The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 40 **Nuts!**

Naruto was still crunching away at the flesh from the man’s leg…And Sahara already knew that Borak couldn’t even let out noise of pain, because his acupuncture point of his throat had been pressed, just like Talon’s had been…

She knew that her viciousness had all but been extinguished, and now she could feel why some characters in books didn’t just kill. Sahara honestly hoped that her eldest brother will perhaps become better through this. But, knowing how much he’s endured, and that whoever he is working with isn’t probably someone nice, she couldn’t see a good path in his future…

Why is it that bad guys always stay alive?


Sighing, Sahara waited for Naruto to finish, as she went silent. She didn’t even look at Borak anymore, as she knew it was a waste of time.

Honestly, she thought it might be worth killing him now. Sahara doesn’t need him to find out who’s behind him…Does she?

Even though she came to some agreement in her head, Sahara thought of Talon…

Would Talon want to do something in some kind of revenge? She means, it would be the best time to do it, while Borak was like this…

Yet, Sahara had the strangest feeling, that Talon wouldn’t do anything to Borak. If anything, ‘stupid grandfather’ would, but not Talon…

The pros and cons of leaving him dead or alive, seemed to be equal.

She knew that she would already be known as an assassin or something, who had killed a madam from the estate, assuming she was dead, but it would be worse if she killed the eldest first son of the Right Minister.

Ah…Well that’s if they catch me…There’s only…One witness…


Moving her head from side to side, in contemplation, Sahara tried to instead, follow her instincts.

…Her instincts didn’t seem to say, ‘hey, use him as a punching bag’…Or ‘hey save him or he’ll bleed to death’. It seems that they were quite neutral at the moment…

Sahara considered that she knew that she’d have troubles in the future…Because isn’t that how transmigration books go?

With that thought in mind, she decided to leave him as he is now. He may yet still die, due to blood loss or unable to eat or drink…

But what she thought most, was that…This was just an estate…This was her eldest brother…If she can’t defeat this person or this place, how was she to get any stronger!?

Sahara can’t be weak here, it’s a known fact that it’s a fox eat rabbit world, literally…

Even if leaving him alive now will make something bad happen in the future…She must learn to survive and endure to the best of her ability, so that she could become stronger…And do what she wants to do!

That’s right, I remember wanting to know how I was going to get away with doing what I wanted to do…This was…An answer! Maybe not the right one…But it was an answer nonetheless…

Borak…Will be a steppingstone…Well, if he survives that is…


Naruto jumped upon Sahara’s shoulder, and she made him smaller again. He licked his lips and teeth, then started to clean his blood-filled coat.

She looked at Borak once more, while standing up, her sinister looking eyes still brightly shining right at his. “We will see what your future holds. I’ll leave it up to fate.”

Noting to herself, to keep an eye on him, Sahara teleport out to go back to Talon.


Samuel stood up as soon as he saw her, “Sahara! Where did you go? Can you help father?”

Furrowing her eyes at the chatterbox, Sahara sighed.

Without a word, she put her hand in Talon’s again, and spent the rest of her spiritual essence in releasing him from the acupuncture points and cleansing his body.

After just twenty minutes, Talon was able to open his eyes and see her.

Straight away, he thought he had died…Because he could see Sahara!

But as he tried, to get her attention through talking…There was no response from her, because she was busy!

Sahara started to sweat from the forehead more, and Talon finally understood that she was currently in the middle of something. He had been too excited to realize, and Samuel only made it harder for him to calm down, because he was there talking too!

It was…A family gathering…


After another twenty minutes, Samuel had told Talon about everything that had been going on, not including what had happened in the most recent hours, and Talon was angry.

Both Talon and The Right Minister had been forced to drink a prescription daily, which made them sleep for most of the day. Giving them only three or four hours a day to be awake and relieve themselves and eat, but for most of the duration they would still be helpless, through somebody pressing on their acupuncture points.

Sahara knowing that they had taken some kind of drug, that she couldn’t give back to Borak in revenge, she had gone one better with the ‘blocker’ instead.


While cleansing Talon’s body, Sahara came across his eyes. Seeing his iris’s, she believed them to be different to hers…

Searching through them, without changing anything in the iris’s, Sahara found something peculiar about them…She couldn’t quite figure it out, but she made a note to herself to check her own eyes once again.

It was nearly an hour, and she had finally completed her…Job…Exhausting almost all of her spiritual essence.

Opening her eyes and wiping away her sweat, Sahara breathed out and looked at Talon, who was now sitting up. “Done!”

Talon got scared as soon as he saw Sahara’s eyes, and stared wide eyed at her, unable to say a word.

Seeing him like this, Sahara look at Samuel and saw him smiling at her.

“I told him about your eyes, but he didn’t believe me!”


Raising her brows in question, Sahara said, “What about my eyes?”

Hey, this could give me some answers!

Straight away, Sahara was impatiently waiting for answers! Knowing that Talon’s was different to her already, she knew something was going on, but she didn’t know what!

“…You don’t know? You have red eyes!” Samuel pointed at her eyes.

Sahara let out a strange laugh…Red eyes!

Are you nuts, only…Vampires have red eyes!


Sahara still had a frown on her face, as she saw her old, small hand hold mirror close by. Picking up the mirror and seeing the reflection in it…Sahara sorta got a shock! No…She got a huge shock!

Holy fuckin shit! I really do have red eyes…Wow…How the hell did that happen?

She remembered the first time of cleansing her eyes, and making her eyesight better, noticing something strange then!

So…Her eyes…Have been red…All this time…

Her mouth was wipe opened…

…I vant to suck ya blurd!


Sahara looked like one of the female vampire chicks that seduces all the males!

Is that really me?

Putting her hand out, she touched the mirror and gasped.

Get a hold of yourself, it’s just red eyes…Ya, bloodthirsty, Satan, red eyes! Haha.

Sighing, Sahara put the mirror down and felt herself calm down a bit…

Her thoughts stilled, and she calmly looked at herself again. And…She was…

“Nuts!” Sahara quietly said. If she hadn’t been severely running low in her spiritual essence, Sahara would play with her iris’s…

All those people that saw me, no wonder they acted strange! These red eyes…And beautiful face! Omigod, I’m…So pretty!


“Sahara, I thought…” Talon’s voice reminded her of the present…She had to blink and take a breath, to sort herself out!

“Thought what?” She said, turning to him and putting the mirror behind her. As she waited for him to answer, she put the mirror into her ‘storage’.

Sahara guessed you could say that she was stealing from herself…

Haha, I’ll look at me again later…

Talon got off the bed and he smiled at her, “You…You’ve grown!”


After that, he took Sahara into his arms and hugged her, very tightly. “I missed you so much! Where have you been!?”

She was sure that he was crying, as he stopped talking after that.

Samuel got in on the hug as well, making it quite frantic for Naruto for a moment, as he jumped from her and onto Talon.

When Talon felt the claws of Naruto on his higher back, he pulled back and stared at Sahara, “There…There’s something on my back!”

“Naruto!” Sahara yelled at the little thorny, furry beast, who came back to her shoulder.


Talon watched the fox, and wiped his tears away, “Ah…You have another animal…”

He smiled and wiped at his tears again. He was so happy right now! His adorable girl wasn’t dead, she was still alive and had grown up!

There was so much he wanted to tell her, so much!

Putting down his head in misery, he quietly said, “I’m so…”

“Stop it!” Sahara said.

Talon looked at Sahara and her heart felt warm, he looked so sad, and tears of both sadness and joy were going down his cheeks. “Stop…Crying! I mean, stop crying.”


Sahara sighed. She wasn’t good at affection…

What was I supposed to say at this time?

Talon took her in for another hug and again and held her tightly. Not just Samuel had ever seen him so emotional, but if someone else were here, that had known him his whole life, they would have thought the same thing. Being depressed was one thing, but crying like a woman…Well…

Sahara put her hands around him as well and waited for him to calm down.

Sahara hadn’t thought much of what he might have been through, since she had been gone…But now…She was curious.

Did he really miss me this much? Did he just want to apologise? Perhaps…That was why he’s in my room…

Suddenly she felt strange…It was really nice when people…

Sahara looked away and stopped herself, today, she had felt like crying twice. Not ordinary.

Crying doesn’t help any situation!

Having these thoughts were scary to her, people caring about her was sort of new. “Don’t cry anymore, Father.”

Ahh! What have I done!

Talon had gotten worse! He let out some sobs and mumbled words that she couldn’t hear, making her panic!


Sahara tried to pull back from his embrace, but Talon kept her there…

She called me father! How can I be your father when I had let you down so much! I’m so sorry!

She forcefully pulled him away from her and put him at arm’s length, “I said stop it!”

Talon took some deep breaths and looked away, while wiping at his face.

“Sahara? Is that blood?” Samuel said, pointing at her clothes.

Talon stopped immediately and looked at Sahara, she was…Covered in blood!

Maybe he had noticed before, but now it was totally apparent that she might be hurt!

“Sahara?” Talon noticed that some wet blood had gone onto his own clothes, “Are you bleeding?”

His voice was weak, he’d only just gotten to see her again…Was she going to…

“Nah. This is…Everyone else’s blood…” Her words…Simply did not help them at all!

“Are you sure you are ok!? Quickly, go and change, and check yourself now!”

Talon pushed her to a screen at the other side of the room and continued, “I’ll get someone to get you some clean clothes, Samuel come!”

Sahara laughed for a short moment, he was an idiot. He’d already realized that she had grown, yet he’ll get her clothes…

She guessed that he was right though. She was…Covered in blood…

Her objective was practically finished now, it seemed like a good idea to do as her father told her and get changed.

Talon didn’t leave the immediate area, but he couldn’t find somebody either, reminding him of what had happened within the Rolland Estate.

“Samuel…Do you know where some clothes are?”

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