Survival Master of Wilderness Live

Chapter 66 Barrel Gun Shrimp VS Praying Mantis Pipi Shrimp

Chapter 66 Barrel Gun Shrimp VS Praying Mantis Pipi Shrimp

When Chen Hu reached the seabed at a depth of 60 meters, Ah Hua wandered around until he caught prey, and the tourists in the live broadcast room immediately made countless surprised or curious sounds when they saw the scene in front of them.

"Look! There's a little gray fish in the sand over there with a nose!"

"The stingray is so cool! It's like a flying saucer."

"I only have Pippi Shrimp in my eyes!"

"Zombie slime: The long-nosed fish mentioned on the first floor should be an elephant pluck, a type of elephant-nosed fish."

"The underwater world is so beautiful! Get 1 likes!"


At this moment, Chen Hu was stepping on the sand and mud of the seabed, surrounded by only a few coral reefs, but the sea creatures were dazzlingly numerous. For example, not far from his feet, a small cyan shrimp the size of a thumb was stinging. stay on the sand.

And in the ocean, there is a saying that big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat dried shrimps. Sure enough, a two-inch-long small yellow croaker swam to the small dried shrimps, apparently treating the dried shrimps as food.

However, when the little yellow croaker approached, Chen Hu clearly saw the little shrimp, raised the barrel-style giant claws, aimed at the little yellow croaker, and instantly shot out a stream of water!
Little Yellow Fish trembled all over, and immediately passed out. Chen Hu was very surprised, but the live broadcast room was boiling again.

"Damn it! What an awesome little shrimp? Can you actually fire a cannon?"

"Zombie slime: That is a gun shrimp, also called a gun shrimp, drum shrimp. When hunting, it will quickly close its giant claws and spray a stream of water with a speed of up to 100km/h, stunning or even killing the prey. Attack They even produce extremely small low-pressure bubbles that explode in a nanosecond, making the temperature instantly reach 4700 degrees, so they can easily capture prey."

"I really want to know, is the gun shrimp better? Or the Pipi shrimp?"

In a barrage of bullets, the gun shrimp stepped forward and dragged his spoils, preparing to return to the lair, but unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin came out on the way.

It is a palm-sized, dark green mantis shrimp, or Pipi shrimp. Chen Hu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the live broadcast room was still discussing who is better at grabbing shrimp or Pipi shrimp in the next second. Just met.

Both are crustacean arthropods, and both have secret weapons. Pipi shrimp has two pairs of hammer-like predatory appendages, and gun shrimp has giant claws like RPG barrels.

Whoever wins and who loses will only know after the battle!

Next is the undersea version of the animal fight, the cannonball shrimp vs the mantis shrimp!
I saw that after the two met on a narrow road, the dark green Pippi Shrimp immediately set up two big eyeballs and locked on the Gun Shrimp tightly, and might attack at any time.

And that blue spear shrimp, after finding Pippi Shrimp, raised the giant claw of the cannon barrel in its hand, quickly opened a bubble, dropped its prey, and quickly retreated backwards, but unexpectedly, this blow hit the body full of armor. No damage was done to the mantis shrimp.

After all, the size difference between the two is too great. The former is only the size of a thumb, while the latter is the size of a palm. The difference is dozens of times. The thickness of the carapace is not at the same level. This is not something that strength can make up for.

As for the gun shrimp's retreat, although it was very quick, it still couldn't escape death.

However, the two pairs of predatory appendages of the mantis shrimp popped out in an instant. Chen Hu didn't see the movement at all, he only heard the sound of water splashing, and then a small electric spark appeared in the sea water around the gun shrimp. Dead, lying on the sand.

"Blind my dog's eyes, I actually...killed the gun shrimp in seconds!"

"Pippi Shrimp really deserves its reputation! It's awesome, don't want it."

"Zombie Slime: This is a Peacock Mantis Shrimp, which is also a kind of Pippi Shrimp. It has a very powerful attack ability. When the predatory appendage pops out, the speed can reach as fast as a 5.6mm bullet, and it can also generate a force of 6000 Newtons. , enough to crush rocks, and even the high temperature generated by friction during the attack can reach as high as 7000 degrees, which is why there will be electric sparks in the seawater around the gun shrimp just now."

"Upstairs, Kopti!"

"Zombie Slime: Congrats! (Laughs)"

Seeing the barrage, Chen Hu nodded. Pippi Shrimp's attack had two peaks, the first was caused by hitting, and the second was caused by bursting. Although the attack power is very powerful, in his eyes , that's all.

The spear in his hand struck out instantly, and the sharp obsidian dagger pierced through the dark green Pippi shrimp immediately.

[Cumulative hunting in the deep sea: 24/100]

Human beings who know how to use various tools are the most powerful hunters in the world, especially as Chen Hu's attributes get higher and higher, and his hunting ability becomes stronger.

"Ci'ao, it turns out that Master Tiger is the best!"

"The host's spear was clean and neat! I accept it!"

"Master Tiger, you have conquered the island, now you are going to conquer the ocean?"

"No no no! The anchor's journey is the sea of ​​stars!"

"I've read too many novels on the third and fourth floors, and the appraisal is complete!"

Amidst the flying barrage, Ah Hua, who was wandering not far away, saw that he had successfully caught the prey, and immediately swam over. Chen Hu could only contribute the Pippi Shrimp, but the greedy Ah Hua, He didn't even let go of the little yellow croaker.

As for the thumb-sized gun prawn, Ah Hua didn't like it, so Chen Hu tore it up and threw it on the sand as bait. Sure enough, within a few seconds, a fat salmon swam over.

Chen Hu, who was hiding behind the coral reef, immediately thrust out his spear, piercing through it with one blow!Success again.

[Cumulative hunting in the deep sea: 25/100]

[Cumulative hunting in the deep sea: 31/100]

[Cumulative hunting in the deep sea: 42/100]

In 15 minutes, Chen Hu caught nearly 20 prey, including a half-meter-long tuna, and some salmon, octopus, large yellow croaker, squid, etc. weighing several kilograms.

Except for the tuna, the rest of the prey went into A'hua's stomach. Chen Hu couldn't help feeling that this guy was really edible, but this was also good, allowing him to continue hunting without having to carry too many prey.

After putting the half-meter-long tuna in the fishing net behind his back, Chen Hu quickly returned to the surface of the sea, took a few breaths, waited until the free diving skill time was over, activated the skill again, then took a deep breath, and dived again. Go down to the deep sea.

But after going into the sea this time, he didn’t see A’hua, perhaps because he didn’t know where to play after he was full. Chen Hu shook his head, dived to the bottom of the sea 60 meters deep again, and continued hunting alone.

In a short while, the progress of the task was over half, and there was a lot of prey in the fishing net behind him. Just as Chen Hu was considering whether to go back, a huge figure was slowly crawling from the sand in the distance. return.

It was a crab with a diameter of more than three meters and covered in red!

(End of this chapter)

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