The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 73 Development

Sean's current attributes are strength 2.8, agility 2.6, constitution 2.5, intelligence 2.85, will 4.25, perception 3.45.

A year ago, Sean's attributes were strength 1.8, agility 1.75, constitution 1.65, intelligence 2.65, will 3.15, and perception 2.85.

What improved the most was not the strength of Sean's targeted training, but the will, which reached a terrifying 1.1.

For the attribute of will, Xiao En has always believed that it is a manifestation of the strength of will, but as it continued to increase, especially when it broke through to 4, he realized that his previous understanding was a bit too one-sided, and he underestimated it too much.

This attribute is impressively linked to one's own magic power, not only that, it is even inextricably linked with the very ethereal soul.

This is not Xiao En's unfounded guess, but after the value of will reaches a certain level, he has a hazy but real feeling that his control over the power of magic has taken a solid step up, jumping from condensed to It's time to control.

Like knights, warlocks also have their own power ratings, but their ratings are different from knights. Warlocks don't look at pure combat power, but the ability to control magical power.

As I said before, the magic power and knight power in this world are inseparable. A powerful knight is not necessarily a warlock, but a powerful warlock must be a powerful knight. For example, Xiao En's mother Ms. Elena is a great knight and a secret word-level warlock. The two do not conflict at all, and spells are more of an auxiliary force.

Warlock power is decomposed into awakening-condensation-manipulation-secret words-control.

Awakening: As the name suggests, one has already initially realized that one's own strength is different from ordinary people, but this ability is not under control, and sometimes goes up and down. Awakening usually occurs at the age of seven or eight, and it will not exceed the age of fifteen at the latest.

Those who awaken after the age of fifteen are unheard of. There are also those who are naturally awakened like Xiao En. The number is extremely rare, and those who can survive are even rarer, because it is difficult for them to control this unstable force. His body tossed and collapsed.

Awakening or not is directly related to the bloodline, and the probability of girls is higher than that of boys.

Many ancient warlocks adopted the method of inbreeding marriage, and it was indeed easier to give birth to children with warlock talents, but the price was a large number of idiots, with a ratio of one hundred to one. This situation was doomed to the prevalence of witches and witch secret societies.

Condensation: Through self-exploration or systematic learning, you have initially controlled your own power, and you can use some powerful spells, which are usually relatively simple, and you must use some media, such as gathering gas to form water, igniting, electric light, and direct lethality Usually not big, but combined with close combat, it usually has unexpected effects.

However, its greatest use is to help self-training. It is easier than others on the road of knighthood. If you give up training yourself because of the power of magic, that is the most stupid behavior. This kind of person can explore the mysteries of magic. , that is a big joke.

Manipulation: Able to skillfully control the power of one's own bloodlines, performing simple spells no longer requires the use of media, but some powerful spells, such as fireball, ice spear, and wind blade, still need the help of foreign objects, and can be used without the cooperation of knights. Knights and grand knights pose a deadly threat.

Whispers: Being able to use one's own blood power to have a wonderful connection with the elements in nature, listening to the secret words of nature, from then on, the abilities of warlocks tend to be classified, and many warlocks are more sensitive to the perception of one or two elements , when they practice this kind of technique, they get twice the result with half the effort.

At this stage, experienced warlock teachers will choose a course as their apprentice's main course. Once the main course is successfully practiced, there will be extraordinary achievements.

Control: Also known as the master level stage, there must be an element that has reached the ultimate level of control, and other types of magic are also incomprehensible, and they are cast like arms and fingers, and the elements are under their control. When they are full of energy, even Even the champion knight also backed away.

Sean already has real experience of the first three levels. As for the secret language and control, it is the knowledge acquired from Ms. Elena, especially the control level, which is the hearsay of hearsayers and can only be used as a reference.

In the time Sean turned over the account books of the grocery store for the first half of last year, Ralph and Chebman's new product deal had already been concluded, and he hurried over to report to him, and asked with a smile, It looks very smooth?

This question was purely flattering. The grocery store is so big, separated by a courtyard. With his hearing ability three times better than that of ordinary people, their conversation was basically word-for-word.

Will it go well?

Ralph's ecstatic look is completely different from the way he is grasping the wisdom when facing Chebman. His pretended maturity and Sean's inner maturity are two different things after all. In front of Sean, Involuntarily revealing the side that still belongs to the child.

You didn't see the other person's expression. You found that our studded armor has five layers, and its defense is stronger than ordinary scale armor. It's like seeing an undead. After hearing the price, your jaw almost dropped from fright. These Dude, how can we know the power of mechanical manufacturing? With the sewing machine, one of us can be used by ten people. As long as the black coal is transported in smoothly, we can start the furnace to smelt iron and fry steel, manufacture sewing machines on a large scale, and produce Tang's nails The number of armors scares them to death.

Ralph completely forgot that it was the first time they saw Tang's inlaid nail armor, which was no different from Chebman's. Seeing the sewing machine spinning at high speed was like seeing a prehistoric monster that came out of mythology.

Those of them who know the principle and participate in it to piece it together bit by bit, even so, not to mention those who don't know the truth, everything they have seen, without exception, will be pushed to the gods, and Xiao En, who created everything , is naturally a saint reincarnated from the gods.

Fortunately, this new thing has been kept in a state of high secrecy from the very beginning, and not many people know about it, otherwise Sean would not be able to live a peaceful life.

Don't be so optimistic. We have been able to develop at a high speed during this period of time. It is purely based on the old foundation that was laid before. Although we have also discussed the possibility of making iron and steel, we have not put it into action. Various technical problems , it is by no means that simple, we must be prepared to fight a protracted war.

Sean is not as confident as Ralph, whether honey, Tang's studded armor or the sewing machine used to make Tang's studded nails, not all are due to this year's work.

In particular, the beekeeping industry behind the large amount of honey was not promoted by Sean, but the Andes mountain people had learned it hundreds of years ago.

However, unlike large-scale stocking, most of the Andes mountain people are wild free-range. In places where there are many wild flowers every year, they will consciously divide some beehives, and then collect honey every year, which is rare in the mountains. Fixed source of sweets.

Sean just acted as a second-hand dealer in the middle, exchanging salt and grain for honey in their hands.

Sean is not satisfied with this reselling model, but has gathered hundreds of mountain people who are proficient in beekeeping. They are exploring more advanced and efficient beekeeping techniques, making beehives, and collecting bee sources, which has begun to take shape.

When the time is right, these beehives will be sent to every corner of the mountain, and all the Andes mountain people will be their potential beekeepers. In a few years, the entire Andes mountain will be full of their captive bees.

Some Andes mountain people who have tasted the sweetness spontaneously divided the beehives all over the mountains without using Xiao En's organization, gearing up to prepare for the coming year. This income alone made their family's winter much easier. At that time, the production of all kinds of honey will increase geometrically and become a real pillar industry.

The sewing machine used to make Tang's studded nail armor is one of the crystallization of the wisdom of the group of children led by Xiao En in the past ten years. Although it only existed in models and theoretical knowledge before, many problems have been overcome by them in advance. Now there are After enough manpower and material resources, turn it into a real thing.

However, those bulky big guys are not a star and a half away from the exquisite industrial products in Sean's memory. A sewing machine requires two people to operate, and the efficiency is not even one-fifth of the sewing machine in the previous life. The efficiency is still shocking. Those earth leopards who had never seen the world were dumbfounded.

This is already the current condition, the limit of what they can do. After all, all the accessories are knocked out with a hammer. The finished product is close to the stupid and clumsy with a strong punk style. Fine things are not within their consideration. Usability is their greatest pursuit at present.

Whenever this time happened, Xiao En couldn't help complaining wildly. He was also a person who spent some time on the Internet in his previous life. He also read all kinds of time-traveling novels. Those are all with their own technology trees.

Without any basic industry, you can make large-scale steelmaking, skip the germination of industry and the age of steam, and move towards modernization, and even ultra-modernization. Not to mention nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs, even spaceships can be carried away by one person. The knowledge of the two knives is given out.

It took a lot of effort to make a fucking sewing machine that every family always has. As for making iron and steel, I am still rushing for resources. Iron mines are produced in the Andes Mountains. , although the storage capacity is not large, it is enough for a short time.

There are no coal mines, but fortunately, the Manyu army has a lot of reserves, and there is no iron ore there, so no one realizes its value. It is only used as firewood for heating, giving them an opportunity.

This time Xiao En's positioning is very low, not directly for steelmaking, but pure ironmaking, to solve the iron shortage, the overall environment of Man Yu's army leader is also short of iron, with wooden hoes, wooden sticks, wooden There are many farmers who plow the fields. Even if the Duke of Faerun is short of money, he will not use this kind of military supplies as a bargaining chip.

The large-scale production of Tang's inlaid nail armor, in addition to the emergence of sewing machines has greatly reduced labor costs, another key material is the unique needlework, which is not original to Sean, but has been handed down by the Andes mountain people for many years. crystallization of wisdom.

Most of the hunting bows in their hands are made of this kind of material. It is made of a kind of mountain spider silk. How tough is the spider silk of the mountain spider? This kind of mountain spider is also called the hunting spider.

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