Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Nora’s Reward

I knew that I had acted very strange and selfish when I had come back from Arcadia. Part of the reason for that was a common desire among people who have been betrayed and traumatized: the desire to establish who one has genuine relationships with, by actively testing them. I don't think I was really consciously thinking about that at the time, but it was certainly part of my thought process. Of course, the sexy fun of dominating superheroines was also enjoyable in its own right - I certainly wouldn't have done it if I hadn't enjoyed it too.

Part of my dates with Kate, Fifi, and Xico, was making up to them my somewhat-obnoxious behavior since then. Logically, then, I should do the same for Nora, who also had put up with a lot from me. The problem was... I didn't really know what sort of thing Nora liked. I mean, I knew she liked me, I had some idea of her movie preferences, things like that, but I didn't exactly know what she thought of as romantic, or how romantic she liked it. Nora's number one priority whenever we went on a date, or had sex, was pretty clearly me, which was a huge ego boost and really nice, but now left me wondering what she liked.

Heck, what even did she like in the bedroom? We'd done various roleplay scenarios, but those were pretty clearly at my prompting or to satiate my own desires (like when she had Priscilla turn her into Jaja). With Kate, I knew she liked being a sub; with Fifi and Xico, I knew they liked watching (for their own reasons); with Mira, I knew she liked giving; with Priscilla, I knew she really liked giving; with Esther, I knew she was into the lovey-dovey stuff. But what about Nora? That thought actually made me feel worse - this whole time, had I been imposing my own desires on Nora?

I definitely needed to do something for her, I decided at that point, and pretty much immediately went to the apartment across the hall - Nora was the one who answered the door, looking at me with the hint of a smile on her lips. "Hello, Roger," she said.

"Hey. So, what is your ideal date?"

Nora blinked a couple times, then her smile increased very slightly. With her subdued affect, it was hard to tell, but it looked something like she felt very proud of herself for being clever. "A date with you, Roger," she said. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"I mean what's your actual ideal date? Dinner and a movie, dancing, making dinner together, going to the amusement park..." I trailed off towards the end there. Nora simply stared quietly at me, looking faintly nervous.

"My ideal date is the ideal date of my partner, as I, like most humans, enjoy when other people are happy, particularly when people I care about are happy."

"If your partner wanted to take you out for a special date that was just enjoyable for you," I said. It felt like pulling teeth at this point. "A treat, like for your birthday, and he said he'd do literally anything, and you knew he'd do literally anything you wanted, and enjoy it."

"Is this a trick question where, upon answering, you reveal that I answered poorly and you will now break up with me?"

"No," I responded.

"Xico!" Nora yelled. Xico floated over. I just inwardly thought, Yes, Xico, you can tell her I'm being honest, as long as her thought isn't that she'd like to cannibalize me or whatever.

Xico glanced at Nora, then blushed, ducking her head. "Yes... he wouldn't... hate you for that... even a little..."

"I see." Nora turned to me. "In that case, my ideal 'date' would be sexual activity with my partner, and all of my bodies, in a long endurance sex session where we continue until they are all physically satiated."

"What about before that?"

"You asked for honesty. If that was a lie, and you admit it now, I will not be angry at you. However, if this is what is sometimes colloquially referred to as a 'shit test,' where there is an obvious straightforward and honest response but actually you want a different response, I will be very upset with you."

"It's not a shit test," I said.

"In that case, the answer is that I would like to just start with the sex, rather than have a 'before that.' After all, with as many bodies as I have, it would take a lot of time to sexually satisfy them all. It could potentially take several hours. Any ordinary date would be an unwanted distraction."

Huh. Well, I guess I could understand that. Actually, I very easily understood and empathized with that, given how much I enjoyed being able to just text Lope or Kate or whoever else that my dick needed a warm hole to get stuffed in, and promptly get a warm hole to stuff my dick in. I mentally adjusted my view of Nora's behavior - the extreme cuddliness and touchiness was at least partly because she was hoping to get fucked - and spoke again. "In that case, let's go to your place. Bring as many bodies there as you can."

Her eyes very slightly widened at that. "Are you implying that you will have sex with as many of my bodies as I can bring over?"

"As long as I'm still getting hard, yes," I told her. Her reaction was too cute, so I decided to one-up it. "Do you have any other fetishes?" She paused at that, blinking. "Like, you remember, uh," I glanced at Xico, who responded to the glance by floating away to elsewhere in the apartment. "Ahem. You remember when we did the maid/wife thing, or the Jaja thing... do you have any things you enjoy, like that?"

"I have enjoyed the sexual roleplay scenarios you have suggested," Nora said. "I do not have any ideas on my own, however."

"No, not just that. Or like, how Kate is- do you, you know, fantasize about being dominant, or maybe doing a little bondage, or anything like that?"

"I enjoy vaginal and anal penetration, and cunnilingus. I am also happy to perform fellatio or other more 'giving' sex acts for my partner, as I am not a selfish lover."

Huh. I guess Nora was really damn vanilla, then. Well, that was fine with me, too. I hefted Nora up into the air, literally whisking her off her feet, and she blushed in response. She apparently did like the princess carry bit. "Let's get to your place," I told her, and as her arms gently tangled around my neck, she nodded.

"Please lock the door behind me, Xico," Nora called out, and I heard the door click shut as Xico used her telekinesis.

* * *

I was faster on foot than any car or bus could hope to be, and about a million times safer, too. After all, I could respond to everything in our way with vastly exaggerated reaction speeds. It was like walking down a street full of statues, and even if I bumped them, it did nothing. There was no need to wait on traffic lights or subway routes: the streets made it plenty easy enough. In short order, I was at Nora's home, and she let out a breath as I set her down. "Your superspeed is very impressive," she noted, fingers starting to scrape through her hair. "It is also surprisingly windy, however. There are thirteen bodies already in my home, with six more en route, in addition to this one. Therefore, I will correct this body's hair, while you have sex with some of the other bodies," she suggested.

"Maybe I think you're cute even with your hair messed up," I told her, giving her a kiss. Her own lips trailed after mine, trying to continue the kiss when I pulled back. I couldn't help but grin at the cute showing from her. Despite her flat affect, she was easy to read. "Let's get inside before the sex," I said, gently placing my hand on the small of her back, guiding her along with me.

"What clothes would you prefer my other bodies to wear?" Nora asked. "I actually had purchased several copies of the various outfits you enjoyed, such as the 'wife,' 'maid,' and 'catgirl slave,' however, I did not purchase a full twenty copies. I do have more than twenty swimsuits and twenty sets of underwear, however, includ-mmf!"

I interrupted her talking with a firm kiss, which made her eyes widen in surprise. However, she didn't fight back as my tongue pushed against hers, and her hand quickly went down to my groin, starting to gently stroke my length through my pants. I relished the taste of her tongue and lips, enjoying the feeling of closeness and intimacy that the kiss produced in both of us.

I did also take a moment to consider her question, though. Nora definitely seemed very willing to do basically whatever I wanted, in terms of sex, so I was seriously considering her offers. I'd still be fucking her silly, after all, and she didn't seem to mind dressing up in whatever dumb outfit I suggested, anyway.

Ultimately, though, when I broke off the kiss, I spoke up to say, "Just underwear, Nora," I told her. "Though your sexiest underwear," I noted. I had no idea if she even had substantially sexy underwear.

* * *

Nora quickly set her bodies to changing their clothes. She had actually prepared them by having five dress up as maids, five dress up as catgirl slaves, and three dress up as wives, but if Roger would prefer them to be in sexy underwear, she would do that instead. She considered her various underwear. What made it sexy? She contemplated the question. Color contrast, so therefore darker colors - she fortunately had a lot of black or dark gray underwear. A close fit that revealed as much as possible was also appealing. After only a couple minutes, all thirteen of those bodies were dressed in a variety of tight panties and bras.

Was it sexier to go topless? She contemplated this question for a moment, then decided that if Roger had wanted her to go topless, he would have instructed her to do so before he had returned to making out with her.

She was looking forward to the sex very much. She had enjoyed it when she had group sex with Roger, including when he asked her to do some type of roleplaying, such as the wife play, or maid play, or catgirl play, that he had asked her to perform earlier. His enjoyment of roleplaying did not bother her, as she understood that it was important to make one's partner feel good and enjoy themselves, as a good and considerate romantic partner. However, she suspected he may have specifically chosen to avoid the roleplaying because he was attempting to enable 'her ideal sexual experience', possibly to compensate her for her own sexually giving nature? She was unsure.

In any case, she unzipped his pants and removed his cock, beginning to stroke it in her hand. All her bodies were on the pill, and Roger responded to her movement by copying her - popping the button on her own jeans and quickly slipping his fingers into her panties. That body let out a breath, the pleasure rapidly intensifying as she squirmed in place, thighs wiggling. He was doing his special sex technique, where he would stimulate her clitoris to such an extreme extent that she could orgasm within a single minute, despite ordinarily not being a 'quickshot.'

She wondered if he did that because he enjoyed watching her orgasm, or because he was worried about his ability to fully satisfy all twenty of the bodies which would soon be gathered in her home. He did not have to worry about that, in her view: the fact that he had taken steps to do it strongly suggested that he was a good person, and good partner, who she very much appreciated.

That body spasmed as she came for the first time, knees knocking against each other, and she enjoyed the quiet, shared glow of pleasure that washed over all her bodies as a consequence of the bliss. He spoke to her, as she came on his hand, her own hand still wrapped around his hard cock. "What's your favorite position?"

That was a complicated question. For most men, she enjoyed being on top, as this allowed her to set the pace. However, Roger was capable of setting a pace which was much more pleasurable than any pace she could possibly set, probably due to some of the minor quirks of his power. She sent out one of her bodies, in tight black underwear, to answer Roger, as the body he was speaking to was still panting. "I enjoy it most when you are on top, playing with my clitoris, and using your powers to enhance my pleasure," she explained to Roger, who glanced her way, his eyes running up and down her body appreciatively as he continued to finger the body right in front of him.

"Got it. Where do you want to do this?" He asked. "It's your house."

"Bed," she suggested. "It is the most comfortable and normal place to have sex," she explained, and she guided him to the bedroom where she had set up the extra-large bed earlier. Her other bodies quickly entered the room as well, meaning that there were now no less than fourteen of her bodies in that room. Obviously this was too many to easily fit on the bed. Instead, she wound up leaning over the bed with ten of the bodies, six on either side, her butt projected outward for him to choose if he wanted to have sex with her in that way, and an eleventh laid on the bed, on her back; the other two were the one whose clitoris he continued to play with, and the one who had guided him to the bedroom. "You may have sex with whichever of these bodies you prefer, and adjust position freely, as you will presumably be doing a lot of working if you are going to have sex with all twenty of my bodies."

* * *

There was something about Nora that really did get my motor running, and it was shown particularly blatantly here. She was talking so casually about what she was proposing, which was me fucking her over, and over again, into the bed and making her come her brains out, but also offering to let me set whatever terms and conditions I liked. I had a raging hard-on, and decided to just clamber up on top of the body right there in front of me. The ten bodies flanking me on the bed felt something like worshipful slave girls, just from their posture: they had shifted from leaned over and waiting to simply standing there, hands patiently clasped in front of them in perfect syncronicity.

Nora was probably right about me needing to focus on endurance instead of speed or her pleasure, though. I peeled the tight black panties the offered body wore to the side, and then just stuffed my cock inside her, making her sigh at the pleasure of me slipping inside her. I let out a long breath of pleasure, too, relishing the feeling of finally sinking my dick into a pussy after having been teased for like ten subjective minutes with Nora's (from my perspective) slow handjob. I just buried myself inside her, pausing for a moment. "How many times should I make each body come, before I move on to the next?" I asked Nora.

There was a surprisingly long silence, particularly given every single one of her bodies seemed to be contemplating the answer to the question. Eventually, she spoke. "Five each, if you do not attempt to draw them out," she settled on. "Also, feel free to manhandle a body into position when you move on from one to the next," she added.

"Got it," I told her, then I accelerated my perception of time. The Nora beneath me lay there, her eyes boring into mine. I leaned down to kiss her, enjoying the feeling and flavor of her lips against mine. My cock began to slide in and out of her pussy, doing my best to stimulate her to the utmost, my finger teasing her clitoris, sliding around and around in a little circle. From my perspective, she was almost a statue, she moved so slowly. It would have been easy to treat her as simply a sex toy, simply an inert object to get myself off with, but I didn't. I liked Nora, and wanted to make her feel good. I pumped at her hips, repeatedly thrusting deep inside her, as I enjoyed the feel and look of her gorgeous naked body, and did my best to bring her off.

From my perspective, it took probably four or five minutes to make Nora come in that position, despite how well I knew her body by this point. From hers? It probably took less than half a minute. Fucking an orgasming girl in slow motion is truly unique and incredible. You get to appreciate every level of tightness her pussy can pull off, each wringing motion seeming to really grip your cock, and as I languidly thrust inside her, I relished the sensations. The other bodies, to either side, were quiet and staring, not even trying to talk to me - they instead simply stared at my body, or what of it was revealed.

I realized I was still wearing way too much in terms of clothes, and leaned up from the kiss, pulling off my shirt and tossing it overhead. As it left my hands, the speed it moved rapidly declined, and Nora actually slow-motion grabbed it out of the air. I was confused for a moment as to why, before she drew the shirt up towards her head, inspecting it, and actually taking in a deep breath through her nose. She may have been trying to keep it subtle, but in slow motion, nothing is subtle.

That was sexy, and pushed me to fuck the body in front of me extra hard. Slow motion squeaks and gasps escaped her throat, as her blue eyes stared up at me, her lips parted subtly as I thrust inside her, again and again. She was definitely enjoying herself even as I rutted at a very rapid pace to me, and what was doubtlessly an obscene pace to her, her pussy squeezing and clenching around my cock as I continued to play with her clit. Whenever her body stopped coming, it was only for a few scant seconds before I dragged it back over the edge with some quick teasing of her clit, making her gasp, spasm, and start giving my dick a thorough workout.

* * *

On the body under Roger's fourth orgasm, Roger groaned, starting to ejaculate inside her. She felt as he slowed down his own speed, coming to rest deep inside her as he sprayed spurt after spurt of hot cum inside of her pussy, and she couldn't help but smile at the feeling. She knew that Roger was obviously attempting to get her off, as much and as frequently as possible, but she still liked the fact that he was clearly enjoying himself too, as he jerked atop her. When he was finished coming, she considered telling him a lie, that she had orgasmed five times instead of the four, so he could move on to the next body, but instead decided honesty was better: "I think it would be best if you moved onto a fresh body at this point, Roger."

"Yeah," Roger agreed, pulling out of her, his hard cock slick with her juices, faintly twitching in the air. She saw the last droplet of his cum gently trickle out of his slit, an intensely sexy sight that made her wish his cock wasn't completely coated with her juices by this point, so she could lick it clean... instead, she rolled that body up and off the bed, winding up just sitting at the bedside due to its wobbly legs, while another body clambered up and onto the bed, presenting her pussy to Roger just as the previous body had. "You mind if I enjoy a bit of variety in position?" He asked her.

"I do not," she told him, though she was confused as to why he had asked - she had told him he could manhandle a body into position, after all. He grabbed the body under him, flipped it around so it was on its belly instead of its back, and stuffed his cock into her pussy with that same superhumanly pleasant sensation, his cock rubbing with all the pleasure of a long, languid push, combined with the sheer speed and intensity of a powerful, pounding thrust.

His hands slid across her body with expert precision. Her bodies had the same sensitivities, and Roger was putting extra work into making her feel good, this time. His breath tickled her ear, while one hand slipped into her bra, another sliding down her waist, teasing her clit, and he began to just pound away at the body. He was incredibly good as a lover, superhumanly so, and it took hardly any time at all for that body to erupt in an orgasm. Her fingers gripped and clutched at the blankets beneath her, as her juices spilled out in ecstasy from the sheer bliss that he once again took her through.

"Your pussy's so good," he breathed out, which made her feel a certain tinge of pride. He had definitely sampled a large number of pussies (she knew of at least eight other women he had had sex with, and that was leaving aside the doubtless vast array of women he made love to in his original universe), so him saying that was speaking to him truly finding her sex quite exceptional. As if to make a point of it, she squeezed his cock, relishing the sensation as his movement was temporarily arrested, a hot gasp escaping his throat. "Fuck," he breathed out again.

"Feel free to be rough or selfish," she suggested, in one of the bodies that wasn't getting fucked. "If that is what you would prefer to do, Roger."

Each time he spoke, her physical pleasure sharply declined, simply due to the mechanics of his power. That was more obvious this time in particular, as he completely arrested his movement inside her. "No, right now, this is about you, Nora." She could feel the sharp, positive, emotional response she experienced in response to those very kind and intimate words. He then leaned forward, kissing her, his tongue invading her mouth with the same superhuman grace and pleasant speed that his cock was pounding at her ass. Her own tongue limply tried to reply, but she managed little better than hot pants and wet squirms. He was so skilled, so talented - and another orgasm soon hit her body, her pussy convulsing as pleasure laced through her whole body.

When he made that body come the full five times, she worked to remove it from under him, to replace it with a fresh body, and he made her come a sixth time before she could even manage that. He had drowned the body in rapid-fire, mind-numbing pleasure, so it was left to recover and catch its breath at the bedside, alongside the first.

Each fresh body that came home, soon stripped into the sexiest underwear remaining to it, joining them in the bedroom to patiently wait its turn, as Roger continued to relentlessly rut inside her, to make her come and come until he moved onto the next body. Sometimes, he would wind up ejaculating inside a body before he made it come five times; when that happened, she'd change out bodies. Other times, he managed to come right alongside her in the midst of her fifth orgasm. Most of the time, however, he fucked her for a few blissful minutes, pulled out, and moved onto the next body without so much as an orgasm.

She loved it. With the body that always remained in a safe location, she quietly made little tick marks, noting how many times he had made her orgasm. By the time he ejaculated inside her twentieth body, she had orgasmed 103 times. He was generous as well as capable at lovemaking - he always erred on the side of making her come more frequently, and if it was a situation where he ejaculated before her fifth, he made sure the next body got extra orgasms to make up for them.

Of course, the sheer number of bodies he had to go through, meant that by the time he was finished, the first bodies were more than ready for more. But it had already been the sexual experience of a lifetime - a moment of sexual fulfillment she wouldn't have dreamed of without Roger. Before him, the best she could have hoped for was a lover who would accept her high libido and allow her to sleep around to satiate it. With him, though, she had a man who could make her come absolutely absurd numbers of times, and then also cuddle up to her afterwards. A single man who gave her the affection of twenty men.

"Is that it?" Roger asked, panting heavily over the last of her bodies. He'd made it come seven times before ejaculating inside her. He glanced around the room, pulling out of her, his cock still erect. One body licked her lips as she stared at it for a long, very pleasant moment. He could still go. "Is that all twenty?"

"Yes. That's all twenty bodies, Roger. Thank you very much," she said.

He simply laid down on the bed, letting out a long sigh. "That was harder than I expected," he said, and she frowned at that. He had worked very hard to please her, for whatever reason, even after it had become more difficult than he anticipated. Sexually, it would have to be utterly undeniable to any person alive that he was the ideal man. Giving, easy, hard, handsome... and by extension, how could she measure up?

"Thank you, again," she said, the first three bodies he'd fucked clambering up onto the bed with him, gently removing the last body he'd pleasured. They crawled atop him, kissing and snuggling his bare skin, fingers tracing out his sexy body. "You're so wonderful, Roger. I would not have dared imagine a male of such high quality existed, much less that he came here to me."

He let out a laugh. "I'm not that amazing."

"You are," Nora told him, kissing his neck with loving affection. She knew that she loved this man. That she would wait as long as it took, for him to realize that she loved him the most. That she would risk the possibility that he would choose Xico or Kate or Stitch over her. "No other man in my entire life has ever so much as tried to please all my bodies at once. You, on the other hand, have successfully pleased all my bodies at once."

"It'd probably have been easier if I was fingering another body as I fucked one," he said. There was no chance he'd verbalize such a thought if he had hated the experience. Perhaps she could even get it again? A reward? An anniversary present? She continued to lick and suckle at his bare flesh, as she contemplated the situation. She should pay him back.

"What is your favorite type of sex?"

"Uh, blowjobs," he said, with a half-shrug. "Not necessarily purely, or anything, but... a lot, yeah."

"I understand. You have just had vaginal sex twenty times in rapid succession, over what was an hour to me, and must have been even longer to you." Likely nine or ten hours. He had put a full workday in. "Let me reciprocate your hard work pleasing me," she said. She certainly did not want to appear ungrateful, but as she began to move down towards his cock, she was reminded that it was still coated with her own juices. After a moment of staring at it, she moved to heft him up, helping to carry him to the bathroom, joining him in her (quite spacious) shower.

Three bodies, naked, pressing against his own naked form, as warm water ran over them. For a moment, he got a handjob with three separate right hands, as she stared at his expression, helping keep him upright - then she felt he was clean enough, and she descended to her knees in front of him.

"You really don't have to do this," he told her. "I mean, it's good, but the sex was good too."

He was humble, too. Generous. She wrapped her lips around his cock, beginning to softly bob with her central head. A second head twisted around so it could just suckle and lick his balls; the third wound up rimming him in short order. She stared up at him all the while, loving to look at his handsome face as she pleasured him.

"Fuck," he breathed out, as his erect cock twitched in her mouth. "You really are, ahm, something else," he breathed, closing his eyes and casting his head back. She responded by taking him to the base, swallowing and licking around his cock, blinking as she all but choked herself on him. His body spasmed gently, as her tongue in his asshole got more vigorous, as she worked to please him with an overwhelming intensity. "Mm, fuck," he breathed, again, twitching, hips bucking. His hand went to Nora's head, and she dutifully let her body go slack, so that he could set the pace.

He promptly did, forcing her mouth up and down his cock. Of course, she was soaring in heaven at the moment, experiencing the high of physical connection with the only man to ever truly sexually satisfy her, so she didn't mind it no matter how rough he got with her. Not that she really minded his roughness in the first place, but now it wasn't even something to take with a smile. It was just a smile. He was pleasing himself with her mouth, just as he had pleased her with his hands and cock. That was only fair.

His own pleasure was clearly intensifying with seemingly every passing second, until at last he had her head gripped in both hands, rapidly pounding away, halfway hunched over her as he fucked her face and throat. His balls slapped her chin, as he grunted out vague obscenities. Sometimes, she could tell, he would use his power. His cock would twitch at ten times the speed it ordinarily would, as it remained lodged in her throat, blood pounding away at intense speeds. His speed of fucking her face would suddenly accelerate, pounding away, but there was no added pain, and she just kept going, licking and sucking and swallowing around his cock, and licking his asshole and sucking on his balls.

"Where should I come," he groaned out, half an insensate collection of words, half a true question.

"Wherever you want, Roger," she told him, pulling one mouth away from his asshole for the moment. He seemed to contemplate the question - then went right back to fucking her face. He furiously pounded away, relentlessly taking advantage of her, but she didn't mind. She was making the man she loved happy, and that made her happy, no matter how rough he got. She eventually stopped sucking his balls, instead using that body to hold the body he was facefucking in place, gripping it from behind to keep it from twitching out of position.

His pace accelerated still further, wet slapping noises of balls against chin echoing in the shower room, and then, he slammed himself balls deep down her throat and came. She decided to grip and squeeze the body he was using's throat, making him gasp in shock and pleasure as she intensified the sensations around his cock. When he was completely finished, he pulled out.

"You can use my mouth whenever you wish, Roger," she said. "At any point, simply text me, and I will immediately dispatch a body to fellate you. You can also have sex with a body in another way, of course, if that is your preference. I love you, after all." As soon as the words left her lips, she wondered if they were a poor plan. Non-reciprocal love confessions were highly stigmatized and disrecommended for reasons she understood.

He just gave her head a pat, instead. "Thanks, Nora. Let me, uh, sleep on it. We should probably do this again sometime."

Those words alone made her heart somersault in her chest. The thought that he really would do it again was something that would have been incomprehensible to the her that had never met Roger. "I would very much enjoy that," she told him. She gave his cock a quick kiss, with three different mouths - then she helped dry him off and take him back to bed, doting on him for the next couple hours, as he napped and ate and recovered from his hard work pleasuring her.

The next chapter is available on my Subscribestar. It features the return of Bup, who is super excited to see Roger again! Kate watches as Roger is satisfied by the "superior" Bup, too. You can access it at this link for only $3. Chapters will be posted on Subscribestar a week in advance.

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