The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 128 - Liuhuafei 24

Five days later, when Cheng Yunzhi went to diagnose the pulse of Huo Qinghong, he handed a simple compiled book to Huo Weilou. It listed dozens of prescriptions, decoctions, fragrant pills, and acupuncture medicinal preparations for alleviating the poison of the golden ointment. The context is well-organized, and the name is extremely detailed. It is a layman in Huo Wei Building who casually flipped through the pamphlet and understood three or two points.

Cheng Yunzhi also said: “I can’t ask everyone for the pulse to see a doctor. Therefore, the records in this booklet have different explanations for physical aging and the length of time of taking golden ointment. Who should use which medicine? How to do acupuncture, I also wrote some taboo trips, but in this way, whether it is really different from person to person, the effect will be greatly reduced. Of course, if you meet a doctor with good medical skills, rely on the method I wrote. With a little adjustment, the utility will be better.”

Huo Weilou’s eyes were somewhat solemn, “Too many people have been poisoned, and Mr. Cheng can do this step is already a journey to help the world, can you mind me and give the dictionary of words to the hospital?”

The corners of Cheng Yunzhi’s lips bend, “Why don’t you care about this? Since I can give this booklet, there are no taboos, but the same. If it is just an ordinary doctor, it is best not to change my prescription at will, let alone change it drastically. Decoctions, fragrant pills, etc. are all used a lot of medicine, and the medicinal materials also have the principle of restraining each other. One mistake or omission will actually harm people.”

This statement is also explained in this booklet. Huo Weilou responded to it, and looked at the thin ruoyou again, and saw that she was also bright and looking forward to it, and Huo Wei’s building should not be too late, so he entered the booklet. palace.

This object was presented to the palace by Huo Weilou’s hand, and Emperor Jianhe nodded almost effortlessly, and convened a group of imperial physicians in the Taiyuan Hospital to see it. Since the discussion on it is complete, everyone can find no mistakes, so it can be considered as good. It was the perfect strategy right now, and Emperor Jianhe immediately made the decision and immediately implemented his treatment strategy to Chengnan Disease Camp.

The orders were all down, and Emperor Jianhe asked Huo Weilou who made this plan. Huo Weilou naturally told the truth. When he heard that it was from the Cheng family, Emperor Jianhe frowned.

The incident happened more than ten years ago, but it was the person who was convicted by his own mouth. Emperor Jianhe naturally had a grudge, and Huo Weilou didn’t say much, only the memorial sent back from the southwest was reported to Emperor Jianhe.

The golden ointment in the Southwest has been rising for a long time. The number of addicts in several state capitals, regardless of gender, age, is hundreds of times more than that in the capital. Not only that, there are even government officials who have this poison. Malfeasance and corruption are already a felony. If officials repeat this poison again, one can imagine what kind of chaos there will be!

After all, Emperor Jianhe was not the master of mediocrity, so he quickly settled his mind, “I don’t know if it’s useful. Let’s use it first. I can’t take care of that much.”

Huo Weilou hesitated a little at this time, showing a bit of embarrassment on his face, and Emperor Jianhe raised his eyebrows, “You are a rare look, what else?”

Huo Weilou said with some self-blame: “I have known the identity of this doctor a long time ago, but I knew something about that year, so I didn’t care about it. Nowadays, the matter is very important, and the Taiyuan Hospital does not dare to take the responsibility. Now he has a lot of trade-offs when he talks about the grassroots.”

Emperor Jianhe frowned, “Then how did you persuade him?”

“I made a promise to him. If this cure works, then he has made an immortal contribution. At that time, I said that I would intercede with your Majesty for him, so that your Majesty will be rewarded.”

Emperor Jianhe frowned further, and Huo Weilou continued: “However, he is not greedy for prosperity and wealth. He has only one request. If this time really saves people, he wants to ask your Majesty to restore the reputation of the Cheng family and make the Cheng family descendants. Continue to practice medicine.”

Emperor Jianhe couldn’t help but patted the arm of the chair, “You really know how to make a wish. You dare to answer any kind of wish? You know that I will promise? If I don’t, how can you keep Wu Zhaohou’s face? ?”

Huo Weilou pursed his lips, “Your Majesty’s government has always placed the people as the most important thing. This time it will almost cause a national disaster. In comparison, the next decree will give a name to a clan with no name and a name.”

Emperor Jianhe sighed, “What else can I do? People still have to be saved, but it depends on the effectiveness of his cure.” After a slight pause, Emperor Jianhe said again: “Send before. People in the southwest are too slow. If this method is really effective, you don’t need others to go. You can go to the southwest and spend half a year in rectifying the several state capitals in the southwest.”

Hearing this, Huo Weilou’s heart sank slightly. If it were the usual, he would have gone for such an errand, but he knew a little about the situation in the southwest. If he wanted to be clean, half a year would not be enough, but now once he leaves Beijing, would it not be half a year? Can’t see Bo Ruoyou?

Seeing that he did not answer, Jianhe Emperor raised his eyebrows, “What’s the matter? Do you have a better way?”

There is no better way for Huo Weilou. The poison of the golden anointing in the southwest, apart from the Shen family’s leadership, is now even more involved with the local nobles. Any ordinary court official who goes to the southwest will only be circumvented, even he himself feels that , It is better to give this matter to him than to give him a quick and decisive decision, but after half a year, he really hesitated.

However, it took only two moments, and Huo Weilou respectfully responded, “There is indeed no better candidate.”

Emperor Jianhe nodded, not knowing what he thought of, and his voice was low, “I also know that it is very hard work for you to run outside all the year round, but in this tide, you are the only one who trusts me, and the prestige of the means, others are even more. It’s hard to compare to you. In the past few days, the case of the Ministry of Households has been decided by Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Affairs.

Huo Weilou quickly thanked the emperor for his compassion.

After leaving the palace gate, Huo Weilou’s heart became heavy. He believed in Cheng Yunzhi, especially watching Huo Qinghong’s transformation with his own eyes. In addition, Cheng Yunzhi was extra cautious. It also made him believe that his method would be useful when he presented the book, which also meant that he would definitely leave Beijing in January.

It is the midsummer of May now. When I leave Beijing in June, I will spend half a year in the southwest. When he returns, it will be the end of the year. Thinking about this, Huo Weilou only felt anxious.

The Southwest is not the furthest place he has ever been to as a errand. The poison of gold anointing is not the most troublesome errand, but now that there is a more caring person in his heart, he also has more selfishness, no longer as unscrupulous as in the past. , Like the ruthless knife in the hands of the emperor.

Huo Weilou calmly sent the carriage to the Xingbu Yamen. The more hectic he was, he knew best what he should do right now. His past 23 years of life have been like a game of every step of the game, and he’s done it early on. How to set the next hundred steps, but he did not expect to meet Bo Ruoyou, everything needs to be re-arranged.

When Huo Weilou returned to the Hou Mansion in the evening, he discovered that Lin Zhao had actually arrived in the mansion. He came to visit Huo Qinghong. Hearing that Huo Weilou had returned, he hurriedly visited the main courtyard. Huo Weilou looked at Lin Zhao and his eyes were calm. As long as you don’t want to see Bo Ruoyou, Huo Weilou still values ​​the younger generation of aristocratic families like Lin Zhao.

He had a calm expression, but he didn’t want Lin Zhao to be ignorant today, “Master Hou, I heard that today there is a way to understand the poison of gold anointing, but Uncle Cheng offered his advice?”

Huo Weilou nodded in response, and Lin Zhao asked: “Listening to Father Fu, Lord Hou still has the heart to vindicate Uncle Cheng’s family?”

Huo Weilou rubbed the black jade finger on the knuckles, dripping water on the surface, “If it can really save people this time, then it is a great service, and it should be rehabilitated for the Cheng family, and there is nothing in the Cheng family back then. mistaken.”

Lin Zhao’s face was joyful, but the gaze looking at Huo Wei Tower was a bit of scrutiny. Even though Lin Zhao was a young and talented man, he could see where Huo Wei Tower was in people’s hearts. He looked at Lin Zhao calmly, knowing him. This comes from purposefulness.

“That’s great! The second sister follows Uncle Cheng and is helpless in the capital. If the Cheng family restores its former reputation, the second sister will be better off. In the future, regardless of whether it is marriage or whatever, she will have a support.”

Huo Wei said without changing his color: “Speaking of marriage and the Bo family, you and your father must be in utter horror.”

Speaking of this, Lin Zhao’s expression suddenly changed. Firstly, the Bo family was really guilty. Secondly, Huo Weilou’s remarks also seemed to be tentative. He hurriedly said: “It is indeed a bit difficult these days, but Lord Hou Don’t worry, my father has always been fair and will not favoritism this time.”

Huo Weilou nodded, “This is natural, I know how your father is an official, but this is how your marriage is going to be criticized, but your father and the Bo family’s big house are family acquaintances. Law.”

Lin Zhao was inexplicably hot, “Yes, the marriage will not change.”

Huo Weilou also praised the Lin family for being a trustworthy person. Lin Zhao heard that he felt helpless. Seeing that it was not early, he could not help but stand up and leave. When he went out, his figure was quite embarrassed.

As soon as the others left, Huo Weilou’s face completely sank. At this time, the night was shrouded, and a round of clear moon hung diagonally in the air. The ground was radiant and the eyes were full of silver. It was too late, but he But I feel a little depressed.

After hesitating for a moment, he said, “Come here, get your cart and horse.”

Father Fu came in puzzled, “Where is Lord Hou going? It’s so late…”

Huo Weilou didn’t say a word, Father Fu’s eyes rolled, “Isn’t Hou Ye going to find Youyou?”

If it is a business matter, it is impossible for Huo Weilou to keep silent, and for Huo Weilou, only private matters related to Bo Ruoyou can be so silent.

Father Fu smiled bitterly for a moment, “What did Young Master Lin say upset Lord Hou?”

Huo Weilou shook his head, unpredictable, and didn’t reveal the unhappiness too obviously, as if it seemed too petty, he said again: “Send someone to the princess mansion to say that I am going to visit my mother tonight.”

Father Fu was surprised and hurriedly said, “The old slave will go there in person.”

Huo Weilou nodded, and soon got on the carriage. The carriage went straight to Changxingfang, winding around two incense sticks, and stopped in front of the door of Cheng’s house. The attendant came forward and called the door, and Zhou Liang opened the door first.

Zhou Liang was very surprised when he saw that Huo Wei Building was coming, but Huo Wei Building did not get out of the carriage. He just wanted to see Bo Ruoyou. Bo Ruoyou had just finished taking a bath and was about to rest early. He hurriedly changed his skirts. Chang out.

When he reached the carriage, Huo Wei Building raised the curtain and said: “I will take you to a place.”

Bo Ruoyou was a little suspicious. He turned around and explained to Zhou Liang that she had just got on the carriage. She was caught shortly after she got into the carriage. Huo Weilou pulled her in front of him, almost trying to hold her in his arms. One-third of the time, she just sat beside her, and he held her hand and rubbed it, his eyes were dull and difficult to see.

His thoughts came to him suddenly. One was thinking about leaving Beijing after more than a month, and the second was Lin Zhao’s careful thoughts that could not be hidden. Bo Ruoyou sat down and felt that something was wrong with him. Where do you take me?”

“Go to the Long Princess Mansion.” Huo Weilou couldn’t help but raise his hand and walk around behind her, taking her into his arms.

Bo Ruoyou’s back stretched, “What, go now?” She instantly became nervous, but then the carriage started to move, she shook his hand anxiously, “Will it be wrong to go at this hour?”

Huo Weilou laughed, “Nothing wrong, it’s just right now.”

Bo Ruoyouxiu frowned, a little nervous, she let go of Huo Weilou’s hands, she was sitting straight, her hands folded in front of her subconsciously, as if the princess was already in front of her, she looked down at the dress she changed again. She raised her hand again to touch the hurriedly rolled up bun. She only felt that this outfit was not solemn enough. She groaned: “Master Hou is too sudden.”

Huo Weilou held her hand again, “Youyou, what I told you, my mother is not what you think. She has improved a bit these days, her mood is stable and she can recognize people, but she has been sick many times. So now she can’t tell the year, and she doesn’t know the years outside the house. You will know when you see her, she will never embarrass you.”

Bo Ruoyou still couldn’t let go of his heart completely, and remembered something again, “I remember that after Hou Ye returned to Beijing, the Princess Long sent someone to the Hou Ye Mansion.”

Still a beautiful maid.

Huo Weilou squeezed her palm, “At that time, she was getting better, and she didn’t know how to take care of me temporarily. If you ask her now, I’m afraid she can’t remember it.”

Bo Ruoyou let out an “Oh”, and began to constrict his eyes to think about how to deal with the princess mansion. Huo Weilou raised the corners of his lips when he saw her waiting, and his nose moved slightly, and he smelled Bo Ruoyou’s body after bathing. The scent of the scent, the scent entangled, causing him to feel unsteady, his eyes darkened, his hands were covered, and she held her waist.

Bo Ruoyou only felt the heat in his waist, and turned his eyes to look at him. With his eyes facing each other, his eyes were usually indistinct with thick ink, but his voice was normal, “This afternoon, Chengnan Sick Camp is already using you. The adoptive father’s method of healing has been tried for more than a month. If it is effective, the method of healing will be sent to the southwest, which is much more serious than the capital.”

When talking about business affairs, Bo Ruoyou’s nervousness faded, and Huo Weilou continued: “Your Majesty has promised that if he can cure the addiction, he will restore the reputation of the Cheng family. If your foster father is willing to be a royal doctor again, it is not impossible. possible.”

Bo Ruoyou’s eyes were a bit bright. Although many people knew that the Cheng family was innocent in the old case, there was evidence of evidence, and it was also the condemnation of Emperor Jianhe himself. It is really difficult to rehabilitate Bo Ruoyou. Without the Huo Wei Tower, even if Cheng Yunzhi offered to save people, it would probably be difficult for the Cheng family to rehabilitate it.

She looked sideways at Huo Weilou, “Thank you, Lord Hou, the foster father suffered a lot because of what happened back then, and the Cheng family fell apart because of this. Although it is useless to oppose the rest of the Cheng family, I don’t want to see the latter half of his life. I also feel depressed and unwilling.”

Huo Weilou’s fingertips rubbed her waist. The slight movements did not make her repel her, but she felt a bit of itching. She couldn’t help but want to avoid it. Huo Weilou’s hand followed again, and he shook her hard. For a moment, “You are not allowed to say thank you to me in the future.”

Bo Ruoyou’s heart was hot, and he nodded obediently. At this moment, Huo Weilou said again: “It’s just that your Majesty ordered me to go southwest. There is a lot of complexity over there. There is no one who is capable of this golden cream. Unclear.”

Bo Ruoyou’s eyes opened slightly, “How long will it take?”

“From three to four months, to more than half a year.” Huo Weilou looked at her with breathing, and seeing her eyes darkened after hearing, the heavier the force in her hands, she was held closer by him, “You think Am I going or not?”

Bo Ruoyou’s throat choked and he didn’t know how to answer. March and April were long enough. If it were to take half a year… she swallowed hard, “Is there no better candidate besides Master Hou?”

Huo Weilou looked straight into her eyes, “Yes.”

Bo Ruoyou stopped talking, and a few moments later he said quietly, “Master Hou is gone, and he will definitely be able to eliminate the poison. It will be great for the Southwestern Prefecture and the entire Great Zhou.”

“This is a few months away.” His voice was deep.

Bo Ruo constricted his eyes for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at him, his eyes were gentle and soft, and there was a bright lake, “I’m waiting for Master Hou to return in the capital.”

The light under Huo Wei Building’s pupils dimmed, and when the arms were closed, she took her into her arms. She quickly softened down. Although Huo Wei Building said she would leave after more than a month, she felt that the tip of her nose was a little sour at this moment. He gritted his teeth and waited for the sorrow to pass, then whispered softly: “In fact, no matter what I say, Master Hou will go.”

Huo Weilou stroked her shoulder and back, and through the thin silk clothes, he seemed to be able to touch her thin musculature. He almost acquiesced to her words, but his heart was filled with impatience, which basically responded. For the first time, his errand made him feel tired and bored.

When the carriage stopped in front of the princess’s mansion, Bo Ruoyou just retreated from his arms. She was a little bit embarrassed, and her original anxiety was gone. At this moment, she was pretending to be more depressed. Seeing the princess’s nervousness, she was not nervous. What kind of.

Mr. Fu Gongzheng was waiting at the door. When they arrived, his expression was overwhelming. “Master Hou, the eldest princess has been very good these few days. The next person said that seeing the old things from that year will not be repeated. Today, you and Youyou will go there together. Bar.”

Huo Weilou held Bo Ruoyou’s hand and led her into the gate of the princess mansion.

The long princess mansion is outside the imperial city, even more so than the Wu Zhaohou mansion, but Bo Ruoyou entered the mansion, and he also noticed a bit inexplicably deserted. There is only the long princess in the mansion all year round, and he is sick all the time. Shang has never thanked guests behind closed doors.

The mansion is huge. Along the way, many of the pavilions are closed, and it is bleak and clear. Only the direction from the main courtyard to the water pavilion is brightly lit. Before approaching, two grandma greeted them. They had a gentle expression, thinking that they would be a very high-ranking old man in the mansion. The two saluted them, and they said that the eldest princess was painting in the water pavilion, while secretly looking at Bo Ruoyou.

Bo Ruoyou couldn’t help feeling a little more nervous. She moved her knuckles, and Huo Weilou held her hands tighter. The two old mothers quickly lowered their eyes, showing respectful expressions, and walked past a lot of lotus. Ye Tingting’s pond was as far away as the water pavilion where the eldest princess was. Bo Ruoyou saw a middle-aged woman who was extremely thin in brocade and beautiful clothes.

The eldest princess Zhao Lingxiao paints in front of the Shui Pavilion window. She is not confused when she is over, her eyebrows are calm, and her expression is focused. Because she is too thin, her back is a little buckled, the wide cuffs are rolled up, and the wrists holding the pen are thin and white, giving people a kind of withered and fragile. feel.

The closer Bo Ruoyou got closer, the more Bo Ruoyou could see the paleness on her face. People who had been ill for many years had a weaker breath, but when she looked up, she didn’t have the aristocratic sharpness she imagined.

She has a pair of eyes soft as a stream, and with a little indifferent calmness, as if years have not left any traces of vicissitudes in her eyes, because of these eyes, she has a slightly old face due to a long illness. A lot softer.

When she saw Huo Wei Tower, she had a faint glow in her eyes.


She walked out holding the pen with a little cinnabar on the tip of the pen, which was bright and dazzling. Her face was very happy, “Are you coming back from the North?”

The mother stepped forward and gently said, “His Royal Highness made a mistake. The eldest son is no longer in the North. He has already been entrusted.”

Zhao Lingxiao was a little annoyed, and sighed helplessly, “Look at me, I remembered wrong again.” After she finished speaking, she looked at Bo Ruoyou, and looked at her with curiosity. The pulse of her eyes was like water, and Bo Ruoyou thought instantly. The deceased stepmother.

She has no impression of her biological mother, but her stepmother Fangze is also a gentle and beautiful woman. She is not scared at all. On the contrary, she has a kind of closeness. She calmly allows the eldest princess to look at her, unable to imagine such a gentle and elegant People in, will be tortured by years of madness. She is too thin, with only a thin layer of skin and flesh on her face. The bones are exquisite and beautiful. It is conceivable that if she has never been ill, she is also a peerless figure in Fanghua even if she is not confused. .

Bo Ruoyou broke away from Huo Weilou’s hands, blessed himself and said, “Worship your Royal Highness the princess.”

The eldest princess walked up, first carefully looked at Bo Ruoyou, then looked at Huo Wei Tower suspiciously, and then said in a very uncertain tone: “Lou’er, this is your wife? Mother can’t remember, come mother. There are not many people here, and my mother thinks she is very kind…”

She finished speaking hesitantly. She went to see the mother with a little helplessness. She pressed her lips to see Huo Weilou. Huo Weilou said warmly, “Mother, this is Ruoyou, it is indeed your daughter-in-law.”

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