The Flying Emporium

Chapter 186

“So you have already made up your mind, I take it. In that case, it might really not be a bad idea issuing the task in a local branch down here where nobody knows you. Yet,” Samuel praised the decision.

“That should avoid some of the potential rumors, at least. They’ll probably think of you as a researcher. Or simply a fool. Which honestly wouldn’t be too bad either.

And if you’re lucky and the local branch-leaders are upset by Magda’s infringement of their jurisdiction, then all the better for you. In that case, you can probably count on them at least wasting some time before sharing any newly issued tasks with her. And therefore, with your customers.

I like your thinking. Not bad. Not bad at all”, the [Berserker] mused.

Satisfied, Severin nodded in agreement, though if he really had thought this far ahead was unknown; it was quite possible the [Shopkeeper] had simply been looking forward to some distraction. To the opportunity to get out of this isolated, boring fortress. To have something to do.

A more open, freely accessible encampment, one that even hosted its own branch of the Adventurers Society, was bound to be more lively and welcoming than one occupied by a single, secretive guild, after all.

And all too readily, it seemed, Samuel was willing to oblige and give him a ride.

‘Probably out of guilt’, Severin thought, but kept the words to himself.

Instead, while on their way to the docking tower -for their departure Samuel seemed more willing to adhere to the appropriate protocol - he listened to the description of one of said outposts, specifically the one which according to their guide was closest to The Garden and just a short flight away.

At the beginning Severin still tried to remember all the resident guilds’ names, banners, accomplishments and interrelationships, but soon lost both concentration and interest.

It might have been a different matter if he had recognized even just one of the names - be it that of a guild or even just that of a particular dungeon they had conquered.

Instead, he found himself distractedly speculating regarding Samuel’s true intentions.

So far, the man had always been trustworthy, but the recent development had him in doubts.

He knew from pretty early on in their relationship that the old man was kind of a big deal in Malcos, almost revered in certain circles even, and with a close relationship to the kingdom’s royal family and their supported guild.

Nothing about these facts had changed.

But with their latest conversation still fresh in his mind, Severin kept wondering just how much of what the man knew about him- or rather what the man thought he knew about him-, would he be willing to share and discuss with those other parties?

Where exactly lay his loyalties? Severin was still confident the man wished him no harm, but just how much could he count on his advice?

Considering their current whereabouts, he might have to rethink just how much he was willing to share with the man.

And maybe he should start preparing for some unwelcome inquiries.

“Do we really have to go? This is soo booring.” When Severin was snapped out of his thoughts, they were already back in the air again.

And, surprisingly, it was a very uncharacteristic complaint of his young, loyal assistant that had caused him to.

And so all the more striking was its effect; when under different circumstances a child’s similar complaint might have been dismissed offhandedly, Severin’s own feelings of guilt immediately flared up again.

After all, he had wanted to make it up to her. This whole trip was supposed to be his apology to her. For his difficult behavior this past week. And as a reward for her hard work.

Instead, he was now dragging her along on his way to conduct business. Something he had hated when just a short while ago the man called Gillion tried to drag him into a similar situation.

But what was he to do about it now?

‘I guess I could ask Sam to bring us right back home, still.

Probably wouldn’t be happy about it, but should at least be understanding.’

But would Gillion and the guild as a whole feel similarly? Or would it sour their relationship?

And it wasn’t like there was any more fun waiting for them back home, either. Only more work.

This day truly sucked. And somehow it kept getting worse and worse.

Now it even started to affect Emily, and Severin had to admit to himself that due to all of this day’s chaos he had somewhat forgotten about the girl.

“I’m sure they have a bunch of food stands over there, you know,” he helplessly suggested the first, most obvious thing that came to mind when thinking about ways to placate Em.

“You think so?” the doubtful yet clearly interested girl asked.

“Sure, I’m certain. I mean, there has to be something to eat. My treat.”

“Fiiine. But I get to choose the stands.”

“Stands? Plural?” Severin pretended to hesitate for a moment until the girl started to fidget uncomfortably, afraid she had overplayed her hand.

“Well, alright.”

Pleased with himself, Severin reached out and ruffled the squealing girl’s hair.

“You know, I have to admit, trying the food of the local footstalls is quite the culinary adventurer. That being said, I think I might be able to offer you an even more exciting alternative.”

Immediately Severin had a bad feeling when he saw the amused glint in the half-giant’s eyes.

“Normally, I would never suggest a non-adventurer to set foot into a dungeon. Muss less into a raid. But...” The bad feeling immediately intensified. Manyfold.

“…if it is only the first floor. And if it’s only a single person. Say, for example, a small enough person who I could take piggyback…. “

“Aaah! I am small!”

“Oh, are you? Well, I think you are quite right. So what do you say? Think you would like to see a dungeon from the inside? Might that be even more fun? ”

“Yes. Yes! Please!”

“Haha, alright, alright. But I fear you would have to ask Sev’s permission first.”


“Pleeeease. Pease, Sev! Can I go?! And then maybe eat afterwards?”

“Don’t worry, it will be safe. I promise, haha. And this way you wouldn’t have to hurry your business either.”


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