The Four Kings of PRIDE

Chapter 19: Speak!

Chapter 19 Speak!

Charmons Kingdom Dinning Room

Speak! Said by the booming voice of king Bujon, thrashed and beat up looking up at the king through his cracked mask the lone ninja says with a fleeting breath, FFfine I'll talk I'll talk! Grabbing the man by the cloth of his clothes, lifting him up off the ground. Bringing him in close with a fiery blaze in his eyes, King Bujon says, Just answer this one question who sent you to assassinate me? Peering down at the king with hazy almost dead pupils, the ninja with the circle mask says with a faint tone, It was someone from the country of Dardre!

Gazing up at the injured ninja, Gripping the cloth tight near his neck, King Bujon says with an irritated and cold tone, Who from Dardre? Was it there kingdoms king! Was it King Tiozin! Answer me! Arms limp and dangling with lifeless eyes looking down at the ground. Unmoving in the kings grasp the ninja with the circle mask has succumb to his major injures and dies in the kings hands. Loosing his grip the ninja's body hits the blood stained floor, Gazing straight ahead with an expressionless face. Turning his head toward his wife, King Bujon says, Lien send orders for a meeting for tomorrow! And make sure you contact Vic Balmen from the Blue Fang brigade! We need to find out what Dardre's kingdom is planning!

End of Chapter 19

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