The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 55 **Running out of excuses!**

Who was that!?

The other golden eyed person had stopped, feeling like the killing intent that he had felt before had diminished.

Looking back in the direction that he had come from, he put a hand to his chest and felt something change within himself.

Having been someone just following tradition and wanting to take over the world, he had not found anyone that was good enough to stand by his side.

But, with one look and ten or so seconds in her presence…He’d completely changed his view of that!

He would normally be happily showing his strength and used everyone else’s men to do his work…He wasn’t someone that easily trusted others and felt no obligation to have allies as of yet…

But, that woman! How she had killed! Ah, she was…Those eyes! Who was she?


Having seen that she helped the other golden eyed person, he frowned, then started to travel back from where he’d come from, to finally notice…That the bond between him and the other golden eyed person…Had been broken!

Stopping dead in his tracks, he couldn’t believe it possible!

…To have the ‘bond link’ being like this…Means death!

There was no other way to suggest that he could be alive.

Does that mean that she was actually on my side…But what was that glare, that sneer…?

Unable to help himself, seeing that this woman seemed to stand out to him, he ventured onward again…Only to find no remnants of either of them. There were other bodies lying down and then someone came running up to him, but otherwise both the woman and golden eyed person were gone…

Seeing that they had disappeared, he wasn’t sure now on what to do. He really wanted to see her again, but it was like she had come out of nowhere and left the same way!

Was she a Goddess…Whatever she was, she matches me perfectly!


“Supreme Sovereign!” The man who had been still alive, kowtowed in front of the other.

“What happened?” He asked.

The other man kept his head down, “I had come from behind you, to hide at a distance, and they had sat for a moment and then disappeared! Supreme Sovereign, I had searched in the immediate area but had never found a trace on where they could be!”

Putting a hand to his chin, the golden eyed person smirked. Disappeared…

She must have some interesting meditation to be able to suddenly vanish!

More and more he like this woman!

Is this woman playing cat and mouse with me? If she wants me to look for her…Then fine! I’m interested!

For a good minute, he continued to be silent, as he tried to think further.

Through this he asked if it were indeed certain that the other man that they had been chasing was still alive, the other man had stated yes…Which could very well mean that…Never before had a link been destroyed when someone was still alive…Or she killed him after they disappeared…


Knowing that plans lately had been somewhat ruined, because the emperor of Green Haven was still alive and that the Second Prince was still unable to be controlled, he was getting impatient…

Knowing that the Crowned Prince had gone to get the evidence in exchange, at this moment, the golden eyed person tried to come up with yet, another idea.

If he couldn’t mind control the Second Prince and have him kill the emperor, which would have been preferable to get rid of both of them at the same time…Then he’ll have to try someone else!

Having been a bit surprised to the fact of someone was immune to his mind control, and then seeing the other golden eyed man, he hadn’t thought much more into this predicament since…But it was indeed, a strange circumstance…

…His mind filled up with a beautiful, red eyed, feisty woman, that popped into his head uninvited, and he couldn’t help but want her!

Wanting to rid of this desire, he left the person there kowtowing, and went straight to a brothel…




An hour had passed and neither Sahara or her friend had moved or opened their eyes, when someone came, “Sahara?”

She felt it…This presence, she knew who it was…

“Wait.” Was all Sahara said, as she continued to concentrate.

Matthew was confused, he had thought about his emotions and felt jealousy, but how was he supposed to deal with it!?

The reason he was confused though, was because he also had a strange trust towards Sahara and felt like he shouldn’t do anything…

Standing there and trying to figure out how this man had come to be here, Matthew could only put a hand to his head and sigh.

“Master.” Band One appeared near Matthew, bowing in respect.

“Band One, tell me…”

“This man, I have no idea, she had recently disappeared and came back. I had no idea where she would have gone but decided to go a distance to still be able to keep the General’s estate in view just in case she had returned.”

Matthew frowned, “Mmm, then what else?”

Band One shook his head, “I had lost her for half the day, Master. She had teleported, and I had found her at the Academy, in the ‘Dispersion’ area.”


Band One now had the permission of the Second Prince to even send an unwritten letter to Sahara, just to find out where she was. Having been able to get a sample of her spiritual essence, this was the final way that Band One was able to find her and it would still take a quarter of his spiritual essence in the process. After Band One had run out of ideas on where she was, he had to apply this technique a couple of times already to find her…

Smiling, Matthew felt proud of his Princess, she was already so keen!

“Anything else?”

Band One stated, “No, Master. I was unable to see anything else.”

Knowing that his Princess could teleport, Matthew could only sigh to his lack of knowledge. “Very well, go take a nap, I’ll be here for a while.”

“Master?” Band One had not had a deep sleep since following the Princess…

“It’s fine, the General’s men are here too.” Matthew had seen Band One’s exhausted face and knew that he would only have a deep sleep if told too. If he kept going like this, he may get sick or be unable to even keep his Princess safe...

“Go on. Come back in a couple of hours.”

“…Yes, Master. This subordinate will leave.” Band One rushed away to fulfill his master’s wishes.


As a few minutes passed, Matthew had decided to sit down next to his Princess and noticed that Naruto was hiding around the side of the stable.

Letting out a small laugh, Matthew pointed to him and moved his hand.

Seeing this, Naruto put his head down and slowly made his way towards Matthew.

Picking up the little mutt, Matthew put him in his lap and patted him.

Of course, not being an animal person, he had done this a bit harshly and Naruto still had his tails between his legs and looked up at Matthew.

Narrowing his eyes, Matthew glared at Naruto.

Naruto put his head down on Matthew’s leg, trying to accommodate to what Matthew wanted.

Smiling, Matthew patted Naruto more happily now and really wanted to find any spots that Naruto liked to be patted…

“Having fun?”


Matthew looked up immediately at hearing her voice, “Ha, ah, I never really patted him before.”

“Mmm.” Sahara smirked, seeing Naruto look at her with puppy dog eyes…

Matthew, now seeing her eyes, asked, “Your eyes are red again.”

She blinked and said, “…I got mad.”

Matthew put his hand to her face and smiled, “What made you mad?”

“My friend was being chased.” Sahara said outright. Noticing Naruto slowly leaving Matthew’s lap.

Matthew, who had nearly stopped breathing, looked at the man beside her. “Friend?”

“Mmm, I want to spar with him again.” She said, smiling and remembering the fight from quite a few weeks ago.

“Sp…Spar?” Matthew asked. He really wasn’t happy about not knowing anything about this…Friend of hers.

“Mmm, but he’s skittish and probably doesn’t like me...” Sahara said, with a little laugh.

Suddenly Matthew felt bad, because he didn’t want this guy to like her, but then it looked like she wanted it.


A little conflicted, Matthew didn’t say a word, and dropped his hand down from her face.

Sahara watched Matthew and smirked.

What was he thinking?

When Matthew looked back at her a few moments later, she raised her eyebrows, “What?”

“Did you think…Think about what I asked you?” Matthew cleared his throat.

She looked away from him and breathed in.

Didn’t take him long to ask uh? If there’s no rumor in the first place…

“…You probably don’t need to worry. I haven’t heard of any rumor going around.”

Matthew went into a stunned silence, because he knew that Sahara was right…He hadn’t heard a rumor either. What was he going to do if there wasn’t a rumor? As it was it took up all his courage to ask her, using the rumor as some sort of leverage to bring up the idea of marriage.

Letting out a small cough, Matthew found some pleasure escape him and found himself a little upset…


Sahara smiled, she needed for him to think that things can’t happen. He would be better off finding someone else and being happy with them…

“And if at one stage a rumor is spread? What will you say then?” Matthew asked, still deflated. Having thought about her words, he was sure that she was trying to get out of marrying him.

She looked at him and sighed, “Well, yeah, I’d come up with other things…”

“…Like what?” Matthew said, finally looking at his Princess. He was a little angry, was she always going to say no?

Sahara breathed in and shook her head, thinking fast. “…I don’t want to share.”

Widening his eyes, Matthew felt a small slither of hope, “Me neither.”

Narrowing her eyes at him, Sahara said, “I mean it! I’m not going to be with someone who has other girls!”

Pulling her over, to be closer to him, Matthew said, “I won’t be with other…’Girls’…”

She frowned, “You say this now…”


“I mean it now! If you think this would get between us Sahara, you’re mistaken!” Matthew stated proudly.

Sahara shook her head and couldn’t help but see this man in a new light. He really was determined!

“Isn’t it only normal for someone to say that but go back on their word?” She said, looking down at his arm around her waist.

Matthew sighed and put a hand to her face, “Do you want me to promise?”

Do I want him to promise? Why should he promise!? He and I can’t happen!?

“No need, because we won’t marry.” Sahara said.

Matthew looked at her and she saw sadness in his eyes. Even she herself felt like it was wrong to say no…But why!?

Why? Why look at me like that!? I’m trying to help you by staying away from you, you idiot…

Before Sahara could continue to think, Matthew leaned in and kissed her. Her heart went crazy, and she could feel heat flowing through her veins.

Sahara didn’t even kiss him back, but his lips on hers, held her complete attention.


Kissing Sahara lightly, Matthew couldn’t help but celebrate that she hadn’t moved away. He lightly bit her lip, to complain about her unfeeling words.

He felt like he had to remind her on how this felt, how being together this way was like.

Having been away from her, yes things were different, and to a certain degree, it was easier. He had missed her and thought about her, but when they were together…Emotions flooded through him, and they weren’t very helpful.

But when she was so stubborn like this, he couldn’t help showing some of his feelings. He was pouting while kissing and Sahara knew this, unable to stop a small smile from showing on her lips.


She felt like she was dreaming. Even when he bit her, Sahara felt a tingling sensation running through her. And, unable to stop herself, she finally kissed him back.

With Naruto able to run away a few moments earlier, Matthew picked Sahara up and put her in his lap.

Not wanting to stop kissing her until they were out of breath, he claimed her mouth as his…

Again, it was like they were in a completely other world, where it had just them in it and no worries. All that mattered was that they both felt like they were in the right place and at the right time…

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