The Midnight Owl

Chapter 128 - demon

The matter was obvious. The young man’s message was sent to him by someone pretending to be the leader; and the source of the incident at the two girls restaurant was not that the leader was on two boats, but someone broke the incident.

The guy and the two girls are dead. No matter how much they guess, it is impossible to find them to confirm.

The sun has set 4/5, and after a while, it will be completely dark.

Returning the team leader ’s cell phone, Wu Sheng ’s eyes swept over everyone — the two college friends and a female girlfriend who were bandaging around the team leader, as well as the distant love that did not forget to take out his cell phone to watch the gap between the crowd, and was helping other A female girlfriends bandaged the backpacker together.

“Take out all your mobile phones, I want to check the information.”

The five donkey friends stopped all: “Why do you check our mobile phone!”

“Just because I’m still being investigated!” The team leader patted the sofa. The blood-stained gauze made his speech very shocking and persuasive.

The six mobile phones that canceled the lock screen were reluctant to be turned in. Wu Sheng lined them up on the coffee table and checked them one by one.

The four partners came together and watched together, it may not really be able to see any clues, but it is good to create momentum for their own military division.

The mobile phone messages of two male college students are basically sent to each other-

A: How are the girls?

B: Vulgar.

A: Not vulgar. How sweet it is to laugh.

B: I say you are vulgar.

A: …

A: I really want to be a little bird.

B: Happy flying?

A: Light weight.

B: You old man, can you not think about losing weight all day …

The mobile phone messages of the two female girlfriends are basically sent to the leader-

Leader: Can you give me a chance?

C: You are too cliché.

Leader: It’s you who turned you first.

C: Me?

Leader: When you assembled, you smiled at me, and then I got a toothache.

C: What does this have to do with toothache? ? ?

Leader: You are too sweet.

C: …

Leader: Does your phone have navigation? Help me find a place.

D: Where?

Leader: In your heart.

D: Could you please leave the group in a round way.

Leader: I can go, but I’m afraid no one will help you pick up tears in the future.

D: I will not pay the rest of the tour package.

Leader 😕 ?

D: When mental compensation.

Leader: Miss sister, I was wrong [Hug thighs cry]

There is no information in the backpacker’s phone.

In the phone of a long-distance relationship, naturally it is all greasy with your girlfriend——

Long-distance love: Baby, I think you are crazy.

Girlfriend: Me too, bang bang bang.

Long-distance love: Baby, this tour group has been dying, I am afraid.

Girlfriend: Touch, how can there be an undead travel, don’t be afraid, I’m guarding you.

Long distance relationship: baby …

Wu Sheng’s browsing speed is too fast. Except for Xu Wang, who has always relied on “Chinese” to walk the world, everyone else was just glanced at the first two lines and was slid. Not finished.

But in this way, he was shocked by the last chat of a long distance relationship. If you do n’t need much, just look at the two lines, and the sour odor of love can suffocate.

Xu Wang always thought that he was in a “quasi-love” state. After watching other people’s love, he suddenly felt that he was still a single dog!

But now is not the time to envy jealousy.

The sun is about to set, and the only mobile phone verification that hopes is nothing. At least from the chat records of these people, Xu Wang couldn’t see any flaws or clues.

Wu Sheng put down the last cell phone, took out his phone, opened the note, and typed quickly.

“This is?” Xu Wang looked at him as he entered a strange conversation in his sticky note and asked puzzled.

Wu Sheng did not raise his head: “Chat record.”

Xu Wang asked: “Whose one?”

Wu Sheng said: “The man who said the leader sent him a message.”

After reading the message to Wu Sheng, the guy fell into the elevator shaft and died. Except for Wu Sheng, no other partner had read his message.

As can be seen from the speed of typing, Wu Sheng has carved these clearly in his mind. He can think about it, and he can do it in his head. If he wants to type out these chat records, Xu Wang knows that he is calling himself.

There are two sections of chat history, which are very short–

Leader: Meet, handsome guy.

Guy 😕

Leader: Don’t laugh silly, just say you.

Guy: I am handsome?

Leader: Very handsome.

Guy: I think I might like you.

Leader: Think again.

Guy: Really, I really like it.

Leader: I’m sorry, I really don’t like it.

As Wu Sheng finished typing the last word, Xu Wang narrowed his eyes suddenly, very fast, as if capturing some information.

He quickly picked up the row of mobile phones on the coffee table and walked through them a second time, comparing them with the information in Wu Sheng’s notes.

“Do you have an idea?” Wu Sheng asked patiently after he had finished all the comparisons.

Xu Wang put down the last phone of his long-distance relationship and turned to look at Wu Sheng, thoughtfully: “You have already seen it, are you?”

Wu Sheng raised the corner of his mouth, just like every time before the exam, “I need your affirmation, representative of the Chinese class.”

Xu Wangwaner, at the end, Zheng focused on the head: “The representative of the class gave you a seal to confirm.”

The three little friends looked confused, and the sun outside was finally behind the mountain, annihilating the last light.


: Please select one person within five minutes to identify the demon. There is only one chance for identification. After the countdown is over, the public will confirm whether the identification is correct. The countdown starts.

Xu Wangding looked at Wu Sheng.

The three partners can’t help themselves.

The seven people in the tour group seemed to feel the atmosphere was wrong and their eyes were puzzled. The injured leader half lying on the sofa asked directly: “What’s wrong?”

Wu Shengjing lowered his head, raised his head, and slowly glanced at all the donkeys, and finally raised his hand, pointing firmly to one person: “You are the devil.”


Qian Ai, Chi Yingxue, and Kuang Jinxin were dumbfounded. This dude seemed to be non-existent throughout the journey, doing nothing, but again, there was nothing suspicious.

The six remaining unidentified people in the tour group were also dumbfounded and had no idea what Wu Sheng was saying.

The backpacker looked at Wu Sheng indifferently, with a calm tone and even suspicious doubts: “What devil?”

Wu Sheng’s identification took less than ten seconds, and the five-minute countdown continued.

Enough to give backpackers, and everyone, an understanding.

“The demon that made all this accident.” Wu Sheng said.

It’s a matter of myself, the leader thinks about speeding up in an instant: “Is this king of **** causing me to overturn the ship ?!”

Qian Ai picked up his phone and skimmed over: “Just pick four of them at once, and it would be unreasonable not to overturn the ship!”

The backpacker tilted his head and smiled: “The accident I made? Do you have evidence?”

Everyone immediately looked at Wu Sheng, waiting for the detective, who was standing and calm, to beat the backpacker’s face.

Wu Sheng also smiled: “No.”

Donkey Club: “…”

Little partner: “…”

Xu Wang sat on the single sofa and leaned back, waiting for his army division to press the demon against the ground.

“There is no evidence that you are a demon, but there is no evidence that you are not a demon.” Wu Sheng said.

The backpacker shrugged: “This is too strange, just because I can’t prove myself innocent, so I said I am the culprit?”

The remote love weakly interjected: “Yeah, you want me to prove that those accidents were not mine, and I can’t prove it.”

Wu Sheng: “…”

This man can live to the present, and can fall in love all the way through the dangers. There is no other explanation except for his life.

No more nonsense, Wu Sheng opened the information of the other six mobile phones except the backpacker, and opened the message on the coffee table together with the information that the fake leader entered in the sticky note just sent to the guy. All the chat records are clear at a glance.

“I can’t find evidence that you are a demon, but I can rule out the suspicion of six other people.” Wu Sheng said.

“Don’t sell the key,” the old money couldn’t bear it first, and was anxious. “What the **** do you see in the message?”

Wu Sheng spread his hand: “It is better to see the devil’s language level than the six of them.”

Qian Ai: “Where is it better!”

“The use of the ground, the ground, and the ground.” Jin Xin, who has been quiet for a long time, is determined to look at the seven mobile phones on the table and make a noise.

Qian Ai and Chi Yingxue frowned together. The former immediately moved over to look at it again, while the latter stayed in place, seemingly indifferent, but actually glanced at those bright mobile phone screens.

Wu Sheng looked at the first male college student, without using a mobile phone, he was able to read the relevant part of everyone ’s chat message without saying: “It ’s not vulgar, how sweet it is to laugh”. “It’s wrong , It should be ‘take’. “

His eyes shifted to the second college student: “Happy flying. ‘It”s wrong, it should be ‘ground’.”

He looked at the third person again, one of the female girlfriends: “You’re too ridiculous. You’re wrong. You’re wrong.”

Next is the team leader: “It’s you who flipped me back and forth. The same wrong way.”

Next is the second of the female girlfriends: “Leaving mellow,‘ of ’should be‘ ground ’.”

Finally, he looked at a long-distance relationship: “Actually, you are the most suspicious, you are holding your phone all the way. Before I checked the information, I even had my brain filled up. How do you pretend to be the leader and send a message to the guy, and deliberately Send the wrong name to the two girls in the restaurant … “

“You have too many brains to make up …” Love in a different place looks wronged and innocent, “I’ll have a relationship …”

In fact, this love talk is more hatred than the devil.

But for now, Wu Sheng decided to forgive him: “I think you are crazy.” The “should be” there “.”

He picked up his cell phone and deleted all other irrelevant words in the sticky note, leaving only three sentences-

Leader: Don’t laugh silly, just say you.

Leader: Very handsome.

Leader: Think again.

Everyone can see clearly this time. Two “grounds” and one “get” are used clearly and accurately.

“I ruled out all of them, and the only one I couldn’t rule out was you who didn’t leave any information.” Wu Sheng gave the backpacker a gentle smile, “Holmes said, excluding everything is impossible, and the rest is incredible. It’s the truth. “

Xu Wang got up from the sofa and walked to Wu Sheng, shaking his head toward the backpacker regretfully: “You shouldn’t choose a school bully who makes up for the three-night detective film as the opponent.”

The five-minute countdown ends.


: The identification is correct. Please start your fight.

Five partners: “…”

Is n’t it just to find the devil? No one has said that there is a battle link!


The flames in the living room fireplace suddenly popped out, igniting everything around the fireplace like a fire dragon. Carpets, table cabinets, walls, and fires ignited instantly.

In the firelight, the backpacker unloaded his backpack that had not been away from him, lowered his head and raised his eyes, his mouth grinning to the left and right, revealing a strange smile.

The leader on the sofa stood up and walked to the left and right of the backpacker with five other donkey friends. They moved stiffly, as if they were being manipulated. After standing, they looked down like the backpacker and looked at the five partners.

The difference is that they didn’t smile, their expressions were dull, their eyes were blank, and their eyes were quickly turning black, as if the ink had been overturned under the eyes, and the dark colors quickly eroded.

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