The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

78: Rumble in the jungle

In the Fallen Forest, a crow was flying and then it landed near 3 red uniforms.

"Darn. My familiar here says that Yurishia entered this stage."

"This isn't good. We can't allow a white uniform to actually go to the final round!"

"But what can we do? As much as I hate to say this, counting her slaves, we might not be able to take her on."

"Who says we need to take her on? You guys know why this place is so dangerous? This forest is the home of the Curse King. If we start a little fire… I'm sure that he will take action. We'll be long gone by then."

"But… What about other students?"

"Come on! Protecting the school pride is more important."

"I guess you're right."

"Okay. I'm in."

"Good. Then let's start this thing."


Why was the Fallen Forest called "fallen"? Well… compared to the elven lands, this forest was smaller, gloomy, but thriving. Its canopy was monopolized by dogwood and oak, with one difference. The bark on the trees was black and all the leaves were orange and red. It gave the impression that the season was fall. Hence, it got the name Fallen Forest.

Bundled vines suspended from a couple of trees, and a medley of flowers, which grew in a sprinkled and disorderly fashion, added playful elements to the otherwise amber forest floor. A mixture of beastly noises, most of which were vermin, filled the air, and almost completely muffled the occasional sounds of large animals in the distance.

*Sniff… sniff…*

"Hey, Boss, I can smell smoke."

"And my ears are picking up weird noises."

"Watch out, there's a snake!"

True enough a snake jumped out of the bushes, but it wasn't attacking. It slipped between our feet and ran away. Small rodents and lizards also ran. I focused my eyes and I could see it. The forest was on fire. 

"Alright. Burning the forest during a school competition… who's bright idea was this? Stay on your toes, girls."

We advanced slowly. Sadly, to get to the next stage we need to go through this. I wonder if Dante is the one that started this fire. I don't see him doing stuff like this, but you never know. 

Eventually, loud screams could be heard. Probably coming from the students. We headed in that direction. But… all we found were corpses. Not just any corpses. Bodies in rotten state. And there was a peculiar individual in the center.

A creature from a horror movie. Stone legs, his left arm was a giant crab claw, he had a cape made of vines and dried tree branches for hair. Green drool was leaking from his mouth. This vile creature… I recognize it too well. The Curse King. 

"You… burned my home!! Won't forgive. I will curse all Mazoku!!"

"Yuri-nee, that…"

"No, Lumi-chan. Stay behind this time. He's perfect as a guinea pig to test my powers again. But I am serious. Don't come near him. His curses are extremely powerful."

A spell and a curse have many similarities. For starters both use mana and both are labeled as magic. But they are fundamentally different. Spells can be roughly separated into 3 major categories: destruction, creation and utility. However a curse is none of those. It inflicts what an MMO player from Earth knows as a negative status effect. 

It can vary from poisoning, erosion, turning to stone, to even simple ones like extreme bad luck. For example tripping over each pebble. The magic formation is also different. I may have said that my Ruin Eyes can nullify magic, but they can only nullify spells. My eyes won't be able to stop a curse. Probably Byron studied him at one point when he hit me with that erosion curse. But now that I'm at full power, let's see what this guy can do. Maybe I can restrain him. I got no grudge against him. He's simply defending his territory.


Due to rage, the Curse King charged straight at me. He wanted to strike his fist at me. His right arm was similar to bark. And… it hit me fully.

"Lady Yurishia!"

Nelia wanted to take a step forward, but Bessie grabbed her hand. 

"Calm down, Nelia. Boss said we shouldn't get close."


The Curse King pinned me against a tree and was constantly pummeling me. My body convulsed back and forth.

"Why… why isn't she fighting back?"

Sylvia also let out a slight smile.

"Nelia, I understand you still feel bad about the time you got tricked and want to do everything in your power to help her. But Aneue forgave you already. Don't act scared at this time. You are the one that has been the closest to Aneue the longest. Look closer."

"Eeh? You're right… that's…"

"Yurishia isn't taking him serious at all because there's no need to."

I took punch after punch, until…

"That's enough of this."

I dodge out of his way and landed my own fist into him. The impact sent him flying. He broke several trees in the process.

"I see. So my body also returned to it's original hardness."

Back when I was the Warlord, my body possessed quite a powerful hardness. It seems I have gained it back now. Yup. The reason I let him pummel me was because I wanted to test how much damage I can take.

"Rot away!"

This disgusting king spat out a green blast from his mouth. Most likely it was a decaying curse. It could be fatal… if it touches me, that is. I extend my hand calmly.

"Devour… [Chaos Eater]!"

A small black tornado like wall appeared from my hand. It fully engulfed his blast, despite his beam being bigger. As it name suggested, my attack ate his. Once I closed my fist, his curse was gone.

"Is that all you got? The difference in our powers is clear. How about I stop the fire and you get out of our way?"

"Won't be deceived! You must die! Curse all Mazoku! Die, die, die!!"

"Such a shame. Then I guess I have no choice but to end you. [Aqua Slash]!"

I raised my hand up and then lowered it in a karate chop manner. A crescent moon water slash with the pressure of a water jet cutter was released, perfectly cutting the Curse King in 2 vertical parts.

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