The Fake Heiress’s Inner Thoughts Were Heard by Her Entire Family

Chapter 215

The sunlight filtered through the fine floral white gauze curtains, casting dappled patterns onto the carpet in the room.

Outside the window, the sound of the lake gently lapping against the shore created a mesmerizing scene, with shades of yellow and green blending into an elegant oil painting.

However, Jing Yi had no mood to appreciate these sights today. She had arranged to meet with friends, some of the first she had made in this place.

A black SUV pulled up outside the Berlin International Racetrack.

The roar of racing engines filled the air, and Jing Yi, dressed in a casual denim vest and work pants, walked to the edge of the spectator stands.

Her gaze followed the few racing cars speeding around the track, her eyes brimming with a smile.

Perhaps spotting her figure, the cars gradually came to a halt, and the drivers, having removed their helmets, jumped out of their vehicles.

Jing Yi's lips curled into a smile as she walked towards them.

The first to rush over was a young man with honey-colored, curly short hair, a straight nose, and deep green eyes.

The first time Jing Yi met him, he had completely embodied the image of a noble little prince.

But then this little prince gave her a hug, "Jing! Long time no see! I missed you so much~" Despite his towering height, he acted like a little kitten, purring with affection.

By the second day of knowing him, Jing Yi's fantasies about him were completely shattered.

"Henry, long time no see, I missed you too, but could you loosen up a bit?"

A pale hand pulled the little prince away, and Jing Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief, only to be immediately smothered in another hug!


"…Marso, I'm really having trouble breathing."

This was Marso, whose angelic appearance and devilish figure were Jing Yi's first impressions of her.

After getting to know her, Jing Yi realized that the devilish traits weren't just her figure but also her personality.

"Jing, you're so heartless. It's been so long since you came back to see us!" Henry complained around her.

Jing Yi finally managed to escape Marso's tight embrace, took a few deep breaths, and then the last person stepped forward.

Ross, Jing Yi's racing mentor, the holder of the most championship trophies in GT racing, with dark brown short hair, tall and burly yet gentle and refined.

His most distinctive feature was his pair of pale blue eyes that looked deeply affectionate even at a trash can, which was quite deceptive.

He stepped forward with a gentle smile and gave Jing Yi a hug, "Jing, congratulations." He had watched Jing Yi's racing videos and was impressed by her performance. He hadn't been wrong about her potential.

Henry looked dissatisfied, "Ross, you're really sly. You promised I'd go first!" Ross's affectionate eyes looked at him, shrugging, "Who told you to forget? I gave you plenty of time."

Marso didn't join their conversation, instead pulling Jing Yi around on her own. Jing Yi asked curiously, "Marso, is there something strange about me?" Marso checked Jing Yi as she replied, "I need to check your injuries."

The ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌‌​​​​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​​​​​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌​‌‌​‍previous incident had been such a big deal; how could they not know about it?

Although Jing Yi had assured them she was fine, as fellow racers, they knew all too well the potential harm a car crash could bring.

Jing Yi smiled and pressed down Marso's hand, also stopping Henry from coming closer.

"I didn't lie to you; I'm really fine. By the way, isn't Benjamin here?" The most shy friend with a serious appearance.

Henry explained, "He said he was heartbroken about not passing the regional race, so he went on a trip with his sweetheart. He said sorry and promised to bring you souvenirs when he returns."


Jing Yi's eyes sparkled with amusement. It seemed friends really do rub off on each other.

"Let's not talk about that. Jing, how about we race?" Henry's eyes were filled with anticipation.

His regional race hadn't gone well, but what surprised him more was that Jing Yi had become the champion of the Jiangbei regional race.

He knew Jing Yi had talent, but he hadn't expected her to make such significant progress in such a short time.

Jing Yi's lips curved slightly, revealing a helpless smile, "Henry, we've just met, and we haven't even had a chance to catch up properly. Do we really have to jump straight into a fierce competition?" The last four words she said in Chinese.

Henry looked puzzled, emphasizing as he repeated, "Knife, light, hard? Is it very hard?" Marso gave him an exasperated look, "Jing means we've just met; don't rush into a decisive battle right away."

She also used a four-character idiom with a mischievous intent.

Henry tilted his head, confused, "Male and female? Do we have to compete to find out?" He knew the meaning of these two words; he had always thought he was male, but apparently, it was something determined by a contest?

In comparison, Ross's Chinese was better, "Jing refers to the atmosphere, synonymous with 'at daggers drawn.'" Henry's brows furrowed even deeper; he just wanted to race, not to debate idioms.

Jing Yi silently looked at these people. Was there really a need to explain idioms with more idioms?

"My fault. Are there any cars I can use?" It was better to end this topic quickly; otherwise, she'd have to explain each idiom one by one.

Ross smiled warmly, his eyes gleaming with a hint of cunning, "Of course." Jing Yi raised an eyebrow; it seemed they were all well-prepared.

Ross and the others led Jing Yi to the garage, where a whole row of Ross's racing cars were parked.

If Jing Yi's racing team was backed by the Jing family exclusively for her, Ross's family was no less impressive. Ross's family was a global top 100 insurance and financial company and also the sponsor of Ross's racing team.

So, seeing a whole row of racing cars, Jing Yi wasn't too surprised.

It seemed she had seen enough of the world; Jing Yi mused to herself as she picked a car that looked familiar, "This one."

Henry, who was also selecting a car, wasn't satisfied, "Jing! Obviously, this one is better." He pointed to another car.

Jing Yi leaned against the car door, calm and composed, "This small difference isn't enough to help me surpass Ross."

Ross was Jing Yi's mentor, and she was well aware of the gap between them. Therefore, it was better to choose a model she was familiar with.

Hearing Jing Yi's words, Ross showed no sign of emotion, remaining warm and composed, "That's true." He acknowledged Jing Yi's progress and abilities, but surpassing him still seemed a bit challenging.

Jing Yi was taken aback and then laughed.

It had been a long time since she had talked to these friends; she had almost forgotten their straightforward nature.

Marso pouted, moving closer to Jing Yi, "He's a monster, and you're a rising star. Just keep at it; sooner or later, he'll…" What was that phrase she had been trying to remember for so long?

Jing Yi added with a smile, "Be left on the beach." Marso immediately replied, "Yes, yes, yes! He'll be left on the racetrack."

Henry was amused by Marso's sarcasm and leaned against the car, laughing heartily.

"Jing, keep it up! You're our last hope. Leave him on the racetrack!" He had always seen this as his goal, but now it seemed more promising to place his hopes on Jing Yi.

Ross didn't mind the three of them talking about this in front of him, even agreeing, "Indeed, I do plan to retire in a few years. Winning all the time has become rather dull."

The other three: …Fine, you're the best; you get to decide.

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