The Fake Heiress’s Inner Thoughts Were Heard by Her Entire Family

Chapter 201

"Jing Yi, it's not that I don't trust you, it's that I don't trust myself."

If I can't even show up at the racetrack, then I certainly have no place in your choices...


Once you figure one thing out, everything else starts to make sense.

Jing Yi looked up at Shen Huaichu, his eyes red but not shedding tears.

She could feel that Shen Huaichu loved her deeply.

Deeply enough to endure the pain just to stay by her side; deeply enough to blame himself first whenever she raised a concern; deeply enough to bury all his emotions inside.

How could she not love someone like Shen Huaichu...

But precisely because of this, she clearly understood that Shen Huaichu's happiness was never truly relaxed.

And neither was hers.

During that period, they seemed to share a mutual understanding and avoided this issue.

Yet this issue was one that couldn't be sidestepped.

For a moment, Jing Yi felt an overwhelming sadness. She had thought that being together would bring them joy and happiness.

Because she wanted Shen Huaichu to feel happiness and joy, but what she seemed to bring him was only endless worry and fear.

The air around them seemed to freeze, and Shen Huaichu felt as if he had been doused from head to toe in icy water.

He gripped Jing Yi's hand tightly, as if letting go would mean losing her forever.

He stared into Jing Yi's eyes, which were slightly red, showing both unease and reluctance. Even his usually cold and detached voice had become hoarse.

He murmured, "If you don't want me to go, I won't go." His voice carried a hint of pleading, "Okay?"

Jing Yi gently shook her head, feeling a pang of heartache seeing him like this. Her chest felt heavy, as if something was pressing down on her, making it hard to breathe.

"It's not about that. Let's both calm down for a few days, okay?"

Shen Huaichu gazed into Jing Yi's almond-shaped eyes, his own eyes slightly red but filled with seriousness.

He knew that this time, Jing Yi wouldn't let him off easily...

His back slightly bent, as if accepting his fate.


Shen Huaichu and Jing Yi had a falling out, and the Jing family found out about it the next day.

Lin Ruiqing and others were worried, but seeing Jing Yi eating her meals as usual, they couldn't detect any sadness in her.

That night, Jing Zejun quietly slipped into Jing Yi's bedroom. She was curled up on the sofa watching a movie. Seeing her come in, Jing Yi said, "Junjun, come watch the movie with me."

Jing Zejun sat down beside Jing Yi, occasionally sneaking glances at her.

The frequency of these glances was so high that Jing Yi couldn't ignore them, and she chuckled, "Are you here to watch the movie, or to watch me?"

Of course, it was to watch her!

Jing Zejun turned to face Jing Yi, pulling her hand and asking seriously, "Did you have a fight with Shen Huaichu?"

【So ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​​‌​​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌​​​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​​​​​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌​‌‌​​​‌​‍that's what it is? The news spread pretty fast.】

"We just had some disagreements."

【As for fighting, Shen Huaichu doesn't seem like the type to argue. He usually just goes along with whatever is said.】

Jing Zejun looked at Jing Yi, her eyes filled with concern, "Just disagreements? But I feel like you're a bit sad."

During this time, Jing Yi seemed the same as usual, but Jing Zejun could sense that she must be very unhappy.

Jing Yi sighed, looking at the two figures leaning on each other in the movie, "Junjun, it seems like dating isn't as easy as I thought." Even just dealing with two people, everything was a mess.

They clearly love each other, so why is it so difficult to be together?

Jing Yi stared at the screen, her thoughts drifting, "Why is he so stubborn? If he had just listened and not come that day, nothing would have happened, right?"

She was talking about the time Shen Huaichu came to watch her race.

"He insisted on coming, and now he's uncomfortable, and he's upset with me. His heart must be troubled too."

That day, he was right behind her, but Jing Yi didn't dare to look back. She knew she would have given in if she had.

"Before that, he insisted on coming to the racetrack as some kind of mascot. Why couldn't we meet elsewhere? What was the point of meeting at the racetrack?"

How could she not be afraid? She was afraid of getting hurt, afraid that Shen Huaichu would worry even more about her.

"But he's also a bit too much. He promised to trust me before, and now he's changed so quickly. Men just can't be relied on!"

Worry is a form of love, and so is trust.

Jing Yi's eyes gradually reddened, a sourness welling up in her heart. She leaned on Jing Zejun's shoulder, trying to hide her tears, but they uncontrollably slipped down her cheeks.

Jing Zejun quietly listened to Jing Yi's words, though they were disjointed, she still understood the gist of it.

She gently patted Jing Yi, offering silent comfort.

She had thought there might be some distance between Shen Huaichu and Jing Yi, but she hadn't expected it to be so vast.

When the slight tremor in Jing Yi's shoulders stopped, Jing Zejun softly asked, "So, what are you going to do?"

It seemed like an impossible dilemma.

Jing Yi shook her head, continuing to rest on her shoulder, her voice hoarse, "I don't know. I told him we should both calm down for a few days."

Although she said that, Jing Yi knew deep down that there were only two options, and it would likely come down to her giving up.

Jing Zejun's heart skipped a beat. She didn't dare to ask what Jing Yi was planning to give up.

Was it Shen Huaichu, or was it racing...


Downstairs, Jing Zeqian paced back and forth restlessly.

Lin Ruiqing, though also worried about Jing Yi's situation, found Jing Zeqian's behavior quite annoying.

"Xiao Qian, can you calm down a bit?"

Jing Zeqian finally stopped, but his brows remained tightly furrowed, "If it were up to me, I'd just drag Shen Huaichu out and interrogate him."

If necessary, I'd even resort to some unconventional methods, like a sack!

Jing Zeyou glanced at him, then went back to his work, while Jing Beicheng watched the news, not moving an inch.

Lin Ruiqing couldn't help but roll her eyes.

After all, he was her son, so Lin Ruiqing asked, "What do you think you're going to achieve by finding out why they're arguing?"

Jing Zeqian widened his eyes, "Of course, to resolve the conflict!"

Lin Ruiqing retorted, "You, a single man, should stay out of this. You'll only make things worse." Jing Zeqian was unconvinced. Everyone says that outsiders see more of the game, and he was the most clear-sighted!

Most likely, it was Shen Huaichu who made Jing Yi angry! A good beating would solve everything!

Jing Zeyou, typing away on his keyboard, said coolly, "No private vendettas allowed." He had every reason to suspect that this was Jing Zeqian's personal idea.

Jing Zeqian paused, well, there was a bit of personal grievance involved, but overall, it was to avenge Jing Yi!

Lin Ruiqing also found it a bit ridiculous, "Alright, let the young couple handle it themselves. Don't meddle."

Her son's plans sounded so unreliable just hearing them.

Jing Zeqian slumped back onto the sofa, his eyes showing a melancholy that no one understood.

He looked upstairs, his eyes filled with worry.

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