The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 328 An Accident Happened

Chapter 328 An Accident Happened

"Indeed, it's not safe there anymore. School will start in two days. Harry, Leah, Hermione, Luna and the others can go back to Hogwarts. Will the Presbyterians offend the Black family?" Dumbledore, as for you, me, and Hope, you can go to the manor Nicole left me, it is absolutely safe there, "

Sirius nodded,

"This is the only way to go now. Before we know the purpose of the Council of Elders. All we can do is protect ourselves. At the same time, keep an eye on the actions of the Council of Elders and check all the clues we can find."

Feeney took a deep breath, clapped his hands and said to several people,

"Okay, what we have to do now is to get out of here as soon as possible. Since the Black family's stronghold has been attacked, I don't believe that the law enforcement teams from the Presbyterian Church will not attack here. Now, we don't know the other three families at all. No matter what kind of attack you have received, it is the best choice to leave here as soon as possible.”

Because the situation is urgent, I don't care about the comfort of the few people at this time.

Finny, Sirius, and Hope took Harry, Leah, Hermione, and Luna away from here,
Not long after a few people left,
The tent of the Black family welcomed its new guests, a group of people in black robes and white masks,
That's right, they are members of the law enforcement team of the Presbyterian Church, and everything is not much different from what Feeney speculated.

The target of the law enforcement team is him, Sirius, and Hope. As for Harry and the others, they are not members of the Black family, so they are not within the scope of the law enforcement team.

Speaking of which, the reaction speed of Feeney, Sirius and Damon is already very fast,
After Damon realized that Black's stronghold was under attack, he immediately chose to evade while investigating the information, and after determining that it might be harmful to Feeney, he went directly to find Feeney,

And Feeney and Sirius also immediately decided on the next course of action, and escaped the capture of the law enforcement team.

As for the reason why the Presbyterian Law Enforcement Team would take action against them, it was actually a very coincidental accident.

Just like what Feeney and the others said during their private discussion, Cobos cannot control the Lestrange family,
The Lestrange family is actually controlled by the elders of the family, which is the same as Selwyn,
However, the difference is that the Selwyn family has had patriarchs all these years. Although they can't completely control the family, it also makes the family elders' grasp of the family less detailed and comprehensive.

However, the previous patriarch of the Lestrange family defected to Greenwald 50 years ago, resulting in the fact that the Lestrange family has been controlled by the elders for the past 50 years. There is no secret that can hide from the eyes of the elders.

This point is ignored by Feeney, Kuzan, Elrond, and Cobos.
This also led to the matter of becoming a god that they discussed at that time. When they returned to the family to make arrangements, the elders of the Lestrange family knew about it.
Unfortunately, some of these elders are still members of the elders group,
Their own feelings for the family are already very weak, not to mention, as long as they obey the elders, they have the opportunity to become gods.
And if Feeney and the others are allowed to continue doing this, the elders may lose their quota to become gods.
The exposure of this matter also caused the elders to be furious, and directly sent members of the elders' law enforcement team to arrest the patriarchs of the four consular families and members of their lineage.

Of course, the Presbyterian Church is also very clear that the consular family cannot disappear, otherwise they will lose control of the magic world,

Therefore, their goal is only to participate in this matter, as well as the patriarch and related direct members who may participate,

Moreover, if these people were caught in the Presbyterian Church, they would not be directly executed or something. Instead, they would be arranged to eat and drink well. While monitoring them, they could also be used as hostages to control the consular family.

Feeney and the others are fast and responsive, Kuzan and Elrond are not much different,

Because the completeness and accuracy of the news could not be determined, the Elders' Council first made a move on the Lestrange family with the greatest possibility and the greatest grasp.
When Cobos and his son were caught, the Selwyn family who had been paying attention to them noticed,

Elrond had wanted to get rid of the control of the family elders a long time ago, and he had been prepared for a long time. He left the family and hid as soon as the news came.

Until a few hours later, the law enforcement teams of the Selwyn family and the Presbyterian Church have not found the whereabouts of Elrond and his family.

In addition to the Lestrange family, the law enforcement team acted against the three families at the same time.
It's just that the location of the direct line of the family cannot be determined, so the first to attack is the stronghold of the patriarch's line.

The Black family only has Finny, Sirius, and Hope, and they are still members of the direct line. Therefore, most of the strongholds of the Black family are their targets.

Because of this, Damon got the news, allowing Finny and Sirius to escape.

As for the Rich family, it is the family with the least disturbance among the four families.

After all, even the elders of this family have to obey the orders of the patriarch, even if the order of the patriarch may lead to the complete disappearance of the family, they still obey it.
Therefore, when they faced the law enforcement team of the Presbyterian Church, the whole clan directly resisted.Therefore, Kuzan and his family are temporarily safe.
However, as long as anyone who knows the inside story of this matter knows that this security will not last long, will the elders allow a person who knows that they control the quota of becoming a god and is trying to become a god to live safely.

Looking back at Finny and the others,

After Feeney, Sirius and the others left the Quidditch World Cup camp with Harry and the others, they went directly to NO.12, Grimmauld Square without delay.
Because of the effect of the unique secrecy magic of Nico's manor, it is impossible for Finny to tell too many people the exact address here.

So, the way they got there chose a very interesting way,

Finny, Sirius, and Hope went into the suitcase of Black's house together, that is, the one with the Black family crest, which was Finny's private library,
Then Puff took the box to France,

Under the condition that the house elves are not valued by the magic world, they, including the Presbyterian Church, cannot trace the magic traces of the house elves,
As a result, puffs will not be discovered by the law enforcement team when they apparate.

Not to mention, the unique magical talents of house-elves allow them to apparate farther than wizards, and can travel the greatest distance in the shortest time.

As expected by Feeney, the Presbyterian Church does have the exact address of the Black family's ancestral home, No. 12, Grimmauld Place, and it is the kind of record that is not affected by the Fidelity Curse.

After Feeney and the others left, the law enforcement team arrived here,
From the sidelines now, it's nothing,

But under the circumstances at that time, Feeney and the others were actually very dangerous. Even if they were 1 minute at night, they might be bumped into by the law enforcement team and directly arrested and entered the headquarters of the Presbyterian Church.

Fortunately, the time has now come to the beginning of Hogwarts,
Harry, Leah, Hermione, and Luna have all entered Hogwarts, protected by the magic left by Dumbledore and the four founders, so there is no need to fight for the law enforcement team of the Presbyterian Church. Rush to worry and fear,
As for Finny, Sirius and Hope stayed in Nico's manor,
Sirius, who has rich experience in crimes with Death Eaters, has a high level of experience in hunting and being chased, reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance.

Therefore, the affairs of the Black family are now entrusted to Sirius.

Hope, on the other hand, chooses to study the alchemy inheritance left by Nico in Nico's manor. After this matter is over, she will accept the vacant storefront of the Black family in Hogsmeade and open the one she has always wanted. A shop that sells alchemy items and magic items.

As for Finny, it is different from them all,

After Leah and the others left the manor and returned to Hogwarts, he left the manor together and went to the American continent.

Although it is also brought into the rule by the Presbyterian Church, the strength of the Presbyterian Council there is still very weak.
Including the other three consular families and the Presbyterian Church, no one knows that in fact, in the American continent, Feeney also has a very large control power and a large reserve of power.

You know, Damon was the person in charge of the European side that Feeney transferred from the American continent after Lisa died.
Now the person in charge there is Damon's younger brother Stefan.

Feeney's plan is to temporarily hide in the Americas, and after he successfully advances to the legend, he returns to Europe,
As long as he becomes a legend, he will not be at a disadvantage when facing the law enforcement team, and he can even overtake them.

Feeney did not choose the orthodox way to enter the American continent,

Instead, choose the way of smuggling,
You must know that wizards entering the American continent, especially the United States, need to turn in their wands for verification and marking.
As long as you use magic in the American magic world, the Magic Council will immediately notice and find you, which is far superior to the European Ministry of Magic.

Not to mention, it is also the site of the Presbyterian Church now, and if Feeney entered the country seriously, they would definitely know, and then Feeney's devious ideas would lose their original effect.

The way for the wizarding world to smuggle into the Americas is naturally the old-fashioned Portkey - a rusty and very dilapidated iron barrel.

This Tietong door key is naturally the one that activates at a specified time.
People who want to smuggle can find the snakeheads in the black market in the magic world, that is, the vendors responsible for smuggling, and buy the location and activation time of the port key from them.
Arrive at the location where the door key is at the specified time, and then follow the door key to the place where you want to smuggle.

The place where Feeney smuggled was Staten Island in New York, which is the least populated area in New York City, and it has a large area, which is as large as two Manhattan boroughs.
This has led to the most accurate census here. Once outsiders appear, they can be detected quickly.

Neither Muggles nor wizards would have thought that such a dangerous place would be used as the destination for smuggling.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. Although it has been worn out, it is still very easy to use.

Feeney used magic to shield all Muggles who found him in Staten Island, thereby avoiding the Muggle world noticing his arrival, thereby avoiding being noticed by the magic world.

Of course his goal is not here,
Although there are few people here, it is not suitable for long-term living. After all, Feeney is avoiding the pursuit of the law enforcement team.
Therefore, his chosen target is Manhattan, which has a population of 150 million but an area of ​​only 24 square miles.

Here is the financial center of the United States. More than one-third of the 500 largest companies in the United States are headquartered in Manhattan.

As an area where the world's finance, securities, futures and insurance industries are concentrated, this place can be called the most valued place by Muggles.
According to the normality of wizards avoiding Muggles in America, hiding here is the least option to be harassed by wizards.

As for where to live, that is a very easy thing to solve. Magic is a very magical existence.

Although Finny doesn't use the Imperius Curse very often, he is still relatively proficient in using it.It is very simple to control a rich man who lives in Manhattan,

The Muggle, who was originally a white man, would not be easily inspected by the police here, so he took Finny all the way back to his residence very smoothly.

It was a high-rise apartment located in midtown Manhattan, with two bedrooms, two study rooms, and an open kitchen connected to the living room.

In addition, Finny was very cautious when choosing a target. This white Muggle was not married, and he was the only one in the family. He lived here for a long time and would not be discovered.

For the next few months, Feeney stayed in this apartment, exploring the secrets of the soul.

If you want to become a legend, you must understand the soul, understand the meaning of the soul to magic, and why some magic needs to use soul emotions as a prerequisite,
There are generally two approaches to this process.

One is the method used by Dumbledore, pure research, exploration, and thinking about the relationship and mystery between magic and soul.

The other is Nico's method, capturing a large number of souls, using these souls as materials to conduct a large amount of research, to figure out the relationship between souls and magic,
These two methods are just different approaches, in fact, there is no gap in the final result.

Different from black magic and white magic, the use of different magic will not cause the user's emotions or even problems with the soul.
It will not affect the subsequent exploration and progress on the road to becoming a god.

However, these two methods naturally have some respective characteristics,

The first type is more pure, and the foundation after entering the legend is also more stable, but this does not mean that the second type has a stable foundation.
The second method takes less time and is easier. Although the foundation will be a little unstable, the foundation can be stabilized through continuous research.

Feeney chose the second option at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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