Terror Infinity

Vol 7: 1-3.

Vol 7: Chapter 1-3.

Everyone sweat at the suggestion. Zheng touched his forehead and said. "We are only normal people, aside from Yinkong. We basically have no confidence controlling such missiles. And don’t you think it’s too big of a thing to use? Haha."

Honglu smiled. "It’s not a big deal. Look at what I exchanged from God." Then he started going through his basket. Everyone looked at it like there were so many weird things in this basket.

Honglu took out several pieces of paper and looked at them with craze. "Haha, look at these. Gauss dynamic drive analysis report, human genetics deciphering manual, the relationship between electric currents in human body and Qi. I don’t know if you found out about these but their costs are extremely low. It only took 30 points to exchange all these theories. They are the biggest treasure in the exchange system."

Zheng and Lan smiled bitter. The boy discovered the same thing as Xuan. Except that Xuan seemed like he knew more and skipped the theories to manufacturing his items, that was how he supplied them with so many bullets. Did smart people think the same things? They could discover what was underneath the surface of direct enhancements and stats. Such persons were the treasures of a team. At least Zheng didn’t find such person in team India.

Honglu said. "To be able to understand these, I will have to review my college knowledge. Takes about seven days. Then I’ll use two days to learn how to use the missiles. Of course I won’t be skilled but you can create and test weapons inside your room right? Aside from magical weapons, I tried creating a tactical fusion bomb and it was so powerful I had to let it disappear. But then I can learn to use surface to surface missiles in the basement of my room. Why are you all looking like this? Don’t you know you can create and test weapons in your rooms?"

Heng laughed bitterly. "I don’t know about these. I slept until the morning. Haha, I am too lazy."

Zheng shook his head. "It’s my fault. We know about these things but forgot to tell you. Just like Honglu said, aside from magical items, you can create anything in your room. But remember to make your basement bigger and tougher. I don’t know the limit but the basement can go at least ten kilometers big. We had tested it in Jie’s room. You can test your weapons but don’t hurt yourself. Ok? I don’t want to enter the next movie with five people."

Honglu laughed. "Of course, I will be careful. Then please exchange a missile. Don’t you think it is suitable for team fights? You can also disassemble the launcher and we will each carry a part."

Honglu acted like a child again. Zheng couldn’t help but said. "Missiles aren’t our most needed items now. Although it’s powerful but one, it’s too expensive, two, you need a lot of scouting before using it, and three, don’t you think the other team will notice us launching it? They won’t just stand there and get hit. Unless we encounter a battlefield with huge amounts of monsters, it doesn’t have much value. I hope you can exclude your hobbies for now and think for the team."

Honglu played his hair for quite a while before he said. "Sorry, I was too full of myself. Rationally you should spend your rewards on enhancements suitable for yourself. Just like Zheng’s Vampire bloodline and Qi. I think Vampire is your next exchange, not because of my interest but now that you have the Book of the Dead, it will give you more blood energy to use the magic on the book."

"As for Yinkong, I recommend that you choose dexterity related enhancements. I’ve looked at the list. Most enhancements need to start from rank D. Although the ones that start from rank B are strong, like the Ogre bloodline’s description was as long as your have over one half your body, even if your head and heart were destroyed, you can recover within an hour. It’s a scary power but that’s only it. It can’t evolve further and doesn’t enhance your stats by much. So the result is you can survive in the beginning but as time goes on, you will become a dead meat. Yinkong, you should best start with a rank D enhancement and evolve it. When you finally get to rank B, it will be stronger than a normal rank B enhancement."

Then Honglu turned to Lan with a serious look. "Lan, you have been enhancing your mental capacity, and your spells also depend on the stat right? Can you use the spells?"

Lan stood up and cast the endurance spell on everyone. Honglu looked at his hands and said. "Congratulation. You are the most special one here. In fact, you will become the nervous system of our team. You are our psyche force user in the future. Hoho. You probably don’t know about this. Zheng, choose one of the techniques that require psyche force. Don’t enhance it, just take a look."

Zheng closed his eyes and connected with God. Then navigated to the psyche force section but as soon as he chose one of the techniques, he heard God’s voice.

"Your body can not sustain psyche force. Unable to learn psyche force techniques. Please make sure your mental capacity is over 3000."

Zheng looked at Lan then said these words to everyone. Heng and Yinkong also gave it a try. Honglu said. "The requirement for me is over 2500. What about Yinkong and Heng?"

Heng scratched his head. "5000, that’s so much higher than you."

Yinkong said calmly. "3500."

Honglu snapped his fingers. "That’s right. I was thinking why did team India only have one psyche force user when they are so useful? So I checked the techniques and received the notification. I originally thought it was because these techniques were expensive but that’s not the case. Not everyone can psyche force, and such persons are probably very rare. Then Lan, as long as you continue on this path and learn all the techniques, you will become as important as that Indian woman. Your importance will be higher than everyone else in our team!"

Lan was shocked and surprised. She closed her eyes and connected with God. "That’s impossible. These techniques are too expensive. Not to mention the lowest level ones I learned, but a simple psyche force scan that can increase radius as your mental capacity increases costs 4000 points and a rank C reward. I can’t afford these."

Zheng was also pleasantly surprised. "No problem. Save up your points and rewards. Haha. Why don’t you increase your mental capacity for now. We will have a chance to exchange them."

Honglu laughed. "Didn’t I tell you I discovered something else? Zheng, do you still remember you paid for our recovery when we just came back? If I am not wrong then we can exchange things for someone else, and probably also enhancements. Why don’t we give this a try?"

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