The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 105

At this moment, heavy pressure fell on everyone, cold sweat began to shed continuously, and panic, fear and despair began to swallow their hearts, leaving them breathless. At this moment, they no longer felt that they were a glorious member of Wisengamao, but just a small animal that was stared at by natural enemies and generally weak.

It’s Longwei.

Although he did not transform into a giant dragon, the Dragon Power released by Ye Ting still gave the wizards present great mental pressure. Some demeanor.

But in fact, even Dumbledore himself was shocked, because the huge momentum just overwhelmed him, which neither Voldemort nor Grindelwald had done.

Looking at the shivering wizards in front of him, Ye Ting nodded in satisfaction and put away his Longwei. The next moment, the wizards were like a pardon, all swayed, especially Fudge himself, he lay on the table and mouthed. He was panting heavily, and almost suffocated him at that moment.

Even in the face of Voldemort, they couldn’t cause them so much pressure. They even thought for a moment that the young man in front of them would suddenly become a giant dragon, swallowing everyone present.

From this moment on, everyone’s eyes on Ye Ting changed. They were respect, reverence, fear, and jealousy. No one dared to treat him as a fourteen-year-old.

Ye Ting returned to the chair, leaned lazily on the back, raised Erlang’s legs, and said to Fudge: “I am not here to accept any trial. On the contrary, I am here to hold you accountable. The Ministry of Magic claims to be able to Controlling the dementors, but indulging them, allowing them to enter Hogwarts, almost causing serious consequences. I need the Ministry of Magic to give me a reasonable explanation for this matter, otherwise, this matter will not be so simple finished.”

His tone was very plain, as if he was just telling something trivial, but the words he said made Fudge feel extremely sad, because the person in front of him did not put him in his eyes at all. He was provoking him, the Minister of Magic. Provoked the entire Ministry of Magic.

Fudge wanted to get angry, he wanted to accuse the boy in front of him violently, and he wanted to make a generous statement that the Ministry of Magic would never be threatened, but the words had reached his lips, but he subconsciously stopped watching. The scene just now left a deep impression on him-the huge, suffocating psychological pressure is still reverberating in his heart.

So, what he said was nothing but a dry excuse.

“That…that was just a…an accident, the Ministry of Magic still…can maintain control of the Dementor.”

However, this stammering excuse seemed rather weak, and even Fudge’s supporters still looked at him with disappointment in their eyes.

Maybe it was irritated by his cowardly performance, maybe it was stimulated by these eyes that were either contemptuous or disappointed, Fudge broke out suddenly.

“Enough, enough!” Fudge said, he forced his face to put on an arrogant expression, “I’m sorry I interrupted him, I think we should continue today’s trial instead of—”

At this time, footsteps came from the gate of the courtroom, and an Auror ran in in a panic. When he saw Ye Ting sitting in the center, he obviously showed a fearful expression, but even so, he still Bite the scalp and ran to Cornelius Fudge.

Fudge was very impatient when his speech was interrupted, but after listening to the Auror’s whispers, his expression immediately became pleasantly surprised. He looked at Ye Ting viciously and showed a malicious smile. .

“My dear wizards and witches,” he suddenly exclaimed after the Auror stepped back, “I just got a news that the hall of our Ministry of Magic has been destroyed!”

The news caused an exclaim.

Fudge was quite satisfied with this reaction. He continued: “Just now, our Ministry of Magic hall was completely destroyed by a fire, including our fountain, our proud statue, all the fireplaces and elevators. It’s all ruined, and the culprit is this person in front of you.”

His finger pointed to Ye Ting in the center.

“Led by our respected Senior Deputy Minister Ms. Dolores Umbridge, dozens of brave Aurors were burned in the rescue of the fire,” he said loudly in an impassioned tone: “More There are more than 20 Aurors who have suffered huge injuries in the process of fighting the arsonists. Our heroic Auror was knocked unconscious on the spot by the most vicious criminals. Some people were buried in the ground, and some people were hung on the ceiling. Above, there was even an Auror after being deformed…Anyway, it was treated cruelly!”

As soon as he spoke, he became stern: “The boy in front of you is not only the suspect who attacked the Ministry of Magic staff, but is now an arsonist and a mob. I have reason to speculate that he is plotting to overthrow the Ministry of Magic. My respectable wizards and wizards, the battle in front of us is likely to be the future Dark Lord, and we need to judge him before he causes any greater harm!”

Fudge’s speech really surprised everyone. The burning of the lobby of the Ministry of Magic was something no one expected. Many wizards began to whisper. Some of the wizards looked at Ye Ting and looked a little bad.

Fudge looked at Ye Ting with some pride, and announced: “Now, we are going to have a new round of trial against you. You won’t deny everything I said just now—”

Suddenly, his roar stopped abruptly, and his mouth was closed tightly. Although his facial muscles were constantly moving, he still couldn’t make any noise. Even his face and thick neck were flushed.

“It’s really ugly.” Ye Ting’s cold voice interrupted all discussions. “Putting your own responsibility on others, is this how your Ministry of Magic works? Confiscating the wand of an unconvicted wizard, but also After searching my personal belongings, taking away my alchemy props, and accidentally disposing of the alchemy props improperly, the responsibility was shifted to me. Is the Ministry of Magic such an ugly and corrupt institution?”

Item 0146

When these words were spoken, the wizards of Wiesengarmo immediately cast suspicious glances at Fudge.

Fudge’s forbidden magic has been lifted. He glared at Ye Ting and said loudly: “This is slander, a naked slander on the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry of Magic has always acted in strict accordance with the rules and regulations. This is purely his lie.”

“You were confiscated of your magic wand and alchemy props?” Ms. Burns asked Ye Ting, her tone of astonishment in her tone, “The Ministry of Magic has no such regulations, I don’t understand–“

“Don’t you understand, Amelia?” Fudge interrupted loudly. “Let me explain. He really took great pains to find that the Ministry of Magic’s work mistakes can be a wonderful excuse. It’s really wonderful. It was there. All the Aurors were either burned or knocked unconscious, and they were all sent to St. Mungo’s Magic Hospital. No one can come to expose his lies.”

“Ah, yes,” Ye Ting nodded faintly, “It is true that all of them are in Saint Mungo, but I remember that there is an Auror named Prout who is unscathed. Why don’t we let him come? Talk about the truth of everything, how about it?”

“Prout?” Fudge’s expression was a bit ugly when he said the name. From the Auror just now, he already knew that if Prout was summoned by the court, he would never cooperate with him. of. If Prout insisted on telling the truth after being summoned, wouldn’t he ask for trouble?

“Enough, enough!” Fudge said rudely, “Who can guarantee that Prout is not with you? I’m sure you two have carefully arranged a lie–“

However, the eyes of the Wissengamers looking at Fudge became more suspicious. Many of them knew Prout and knew him very well. They believe that according to Prout’s character, he will never do anything to collude with outsiders. They have begun to doubt the trickiness in it.

Dumbledore cleared his throat. Wiesengamo was quiet again.

“I think it is possible for some employees of the Ministry of Magic to do such a thing.” He smiled and said, “After all, it is not the first time that the Ministry of Magic cannot control its employees. The blame attack illustrates this point well. I have reason to believe that certain employees of the Ministry of Magic will violate the Ministry’s rules and regulations and do such things to my students.”

“Ah, Dumbledore, even you can’t make such an accusation against the Ministry of Magic.” Cornelius Fudge said angrily. “You don’t have any evidence to show that–“

“Oh? Evidence,” Ye Ting interrupted Fuji again, “If you want evidence, I will give you evidence.”

He pointed a finger to his head, and then slowly pulled out some silver material from the brain, which looked like a cloud as both liquid and gas.

That is his memory.

Ye Ting muttered something, and then he snapped his fingers. In an instant, all the wizards realized that the surrounding scene had changed. They were no longer sitting in the courtroom dressed up as a Christmas tea party, but in the noisy Ministry of Magic hall.

“This is…” Dumbledore looked at Ye Ting and asked.

“This is the scene in my memory.”

This shocked the Wiesenjamos. They have all heard of the meditation basin, a precious magic item, and they also know that the meditation basin can allow people to observe memories from a third-person perspective, but they have not heard of it. This can be done with the magic spell-and it is still cast without a wand.

“Congratulations, Mr. Ye,” Dumbledore admired. “You have created another great spell. Professor Flitwick will be proud of you.”

Ye Ting smiled and nodded.

Nowadays, everyone seemed to be in a lobby with people coming and going. They saw hurried wizards passing by them, going in and out of the fireplace, but when they reached out their hands, they found that they couldn’t reach them at all. .

“Hey, I saw Mrs. Ekmore in the elevator.” A wizard said to others with interest.

“There is also Professor Phoebus Penrose of the Ministry of Magic Investigation Committee. He actually left secretly during working hours, but my mother discovered it.” Another person said as if he had discovered a big secret.

Soon, they were attracted by what happened next. They saw Rufus Scrimgeour and the Aurors escorting Ye Ting over, but they were stopped by the security guards of the Ministry of Magic. Immediately afterwards, the security inspector took away Ye Ting’s magic wand after conducting some checks on Ye Ting.

“I remember the security guards can only check visitors and issue certificates.” Dumbledore asked Fudge seriously, “They don’t have the right to take away the wizard’s wand, do they?”

“It’s impossible!” Fudge explained loudly, “This is fake, it’s just an illusion he faked!”

However, no one believed his pale explanation. The scene before him was much more real than what he said. There is no possibility of forgery in such a specific scene.

Next, they saw the pink toad Umbridge leading the Aurors to stop the Aurors and Ye Ting. After Umbridge announced his authorization order, Scrimgeour left angrily, and then Umbridge made a series of actions to make things difficult for Ye Ting.

“Oh, it turns out that Mr. Minister’s so-called temporary dispatch of Ms. Umbridge to pick up Mr. Ye is to do these things.” A voice in Wisengamo said with a weird voice.

Fudge felt even more embarrassed. If a door key appeared in front of him now, he would definitely be tempted to touch it. At the same time, he hated Umbridge and Ye Ting inwardly. He hated Umbridge for making such obvious things to Ye Ting. It was nothing more than a failure; he hated Ye Ting because he actually showed all the shameful things to so many people.

Next comes the important scene. First, Umbridge caused a disturbance in the operation of the Absolute Bell, and later wanted to take the Flying Broomstick, and the resistance of the Flying Broomstick caused a huge fire.

“That was really a flying broom just now?” someone suddenly asked.

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