur walked at the rear while staring at Heimdall. Their eyes meet, smiling at one another simultaneously. Baldur gives him a nod, Heimdall returns that nod. Heimdall throws a signal out with his left hand as Baldur walks through his gate.

Baldur: (Hmph… it's high time we've started using our freedom around here. Eh, Freyr?)

Freyr: (Heh… yeah, Cap'n.)

Both inmates Grin as they head towards their cells. In the meantime… we find ourselves approaching a colosseum. One could hear cheering coming from within as we got closer. Many flashing lights go by that head into the colosseum. It would seem they were gods that were barely making their way to this grand event. A sparring match between two of the clan's greater members. Two beings we've met before already within our adventures in this fair Colossaverse.

We get within the colosseum to lay our eyes on a massive arena found within its center. At the top of the colosseum sat the Chief of this great Clan, MorZick himself. He and his attending sons, as well as other family members sat within the Senkozen Sky-box. There sat nine other Sky-Boxes that housed the nine other Tribes that lead the Clan alongside the Senkozens. They rested above the thousands of other spectators that wished to witness this event. A grand sparring match between Shiishii and…

Shiishii: "Omochi Ma. Are you ready for this?"

Omochi Ma: "Oh, most certainly Shiishii, young lord. Ready to see just how far you've come." *Fwip*

Shiishii: "Hmph… oh you'll be seeing it alright. *Fwip* Let's have some fun!"

Omochi Ma and Shiishii get into their respective stances. The crowd bursts into a mighty roar as they cheer on two of their mightiest heroes and members. Screaming and shouting their names with the greatest of enthusiasm. MorZick stood from his seat and walked to the edge of the balcony. He raised his hand into the air, silencing the crowd almost immediately.

MorZick: "I thank you all for coming to this event today! Today we have a few sparring matches going on, the first one being between my eldest Son, Shiishii! And my left hand man, the mighty Omochi Ma!!"

His raised hand quickly became a fist that rose higher, more towards the sky.

The crowd roared once more, which brought smiles to the faces of Shiishii and Omochi Ma. MorZick noticed that they were ready, opening his fist and lowering his arm. This silenced the crowd once more.

MorZick: "Now that it seems our two combatants are ready. We can get today's first match under way. Now… BEGIN!"

Shiishii: "Hmph!" *PEW*

Omochi Ma: "Ha!" *PEW*

They blaze across the arena, clashing fists head on with a massive amount of power behind them. Omochi Ma smiled on, showing he was already enjoying what this rare opportunity has to offer. He took the initiative and brought his right leg to Shiishii's head. Shiishii ducked underneath the strike, countering with a grapple onto Omochi's leg. He swung him into the air and right back down into the floor.

Shiishii: "Ho?"

Though Omochi was more than ready to counter that. He was able to swing his body in the midst of the attack. Shifting his feet towards the floor so that he lands right-side up. Omochi leaps forward with a sudden burst of speed. He throws a kick that nearly lands as Shiishii brings his guard up just in time. The strike sends him sliding back a few meters.

Shiishii: "So far so good Omochi."

Omochi: "Indeed Shiishii. But… I came here to face Death-Yu. I suggest you use it."

MorZick: "Hmm…"

Shiishii: "Hmph… how about you make me feel as though I need to first?"

He shrugs his shoulders while smirking at Omochi.

Omochi: "Brahaaa. Alright then… allow me to show you the way of…"

Demetrius: "Ah… been a while since we've seen this, eh MorZick?"

MorZick: "Hm."

Shiishii: "I've heard stories about this one."

Omochi: "Loki!"

The life of an inmate sure ain't a pretty one. Especially for those being held within Niflheim. Haydes deals with his crimes while Shiishii and Omochi Ma cross fists. Will it be Death-Yu or The Way of Loki that prevails!?

Next Chapter: Beel. A Day

With the Untold

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