Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Meeting Lope At The Arcade

The security blanket of sleeping under the same room as four different superheroines was something that was still very nice and that I wanted to keep for as long as possible. But as the song goes, you don't want what you got - and the overflowing of estrogen in my apartment was definitely something I was eager to surface from.

Women in this world were certainly far hornier than women from my own world... but that was very different from them being like men from my own world in all the other ways. Someone who is sexually aggressive isn't the same as, say, somebody interested in video gaming. Nora was still awful at them, despite making an earnest effort, and one would almost think that Kate was actively trying to lose to me out of some masochistic thrill by how atrocious she was at them. Xico was a telepath which made her gameplay vary from "completely unbeatable" (anything that involved hidden information) to "good enough at an FPS to not stare at the ceiling" (most everything else). Fifi was the only one who was genuinely good.

If I tried using my computer to just browse the internet, there was this strange sense of... claustrophobia, I guess you could call it. I hate having people look over my shoulder, and when you have four other warm bodies in your reasonably-sized apartment, you either have to kick them out of the room, or sit in a corner, which was definitely weird in itself.

I tried picking out things to watch, but the four had pretty much entirely opposed tastes. Fifi liked thrillers and action movies, Nora liked mysteries and hard science fiction, Kate liked to watch sports (particularly male swimming competitions), and Xico didn't really seem to enjoy much of any television. (When I thought that, she actually suggested she enjoyed watching chess or go, since she knew the rules and it was nonlinguistic, so her lack of full English fluency didn't hurt; but the point still stands.) There may have been some overlap, but not much of one.

That's why I found myself, well - spending less time in the house, over the weekend. And by "less" I mean, I basically contrived excuses not to return until it was time to sleep. Perhaps I should have worried that the four would come to some secret conspiracy while I was out and about, but it wasn't really first on my list of concerns above getting some actual space.

I wound up at an arcade. Games in this universe were subtly different. One big cause of difference was fairly clearly path dependence, some feature becoming developed more across multiple games and another being forgotten or never developed - the modern lock-on system so common to third person action games, for example, all dates back to a Nintendo designer watching a sword fight at a theme park and taking note of how the samurai kept hold of an enemy's chain-and-sickle, holding it with his left arm to keep the enemy circling him. It's very easy to imagine that not happening, and some other system or methodology developing to fit the same niche as 3D games began to take off, and becoming the main thing - and that's exactly what happened on this Earth, with games of that sort typically involving protagonists with large, sweeping attacks and huge masses of enemies. (Possibly the world's nature as one where superhero stories are as natural a choice of game setting as wars helps.)

There were other differences, too, though. The most striking difference was in visual language. There were no scantily clad women in these games, at all. Basically the only time you'd ever see one is if the game literally took place on a beach, or the character was meant to be some type of barbarian. Male bodies were also different, much more... stylish. Not necessarily something like the slim, sleek figures of Japanese games, but there was a much greater sense that the male characters actually put care into their appearance, clothing that was clearly selected to emphasize this or that part of their body.

Lightgun games were pretty much exactly the same, though, for very obvious reasons. My enhanced reaction time from my superspeed meant that I had a trivial time winning without getting hit a single time, but I could always just... not "cheat".

I did though. I can control how much faster my perception of time was - it's not a hard and fast line between normal speed and ten times speed - so I just increased it far enough that the game was still reasonably fun while letting me absolutely crush everything that came on screen. As I played through the entire campaign without dying a single time, slowly but surely, people started to just watch me play. At first, it was just people waiting for a turn, then people just interested in seeing levels that normally only showed up on the attract screen. By the time I finished, there were actually a dozen people behind me, who clapped at my success at the final boss, suitably impressed.

It did feel a tad awkward, getting applause like that. Especially given that I could just go again. The game let you loop around to try beating it a second time, and, I'm sure, a third, fourth, fifth, on forever - but after playing the starting level again, it was clear that I was wasting my time, since it wasn't any more difficult or interesting. I instead let some random mook kill me, and took my rightful place as the number one high score.

It was then that I finally turned around, opening and closing my hands to try to work out the awkward sensation of holding a plastic pistol for twenty minutes straight, and I came face to face with Lope, who had this sort of cute little smirk. "Wow. You're so good at that, Rodge," she said. Her voice was playful, like she was doing a silly impression of a genuinely astounded girl. "I can't believe you managed to so effortlessly dominate that game... you must be superhumanly skilled!"

"I am," I agreed, wiping my hands off on my pants. "Thank you for noticing."

"Seriously though. It's not really fair to everyone else."

I just shrugged. "I used to play this one side scrolling shooter on an emulator back home, practiced it over and over again with savestates. It meant I could get the high score on any machine with a single quarter. Is that more or less fair?"

She just let out an annoyed sigh at that. "Man, I was number one, I spent like five dollars getting that score."

"That'll teach you a lesson for relying on money to win at video games," I said, and she gave me a scowl. "Let me make it up to you," I told her, which instantly and completely changed her body language. I realized, at that point, that Lope had been legitimately annoyed by me basically cheating to take her score, and halfway hiding it.

Now that I had brought in sex (it was obvious I was talking about sex), though? Her interest was in fucking me. Who cares about a high score when sex with a hot older member of the opposite sex was on the line? Her tongue flashed out past her lips, and she straightened up quickly. "So... how are you thinking?" She asked me. "You know. That you could make it up to me."

"Lots of ways," I said, starting to walk, putting a hand on the small of her back to guide her alongside me. She definitely liked that, this sort of rapacious-yet-embarrassed smile on her lips as she let me drag her away from the game and her former high score. "I could take you out on a nice fancy date, my money, since you spent five bucks on that game," I told her.

"What, like food?" She prompted, seeming confused more than anything else at the idea. "I mean, look, Rodge, I get pretty good spending money from my job, I can get my own food."

"Oh. Then what could I get you that you can't get yourself?"

"...are you joking? Is this like a, 'you're into girls begging' thing? Or are you really actually oblivious?" She seemed genuinely unsure about the question, worried that just by asking it she would break the spell.

"I dunno," I told her, letting my hand slide down her back to grope her ass cheek, making her eyes widen with surprise and her cheeks flush with a certain amount of embarrassment, her gaze flicking around freely to see if anybody had noticed. I was by this point redirecting our course towards the bathroom - one of the less used ones, more towards the back of the arcade. "Want to find out in the bathroom?"

"Oh my God, I fucking love you," she said, this sort of half-squeal, half-whisper thing - then her cheeks grew crimson. "I mean - not literally, haha, you know." She bit her lip. "Just - fuck. You are the hottest guy in the world. In terms of personality, I mean. I think Hank's hotter in terms of body. No offense."

"None taken," I said. "He is... a lot more built than me."

"Yeah, but you're definitely hot, so don't feel insecure or anything - I just, you know, I like you, and fuck, but, um, I don't want to come off like I'm asking you to be my boyfriend if you don't want to be."

"I've got way too many women who want me to be their boyfriend," I reassured her, which made her cheeks glow red. I spared a superspeed glance behind us, and stepped into the women's bathroom. I wouldn't mind being interrupted by a chick anywhere near the same degree I'd mind being bothered by a guy. "It's funny. I don't think I'm that incredible, other than being a 'hot slut.'" I grinned a bit at that thought.

"Yeah, well, hot slut gets you a long way," she said. We were the only two people into the bathroom, and soon, we were inside a stall. "Fuck. I have never done this, honest, dude," she told me, reaching for my pants without even being told, fumbling with the belt for a few seconds. "This is so damn hot. What if somebody comes in?"

"Then some chick gets to hear you squeal," I told her. It was more to try to play my role than any sincere feelings - honestly, I was hoping nobody would come in - but Lope ate it up with wild eyes as she pulled out my cock, starting to stroke it rapidly, panting a bit just in anticipation.

"You are the hottest, fuck," she said. I reached for her pants myself as she kept jerking me off. Her hands were pretty furious in their pace, gripping my dick and just pounding up and down with every passing moment, her breath heavy. "Fucking hell," she breathed out, as I pulled her pants down - just a bit below her cute little ass.

"Turn around," I told her, and she obediently did so, pressing her hands against the wall of the stall. I pushed aside her panties, and then just slid my cock into her pussy without another word, making her bite her lip and groan at the sudden entrance. "You are pretty damn hot yourself," I breathed out in her ear, deciding to just go all in at this point, completely embracing the lust and energy of the moment. My hands went to her breasts as I began to fuck her at a gentle, steady pace, caressing those lovely breasts of hers through her top and bra. "Eighteen year old horndog has a nice flavor to it."

"Yeah? You, ah, do girls my age, a lot?" She asked, sounding more honestly curious than anything else.

"Only you and Xico, and Xico's very different," I reassured her. I also increased my pace in response to her words, trying to distract her with pleasure, a tactic that worked very nicely. My hand went to her clit as I used my superspeed to make her pleasure ever greater, and she was soon holding one hand over her mouth desperately, the flush stretching across her cute features as I fucked her up against the wall. "Cat got your tongue?" I teased, and she manage to blush even brighter. Apparently, being actually in the situation of having semi-public sex was very different from her fantasies, if I had to gauge by the total evaporation of any sense of confidence from her. "It's alright," I told her, nibbling at her neck before rubbing her clit at superspeed, fast enough to make her orgasm in just a few seconds.

The noise that escaped her throat, I enjoyed slowed down to a vast degree. She tried to swallow it, to strangle it, but it got out anyway, this lewd, warbling noise of raw pleasure, undisguised and utterly senseless in its nature. Her legs wobbled beneath her, knees knocking, and I was finding the thing I most liked about semi-public sex: the way that Lope reacted with cute embarrassment. "You are on the pill, right?" I asked her, and she nodded extremely rapidly, my cock throbbing a bit more at that little response. "How long do you want this to last?" I asked her.

She squirmed in response to that question. It was understandable. A 'quickie' was something that was good from a purely selfish guy's perspective - or a girl's, in this world. Lope, however, was a proud teenage girl, like a guy who wanted to be able to say he could fuck for hours. Saying 'a few minutes,' like she may genuinely have felt (since she was clearly more worried about being caught in the act than I was), would have been too far. But she kept squirming on my cock anyway, her pussy intermittently squeezing, as she clearly did her best to come up with a solution to the intractable problem before her.

I decided to give her one. "We could continue back at your place," I noted to her, and she let out a hot pant at those words, mewling and nodding rapidly, still covering her mouth with one hand. I responded by beginning to just pound away, at superspeed, getting rough and hard as I teased her clit.

She let out an animalistic mewl in response to the sudden, intense sensation, and she went literally cross-eyed as I kept going, and going, just chasing my own orgasm at superhuman speed. From her perspective, she was getting all the pleasure of four or five minutes of sex stamped down into a dozen seconds - from my perspective, I was enjoying the tight young pussy of a girl who was horny as hell and orgasming right alongside me. It took no time at all for me to start coming, groaning as I sprayed hot cum all over the inside of her pussy. When I was completely spent, I sighed and pulled out, tucking my dick away.

Lope just trembled against the wall, her whole body shaking from exertion. I gave her cute ass a few squeezes as she caught her breath. Her cheek was by that point pressed firmly against the wall, leaving a speckling of pink from where the irregular paint had left its mark on her. She nearly collapsed a couple times as she got herself dressed, then just panted against the wall for a long few seconds before talking. "Fuck, dude," she breathed out. "I've never had a guy fuck me like that."

"I'm as good at sex as I am at shooters," I told her, with a grin and a wink.

It took her a second to realize what I meant - namely, that I was using my powers to be even better at sex. "Fuck, that is so unfair," she said, and I just laughed and kissed her forehead. "We're still on for my place?"

"It's been like ten seconds," I told her. "Yes."

* * *

I decided that the room above the garage was the best place for the sex - but I did have one additional idea, beyond just fucking her silly at her place. She had liked the idea of public sex, but clearly been less comfortable with the reality. "I had a thought," I said, as I pulled out my phone.

"Oh? First time?" She teased, with a grin.

"Yeah. I could record the sex. Maybe post it online, maybe just jerk off to it later," I told her. The latter was a complete lie - I basically hadn't masturbated since my first time with Kate, barring things like stroking myself for a second before sticking it in a girl. But it definitely put a delighted expression on Lope's face at the idea. "I'd be willing to share, but you'd have to promise not to put it out there without my permission."

"That's totally cool with me," she said. "Plus, if I did, I'm like, way more famous than you and I'd be a huge dirtbag in everybody's eyes."

Oh. Right. Guy sends out revenge porn is meaningless if he or his girl isn't a public figure - but if he's the public figure, it pretty much entirely backfires on him. Or her, in this universe's equivalent. "Promise," I reminded her.

"I promise, man," she said. "I'm not gonna put up some revenge porn! Swear!" She said, raising her hand in an imitation of scout's honor. "But I can keep the vid, right?"

"Yeah," I told her, enjoying that mix of eagerness and insecurity on her part. I held my phone for a second. I kinda wanted a blowjob video, but that did just about nothing for girls in this universe, so instead... "Get naked," I told her, and immediately, she set to work on doing exactly that. Her breathing was excited, irregular. Her nipples were perky as they came into view, her pussy glistening with a mix of her juices and my own cum from earlier. She just licked her lips greedily once she was naked. "Lie down on the couch," I told her, and she obediently did that, too - I handed her the phone, at that point.

I had seen a good amount of the local porn, which meant I knew how they recorded cunnilingus. It was, intrinsically, just less visually interesting than fellatio, since you can't see as much. As such, much of the emphasis went on things that didn't feel that good for the woman, but gave a better visual for the viewer.

That's why I started to gently suckle her clit while staring up into the camera lens. Lope just panted at the sight, as my tongue wriggled and flashed along her clit as best it could inside my mouth. My hand slid up her thighs, two slipping into her pussy, and she moaned as I started to stimulate her even further, her legs wobbling frantically on either side of my head. She bit her lip a moment later, trying to restrain the noise she was making - and I definitely wasn't going to have that. I popped my lips off her clit, staring up into the camera. "Make noise," I ordered her. "Don't hold back. Or I'm going to stop sucking."

"Oh my gawwwd," she got out, as I pushed my lips right back down onto her clit, twitching and bucking her hips up against me as I did my best to stimulate her. Her whole body squirmed in pleasure as she just panted and gasped and moaned and groaned, countless noises erupting from her throat as she twisted her hips this way and that. My fingers inside her got more and more intense, and she started to talk, correctly guessing that I wanted to hear her do it. "Fuck, fuck, you're so- fucking hot, I can't, fucking believe it," she said. "Oh, I'm gonna, I'm gonna-" her legs snapped around either side of my head, trying to hold me in place, and I promptly used my superspeed to send her over the edge, making her squeal in shock and pleasure as an orgasm ran through her whole body.

When she was finished coming, though - well, I was raging hard. I leaned up, quickly stripping myself naked, and Lope did her best to keep the camera on me as I moved, as I tossed aside my shirt and peeled off my pants. She drew it closer to my cock as it finally popped out. "Yep, it's a real one," she said, to the camera. "I think it's a full on foot long."


I was pretty sure it was not, but I didn't bother to correct her. I just pointed it at her pussy, and she parted her legs extra wide, a wild look in her eyes. I decided to tease her for a bit, rubbing my tip against her slit, and she just enjoyed it for a few seconds before realizing I was teasing her. "Please, put it in, I can't take it, you're so fucking hot, please stop teasing me-!" She squealed out the last word as I thrust into her at superhuman speed, taking the moment to also rub her clit as I did. Her eyes pinwheeled around in her head, and I decided I kind of liked seeing her like that, so I kept the intense, superhuman pace up.

To me, her voice was stretched out to the point of being nearly incomprehensible - my power compensated for the way that a slowed down sound changes pitch, but try saying a sentence at one tenth speed. I had more time to figure it out, though. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuck, yoooooooour cooooooock isssss soooooo goooood." Then she orgasmed again on my dick, squeezing and twitching and writhing between me, her little breasts bouncing and jiggling as her whole body twitched around underneath me.

I slowed down back to normal speed as her orgasm went on, continuing to pump away, taking advantage of the opportunity to talk: "Your pussy is really nice, too," I told her, pumping away as hard as I could, enjoying the way she twitched and bounced beneath me. Her expression, by that point, was pretty silly, but her arm showed an impressive degree of control as it kept the phone in position to continue recording me fucking her. I was pretty sure the video wouldn't be too great from my perspective, but Lope would definitely enjoy it. "I love tight young pussy."

"I, luh, love, big, older, cock," she got out in reply, and that was enough to make me really want to mess her up. I switched back to superspeed, and whatever comprehensibility she might have had before was totally lost as I kept slamming her up to the greatest heights of pleasure I could find for her, my thumb rubbing her clit, her toes curling beneath her as she squirmed, gasped, moaned, and talked gibberish. Sometimes I'd adjust her position, twisting her legs up to let me get deeper, tilting her to one side or the other to change my angle of attack, and her response was always the same sort of joyous excitement to get fucked.

Well, probably the fact that I was pounding her at ten times speed to drive her absolutely crazy as I played with her clit just so didn't hurt either.

That arm of hers, though - no matter how much I made her come, no matter how stupid her expressions got as her tongue lolled out and her eyes rolled up, she kept it up, kept it recording. I just kept fucking away, her cute body bouncing on my dick as it grew flush with arousal and slick with sweat, and even when - after what was like a half hour for me, and over a dozen orgasms for her - I finally came inside her, she was still holding the phone's camera up, recording everything as she lay there, panting and staring and faintly jerking in place in the afterglow.

I sighed and pulled out, patting her stomach for a moment before taking the camera from her. "That was good, right?"

"Mhm," she mumbled out. I pulled on my clothes. "Mnooo," she whined, almost flopping to one side off the couch. "You juhsht got here," she complained.

"I want to go wash up," I told her, "but there's no shower here. Don't think your mom wants me wandering naked through the house."

"Oh." She just lay there. "Okay."

"You want to join me?" I prompted.

She immediately started tumbling off the couch, limply crawling across the ground as her nervous system restarted. She was too damn easy to manipulate. It was easy to understand why girls back in my world would make guys do all kinds of things for sexual attention - it wasn't even sadistic, you know? It was just adorable, seeing her so thirsty. She managed to pull her clothes on, wriggle to her feet, and we promptly headed inside. Her mom wasn't actually home at the moment (thankfully), so we were able to get in her bathroom together without any real trouble.

Obviously, once I was in, with her behind me, she immediately started to grope me, the moment the water was washing over us. I decided to just let her, curious what she'd do. Her hands started off on my pecs, groping and squeezing them as she slowly pressed her naked body up closer and closer to mine, inch by inch until her breasts were pushed into my back. She let out a faint breath against my bare skin, then her hands started to wander down my stomach, feeling up my abs, and finally arriving at my cock.

She let out a curious little noise as she got there, as if she was surprised to find me hard from getting groped by a cute girl - but any surprise was quickly overwhelmed by horniness, as she started to jerk me off with regularity. "You're hard for me, huh?" She breathed out. It wasn't seductive at all, other than in the way that brute force horniness is attractive. "Look at this, big, hard, fat cock, fuck, it's so big," she said, licking her lips hungrily. "God. You fucked me absolutely silly earlier, otherwise I'd want to do it again, but I need a break," she said. "I can barely stand up," she added, with a small laugh.

The whole while, though, she kept jerking me off. Sometimes slower, sometimes faster, sometimes absently, sometimes with intent, but it was definitely keeping me rock hard, as I washed myself off. At some point she realized that she needed to wash herself off too, and she peeled her weight away from me, grabbing the soap and starting to suds herself up.

That gave me the perfect chance to respond to her previous groping in kind, just going right for her cute tits. She grinned at that, this dopey, horny thing that was positively irresistible, and I forcefully kissed her right on the lips, as one finger trailed its way down her stomach to her sex, slipping inside her a moment later, my palm pushing against her pubic mound all the while. She squirmed in response, letting out a low, lewd noise into my mouth, her hands coming up to clamp onto my shoulders to keep herself upright.

"Sorry," she panted out. "I- I can't, I'm too, fuck, you really worked me out, I'm not a quick shot, I promise," she told me, a certain needy desperation in her eyes.

I let out a small laugh. "Sorry, sorry," I told her. "I didn't mean to make you feel bad, you're just too cute when you're embarrassed." She did blush again at that, but it was a more pleasant kind of blush, embarrassed at a sweet compliment. "I did cheat, earlier," I told her.

"Yeah, I could tell," she said, with a laugh of her own. "I'm pretty sure guys don't normally do twenty thrusts in a single second."

I gave her a break, sliding my hand out from between her thighs, and we wound up finishing the washing up in peace.

Of course, once we were back up in the media room, she paused before she sat down on the couch. "Hey. Just thinking. Crazy idea. But, what if we played the games, y'know, in our underwear?"

"Sure," I told her, and she actually, literally, unironically, did a little fist pump in response to that. It was interesting, seeing the way the dynamic played out from this side of things - the way all the awkward uncertainty about this or that little thing was really stupid, because actually the only thing that mattered was whether or not the girl liked you. She hurriedly peeled herself out of her clothes, and I dutifully took off my own, letting us both sit down to play games together in our underwear.

Part of me noted that this was basically the same experience I would have had back at my apartment, but. Hey. It was different. She wasn't somebody who was living at my apartment, so she was fresh. Plus she was pretty good at video games, without being cheating-level good like Xico. (Or me, when I used my powers.)

We wound up playing Entosis. It actually had a pretty interesting backstory, being one of those more transhuman science fiction settings, where your player characters were all infomorphs who chose specific robotic bodies to occupy. It made it into a weird mix of one of those mech-builder games and a more traditional FPS, and it was surprisingly fun, especially once I got the hang of it. After we finished up the main campaign co-op, Lope made a suggestion: "Hey, wanna play online? We can only play unranked since you don't have an account, but I bet we can stomp anybody, with your cheating powers."

With us both in our underwear, and Lope being a cute, sexy girl who I had eaten out and who had yet to reciprocate... a certain fantasy came to mind. "I have an even better idea," I told her. "I play online, on your account - and you suck me off while I stomp all the other players."

She flushed at that, looking at the TV screen, then back at me, then back at the TV screen. "Fuck yeah," she decided on. "Don't lose my ranking, though," she said, as I spread my legs wide.

Soon enough, I was in the game lobby, and Lope was in between my legs, having pulled down my underwear and started stroking my cock gently. She took a deep breath, then wrapped her lips around my cockhead and slowly wormed her way down, tongue slithering from side to side, the cool metal of her tongue stud adding something truly delicious to the blowjob in question. She slurped wetly around my cock, her tongue rolling forward and back on my dick as she just deepthroated me, holding me all the way down, her lips wrapped around my dick.

With the advantage of my superspeed, I was able to simultaneously enjoy the blowjob, and play the game. When I was just getting into position or sitting around waiting, I let Lope put everything she had into a truly incredible, drawn out blowjob, with copious amounts of licking and sucking, her hands on my thighs, a hungry look in her eyes whenever I spared a look down at her. Sometimes she held herself down, grinding her nose into my pubes with confidence - other times, she started to pound her face up and down my cock. Whenever I noticed an enemy on screen, I'd slow down time, turning my reticle onto them, carefully lining up my shot, and then taking it. It transformed her blowjob from intense to luxurious, as her tongue and throat became almost still from my perspective, like she was just holding herself down there without doing anything.

Naturally, once I was confident in my abilities, I started to trash talk the other players. "You suck," I told them. "I'm literally getting a blowjob and I just killed three of you inside ten seconds. My girl's sucking my cock right now, her lips wrapped nice and tight around my cock, and you're all losing anyway." There was annoyed disbelief from the other players, but the real beneficiary was Lope.

See, it quickly became clear that she really liked that kind of talk. She got more manic when I'd say things like that, twisting her head, slurping around and around, going absolutely wild, red-brown hair bouncing around as she frantically bobbed in place. She'd groan, she'd hum, she'd lick and twist and her eyes were absolutely crazy, like some mix of a desire to prove that I couldn't play through a blowjob, combined with a desire to be part of some absurdly sexy scenario. I could see from the way she was wiggling her butt behind her, still trapped inside a cute pair of black panties, that she was definitely aroused by this whole show, but she was nothing if not dedicated - she was going to suck me dry.

She did have the disadvantage, of course, of me using my superspeed intermittently, letting me calm myself down and keep from coming. If she noticed, though, she didn't seem to care. It was like she was lost in the moment, aroused by this and that part of the whole scenario, her eyelashes fluttering as she sucked in desperate breaths through her nose. Every pump, every slurp, every suckle - it was something she wanted to do for its own sake, not just to make me lose at the game. To make the whole damn thing as much of the thing that it was that it could possibly be.

After a four minute, thirty-three second FFA match - during which I killed twenty five other players and died only once - I had experienced, subjectively, probably over ten minutes of that glorious blowjob of hers. She was still intense even as the scoreboard came up, either lost in the moment or else not caring about it, just trying to get me off with her mouth and tongue.

I certainly didn't mind. I just let go, coming and coming into her mouth, letting her gobble and gulp it all up with purring delight as I put down the controller and just enjoyed the feeling of her young lips around my dick.

Once she was actually done with the blowjob, she popped off with a grin. "Fuck. You won, right?"

"See for yourself," I said, gesturing to the scoreboard.

"Holy shit. A 25:1 K/D? How'd you even die?"

"Sniper-spider out of my field of view," I told her. She nodded in response to that.

"Hey. Uh. So."

"Yes, I'll fuck you again," I said, and she laughed with stupid horny teenage glee before clambering up on top of me, shoving her panties to one side, and sticking it in.

She was fun.

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features Roger doting on Kate and fucking her after a nice date. You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance.

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