The Third Reich: I Became Emperor

Chapter 53

With the Panther, the British bunkers in the coastal areas were destroyed. At this time, the grenadiers behind them followed closely. In less than an hour, the first line of defense was destroyed.

Under the dual bombing of fighter planes and naval guns, the British army could not hold the defense line at all. Those who had not experienced naval gun bombing thought that they could hold it with flesh and blood alone.

Only those who have experienced it know how desperate it is. One shot will create a pit as big as half a basketball court, and the people who were bombed can no longer be found.

After establishing a stable landing site, the large troops began to land in a large scale. At this time, the British defense was already at the end of its strength.

"Bastard, what did you say? The Germans are landing at Dover? Bastard, hold on, you must not lose the position, or I will hold you responsible." The British headquarters in the rear was in chaos. None of them had expected that the Germans would suddenly launch a landing operation, which was completely beyond their expectations.

""General, we need air support. We can't stop the German attack at all. Their vanguard has already landed, and the attack is too fierce." A voice came from the other end of the phone. After hearing the call, Lieutenant General Philip, the commander of the British Army, was silent for a while, and said slowly:"Are you sure it's the main attack? Not a feint?"

In theory, the German army should know that this is the most heavily defended place by the British Army. Choosing to land here is definitely a suicidal act. It is absolutely impossible to land successfully here.

Even if they occupy the first line of defense, the British Army has enough confidence to drive them into the sea.

Because this is not the first time to do this, the German army has also sent small teams to infiltrate and land in the past two years, but they were all driven back. So this time the British commander thinks it should still be a small team infiltration, at most a little larger than before.

If you want to completely take over the port of Dover, you need to pay at least nearly 300,000 people to have a chance, so the British commander is not panicking at all.

"I am sure it is the main attack. The number of enemies is too large, and there are battleships. The artillery fire is too fierce. There are hundreds of fighter planes bombing madly above my head. Request for support." The voice of the British front-line commander came on the phone.

Hearing this, Lieutenant General Philip, the commander of the British rear, became even more confused and muttered a few words:"It shouldn't be, have the Germans really become fools?"

"This is definitely a trap. You must continue to hold on. No matter what, you must hold the line. I will dispatch the air force to support you. Remember to hold your position and never let the German army break through the line."


""General, what should we do now? Should we send reinforcements?" the combat staff officer at the side asked quickly.

"Wait a minute, get me Commander Montgomery."


Montgomery had already been transferred back to the country and served as the supreme commander of the Northwest European battlefield, preparing to launch a counterattack against the German army. However, this wish was shattered now because the German army launched a general attack on them in advance.

"What's the matter?"I heard Montgomery's lazy voice on the other end of the phone. Since defeating Rommel's North African Corps, Montgomery has become so arrogant that he basically doesn't take anyone seriously.

So, when he received a call from his subordinates, he was not panicked at all. Even if the German army attacked the mainland, he felt that he would definitely defeat the German army because the German army was only that strong.

""Commander, the Germans are landing and have already attacked the first line of defense. Please provide reinforcements." Lieutenant General Philip said quickly.

Hearing this, Montgomery still did not panic at all. He had experienced a more tragic battle in North Africa, and he still won the counterattack in the end. So even if the first line of defense was breached, he would not care.

"Main attack or feint attack?" Short words without any expression.

"It should be the main attack. The Germans deployed battlecruisers. As you know, the German battleships have been sunk, and only the Scharnhorst battlecruiser is left. Under normal circumstances, they are reluctant to deploy this battleship."Lieutenant General Philip explained.

Hearing this, Montgomery nodded. The fact that the Germans could deploy the Scharnhorst battlecruiser meant that it was definitely not a feint attack. This was the only battleship the German Navy could use.

"Well, what you said makes sense. I will call General Ramsay and ask him to send the Royal Navy to strangle the German fleet."Montgomery said calmly. The

Royal Fleet is the best in the world. He believes that as long as the Germans know that the Royal Fleet is dispatched, they will be scared to death, and the so-called landing will become a joke. Without naval support, landing is a joke.

"Yes, Commander, can we get the air force to provide support? The German fighter planes are too fierce and the front line can't stand it." Lieutenant General Philip said quickly.

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