The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 48 **Branded By Kiss!**

The General’s wife, still quite pale and tired, had not said a word about how she had come to find Sahara. To a certain degree she had somewhat forgotten and would easily fall asleep, if given the chance. She was not rude, nor was she weak, but the last couple of days and months, were very taxing and emotional for her. And now, having seen that the General, her husband, was now looking better, it was like her body and mind had sort of switched off…

Sahara let out a little laugh.

I like him! It’s so cute to see him dote on his wife like that…Awe! And this is the era where males, more often than not, have more than one wife…So good to see!

Sahara’s laugh made Rose turn back to Sahara and she glared, “Why did you not come to heal my brother-in-law sooner!? He could have died!”

Suddenly, Rose took and involuntary step back, seeing the sinister, red eyes upon the new, unfamiliar face.


This was the first time that Rose had looked upon the other person’s face…Having disregarded that person beforehand, so it was really quite a shock!

Sahara was in a completely different type of ‘shock’…Her words were so…How was she supposed to know about the General’s health!?

What the fuck!? Yeah, I’ll just remove his address and name out of my ass, bitch!

“Miss Haves!” Matthew yelled. “This kind of behavior…”

Sahara put a hand on his chest, which silenced him, and looked back at…Whatever Miss Haves was.

A cheeky smile lit up on Sahara’s face, as she already knew of what it was that this ‘Rose’ wanted…But Sahara just felt like she had absolutely no hope…If this man ‘belonged’ to anybody…

Leaning her face against Matthew’s shoulder, Sahara pouted, “But, I didn’t know that the General was sick…”


Sahara made her words sound like how Rose had made her words before. Paying everything right back to her…

“Get your hands off of him!” Rose yelled.

Sahara looked up at Matthew, who was as still as a statue, as his emotions and thoughts were going haywire. “Perhaps, I was too busy?”

Sahara’s innocent words did not go with her actions at all, totally confusing everyone, especially when she encircled her hands around Matthew more tightly. The only thought that people seemed to think right now, was that the two in front of them had a very serious relationship!

Isn’t this what Rose had implied through not just her eyes? Except, I am actually touching this man and she hadn’t been able to…Oh! How infuriating would that make her!?


Honestly, Sahara knew that she’s gotten a little carried away. It was supposed to have been an act…Yet, she had felt her instincts start to churn when she had met Rose. They hadn’t really stated anything, but just became a main focus in her mind.

Having what was going on and Sahara’s hands touching him, really put her at ease, as though she had every right to do it!

It felt right, almost like the path leading to Matthew was golden, while every other path was the normal bland dirt or concrete one…

When Sahara had put her hand on Matthew’s chest, her instincts seemed happier, and with that feeling that went through her, she couldn’t help but continue to reign in those good feelings in and continue further…

Seeing Matthew so innocently panicking on what to do, made Sahara chuckle. Moving closer to his side, she stared at him, and he felt that there was no way that he could look away from her. His eyes found her eyes so enchanting, as they were shining with excitement.

“Pfft!” The General let out sounds, unable to hold back…


“I…I told you to…”

Roses words were stopped, because she couldn’t believe that the commoner woman in front of her, would just kiss a man in front of everyone!

That’s right, Sahara knew that this Miss Haves liked Matthew, and she guessed that she wanted to tease her. But even Sahara got a little too engrossed with her acting.

She already knew that she was attracted to Matthew, she also already knew that she could be honest and upfront with him…But after she kissed him, she didn’t move away.

Matthew stared at his Princess, then he faintly smiled, “Your putting oil on the fire, my dear.”

Sahara looked at him and found herself softening, “Mmm.”


It really was a dilemma! She shouldn’t be getting involved in a relationship! Doing things like this only made life difficult but…She hadn’t been able to stop herself! Sahara had wanted to brand her name on Matthew in front of this other woman, that part was absolutely clear!

…Since Sahara was in this already, she wanted to make the best of it…She put her hand up to his head and pushed it towards her, kissing him more deeply this time.

Matthew put his hands around Sahara’s waist and happily kissed her back, even though this wasn’t normally something he would do. But how could he ignore such a good situation!? He felt like the heavens were opening up for him, like he had been delivered every wish that he had ever made! The fact that Sahara had initiated this, made his happiness go sky high and he didn’t want this to end!

In full view of quite a number of people, two people were kissing…Like there was no other people there at all…


As much as Sahara wanted to state that she started this to show Miss Haves a lesson or two, Sahara forgot about that. She forgot about why she was even there in the first place! There was no healing, nothing there to remind her. Her mind came to focus on Matthew’s lips, on his hands around her waist and the other hand on her face. She was also more aware of his smell and even his height! His whole being was like the entirety of a white and bright light at the end of a dark tunnel!

It felt so nice, almost like having some water after not being able to drink for several hours. Like finding that one show that takes your attention so much that you want to stay up all night to watch it!

Nothing else mattered at that moment besides him or her. It was like an awakening, like a match…A destiny finally taking form.

The kiss was quite simple, not to drastic, but it was more then that to both Matthew and Sahara…It seemed that her accepting their attraction to one another and initiating a small desire towards him had opened some strange door!


Through a few people starting to say ‘Oh!’ or ‘Ah!’, and then Rose’s voice going over the top of them, brought Sahara back to the General’s room…And out of the sweet dream. Yet, she still felt like she had every right to have done what she did…

“Ah!” Rose said, wide eyed, “How dare you!”

Even Rose was a little astounded to how she herself was acting…But every time she had seen Matthew holding this person’s hand…And then seeing that this person was so shockingly beautiful, Rose felt like she was fighting a losing battle!

…She knew everyone within the noble and royalty circle of people. This person was definitely not someone that she knew, so that would only mean that she was of a commoner status and who was that to her!? No commoner deserved that man!

And now, to have seen her kiss him! She was so shocked that she hadn’t been able to speak for the full minute and just watched them kiss like an idiot! But Rose hadn’t been the only one, for a good while, everyone had been shocked!


In this type of era, this kind of thing was not something men and women do…Even though they were in an estate and only with several people, it was still very rare to see such things! Intimacy was very rarely seen outside of a personal bedroom!

Of course, Sahara was from the modern day 21st century Earth, not thinking too much into what was just seen by others…In fact, this wouldn’t be the first time that she made out in front of others!

If these people had known what Sahara had been up to in her teenage and young adult years, back on Earth, they would probably all faint!

Sahara might have been adamant with herself, to no longer be with a man, but before that resolution…Well, she thought she had a pretty average 21st century female history in that department…

The one that probably enjoyed that very intimate act the most, out of the bystanders, was the General. He was already cheering his friend on in his heart with everything he had. As far as he was concerned, Matthew and Sahara were now together, and they could have dinners together again! Maybe they could even go to the battlefield’s together…


Sahara shook her head, it looks like she’s finally met one of those girls in many, many books. It was unbelievable…But it seemed to be true…

The problem was…Sahara felt like she wasn’t like other characters when dealing with the ‘white lotus’…She honestly couldn’t see them doing what she just did…She always felt like she was…Different…

“Who do you think you are, to touch someone like His…”

“That’s enough!” Matthew pointed at Rose, but still holding Sahara with his other hand, “I will not have you blame or slander Sahara!”

Sahara looked at Matthew in surprise. Matthew was surprised himself, as he wondered how he could have ever returned to reality from that kiss!

But having Sahara shake her head, made him remember what was going on…Being reminded of Rose’s behavior, he was instantly angry! Especially when he was so happy only just moments ago!


Sahara smiled at Matthew, thinking that he was a good man, and then she was put into surprise once again when Naruto jumped onto her shoulder, licking his paws.

“I, of course, Your…”

“Band One!” Matthew interrupted Rose.

Band One appeared before Matthew, bowing slightly and cupping his hands in respect, “Master?”

Matthew wasn’t too sure what to say, all he knew, was that he didn’t really want Sahara to find out that he was royalty…Yet.


“B…Big Brother, please, if you need anything, I am willing to help in any way that I can! Surely, there must be something that I or my father can do!” Rose stated. She wanted to show her backing to this lowly slave, that she herself was a lot more important and could even help the Second Prince! She was also trying to remind the Second Prince that she was someone that would become a good advantage for him!

Matthew sighed, then looked at Sahara. He saw her pat Naruto and then look back at him.

…Sahara just blinked innocently at him.


Not able to help it, Matthew smiled. She was just too damned adorable!

He really did wonder how he could smile so easily, when it came to being with her…

Seeing this, a few in the room were flabbergasted…But one person in particular, was filled with absolute rage!

With the Second Prince smiling so happily towards a female, no one had time to say anything before both of them were suddenly gone!



The General laughed loudly, as he thought that it was all so extremely hilarious!

The Second Prince running away from my sister-in-law! The Second Prince finally doting upon a girl! Ah, it was good!

“Sister! Where did…”

The General interrupted Rose, “What does it matter, maybe you shooed them away, uh!?”

“Rose, perhaps, now that you’ve seen that he doesn’t like you that way…” The lady was exhausted, but her younger sister had woken her up slightly, making her want to keep the peace.

Rose interrupted her elder sister, “No! I waited! It wasn’t just me he said no to all those years ago, it was to all the ladies! And he made a promise!”

The General scoffed, “It wasn’t a promise, little girl, it was just words in the heat of the moment. As you see, those words no longer apply!”

His words were right, the General was there when the Second Prince had said, ‘If I need to marry again one day, and I hadn’t found anyone…Then I’ll marry Rose. But I’m not ready for that.’

They had been drinking and were getting along quite well, but not only was this quite some months ago, but he had found someone now. As far as the General was aware, those words of marrying Rose no longer mattered whatsoever!

It had come to a point, that all the General wanted for his friend, was happiness. Finally seeing him, as he was just moments ago, he almost wanted to cry because he was just so happy for his friend!

He already liked this ‘Sahara’ anyway! Not only was she gutsy, but who wouldn’t like her with a healing ability like that!

He wanted to take her with him when he had to fight, they’d be indestructible!

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