The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 53 **Dispersion Meditation**

As Sahara got comfortable, Naruto got into her lap and made the best of the situation…By sleeping.

Opening the book, it first stated what ‘Dispersion’ meant, which was relatively close to what she already knew, which was separation and distribution.

Following after that, was for someone who hadn’t opened their meridians yet. Having a quick look over the information, Sahara let out a giggle when she understood it in a basic and simple way.

What one would have to do, is be able to open and close their meridians at your own leisure, so all she could think to describe it…Would be stopping your pee, while in the middle of it…

Having somewhat understood enough of that…Sahara continued through the book, to find that ‘Dispersion’ meditation is very helpful when you need specific elemental spiritual essence. She looked up at the huge billboard on the opposite wall, seeing the elements, and understood why it was there…Then wondered why this meditation wasn’t more popular.

Without her thinking further about the reason why, Sahara never thought that there were other meditations that had their own ways as well, to distinguish between the elemental spiritual essence, so one doesn’t have to only learn that from ‘Dispersion’ meditation.

Instead, Sahara shrugged and nodded with interest, as she noted to herself that she will read a more advanced book on that subject later!

After that, it describes a few things that people with ‘Dispersion’ meditation can do…Obviously, the first one was to put concentrated spiritual essence from a nucleus, and into pills.


Finally reading more into it, Sahara leans back against the bookshelf and got comfortable. Seeing and reading the procedure from the book, she got excited…

This is why I am here! This is going to make me rich!

Paying particular attention, Sahara started to read very observantly and tried to figure out a very simple way to understand it all.

Having the opened and see through, empty pill in one hand, one then uses their spiritual essence against the nucleus, like a small sieve, so that the concentrated spiritual essence can slowly flow into the pill.

After a small amount is in the pill, more of your normal spiritual essence is then inserted and then the pill is closed.

After that, it needs to mix, and the purer the mix the better it will work.


If the mix is done extremely well, the pill will turn white and becomes no longer see through. If the pill is poorly mixed, the pill is black and again, is no longer see through.

How it is mixed, whether it is good or badly done, the pill will show how ‘pure’ it is by the color.

After that, there was a small section that was written, that indicated that taking these pills makes one immune to them after a certain amount of time…

Seeing this, Sahara was a little unnerved. But then she thought of the population and somehow felt better. She was pretty sure that she could get a good price for each pill that she wanted to sell!

Nonetheless, Sahara was a little interested on why there was this ‘immunity’ and decided to try and investigate when she was to take a pill next. If she could figure out how the pill worked, maybe she could find why there becomes an immunity to it…

If I can break that immunity, then…Oh well, I’ll think about it later!


So, basically, Sahara had finished reading the introduction book and found it to be well into the middle of the day…Time really did slip by!

Putting the other book back, Sahara looked at another book that had more in-depth information about the ‘elemental spiritual essence’.

Sitting back down, Sahara saw that Naruto had woken up and she herself was getting peckish.

Taking out some food from her ‘storage’, Naruto smelt it and ran up to her shoulder, “Arf!”

Sighing, Sahara took out more food for him and put it on the floor, so she could eat her food in peace.

The people in the room, over the last couple of hours, had gone from working very determinedly to being slightly distracted…

They had tried and tried to concentrate, but two of them had practically given up and would watch the new, young lady and her ‘pet’ as often as they could, trying not to look rude or obvious. Having seen this girl giggle earlier, made them look twice, and now she had gone to another book, making them want to question her.


Seeing the pet that she had and that she was eating, made them all so curious that they were very tempted to go and talk to her!

While Sahara ate, she saw someone look at her, and she looked innocently back at them. Before she could ask if they had wanted some food too, they looked away.

After she finished eating, Sahara went to get comfortable again, but a beeping noise happened close by. It was somebody else’s token.

Watching that person pick up his token, he put what he was doing down and left.

…Sahara watched further as the few others, that had beeping tokens, left too…

Taking out her own ‘silver token’ Sahara saw it blink and put her spiritual essence into it to find out what was going on.

Oh…It’s…Lunch time…So, I could have just waited uh…

Sahara was a bit upset on missing out on what they would supply here for food…

Sighing, to finding out something new but unable to use it, Sahara put the token away.

She wasn’t hungry anymore, and seeing that everyone had left, Sahara decided that she’ll have to find out where the food is later.


Opening the old book that she had picked up before she started to eat, Sahara found some graphs, pictures and elemental names. The book was bigger than she thought it was, and then when it was closed it just looked normal, but upon opening it, it…Somehow grew!

Going to the first page, and reading the introductory, Sahara was able to find out how this had happened. The book was all about ‘elemental spiritual essence’ so it gave a good example, by showing that straight away when someone opens the book!

A nucleus is surrounded by metal, not by rock, as Sahara had first thought, and inside this metal, where the nucleus resides, consists of the hidden core of concentrated spiritual essence. So, what people had done, is use the metal element that surrounds the nucleus, and made a hidden core into the book, using the spiritual essence inside of the nucleus. As they separated both the metal and essence, and then distribute it to the book, the book was then able to grow…

One must be able to differentiate the metal element to be able to do this and it consumes the entire nucleus in the process. But, wow, what a great example!


It was a wonder why they just didn’t make one huge book! Then they wouldn’t need all these bookcases!

But, remembering that the book consumed a whole nucleus to have the book as big as it was, Sahara wondered how many of them would make the book big enough to fit in every bit of information…Then, on top of that, was that more then one person at a time might wanna read it, so…Suppose a demonstration is probably as good as they need in a big place like this.

Closing the book up again, you could see that it was old, but it was still in relatively good condition. Sahara wondered if the metal element had added some kind of extra protection to it or something…

This kind of specific example doesn’t exist outside of ‘Dispersion’ meditation, because the ‘example’ is specifically using the ‘Dispersion’ mediation.

In other meditations, if one wanted to learn about each and every elemental spiritual essence, they would most likely have at least thirty books, instead of one. One or two other meditations, though, may have been able to do something similar, as in able to use the mediation and an element to put the books into one, but many hadn’t.


The book was separated into parts, each part was dedicated entirely to one element and there was just…Way more information than Sahara had originally thought!

She was stomped though, where does she start!?

Having not really thought too much about the elemental side of things, yet, Sahara really didn’t have a clue on which element to look at!

Quickly skimming through the elements, finding other types of elements under subheadings, Sahara shook her head in amazement. She came up to the sun element, that was a subheading element under Earth, and remembered about light pearls. She also found the nature element under the Earth element. Each of them had some kind of pretty awesome feature and Sahara was stunned…


It was obvious though, to what they would do. The sun would probably provide some kind of pure light, yet it was also a subheading under the Fire element, and there the sun would then provide a purer flame. The other obvious factor is that the sun element did generate heat…

Nature would help with a few things as well, like healing and cooking, giving the mixtures a more pure taste or faster healing touch. Growth was a major factor in nature, as well as health, as the more something is closer to being natural, the healthier it was…

So, on the most part, all of these elements were making things more authentic when doing other things. Using a specific element can rid of any other unneeded elements within the normal spiritual essence used and become purer.

Sahara then wondered if she were to learn a specific element and then use that to help with her ‘storage’ technique…Would the space become even bigger again?


There were just too many elements to look at though!

Sahara tried to find a special interest in something, perhaps wait for her instincts to show her the way…

But nothing really stood out, so Sahara just continued to skim through, until she had gone through about half of the book, and by the time Sahara looked up, she found that Naruto was wanting to play with some things, disrupting the class, as the other people had returned…At some point…

Not only was Sahara thinking that Naruto wants to go outside, but she also wanted to find the kitchen, so she knew where to go tomorrow. And remembering about the kitchen, also reminded her about finding a good, secluded spot to teleport to and from here.


Deciding that it was a good time to finish with ‘Dispersion’ for the day, Sahara pick Naruto up, before he does something bad, and looked over at the five people.

They were all looking at her, making her blink innocently back to them in return.

Pointing at herself, Sahara stated, “Leaving.”

Taking her leave, they watched as she went out of view and didn’t know what to make of the newcomer.

Having seen her read all this time, they wondered if she had learnt anything, and her not going to eat, having brought her own food, did she look down on the Academy?

The problem was no one had ever told her much about the academy. No one told her that they supplied lunch, that they even had a place where you could spar…So, it will just take a bit of time for her to find out things for herself is all.

A few thoughts went through their minds, but they were able to finally concentrate again on what they were initially doing after a few minutes.



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