The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 163 - Eight Treasures Makeup 17

The pine and cypress cast a large shade of trees on the ground, and in the dimly lit light and shadow, a layer of goose bumps formed on Wu Xiang’s arm, “Is it certain? If he was killed by a sharp weapon, wouldn’t it be the same as Ye Fei’s method of death? ?”

Bo Ruoyou took out a small knife from the box, scraped off the dirt on the skull little by little, and scrubbed it with a bristle brush and a coarse cloth kerchief. After a short while, two cracks sealed by the dirt were exposed on the skull. mouth.

If the deceased was burned to death, the skull should be intact, but now not only are the bone fractures obvious, but there are also gaps. At first glance, Wu Xiang felt that it was inseparable from each other, and the skull showed its original shape. The appearance also gives Bo Ruoyou more evidence.

“If it is a complete skull, the parietal bones, frontal bones, occipital bones, temporal bones and facial bones should be tightly stitched together, and they are all intact. But right now, there are obvious wounds in the temporal fossa of the deceased’s skull. Catch the head and look–“

“The so-called temporal fossa is the frontal bone, parietal bone, temporal bone, and sphenoid large wings gathered in one place. It is the place where the skull bones are the thinnest, that is, the human temple. When Ye Fei died, the murderer used the coffin. The nail was pierced from Ye Fei’s right temple, and the left temple was pierced through the temporal fossa on both sides.”

“In this temporal fossa, there are the most important blood vessels in the brain. Let alone pass through the brain, any injury, fracture or bone fracture in the temporal fossa is very likely to cause the blood vessels in the brain to rupture, which will cause people Died quickly.”

Bo Ruoyou pointed to the cracks on the skull in his hand, “The deceased’s skull has wounds on the left and right temporal fossa. There are large wounds on the right side and small wounds on the left side. The side wound was hole-shaped with a depressed fracture. It is certain that the method of killing Banzhu Zhao was almost exactly the same as that of killing Ye Fei. They were both pierced through the right temple with a sharp tool and passed through the inner skull. The left temple is pierced.”

Bo Ruoyou pondered for a moment and said: “The case of the year was convicted of death by fire. If a person was injured by this type of injury, he would pull out the murder weapon and be burned to a scorched corpse in the fire. Investigate the scene. The government’s **** was never discovered and it is excusable, and the case was not left for examination. I suspect that the person who handled the case did not take care of it, and most of them never asked him to do an autopsy.”

Huo Weilou said that the chief official of Jingzhaoyi Yamen was convicted of corruption more than ten years ago, and he is still in prison. For many people, if the head-catcher at the time wanted to rush, it would be impossible for the murder case to be regarded as an accident.

Wu Xiang’s expression turned gloomy, “This is twelve years ago, but the killing methods are exactly the same. Pan Master Zhao was killed in this way, it is impossible that the same person killed Ye Fei and the others today.”

Bo Ruoyou looked at the skull in his hand and said, “Not only is it not the same person, I also suspect that someone knew how Pan Master Zhao died, but now killing Ye Fei is just for revenge.”

“How to treat his body in his own way?”

Bo Ruoyou nodded, then cast his gaze on the other graves, “Is it necessary to examine the other bones to find out if he is to be treated in his own way.”

Wu Xiang also shook his face, and quickly let the other government officials continue to dig their graves. At this moment, the sky was also dimmed, and Bo Ruoyou used the last ray of light to examine the skeleton of Class Master Zhao.

“In addition to the injuries on the skull, the deceased’s left arm and wrist had fractures, like being tied down or beaten down. The fatal injury was a puncture wound at the temporal fossa.” Bo Ruoyou finished speaking and cut the skull. Return to the original place.

Wu Xiang could not hold back a low curse, and then said: “Killing people, and setting fire to destroy the corpse, the murderer is really cruel, if the murderer is using the same method to come back to avenge the hatred, then the person who murdered the master Zhao in the past. , Could it be Ye Fei and the others?”

Wu Xiang had the final say, “This is the 17th year of Jianhe. At that time, a few of them were less than ten years old, but they were all half-old children. Will they do such terrible things?”

Bo Ruoyou shook his head, “Don’t be preconceived. Judging from the current bone test results, and how much Liu Qing and the others have concealed, it will indeed make people so guessed. The average child is indeed innocent, kind and innocent, but it is not acceptable. underestimate.”

Wu Xiang responded and went to dig a grave with other people. Not long after the night fell, the government officials lighted a torch under the tree. If someone passed by at this time, they saw a few deserted graves. The fireflies were a little bit, and people flickered again, I was afraid that I would think I had seen a ghost.

Bo Ruoyou stood aside. She couldn’t help her with all her strength, so she also lit a torch to take photos in the dirt pit. After a short while, she saw bones in the dirt.

The government officials carefully pulled the soil out of it, and soon, another skeleton appeared intact. The coffin had long been decayed into pieces of wood, and the body was buried in the soil, showing the appearance of being contained in a coffin, thin and secluded. Standing on the dirt pit, condescendingly looking at the bones at the bottom of the pit, suddenly realized that he had just missed something.

“Xiao Bo, you come down over there, it’s easy to walk over there—”

Wu Xiang pointed to the gentle **** to the west of the soil pit, but Bo Ruoyou did not move. Looking down from her, he could see the whole picture of the skeleton at a glance. Unlike the corpse of Ban Master Zhao, this skeleton was not arranged in a regular manner. Judging from the arrangement of the two leg bones and ribs, the deceased was curled up when he died, and when he was buried in the soil, he maintained that posture.

“This deceased was burned to death.” Bo Ruoyou was still walking down the gentle **** to the west. “People who were burned to death will be curled up subconsciously. The arrangement of bones and ribs also shows that the person’s back is rickety. I suspect that the deceased had no one to clean up after his death, and it was not long before he was put in a coffin and buried here.”

Bo Ruoyou glanced at the soil here again, “The soil at the foot of the mountain is moist, and the wood of the coffin is soft. If buried here, it will decay in less than a year. The soil collapses and retains the original posture of the corpse. Jiao. The corpse’s surface is not perishable, but after so many years, the scorched part has decomposed, leaving only the ash and mud made of flesh and blood sticking to the bones.”

Although Bo Ruoyou had determined the cause of death, she still had to check whether there were any injuries on the bones. She squatted down and continued to clean the ash from the bones, while the others rushed to dig the remaining three graves.

The night in early winter was quite cold, the wind whistling and whimpering in the barren mountains and plains was especially frightening. The government officials were panicking while digging their graves, and occasionally the birds were startled from the forest, causing them to have a sudden heartbeat. Squatting in the grave to test the bones is calm and tight.

The bones that had been buried for many years were difficult to clean up. When Bo Ruoyou finished examining the second bone, two more graves had already been dug out. She came out and said: “The deceased was a woman, five feet in length. In the forties, there were signs of bone cracks on the calves, and there were no other wounds other than that.”

Wu Xiang understood, “This tombstone is engraved with Zhao Yue’s family. I want to be Zhao Banzhu’s wife. Then she may have been beaten before death, so she left injuries on her leg, but the cause of death was still burned to death by fire.”

Bo Ruoyou responded, and went to see the other two graves that had been dug out.

Compared with the previous two bones, the bones that appeared in these two graves looked thinner at first glance. The bones were slender and their stature was much shorter. They were the corpses of young children.

The handwriting on the tombstone is already mottled, and Wu Xiang said: “The remaining corpses are the three people who were burned to death along with Mr. Zhao and his wife. Judging from the figure, they should be their apprentices.”

Bo Ruoyou moved the torch closer, and went down to examine the bones in the pit. This bone was very common, and it was arranged similarly to the corpse of Class Master Zhao. This made Bo Ruoyou frowned at the beginning.

Soon, she found out, “The deceased was male, and his body was three feet four inches long, plus an inch and a half of the body surface height. At the time of death, his height was around three feet six inches, and he should be nine years old. He was not burnt to death by the fire at about the age of age. There were no bone injuries anywhere else, but there were cracks on the big horns of the hyoid bone—”

Wu Xiang’s eyelids twitched, “Is he strangled to death?”

Bo Ruoyou shook his head, “No, it’s not strangled, it’s hanged.”

“Hanging yourself?” Wu Xiang was startled, “How can there be a suicide failure?”

“It’s not necessarily suicide.” Bo Ruoyou frowned and analyzed: “These five deceased died in the fire of Zhao’s family, which means they died in the same yard. Zhao’s master was murdered, and Zhao Yue’s was. It’s unlikely that someone will hang himself after being burned to death.”

“Could it be forced? Or the murderer hanged him up?”

The deceased was only eight or nine years old when he died. He was persecuted or hung on a rope by murderous gloves. The scars looked like self-hanging, but in fact it was murder.

“It’s possible.” After Bo Ruoyou finished, he looked at Wu Xiang with cold eyes, “Yu Xun was hanged to death.”

Wu Xiang felt his scalp numb for a while, “In other words, this person’s method of death is the same as that of Yu Xun’s murder?”

Bo Ruo faintly nodded, “So.”

Wu Xiang anxiously turned around twice, “That is to say, as you said, the murderer is going to kill Liu Qing and the others by using the same method of death as Mr. Zhao fourteen years ago?”

Ruo Shi is just skeptical, and now there are two exactly the same methods of death, it is almost certain.

Wu Xiang’s eyelids twitched, “If this is the case, then someone was drowned back then?”

Wu Xiang walked to another grave, and Bo Ruoyou followed him. The corpses in this pit were also very short. Looking at the arrangement of the corpses, Bo Ruoyou could even think of how the corpses were lying in the coffin. Inside, she went down to the bottom of the pit to examine the bones, but she never found any bone fractures on the bones. Because the corpse was buried in moist soil for many years, unless the method of steaming the bones was used, even the bleeding points on the bones would be difficult. Identify it.

Wu Xiang heard what she said, so she didn’t have to worry. After the last tomb was dug up, she asked her to inspect the last bone. Bo Ruoyou waited for a while, and the last bone was cleaned by the servant. Came out.

It was late at night, and Bo Ruoyou had a thin skirt and numb hands and feet, but when she walked down the grave and looked inside with a torch, she still felt a chill hit her.

Because she saw that the upper body of the skeleton was intact, but the thigh and leg bones of the lower body of the skeleton were covered with dense cracks all the way to the ankle, just like this person’s legs were beaten carefully with a heavy hammer.

Her expression changed, she leaned forward for a detailed examination, and raised her eyes not long. “The deceased was also a boy at the age of nine. He had no obvious bone injuries in his upper body, but it started with the hip bones, the lower ischium and the pubic bone. As well as the femur, there are extremely serious bone fractures, especially the patella, which has been completely shattered. When the corpse was not completely corroded, there were soft tendons connected, but now the corpse is completely boned, and the broken patella has been scattered. .”

“The tibia and fibula below the patella have different degrees of fragmentation. These fractured bone spurs pierced into the flesh and blood, enough to cause serious trauma, as well as the deceased’s foot bones. There were also obvious bone fractures. This is especially noticeable above the cuneiform and phalanges.”

Bo Ruoyou said in detail, Wu Xiang’s legs felt a little soft, “This…”

“Some of the injuries on the femur and sit bones were left like a cane, but on the femur of the thigh and the tibia of the calf, they were completely traumatized, and the comminuted injuries on the patella and foot bones were even more serious. Slaughtered.”

Bo Ruoyu was a little unbearable in his words, “It is very likely that they are all wounds during his lifetime. Such severe injuries will cause the wounded to bleed and die. He was tortured to death.”

Wu Xiang wondered what would happen if the injury fell on him. As soon as the thought came out, he was an agitated spirit, “This… what a grudge is this, why do you want to make such a hand?!”

Bo Ruoyou didn’t speak, she looked in the direction of several other tombs, sharp weapons pierced her skull and died, the fire burned to death, ropes hanged, and the uncertain death that was most likely to be drowned, and the **** in front of her. The five people who seem to have died in the fire scene are all different ways of death, and they died in such tragic pain.

The murderer used these methods to kill, is there a grudge, or is it because of something else?

But no matter what the reason, Bo Ruoyou chills all over his body. With such torture, Bo Ruoyou seems to think that they will struggle, be angry, plead, and then despair. The murderer wants them to experience the ultimate pain and fear. And seeing them dying, what kind of weird and horrible mood would the murderer’s heart be?

Bo Ruoyou’s breathing was suffocated, Wu Xiang couldn’t help but cursed in a low voice, “Fortunately, let’s have a bone test, otherwise I don’t know how wronged and tragically they died fourteen years ago!”

He shook his side with a knife again, “I’m going back and ask this Liu Qing to see what he is hiding!”

Bo Ruoyou said: “Catch the head, can these corpses be sent back to the city? I want to use the method of steaming the bones for a closer examination.”

Wu Xiang hurriedly said: “Naturally! Now that this old case is involved again, I have to take the evidence back.”

It was late at night, the light of the burning torch was getting darker and darker, and it could not last long, and the servants were also exhausted. Wu Xiang saw that it was too late, so a few people were left looking at the corpse and nodded again. A few Hou Yang said, “You send Xiaobo back to the city. I’m afraid it’s going to dawn when you go back. You can report this to an adult and then you can rest. I will go to Qianjia Town to find a cart and horse to take the corpse back. “

Hou Yang took the orders, Bo Ruoyou packed up the cage, and went to the shallow creek to clean his hands before getting into the carriage and leaving.

Shicai kept standing, only feeling sleepy. Now sitting down, he feels extremely tired and tight. Not to mention the coldness of his legs and feet, and the drowsiness cannot withstand the invasion, but he rushes at night, Bo Ruoyouduo is a little worried. I dare not really fall asleep.

Fortunately, the official roads outside the capital are wide. These years, the officials in the city and outside the city have also been well-administered. Coupled with the protection of Hou Yang and others, they rushed all the way to the capital, waiting for the first glimmer of light on the horizon. When he left, Bo Ruoyou could already see the towering gate tower.

The group hurried to the gate of the city, and soon had to be released. After entering the capital, Bo Ruoyou was completely relieved and bid farewell to Hou Yang. They returned to the Yamen, and she went to Changshou Fang.

Walking on the road, Bo Ruoyou felt heavy eyelids. After a short while, she leaned on the carriage and fell asleep. When the carriage came to a halt, Zhou Liang knocked on the door of the carriage again, and she suddenly woke up. The curtain looked at it, and it turned out to be home.

Zhou Liang went to call the door, and soon someone opened the door. Bo Ruoyou thought he was Aunt Liang, but he looked up, but he was a familiar attendant. This attendant was from the Wu Zhaohou Mansion. Bo Ruoyou was a little surprised, “Why are you here? Here?”

The attendant said respectfully: “Master Hou knows that the county lord is out of the city, so he ordered the little people to wait in the house. If he sees that the county lord is back safely, he will go back and report–“

Suddenly, Bo Ruo said: “I’m back well, you go back and tell him.”

The attendant should be, and after another salute, he retired and left. Bo Ruo looked at his leaving back. Although he did not see Huo Weilou, he felt a sense of being worried about. He swept away the exhaustion of staying up all night. Went a lot.

Cheng Yunzhi probably also slept restlessly. At this moment, the sky was not too bright. He heard the movement outside and got up. Seeing that Bo Ruoyou came back with half of his body covered in dust, he was quite distressed, and asked Aunt Liang to bring soup to her.

Bo Ruoyou was indeed hungry. It took some soup to take a bath and rest. Aunt Liang came to wait while wiping her hair and said: “There were many people here yesterday. The master and wife of the Lin family are here, and there is a second room. The old man and his wife also came together. The girl is now the head of the county, and she is also given a marriage. It’s different in the end.”

Bo Ruoyou was dozing off against the edge of the tub, and she only heard half of her words. She replied vaguely, dried her body and lay down on the couch. Aunt Liang walked out lightly and closed the door again. superior.

Bo Ruoyou was extremely sleepy. She slept very deeply. When she woke up, the sun was high outside the window and the bright light was bright. She calmed down. Then she got up and changed her clothes. She just sat down in front of the dressing table and suddenly heard something outside. When she spoke, she was suspicious, got up and walked towards the door, pulling the door open, Bo Ruoyou saw a figure that shouldn’t be in her courtyard.

Huo Weilou was standing in her small courtyard, looking at the orchids planted under the porch. Aunt Liang stood beside Huowei building, and she was a little nervous to tell him how these flowers and plants were handled when they were so thin and quiet. He heard the door opening. People looked over together.

Seeing Bo Ruoyou awake, Aunt Liang is amnesty, “Miss, Master Hou has been here for a while, and the master went to the Lin’s house to visit Madam Lin. I’m afraid he will come back later.”

Bo Ruoyou ordered Aunt Liang to retreat, and Huo Weilou stepped towards her, “Are you awake?”

Bo Ruoyou’s hair was still dangled, and her sleepiness on her face had not gone away. She looked at Huo Weilou strangely, “Why is Lord Hou here?”

Huo Weilou stood still at the door, “I heard that there is another big case in Yamen, I’ll ask Bo Yazuo what kind of case it is.”

There was a smile in his eyes, and Bo Ruoyou just thought he was just making any excuses, pulled his lips and let him into the house. He was the first time to come to her boudoir in the new house, although it was a little wider than the old house. But the arrangement was elegant and neat, and when he turned his head, he saw Bo Ruoyou pulling his hair in front of the dressing table.

Her slender knuckles are covered with silk-like black hair, and her waist is graceful and slender. The warm sun of early winter pours in from the window lattice, setting off her beautiful and refreshing side face. His heart moved for a while, and he couldn’t bear to break the painting. Scenes.

Bo Ruoyou quickly cleaned up, turned around to meet his pulsed eyes, and his heart beat suddenly. Huo Weilou came forward at this time, “Go to dinner, and I will go to the Yamen with you later. Your Majesty learned about Zhao Yue.” , Your Majesty sent someone to ask today.”

Bo Ruoyou was surprised, “Master Hou really wants to ask the case?”

Huo Weilou raised his eyebrows, “Isn’t it?”

Of course, Bo Ruo quietly nodded, and after lunch in the main hall, he left home with Huo Wei Building.

On the carriage, Bo Ruoyou told Huo Weilou about the results of the autopsy last night, and said that he inferred that Huo Weilou wrinkled his eyebrows after hearing this. Five people died and the methods were so cruel. This was ten years ago and it was a sensational thing. But now that it’s been such a long time, until another case is revealed, one can imagine how inaction the Jingzhaoyi Yamen back then.

He sank his phoenix eyes, “If this is the case, the murderer must know what happened back then. At that time, three people survived the fire. One was the juggler named Qian, and the other two were the apprentices of the old squad master. The suspicion is the biggest.”

Having said that, Huo Weilou said again: “They were injured in the fire scene, so it is not difficult to find them.”

If the burn is severe, it will definitely leave scars that are difficult to hide. Bo Ruoyou knows this is a very important clue, and hurriedly said: “Exactly, I can find something if I search in the garden based on this!”

She had bright eyes and a bright complexion, and she seemed to want to go to the Hundred Bird Park for inquiries. Huo Weilou held her hand and inadvertently touched the thin cocoon on her fingertips. She couldn’t help but said with deep eyes: “These make Wu Xiang To do it, you went out of town yesterday afternoon, and you were busy all night, and you should have been resting today. The method of steaming the bones you want to use is the method used in Luozhou.”

When Bo Ruoyou responded, Huo Weilou sighed and raised his hand to caress the top of her hair.

Bo Ruoyou only felt that he had not said something, and the fox questioned: “What’s the matter?”

Huo Weilou felt mixed in her heart, but she didn’t notice it, and couldn’t help but said, “What’s the matter? It makes me feel distressed.”

Bo Ruoyou suddenly felt a puff of warmth in her heart, she couldn’t help but leaned in his arms, teasing softly: “Isn’t Hou Ye who liked the hard work of his subordinates the most? “

Huo Weilou thought that she still dared to stop him with this, and couldn’t help holding her on her knees, “Not only did I like it before, I still like it now, but who are you now?”

He suddenly deceived him, Bo Ruoyou’s cheeks flushed, “I…I am a yamen’s work…”

Huo Weilou’s brows were raised high, and the next moment it was pressed down, holding her fragrant lips, all the way to the city to absorb her fragrance, Bo Ruoyou shivered all over his body, and there was a wave of water in his eyes, waiting for Huo Weilou. The airtight kiss settled, she was panting, her long eyelashes were even more wet, and she was lying on his chest, unable to recover for a long while.

Huo Weilou rubbed her hair and was also in self-control, “I can’t spare myself at all–“

Bo Ruoyou raised his eyes to look at him, and the exit of Huo Weilou was: “——I can’t spare Sun Zhao!”

Her wet eyes were bent into a crescent moon, she couldn’t help laughing, and said, “What’s the matter with Master Sun…”

The carriage galloped all the way to the yamen. Huo Weilou and Bo Ruoyou got out of the carriage. She didn’t notice anything. Huo Weilou first looked at the yamen inside the door and frowned. She took a closer look and found that everyone looked rather strange. serious.

When the two of them stepped into the office, Sun Zhao learned that the Huo Wei Tower was coming, and hurriedly greeted him. Huo Wei Tower asked him, “What happened?”

Sun Zhao frowned and said, “The people who stayed in the Hundred Bird Park came to report that there was another dead bird in the park! And the two Liu Qing who were locked up were dying to go out in prison! “

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