Chapter 16: Muha's Entrance!
Chapter 16 Muha's Entrance!
Charmons Kingdom Midnight
Deep in the castle of Charmons kingdom. Two stealthy ninjas creep down the hall, swiveling there heads back and forth, the square masked ninja says in a perplexed tone, where do you think the king's chambers are? Standing right beside him scratching his left shoulder, the triangle masked ninja says, not sure but the sooner we find it and kill him the sooner we can get out of here. Looking straight ahead the square masked ninja says, right then! let's keep searching.
As the ninjas are steadily cruising down the hall, five guards are walking from the opposite direction. Both spotting the five soldiers, the two ninjas stop there strides, smoothly pulling out a small blade the square masked ninja flings it with minimal effort. Gliding threw the air like a humming bird fluttering it's wings, splshpls! The blade goes as it hits it's target in the neck. dch! Goes one of the soldiers to the floor, hearing the thud all four soldiers turn looking at the incident in dismay. While distracted the ninja with the triangle mask dashes at the four soldiers with blinding speed, before one them can turn there heads toward the ninja.
One of the soldiers gets whopped with a devastating punch to the face, as the soldier's head whips back the square masked ninja leaps in the air and stabs the soldier right in the left side of his neck. Upon seeing the atrocity the two other soldiers furiously charge at the squared masked ninja, but in one swift move the triangle masked ninja quickly cuts both soldiers down with effortless skill, before they could reach the other ninja. Inching up from his striking posture, turning to his comrade the triangle ninja says, well that was fun! But let's not run into any more guards for now. after making his spiel, clapping rings through the desolate hall. Both turning there heads toward the direction of where the sound is coming from. Stepping forward walking down the hall, with a devilish smile spread across his face, Muha says with glee, ooh how fun! We have some guests in the kingdom!
End of Chapter 16