The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 073 – Beyond Human Understanding

[295 AC]

Sitting in the small council chamber, the Hand of the King waited patiently for the other members of the small council that were going to attend the meeting to show up.

When all but the master of ships and the master of whisperers had arrived and sat down, the young Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, asked with slight impatience: “Isn't it time that you told us what you have called us here for, Lord Hand? I am sure we all have other important business to attend to, so let's not waste any more time and begin this meeting.”

Renly was a charismatic young man and being only seventeen years old, definitely one of the most sought-after bachelors in the entire realm, though Jon was aware of the boy's 'tastes'.

Still, as a man of wisdom, the Hand of the King didn't really have anything against the young man, as Renly knew how to preserve his image and how to carry himself in the eye of the public. The young man wouldn't risk bringing shame to his family name or angering Robert, as Renly feared his eldest brother's temper like any sane man should.

His impatience born out of youth and vigor was nothing surprising either, so Jon answered calmly: "I have received a message from Lord Varys, in which he asked me to call for a meeting as he had important news to announce. I am sure he will arrive any minute now."

So we are waiting for the cockless man to make his entrance? Brilliant.”, Renly mocked, making it clear that he thought it a waste of time to wait for the Spider.

Jon could only shake his head at the typical Baratheon-ignorance. Clearly the young Lord of Storm's End and master of the laws didn't understand how dangerous the eunuch really was, otherwise he would never dare speak such words lightly.

On this account, Jon couldn't help but look at Petyr. Even though he was only a few years older, the young master of coin was a lot more sensible when it came to the intricacies at court and he clearly was more perceptive to the dangers also.

Jon may have initially appointed Petyr as master of coin because his wife Lysa had asked him to do so and he thought it a good way to deny the Lannisters the chance to wiggle their way into the small council, but over the few years the young man had inhabited the position now, he had without a doubt displayed the necessary disposition needed at court.

"Forgive me, young Lord, but not all of us are blessed with natural gifts such as yours, nor your ability to discern such.", a strangely smooth voice suddenly echoed in the small chamber, as the master of whisperers stepped into the room, along with a woman clad in blood-red garments.

Varys' pointed remark had the desired effect though, as the young Stormlord's eyes briefly widened before he snorted lightly and otherwise kept quiet in response.

And while Jon was surprised by the gorgeous red-headed woman's presence in the council chamber, as she was clearly a Red Priestess, it was Petyr and the Grandmaester who gave voice to their surprise first.

"It seems you have brought more than just information back with you from your trip east, Lord Varys.", Petyr remarked calmly, though his words inevitably caused intrigue and suspicion to appear in the hearts of the other members of the small council.

The Grandmaester's response to the priestess' appearance was vastly different though, as he voiced out in an accusing fashion, his tone raised: "Why have you brought a witch to a small council meeting?! This is a place for governing and ruling, not one for parlour tricks and blasphemy!"

Jon knew about the Maesters' hate for magic, so while he wasn't surprised by this outburst, he was nevertheless annoyed. The Red Temple possessed incredible, near-crushing power, and their willingness to cooperate harmoniously was the only thing that enabled him to sleep at night.

The Citadel's and the Faith's constant attempts at undermining such a powerful entity were what troubled him almost as much as Robert's extravagant spending habits.

Varys and the Red Priestess though acted as if the Grandmaester had not said anything, as the eunuch introduced her formally: “This is High Priestess Melisandre from Volantis. She is one of the closest advisors of the Lord of Light and it is on his orders that she came with me to King's Landing.”

Hearing his words not even the Grandmaester dared to continue spouting his nonsense, as 'he' was someone not many dared to insult openly, especially not in front of a High Priestess.

Jon realized that the atmosphere in the small council chamber also became noticeably heavier, which was not a surprise.

High Priestess. It was a title that held incredible weight, as everyone present realized that the woman in front of them had equal or even greater authority in the Red Temple than Thoros of Myr, the High Priest stationed in the temple on Rheanys Hill, or Red Hill as the commoners had taken to calling it.

The Hand and every other member of the council had seen Thoros participate in several tourneys over the years and in each one he had absolutely dominated his competition, not to mention the tales of his performance during the Greyjoy Rebellion.

Jon had also heard of High Priest Benerro, who was stationed in the temple in Casterly Rock. There were stories of the priest encountering a small raiding party from the Iron Islands, while he had stayed in a small village some distance from Casterly Rock during his travels around the Westerlands.

And while the tattoed elderly man didn't seem like much of a fighter from what Jon had heard, the High Priest had supposedly turned the whole ship to ashes with nothing but a deadly stare.

Jon wasn't sure if he should believe such a fantastical tale, but it was undeniable that every High Priest or Priestess was not a person to be taken lightly, their powers being mysterious and beyond human understanding.

Inviting her to take a seat with a gesture and gathering his focus, the Hand of the King addressed the High Priestess directly, his tone even and respectful: "Welcome to King's Landing, High Priestess. Though may I ask for what reason have you been sent to King's Landing, my Lady?"

An enchanting smile settled on Melisandre's lips, as she answered the older man who was supposedly the true power behind the Iron Throne: “My purpose for coming here is to convey an offer from the Lord and a message from Stannis Baratheon, Great Naval Commander of the Red Temple's forces.”

And what is my brother's message, Lady Melisandre?”, Renly asked while frowning.

Jon knew that Renly's relationship with his brothers was rather strained and difficult, as for one Robert didn't have much respect and care for his younger brothers, not like he had for Ned anyway.

Stannis on the other hand had always been stoic and dutiful, which stood in stark contrast to Renly's more casual and frivolous way of conducting himself. Stannis also resented his brother for having inherited a whole Kingdom, while he had only been given Dragonstone by Robert.

The Hand of the King though was equally interested in Stannis' message, as he had heard about the former Lord of Dragonstone being handed incredible power by 'him'.

In fact, Stannis very likely held more power than even Robert himself, as the naval forces of the Red Temple were simply overwhelming from what he had gleaned upon from the reports Varys had provided.

The Red Priestess' captivating voice once again echoed through the council chamber, as she replied to Renly's question: “The Commander has chosen to resign from his position as master of ships from this point forward, as he has found himself unable to balance his duties for the Red Temple and the Iron Throne.”

Melisandre's words caused a few moments of pin-drop silence to descend on the room, as her words slowly sunk into the minds of those gathered in the council chamber.

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