Ugly Bastard

Chapter 194 – Adding new people to the flock

Noah glanced at the bird and squinted his eyes.

“Would you mind giving us some space?” He said to the Raven Observer perched on the lamp.

“Caw. I am her personal observer.”  Said the bird.

“It doesn’t mean you can warm your ears to our every discussion, get the gist birdbrain. This is a personal matter. Get lost.” Said Nu crossing her hands as she glared at the observer.

“Alright, Snotwoman, have your slimy talk.” Said raven, jumping off his seat with stretched wings and flying out of the room up the stairs where Nu had a small window for ventilation open on the second floor that the bird apparently used to go in and out as it pleased.

“What did you call me? You annoying chicken, I will grill you one day!” Shouted Nu running after the bird that quickly sneaked through the window and flew off before Nu could reach it. She slammed the window shut and stood grinding her teeth in anger as Noah sighed, shaking his head. As he understood this was one of their usual antics.

Nu came back to Noah, noticing a silent questioning look on his face. 

“You better not think ‘What is she angry about, she is a slime’.” Said Nu squinting her eyes at Noah.

“No…I did not…” Started to say, Noah.

“We doppelgangers are further in our mutation from slimes than you humans are from monkeys.” Said Nu with her arms pressed to her sides in an annoyed expression.

“You mean evolution.” Said Noah.

“This word is hardly applicable to monsters. The process is a lot different. Monsters mutate as it is with evolution, but this mutation has different criteria. It does not depend on the environment and time the same as evolution. It is more dependent on power and experience influencing us at the time of mutation. Also, monsters sometimes skip whole levels of evolutions gaining new sets of abilities without a logical path of transformation.” Explained Nu.

“OK. I get it. Let’s drop the topic, I did not come here to argue on this.” Said Noah in a placating tone.

“Right. Sorry, it’s all that stupid bird's fault. So how can I help you, Master?” Asked Nu as she led Noah and Dahlia into the back room of the shop where they could sit and have a talk.

Once Noah sat down he started to explain the situation with the beast women to Nu who listened carefully nodding in understanding.

“I see.” Said Nu as Noah ended his explanation. “So you want to hurry up the plan that you entrusted me with?”

“If possible.” Said Noah, nodding. “I promised these women safe places to stay and the only places that I may offer are either my Count McDaniels territories, Duchess Threadweaver territories, or Duchess Vespertine territories. Out of these three, the choice is quite slim. Tessa’s territory has been taken away and partly given to Cassandra and partly divided between other local lords, leaving the Threadweaver family with only what they have surrounding their mansion, so the living space there is very limited. As for Duchess Cassandra Vespertine territory…” Said Noah taking a pause to choose the right words.

“Let's say, my relationship with her is…undefined. Tessa trusts her unquestionably, but… My own relationship with her is an acquaintance at most. Besides we have not had a chance to talk it out after our last…dispute.” Said Noah remembering the scene in the toilet of the Vespertine mansion at the coming-of-age ball that Cassandra organized for Priscilla and Brianna. 

“I can’t send these women to a place that I am not sure of myself. Even though I trust Tessa greatly, I don’t trust Cassandra. For all I care she may think that the safest place for these women is as her blood stock kept inside the mansion. Until I know her disposition I can’t leave them in her care.”

“I see. Then that leaves you with your inherited territory as the only viable solution.” Said Nu, nodding in understanding. “But we have to reclaim it from your treacherous stepmother's hands before that.”

“Indeed. Which brings me to you.” Said Noah. “So, how far have you advanced with the plant?” 

“As I understand you still need a few weeks of training before you can proceed with the plan?” Asked Nu seeing Noah’s affirming nod in reply. “In this case, I will be ready to proceed by the time you are ready.”

“Good.” Said Noah, a smile rising on his lips. “Then in two more weeks, I will travel home.” 

“By the way. While I was immersing myself in memories of this dirty merchant to infiltrated the underworld circles in this region, I have learned quite a lot of the powers ruling the streets of this town from behind the scenes. One of them may be quite useful for our cause if I can substitute her.” Said Nu.

Noah raised an eyebrow at her word choice.

“You are under the constant watch of the observer, Nu. Don’t do anything risky.” Said Noah.

“If I play this one right, there will be no proof of my involvement and I can be quite near to get my hand on her corpse immediately to not lose a lot of her memories.” Said Nu.

“Her? Who are we talking about?” Asked Noah.

“Have you heard of the Madam Irene brothel?” Asked Nu.

“Oh…” Said Noah exclaiming quietly with an uncomfortable expression on his face. “We have…met.” He said, hiding his eyes from Nu’s intense gaze as she glared at him with a knowing smirk. 

“Met, eh? I see.” She said with a gloating tone in her voice.

“Not like that!” Said Noah, his cheeks going red from embarrassment from being found out of visiting the brothel. “But…” he added after forcing himself to calm down, “if she is your target, I would like to stop you here. She is Sam’s friend and I will not hurt her.”

“Hmmm.” Voiced Nu rubbing her chin. “Then this may be even better. If we have a way to a friendly approach then we should get her on our side as quickly as possible. Can you ask Samantha to speak with her?”

“I am not sure this is possible. As you may know, my relationship with Samantha and her team is a bit…complicated.” Said Noah. “But why did you target her though? She is just a prosti…khem…Brothel worker.”

“She is not just any prostitute. This woman is building an empire and I think it is quite useful to jump the caravan while she is still in the beginning stage of her plan.”

“Empire?” Asked Noah, not seeming to understand what she meant by that.

“Yes. A budding one but still. This woman is a genius merchant. Even though she is relatively new to this business as a Madam of the house, the fame of her ‘House’ and her girls already stretches as far as the Capital. Many of her girls are already being sought after by the lords from all over the country. Beauties from across the entire western region dream of working in her brothel just to have a chance of becoming a concubine of some lord.”

“Seriously? Women would come here just to…be a prostitute in her brothel? And what’s that about becoming concubines of Lords…Is this even true?” Said Noah raising his eyebrow.

“Indeed it is. Not only that, but this has already happened several times and seems to only gain more popularity among the nobles. Well, it may be impossible in any other brothel, but that’s where Madam Irene’s place is different. The girls there are not just some whores.” Said Nu shaking her head.

“This woman has a true businessman's mind as no one else. She was the first Madam to rival the capital's elite brothels for nobles, where women are professional seductresses trained to become concubines for the High Nobles. But girls in elite Capital's brothel houses can only be sought by the most powerful of nobles, whereas Madam Irene has been targeting the middle class of nobles, which in truth is a much wider market than the high-class nobles. This market has a great potential and she was the first one to tap into its potential.”

“What kind of potential are we talking about?” Asked Noah doubtfully.

“Master, this is the furthest Labyrinth in the danger region. The area here is the least purified still and has the most powerful monsters roaming nearby. Do you have any idea how many nobles and merchants from all over the country visit this town yearly to dive into the Labyrinth or try their luck in the wilds to raise their fame? Many of them have no qualms about cheating on their arranged marriage spouses. Even less so once they are far away from home where they go without good lay for weeks and months adventuring here. And Madam Irene was the first one to realize this potential. Instead of holding regular whores she did something different. She offered the Lords coming here the highest quality of girls that they could ever get their hands on in Capital’s Elite Brothels. Such girls that they would wish to take back home with them.” Explained Nu.

“Wait.” Said Noah thoughtfully. “By Elite Brothels where High Nobles find concubines, do you mean the so-called ‘Flower Garden Tea houses’ of the capital? I heard many of the Lords fall in love with entertainment beauties in those places…But they are not…”

“Oh please.” Said Nu rolling her eyes. “Do you seriously believe in those love stories and that the women there only entertain the lords with music and dances, while the Lords drink tasty tea and socialize, which makes them want to take those girls later as their second wives and concubines? You are so naive, Master. Call them as you want, but at the core, they are just that - a brothel.” Said Nu

“The reason they are called differently is to save face for the Noble Ladies who are being cheated on. The Noble circle is complicated. Saving face means everything there. So those noble ladies pretend their husbands just go to drink tea and listen to the music, closing their eyes on the truth. Spreading fog over the truth with a fancy naming is a nobility’s way to save their face. But everyone knows what really happens there. Lords go there to enjoy flowers just not the kind you thought of.” Said Nu with a smirk on her lips.

“Still… Madam Irene does not hide what she has and it isn’t a Tea house.” Said Noah, embarrassed at his naivety.

“No. Or not yet, you may say. But she no doubt holds these Capital's elite ‘Flower Garden Tea Houses’ as her target. Before her, prostitutes in this town were just that - whores, just like anywhere else outside the central street of the capital, where they call them Entertainment Ladies. But after Madam Irene took over the local business she used this town's untapped potential and turned her brothel into something sought after by the elites of this country.”

“Already today, no one dares to call her girls as sluts or whores. They are Ladies of Madam Irene’s Entertainment house. If you dare to disrespect them you will not just lose access to them but also lose many connections in the business world as well. That’s how much influence she is gaining.”

“How did she do it?” Asked Noah.

“All of her girls are great beauties, have education and intelligence. They know etiquette no less than noble ladies, hold themselves as noble ladies, speak as noble ladies, and know how to intrigue the noble men. They are all a noble lady could be, but far more proficient in bed skills than stuck-up real noble ladies. They are walking dreams of what a true noble lady should be without any additional bitching that comes in set with real noble ladies. Madam Irene’s girls are taught how to understand what their clients desire and know how to give it to them so that they would come back for more. As I said, before Madam Irene took over, such qualities in prostitutes could only be found in those elite Tea Houses that only high nobles could visit. 

However, those places are made for elites among nobles. The ladies here, however, even though no less qualified, are accessible to lower nobles and merchants too. Madam Irene created a name for herself. A brand that is gaining more and more popularity by the day. She offers Girls worthy of being concubines to Kings and High Lords and anyone who has any bit of good money now dreams of having what only a King could have. I heard that her business strategy went so well that she is getting ready to expand soon, to gain access to more markets in other towns.”

“But this is only the tip of the iceberg. This woman is very proficient in her business development. She silently sneaks into other businesses too. Right now she already covertly dictates trends in cosmetics, beauty products, and clothes styles to all noble Ladies in this region. She is dipping her claws into bards and merchants that promote her even further. Many may not realize it, but her indirect influence is almost rivaling that of the Town Lord himself. If she keeps getting control over all these industries, I assure you that in a few more years she will be one of the key figures in the entertainment world in the entire Western Region, as influential as the Archduke. But I doubt she would be stopping there. There is a chance she will one day lead an entertainment empire and will be able to influence the whole Kingdom. Well…if she is not assassinated halfway that is.”

“And how can we be useful to her?” Asked Noah.

“Safety. As you understand with this fame her status in the underworld is also growing. Which brings the attention of very evil people. Including greedy high nobles, jealous noble ladies, and accursed Underworld Association.”

“I see.” Said Noah thoughtfully, rubbing his chin. “If she is so smart, she surely must have thought about the threats to her life that may soon occur. And we surely can offer quite a unique protection to her. This is indeed a great idea, Nu. Thank you for sharing it.” 

“You’re welcome.” Said Nu with a delighted smile.

“But why?” Asked Noah.

“What?” Asked Nu, raising an eyebrow.

“Why did you share it? You work for me as a mercenary and are not inclined to do or share with me more than needed for the mission you are employed for. This information is very useful, but you could hold off on this information and take a chance later to gain all her business as your own. Maybe even stop being merchants and live your life carefreely in her skin. Why did you share the idea with me?” Asked Noah suspicion creeping into his voice.

“Oh…I…I just…” Started to say Nu, trying to find words.

“I would appreciate the truth, Nu.” Said Noah gazing into her eyes.

As she gazed back into his eyes she understood that this was the deciding mark of their relationship. Noah was not an idiot and showed her his miraculous skills before. If she lied she was sure that he would somehow see through it.

A minute of silence passed as Nu opened and closed her mouth several times, while Noah sat in silence waiting for her reply.

“It’s been a long time since…since I’ve been going solo. You know… being on my own….alone.” Said Nu slowly choosing the right words before making a great sigh. 

“I was exiled from my household.” She said, glancing at Noah before lowering her eyes. “But I was not disturbed by it very much. On the contrary. I gained the freedom and control over my life that I always dreamed of.”

“My life was quite good at first. I was my own person. Went where I wanted. Worked where I wanted. But sometimes, this lifestyle…This constant life with an observer behind my back. Life of being always half a step from being disposed of if I take a wrong step... This all sometimes makes me think that maybe…maybe someone would wish to take me into their household. That maybe there might be another family I might be part of.” Said Nu gazing into the floor. “It was always just wishful thinking. Who would take in a monster of another household and an exiled one to boot?”

“However these thoughts gradually kept increasing with time. I was a one-time mission mercenary for a long time and was content with that lifestyle at first. But at some point, not even realizing the reason why, I started to take longer contracts. Serving some Masters for a few more missions at first, then months, and some even for years. But I always felt that this was just a contract. I was never more than another servant. A pawn no one cared enough to think twice before throwing away.” Kept talking, Nu as Noah kept his silent gaze on her.

“I never felt that any one of my previous employers were worthy of friendship or…something more.”

“Loyalty.” Said Noah just one word.

Nu nodded in acknowledgment before continuing.

“But when I met you…heard of your story about monsters, spirit creatures, that were like a family to you. When I learned of what you did for those Beastwomen and heard of how you took in those mist cats, I…I could not help putting myself in their spot in this fantasy of mine lately. I could not help thinking that maybe one day…one day I might gain an opportunity to be taken into your household as well. That maybe, you might be the one to give me a new home.” Said Nu not daring to raise her eyes to look at Noah.

“I…” started to say Noah, but Nu immediately interrupted him, raising her hand and gazing at him.

“I am not asking that now. I know we barely met and still barely know each other.” Said Nu in a hurry. “I hoped you would not ask this question so early and would give me more time to earn your trust before this topic is even raised. But I seem to underestimate you still. Now that you have asked, all I can do is be sincere in my intentions. Noah, I will try to do my best so that one day you would see me as more than just a mercenary.” 

Noah looked at her in silence and exhaled heavily. 

“I see. I am sorry to put you on the spot this way and I am glad to hear you put such trust in me, Nu, but…” said Noah exhaling heavily and rubbing his hair.

As he went silent leaving his phrase unsaid, fear-filled Nu’s heart, making her clutch her dress on the knees, tightening her fingers into fists as her body started to tremble a bit.

“I feel that you all overestimate me too much.” Continued Noah. “A few months ago I was barely old enough to drink. To tell you the truth I don’t feel worthy of your loyalty any more than anyone that you may have worked for before. My life just got out of hand very quickly in the last months and I merely struggled to survive, when I suddenly found myself seen by everyone as the household head and leader of, now also, a new secret organization. But I am not anywhere near being competent enough to lead. What a kid who lost his virginity a month ago knows about this world and how to lead such powerful beings as you, Tessa, Cassandra, and Dahlia. I am happy with your kind words but I feel overwhelmed. Do you really want to be a servant of such an incompetent Master?”

“Just the fact that you understand your own situation makes you far above anyone else that I worked for before.” Said Nu, smiling.

Noah sighed once more. “Give me more time to prove my worth to you, Nu. If after some time you still feel like being a loyal member of a household I will gladly take you in.”

“I agree. In return, I will show you my worth. But this is a discussion for another time. I really did not want to discuss it so soon. Today we have a more important matter.” Said Nu in a pacifying manner and breathing out heavily in relief. 

“Let's get back to our main topic. In my opinion this Madam Irene will be an important figure in the future, but she is barely rising in power at the moment and this is a very crucial time for her and her organization. She is getting noticed by the underworld and soon will be sought after by all the greedy and ambitious people from all around the place. If we add her to our flock she will become a very helpful asset in the future. But so far I only thought in the direction of how to substitute her and gain control of what she already achieved after getting her corpse. I have no idea how to approach her in a…more friendly manner.”

“Alright, let's go meet with Madam Irene then. Luckily it’s almost night. This is just the right time to meet brothel workers right?” Said Noah standing up with a sigh.

“You will go to meet her now?” Asked Nu. 

“Yes. I am still not done with my training. Every day I lose is a day my life is in danger. I lost enough time today with all these sidel matters. So I would rather complete all the business today and continue training.” Said Noah.

“But maybe it would be better to let me analyze her a little bit more and find a good approach toward her?” Said Nu.

“Leave this to me then. I think I can make her hear me out.” Said Noah walking toward the door.

“Master, you forgot the medallion.” Said Dahlia, stopping Noah with his hand already on the door handle.

“Oh right.” Said Noah turning back. “The marked medallion. I had to walk here because I did not have time to give it to you before leaving the Threadweaver mansion.” He said taking out a dark round object out of his item pocket and throwing it to Nu. 

“That’s the object that can let you spy on me, right?” Said Nu catching the medallion and glancing at Noah with a smile.

“And let me transfer directly to you in case of need. If possible, hold it hidden from your observer. I don’t want it to know too much.” Said Noah turning to the door again but stopped again.

“One more thing… That assasination of father and daughter merchants that you substitute right now... It was that guy right?” Asked Noah gazing at Nu over his shoulder, seeing her nod slightly in silence.

“Does the observer know?” Asked Noah.

Nu shook her head in reply. “I was careful.”

“Those guys must be kept a secret from the observer as long as possible or we will have problems. Until we get enough power to oppose such powerful people as Archduke we should lay low.” Said Noah.

“I know. I took all the precautions. He has no way of finding out. I made no direct contact with them.” Said Nu.

“Good.” Said Noah, finally opening the door.

“Also…Maybe one day you would be willing to tell me the story of your exile from the clan? If you do, I will gladly listen.” Said Noah walking out of the door followed by Dahlia who closed the door behind them 

“Maybe one day.” Said Nu to no one standing alone in the empty room with a gentle smile. Her dream of finding a new family always seemed wishful thinking at best. But now it was not such a distant dream at all. This man… Nu did not say it to him, but she already felt that he was worthy of her loyalty.

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