Super Storm

v4 Chapter 1593 - What am I going to face Barcelona?

While Messi looked at the newspaper in the Gamble Sports City, thinking about how to beat Yang Yang and Ajax tonight, while in a hotel in the center of Barcelona, ​​Yang Yang looked anxiously at the warmth sitting in front of him. Ston Bogard.

Beside, Harvey Alonso, Antonio Pintos and Frans Hawke were also concerned.

“Answer me, Winston, as long as you give me an answer, can he go?” Yang Yang asked, staring at his best friend.

The air seemed to be frozen because of this problem.

Winston Bogarde felt a dignity. After thinking about it, he swallowed and shook his head: “I can’t guarantee it.”

“Just now, Jovic told me that he can participate in the game. He would like to participate in the game, but you tell me now, there is no way to guarantee, then what should I do? What do I do to face Barcelona tonight?” Yang Yang has some Anxious.

This is a sudden change.

It happened in the afternoon two days ago. After a training session, Luca Jovic had a slight muscle aches in his right foot, so he went to the team’s office to check it out. Take medicine.

Professional players, who is not hurt?

As long as it does not affect the game, no one will care too much.

Unexpectedly, after testing, I found that Jovic’s right leg muscle was slightly strained. Although it is still relatively minor, this kind of thing can be large or small, especially when facing Barcelona next.

“You know, our style is high pressure and oppression. This requires a large range of running. Luka Jovic often has to fight against his opponents. All of these have huge risks and may increase his muscles. damage.”

Winston Bogard understood Yang Yang’s anxiety at this moment, and Yang Yang valued this game very much.

But as Ajax ’s director of sports performance, he must have his own position and idea, which is not only his professional ethics, but also his responsibility for Yang Yang, for the Ajax team, and for Luka Jovic .

“If you must ask me to give an answer, then I can tell, can he play? My answer is yes!”

Yang Yang’s face was a little slow, but he didn’t expect Winston Bogard to turn around quickly.

“But what I have to tell you is that I ca n’t guarantee it, and I ’m not sure if he can stick to the ninety-minute game. If you want him to go on, you have to make preparations for this, so as not to reach Unexpectedly. “

The following sentence once again pulled Yang Yang’s mood into the quagmire.

Not only him, Xavi Alonso also shook his head in depression, obviously not satisfied with the news.

“Although we said that we are relying on overall combat and not relying too much on a certain player, Jovic’s importance in the team is still very obvious. At least no one in the team can replace him.” Xavi Alonso sighed.

Tall and strong, good physical confrontation, alive under the feet, can hold the ball, can do the ball, and also has a solid scoring efficiency, which makes Jovic the darling of Ajax’s center position.

Although Halland is tall and strong, his characteristics are different from Jovic.

Facing a team like Barcelona, ​​Jovic’s tactical role will be greater.

Yang Yang frowned for a moment, then raised his head to look at Winston Bogard, “Then your opinion remains the same?”

“Yes, less than a last resort, it is best to let him rest.”

“I see!” Yang Yang sighed.

The loss of a general before the game is indeed not a good thing for Ajax, who is about to challenge Barcelona.

But this was not too unexpected for Yang Yang, because he had psychological preparation in this regard two days ago.

That’s why he had to shout at the pre-match press conference and decide to win or lose in the first round.

Ajax is a young team. Young players are always full of various imaginations. Once they reach the court, once they find that the reality is not as good as they imagined, then they are easily confused.

In this case, Yang Yang directly broke everything, without giving them any room for imagination, and told them directly that when they walked into the Camp Nou, they did not retreat, they could only kill their opponents and get the promotion right.

Want to keep the hope of victory or defeat in the next round?

Yang Yang directly denied this possibility!

Of course, the game is changing rapidly. It is really at the end of the game that the two sides are deadlocked and must stay until the second round to determine the victory and defeat. At that time, the Ajax player must know Barcelona, ​​and he does not need him to “mobilize” again.

“Then we should have a good discussion now, how to play without Jovic!” Yang Yang turned to Xavi Alonso instead of staring at Winston Bogard.

The position of the Dutch physical fitness coach as the director of sports performance was tailor-made for him by Yang Yang, and even the duties and responsibilities were set by Yang Yang, so he cannot take the lead in denying Winston Bogard.

Although he has power and there are absolute reasons for doing so, he must consider the consequences.

The victory or defeat is a game, a season, but his expectation for the sports performance director is the future.

If he opposes and denies now, what authority will he have in this post?

As early as when Jovic was injured, Yang Yang and Harvey Alonso and others had already drawn up a replacement plan, but now it is just a detailed repair and repeated scrutiny of the replacement plan.

The point is, what will Barcelona do?

Barcelona’s play this season is a bit similar to Ajax, that is, the midfielder often retreats to the central defender, and the two wings are pushed forward greatly, forming a play similar to the three central defender.

The advantage of this is that multiple offensive routines can be formed in the frontcourt, players interspersed with running positions, coupled with Barcelona’s passing and receiving coordination and players’ technical skills, the offensive firepower will be very fierce.

Before Cristiano Ronaldo was still there, the Portuguese’s off-ball running position and Messi’s dribble advancement both played the biggest threat in this set of tactics, but now with the Portuguese switching to Serie A Juventus, Barcelona’s offensive firepower in the frontcourt was greatly affected, but Messi, the great god, is still not to be underestimated.

Of course, gains and losses will happen.

Barcelona has a weakness in this style of play, that is, the defensive ability of the two wings is relatively poor.

Do n’t look at Ajax ’s similar play, but note that Barcelona is Busquets ’single midfielder, and Ajax is the double midfielder of Frankie De Jong and Ndongbele, More importantly, a group of young players such as Jovic, Neres, Van der Baker and Sancho can provide the team with powerful running coverage and high-level snatching.

On the other hand, Barcelona today cannot do this.

Even with the introduction of Vidal with outstanding running ability, he still can’t stand up to Barcelona’s old midfielder.

Vidal is almost thirty-two, Rakitic is thirty-one, Busquets is thirty-one, and Messi is thirty-two.

Compared with the young lineup of Ajax, the lineup composed of such ages, whether it is running ability or endurance in the game, Barcelona are at a disadvantage.

“Now let’s see how Valverde wants to fight, how will he move?”

Yang Yang doesn’t like this feeling, but has to admit that Ajax’s overall strength is not as good as Barcelona.

The weak will not have much choice.

“If their two wings Alba and Roberto choose to make a big push, then our defense must be vigilant, and at the same time, the counterattack after the goal is mainly two wings, Neres and Sancho are actively creating opportunities on both wings. . “

It is the key point that Ajax has done the best this season, and it is getting better and better. The opponent also has a headache for Ajax, because the defense is not live.

Almost every player in the Ajax team can immediately throw a counterattack after grabbing the ball, while other players will respond quickly and form a cooperation, which makes all opponents extremely headache, but no good strategy.

“At home, Valverde may not die with us, and he may not be willing to take risks.” Harvey Alonso speculated.

Don’t look at Valverde’s Athletic Bilbao seems to play fiercely, but after coming to Barcelona, ​​Valverde has obviously converged a lot. After all, Barcelona’s coaching environment is very different from Athletic Bilbao.

When nothing is left, everything is ignored, and happy people tend to worry more.

In such an important key game, it is the home game, Valverde must consider, whether to give Ajax an away goal?

Ajax is an away game and doesn’t mind playing against Barcelona. As long as it is within one or even two goals, Ajax is still hopeful to return to home.

As for what Yang Yang said before the game, the first round will decide the victory and defeat, no one will care, because it is called to the Ajax players, if Valverde really believes, then he is really a bit silly .

“If he does not allow the wings to press, then we will completely overwhelm Messi, cut off Barcelona’s midfielder and lose the ball. If this is lost, Barcelona’s offensive threat will be greatly reduced, and we have a chance!”

Speaking of which, Yang Yang felt another pain in his heart. It was a pity that Jovic could not get on.

The Serbian center is still very obvious in the face of a team like Barcelona.

“If you were Valverde, how would you choose?” Harvey Alonso suddenly asked.

This is almost every game before, Ajax assistant coach will ask Yang Yang a question.

This is called empathy!

“If I were Valverde, I would consider starting the game for stability, and strive not to give away goals to opponents, to ensure the team ’s ball control through players such as Busquets, Rakitic, Coutinho, Artur, etc. Rate, let us continue to **** high from Ajax, looking for a chance to hit behind, especially on the side of Ashraf. “

Ajax’s right back attack is strong and weak, this is a well-known thing. The more aggressive the attack, the greater the hidden danger.

After Harvey Alonso listened, he nodded again and again, obviously clearly agree with Yang Yang’s judgment.

This is an old-fashioned approach, and it is a home battle, grabbing the ball control rate, and also explaining to home fans, the scene is not too ugly.

“Then we began to think about how to deal with this set of ideas.” Yang Yang Ruo got something.

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