B2. Chapter 5.3 - New Home, New Life, and New Stress
-General Hernando Louise-
|One Day Later|
Meeting like these are hardly how I want to spend my time when we have a war to fight, but it cannot be denied the importance that they hold. If only they weren’t so damn boring. I can only listen to figures on crop yields, soil fertility, storage projections for winter, and complaints about those damn weeds and proposed solutions for stopping their rampant spread for so long before a headache starts to set in. The urge to snap at the Civilian Head of Agriculture, droning on and on about current figures and projected growth, is growing by the moment and my now lukewarm coffee is hardly making the situation any more bearable. Especially after having had to sit through the report on wood harvests and the status of our ammo reserves.
Admittedly, my mood would have been much more amicable had I not received reports that we have another three dead soldiers along with five others that have been hospitalized. Of them, only four are projected to be fighting fit after recovery with the fifth now being permanently disabled. My soldiers are out there fighting for their lives, and I am in this meeting listening to numbers being rambled away like wasted bullets. Most of this information could have just been turned in on a report and briefly summarized, but oh how people love to have their meetings.
If I could, I’d have us just completely go without them, but it was part of the arrangements for setting up our little temporary government that everyone agreed to. Mandatory meetings for the status and overall wellbeing of the base and its residents are a bi-weekly requirement, and as Head of Military, I am regretfully required to attend everyone and sit through them. Although, it is by far, much more preferable to the alternative of having myself rule over the base and all its people as some kind of dictator. A suggestion that was, for some asinine reason, put forward near the beginning, and one that I have thoroughly rejected with all my heart.
Taking a break from reading over the reports in front of me, I turn to an aid and request some fresh coffee. I have much work to do after this meeting is finally over, and short of a bullet to the brain, a heavy dosage of caffeine flooding my veins is the best solution I have for fighting off my headache and getting through the rest of my day.
Blessedly, the report from the Civilian Head of Agriculture finally concludes as I get my fresh cup and I am able to wet my lips with some steaming hot instant brew. All in all, the report from Agriculture can be summarized as this.
Even if we were to bring in more refugees, we have more than enough food to last everyone through winter. With construction of new walls to be halted by the end of fall, there should be more than enough firewood to keep everyone warm. And of course, the farmers are still pissed about the unending tide of weeds that they have to fight while farming. Also, as a side note, goblin corpses apparently make for excellent fertilizer.
Why it is that the verbal report could not be delivered in such a short and concise manner is beyond me, but unless I want to start playing dictator and tell these people how to do their jobs, I am just going to have to regretfully deal with it. At the very least I can take solace in knowing that our people won’t be starving this winter. The last one was hard enough for everyone as it was.
Setting down my cup, and clearing my throat, I draw attention to myself, “Thank you for the report, Mrs. Zarimon, Head of Agriculture. I am sure that I speak for us all when I say that I am proud of all the hard work of everyone involved with ensuring that we get through this coming winter with full stomachs and warm bodies. In regard to your request that we begin bringing in goblin corpses as a fertilizer source, your request will be put under consideration. Just know that not many among the soldiers and the guard would be happy in dealing with their corpses. They aren’t the best smelling of creature, especially after death, so there is the possibility of it effecting moral. It could however be considered as potential punishment duties.”
Concluding with Agriculture, I take another sip and shuffle the reports before me. “Alright then… Next on our agenda is in regard to two of our newest arrivals, Human Mutation Type: ‘Imp,’ Elizabeth Saint Dixon. For the sake of brevity, she will simply be referred to as Lain. Along with Kobold Mutation Type: ‘Human Hybrid’ Sky. We have three reports to get though on this subject and I am of course to remind you that the presence of and any information in regard to these two individuals is not to be spread to civilians until it has been deemed safe to do so.”
I turn to the next speaker, “Major Smith, you have the floor. Keep it brief.” I tell him with a tired voice.
“Thank you, Sir. As you all know and has been agreed upon, Lain has been granted access to live on base under the condition that she work with us and use her advanced biology to assist in fighting back against the monster threat. Thanks to tests managed by our researchers, we have confirmed without a doubt that her capability as an individual far surpasses that of any human being and is near the level of being superhuman. Before you are recorded results of some of her capabilities and before you ask. No, there are no typos or errors in the report.”
Everyone looks in shock as they read over some of the numbers, seeing recordings that simply shouldn’t be possible for a human. Let alone a young woman that doesn’t even reach five feet in height.
“Following that, I am proud to report that our first training exercises with her, as of yesterday, have been shown to be rather promising. She shows a ready willingness to follow orders to the letter and has demonstrated a respect for the chain of command. She has so far shown no signs of holding her superior physical abilities over any of the soldiers and has demonstrated the ability to think critically on the spot and to quickly complete orders with high accuracy. The question of whether to arm her with a rifle or any other firearms is still up for debate, but it is also being questioned if it is even necessary.”
“Elaborate on that final point for me Major.”
“Sir. With her speed and how hard she can hit with that sledgehammer of hers, we are unsure if she would even need a gun. The ammo could be better used elsewhere.”
“Hmm, at very least get her trained for using a pistol. Not all engagement will be in CQC after all.”
“Yes General. That is all for my report.”
“Thank you Major. Next, we will be turning to Dr. Doe, Lead Researcher assigned to studying Lain the Imp and Sky the Hybrid Kobold. Dr. Doe?”
“Yes, thank you General. As Major Smith has stated, Lain could best be described as superhuman. Her biology, and quite frankly that of miss Sky as well, are marvels of science that have baffled all of us in my department. To put it simply, she is what the end goal of human evolution should be striving to reach. Even now, with our study of her biology being nowhere near complete, we can easily conclude that she is superior to us in every conceivable way.”
She looks across the table as people look in shock and start to tear into their reports on the subject.
“I will not go over the exact sciences of all of this, as we would be here all day, but I will give a brief overview of some of our finding so far. As the first matter is her incredible durability. She possesses a layer of subdermal armor composed of what we believe to be a carbon mesh structure, forming a sort of chainmail just beneath her skin, making her impervious to any attack that can’t exceed a certain level of force. Below that we have found what we believe to be pockets of organic silica-composite gel that absorbs and distribute excessive force across her body. This makes it so that even being sent flying through walls and trees is apparently nothing more than a mild inconvenience.”
She takes a break to drink some water before continuing.
“In regard to her muscles, while they do follow the general layout that you would expect for a young woman with a healthy, athletic, build, from what we can tell, they are simply built different and are very dense and packed, their composition exceeding that of human muscle by a large margin and are capable of handling extreme loads without tearing. The structure of her bones also indicates heavy modification and a potential integration of advanced carbon structures. We currently do not possess any estimates on the limitations of her skeletal structure's endurance for stress, but I would be incredibly surprised if anything manages to break her bones.
“I would like to remind everyone that all of this is all heavily speculative, and we are hard at work to determine the validity of our findings. We will also be hoping to continue to work closely with Lain so as to better understand her biological changes. In regard to other findings, a couple of useless organs, bones, and muscles that you would find in most humans are simply gone. Her lungs, heart, and liver are shaped differently, and apparently operate at a higher level than that of a human's. We wish to study those further… We believe that she is mostly immune to poisons, thanks to her liver. Venoms and neurotoxins are currently a big maybe. Drs. Steve and Johny are both tearing their hair out over trying to figure out how her metabolism works off only one meal a day and how she is apparently able entirely forgo the need for sleep.
“She can also somehow see perfectly, even in complete darkness. That shouldn’t be biologically possible, but we are trying to figure it out. In regard to how she is able to seemingly blend in with shadows, and how they somehow move around her… We have no idea how that works. Theories are currently pointing towards some kind of advanced ‘reversed bioluminescence’ or advanced biological camouflage. But, we have yet to find anything that would suggest any of this as being biological in nature. Lain herself, has simply taken to assuming that it is magic… We will be looking into it further.”
She clears her throat before continuing.” Back to things that can be explained by science. She is able to heal fast enough for it to be observed, only taking seconds to heal simple cuts. In regard to her blood, it is tinted black, which we have found is due to the increased amounts of carbon found in her blood. This has led us to the conclusion that she, at least in some part, breaths and uses Carbon Dioxide as part of her respiratory system. As an aside, her cellular structure, while similar, is also more complex than humans.”
She closes the file and knocks it on the table before continuing, “Lastly, we have reason to believe that she is effectively immortal. Further testing will most certainly be necessary, but as of right now, it is safe to assume that she will no longer be ageing and that so long as nothing kills her outright, she might very well live forever, or at the very least a couple or a few hundred years. But compared to humanities average of eighty years, that might as well be immortality…”
Across the table, the Treasurer rips her eyes away from the report in front of her, “How could any of this be possible!? She is immortal!?”
“Again, we need to undergo further study, and hope to be able to work closely with Lain to better understand these findings. There is a possibility that we, in the future, could replicate the results of her mutation to help push humanity to the next stage of our evolution. She is living proof that it is possible. We simple need time.”
“Couldn’t you guys just strap her a table and dissect her or something? If we could have soldiers like her, we could…” Someone tries to say.
I interrupt, “We will not be having any discussions on dissecting miss Lain, Mr. Bander. Her safety was guaranteed by the army, and we owe a debt to her! We don’t strap the people that save our soldier’s lives to a table like a lab rat. We aren’t the CIA or the Men in Black, and I will hear no discussion on the matter!” I declare, banging my fist on the table.
The man thoroughly cowed, I turn back to Dr. Doe, “Apologies for the interruption Dr. Doe. Please continue your report.”
“Thank you, and please let me state this for the record, but all of us in the research department have no intention of 'dissecting' miss Lain or miss Sky. We see them as being far more valuable to everyone by being alive and well, rather than as parts and pieces stored in jars. Not to mention that Lain herself has been very forthcoming and willing to assist us in collecting research samples. Just the other day she even allowed us to perform an upper endoscopy and went so far as to assist us in collect tissue and muscle samples. All of which are very unpleasant procedures..."
Collecting myself and clearing my throat, I continue. “Finishing my report in regard to their biology, there is currently little to say about Sky seeing as she is still mid mutation, aside from the fact that she has begun to grow horns and is still growing taller.”
She changes out her current folder for a second one and then continues, “Now if you could look to your next file, you will find one titled, ‘Recordings of Kobold History as told by Second Empress, She who Dances with the Sky.”
I can’t help but interrupt her at that, “What?”
“All will be explained General.” She assures.
“Very well, proceed…” I say, taking a drink from my coffee and rubbing at my growing headache.
“Thank you. Upon learning that Sky was growing horns, she informed me that in all of Kobold history, there has only ever been one to possess horns. This was their people's First Empress, She Who Sings with Thunder. She was revered as a god by their people and if what we can surmise from the stories before you are true, ruled for many generations over their home world and eventually died, sacrificing her own life to ensure the survival of her people.”
My eyes, like many at the table, go over the short stories recorded in the file, quickly reading them over. Eventually, I have to ask, “How likely is it that these stories are true?”
“She appeared to be telling the truth, General. She was quite emotional upon finding that she is to be royalty. Apparently, these stories, across many Kobold tribes, are told and passed down from mother to daughter from generation to generation. It is only recently that their newest generation was born here on Earth. Had Sky remained with her tribe, she may very well have been finding herself a mate this fall and raising children of her own to tell these stories to next year.”
“I see… From these stories, this would indicate that the Kobolds are not monsters. They are aliens…” I say apprehensively, an eyebrow raised.
“Yes, but more specifically, alien refugees. Their planet was dying, being burned away by what we are assuming was the death of their home system’s star. The Kobolds, led by their Empress, fled to the //World Tree and took shelter on its trunk, between the gaps of its bark. When the fire spread to the roots of the //World Tree, it let go of their world and moved into a tear in space. For many, many generations the Kobolds lived on it as it carried them through the void. Sky was among the last generation to be born before they arrived here on Earth.”
“That is quite the story… What are the chances that the Kobolds are responsible for what happened to Earth?”
“Low. The stories suggest that that their Empress communed with the //World Tree, giving her life to compel it to wait until the last moment and allow her people to take shelter upon its body. After that, the Kobolds held no control over it. Many attempted to communicate with it, but it ignored them all. Even when monsters attacked from the void, it would only act to protect itself. The Kobolds were left to fend for themselves during the journey. Many starved to death over the years and generation, and many more fell to monsters. When asked for her opinion of the //World Tree, Sky seemed to regard it with disdain. She told me that while some Kobolds turned to desperate worship of it; many and Sky included, outright disregard the thing or even outright hate it. Yes, it saved their species, but for many, it could have saved them and their loved ones, protected them during the journey. But it didn’t. Many of them see it as a selfish thing, only doing the bare minimum in exchange for the sacrifice of their beloved Empress’ life.”
I continue to read over the stories for a while until I have a clear enough picture of their history. Considering my thoughts for a while, I look to see if everyone else is caught up before speaking.
“Hmm… Operating under the assumption that all of this is true, I believe it is necessary that we change how we interact with the Kobolds. As it currently stands, they are being treated as a nonthreat, but are still designated as monsters and are targets. We should change that designation to being considered non hostile tribes' people. To be left alone unless attacked first and to only engage with non-lethal force…
“If Sky truly is to be their next Empress, then we are to go forward with the idea of pursuing future peaceful relations between our two people. That being said, however, I don’t see much use in allying with the Kobolds beyond simply ensuring that they don’t become future enemies.
“In regard to Sky herself, she is to be treated with respect while she is with us. I will, however, not expect people to bend over backwards to make her happy. Act within reason and humor her like you would a diplomat if you encounter her. Aside from that, the matter of the Kobolds is not of too much importance at the moment. Also, knowing where that damn tree came from doesn’t really do us any good at the moment. It’s good to know, but we can’t really do anything with this information. What is important is that winter is coming and we still have much work to do in order to secure humanities foot hold in this place.
“Quite frankly, if we manage to retake the city, I will happily personally sign an alliance with the little princess if she wants to make herself a kingdom. The only thing I care about is taking that city and pushing those monsters off are god damn land. Now, all in favor?”
All hands are raised, most at the table honestly not caring much about the Kobolds and just voting because there isn’t much of a reason not to.
“Good, then it is passed. Word will be sent out that Kobolds are not to be treated as monsters and are to be avoided. If any of you happen to meet the princess, be sure to act respectfully. Thank you for your report, Dr. Doe, shall we move on the next subject?”
Like that, the meeting continued for some hours. Matters were discussed and plans were made. The subject of Lain and Sky only amounting to a small segment. Nothing more than one more point to be discussed and saved for later.
I am sitting on the couch with Sky after getting home from Dr. Doe’s office. I had the 'pleasant' experience of getting a tube snaked down my throat and I even went and helped them collect some samples of my skin and muscles. It fucking hurt, but they somehow managed to convince me to do it. It's too bad that pain killers apparently don't work on me very well...
Pushing that aside, I try and sort through my thoughts as I pet Sky’s head. She is laying on the couch and using my lap as a head rest while she reads her book. Something about Victorian society with lords and ladies. Her reading material is concerning me enough as it is, because more and more she has started to act like a princess when we are out, which is cute, but I am concerned that she is letting her books dictate how she is supposed to act around people.
Well, at the very least everyone seems more than happy to play along with her. A bunch of soldiers will even bow to her as she passes and call her Milady. She is definitely enjoying all of this attention though; I just hope it doesn’t all go to her head.
No, Sky aside. My thoughts are on my meeting with Dr. Doe and what she had to tell me. How apparently, I have subdermal armor, differently shaped organs, that I might be able to breath carbon dioxide and that my body is full of carbon. From my bones to my blood and even my skin. Apparently, that is why my skin is grey. Too much carbon effecting the pigmentation of my skin. Without it, I would probably be white like I used to be. Not that I care about being grey anymore. It's not as if anyone gives me crap for having a different skin color. Although, I imagine that most people wouldn’t want to be racist against someone that can rip them limb from limb with their bare hands...
However, even learning all of this stuff that the Researchers have started to figure out about me, none of this is really what is bothering me. Not even the fact that my skeleton is most likely black and incredibly hard to break. No, what is bothering me is that I might be immortal, unageing or whatever else they want to call it. They can’t be entirely certain as it would take a lot more research and time to prove, but they suspect that I am not aging anymore and are reasonably certain that their findings are true.
Besides that, I promised them that I would assist wherever I can with their research. I saw no reason to refuse. I honestly wouldn’t mind if they even used the research to make more people like me. So, it is what it is. Although this is what led to them getting me to agree to giving them skin and muscle samples… Sort of regretting that in hindsight.
I just find myself to be in a bit of a shock. All I did was get bitten by a damn poodle and now I am immortal somehow. Sounds like the beginning of a crap superhero comic. Now I will live for who knows how long. Everyone I know will grow old and die with time and I will just have to sit back and watch it happen… Unless they can find a way to make others change and be like me.
I look down at Sky lazing on my lap. I wonder how long Sky will stay with me…?
Suddenly, the urge to hold her grows and I decide to give into it. Moving to shift my legs beneath her, I startle her a bit as I turn to lay down on the couch with her between my legs. Grabbing her, I pull her up on top of me until she is laying on my chest, her head just below mine. Wrapping her up in a hug with my arms and my tail so that she can’t escape. She looks to me with her face turning crimson as I hold her close.
She shakes a bit and I can see a bit of excitement in her eyes as she rotates in my grip and returns my hug. Her book left forgotten on the floor. “Lain?”
Gingerly brushing aside some hair from her face, I play with a few of her dark blue strands with my fingers. Leaning forward, I whisper into her ear, “Sorry Sky. I just really wanted to hug you. Do you mind if we stay like this for a little while?”
Smiling happily, she nods her head before laying herself fully against me, her hair pooling and flowing off of my chest, forming puddles of dark blue on the couch. Running my hand through her hair, I whisper to her again, “Sky, you know that I have to go on missions here soon, right?”
She nods her head and squeezes me tighter.
“Will you be worried for me while I am gone?”
“Will you be waiting for me to come home?”
“Will you be excited to see me when I do?”
She turns to look at me and gives me a little smile, “Always.”
A lump forms in my throat and I ask, “…Will you, never leave me?”
She pulls herself up until she is nuzzled into my cheek, her lips close to my ear and her warm breaths tickling me. Gently, she whispers, “Never.”
I wrap her up in my embrace and hold her, “Thank you Sky, I’m sorry that I can be such an idiot sometimes…”
She giggles, “Just no setting yourself on fire again.” She says and I can feel her smiling despite not being able to see her face.
“I won’t…”
Of course she doesn’t know what I mean when I call myself an idiot… Even now as I am holding her, I can’t help but think about confessing to Anna. I’m a monster and an idiot. I can’t even tell Sky that I love her…
I hold her for a long while, lying on the couch and petting her gently as she sleeps in my arms, my mind is racked with guilt as her scent fills my every breath and my body urges me to take the next step. But I refuse. I simply hold her as she sleeps, letting herself be held in the arms of someone with thoughts for another.
I have to fix this. This isn’t healthy.
Turning my head a bit, I plant a kiss on her head.
I know what I have to do... I’ll tell Anna. Finally get all of this off of my chest. But I won’t ask her to be with me. I’ll even apologize and prostrate on the ground if I have to, to get her to forgive me. Then I’ll tell Sky how I feel about her, and we can be together. No more regrets, no more hiding my feelings.
After I get back from my first mission. I nod to myself. I’ll ask for a private meeting with Anna, and I will take care of it then. No matter how much it hurts.