The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 078 – Fealty

[295 AC]

Obara had come to Volantis with her sisters, father, and his paramour Ellaria a few days ago, as her father had wanted to visit his sister and have a chance at experiencing the Fire Festival in Volantis firsthand.

And as she stepped into the study, Obara tried to do so with confidence, suppressing her nervousness as best as she could.

The eighteen-year-old girl had always tried to be tough and confident after her father had taken her with him, as she abhorred the thought of being weak like her mother had been.

It was only after meeting Phenex that she had learned that power was relative and that the sharpness of her spear wasn't as important as the strength of her mind.

And while Obara adored and respected her father with all her heart, Phenex had been somewhat of a guiding light for her ever since she had met him, his wisdom and encouragement being largely responsible for making her the exceptional warrior that she was.

It was only before him that she felt truly vulnerable and nervous, as even her father couldn't evoke these feelings in her heart anymore.

Her gaze fell onto Phenex, who sat in a lotus position on a thick hand-woven rug on the floor next to a small table, a sofa, and an armchair, as if he had been meditating, which was something he had taught her a few years back.

He still wore his coarse linen clothes though these ones were coloured dark green, his blazing eyes looking back at her.

"Little flower, have you come for a spar?", Phenex asked her, a slight smile on his lips, as he addressed her with the term of endearment no one else dared to call her with if they didn't want a taste of her spear.

And yet, instead of anger, Obara could feel a subtle heat rising to her cheeks, as a half-frown-half-pout settled on her face. As fierce a warrior as she was, the young woman couldn't voice out her embarrassment at the name in front of Phenex, so she simply chose not to comment on it.

In some corner of her heart though, she felt relieved that Phenex still treated her the same, as it gave her the freedom of not having to be strong and tough in front of him. Here, Obara was simply the same little girl that had wanted to learn spearmanship from him all those years ago.

No, I come to you for s-something else, Phenex.”, Obara replied, her tone somewhat uneven as her nervousness started to bleed through.

His response was a small nod, as Phenex waited patiently for her to gather her courage and state her request, while the corners of his lips were raised minutely.

Simply sitting there in silence and smiling benevolently, Obara felt his presence filling the atmosphere around her, his strength manifesting in a subtle manner.

Obara knew that this wasn't Phenex' divine aura, but simply what her instincts as a warrior picked up due to the overwhelming strength she knew he possessed.

Taking a calming breath, Obara drew her weapons and went down on one knee, presenting both parts of her spear as an offering to Phenex, as she laid them on the ground before her.

My weapon, my life, my h-heart.”, Obara intoned with her head lowered, stammering the last word, before she continued, “They belong to you, Phenex. Please, grant me a place amongst your Feathers, a place by your side.”

Looking at the kneeling figure of Obara, Phenex' eyes glittered with unknown emotions for just a moment, before a serious look settled on his face. Rising from his seat, fire ignited around his form, as he fixed his gaze on the young woman he had trained and watched growing up.

Phenex could feel the sincerity of her request, her longing to serve by his side and her wish for her strength to become his. Obara yearned for a purpose beyond being the eldest of Oberyn's daughters, even though she loved her family with all her heart.

She also loved him in a similar way that Sapphire did, her affection being pure and untainted.

There was nothing sexual in the way she felt drawn towards Phenex, especially since he knew that the young warrioress preferred the fairer gender when it came to her romantic interests.

Do you know what you are asking for, Obara?”, Phenex questioned her in a deep and serious tone, “Becoming a Feather is not something that can be reversed. Once you join my personal guard, you will be a Feather for the rest of your life. Your duty to me will be your foremost priority and my will will become your mission.”

This is not a vow you can take lightly, little flower.”, he ended, his tone gaining a hint of softness.

Raising her head, Obara's dark and determined eyes met his, as she replied firmly: “My mind is set, my Lord.”

His gaze locking onto hers, Phenex could find no falsehood in it and so he nodded calmly.

"So be it.", he announced, as his whole being turned into blazing flames and enveloped Oberyn's eldest daughter.

[296 AC]

Sitting on a hill some distance away from Volantis, his only company being Sapphire who rested by his side and enjoyed the warm sunlight falling on her brilliant blue scales, Phenex was in deep thought.

Just a few weeks ago Drogo had become the Khal of Khals and unified the Dothraki under him after proving himself in more than three dozen battles. He was now the leader of nearly a hundred and eighty thousand Dothraki riders, which was an incredibly fearsome number.

This number might not be much considering that the Red Temple had an army several times that size, but the territory it had to protect was also very vast. Still, it was an easy thing for Phenex to call upon an army of twice that size.

The Fiery Hand alone could take down the Dothraki, not to mention all the priests and priestesses from the Fire Sword branch, as they were also incredibly fearsome warriors.

The Dothraki were still an intimidating force though, as their whole tradition and upbringing made them savage and fearless, their fighting skills on horseback being practically unmatched.

Now, it was time for him to make a decision on how to deal with them, as he knew that their intentions were to lay waste to Northern Essos, before attacking the Blessed Cities.

Their first target was the Free City Qohor, followed by Saath the last great city of the almost destroyed grassland kingdom Sarnor and the Free Cities of Norvos, Lorath, Braavos, and Pentos.

Phenex knew that this was their long-term plan and that they would not rush to accomplish all this, as they may have been savages, but they certainly understood war.

They were however already on their way to Qohor, readying themselves for their first conquest.

The conquest in its entirety however would take them years, as they would have to recuperate their losses from time to time, but he also did not doubt that they would most likely succeed if the Free Cities did not work together.

Still, Phenex did not plan to let this all come to pass, as this was the best time to strike.

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