Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 70: Ki Sword

Bai Xian Ming's statement caused shocked everyone within the room. Yuan Huo Cheng and Yuan Jinfeng rose from their seats.

"Executive Bai! What's the meaning of this? How come you expel someone who protected the city from Level 10 Calamity!" Yuan Huo Cheng immediately questioned Bai Xian Ming's decision right away.

He could not believe his excellent grandnephew was expelled despite everything he did for the Hero League.

Yuan Jinfeng silently looked at the Bai Xian Ming's expression. He could tell Bai Xian Ming was not joking with the words he said just now. However, he did not rush to speak for his grandson.

Amongst the twenty families who established the Central Government and Hero League, Bai Family was the oldest one. They were a reputable family with Emperor Class Hero in each of their generations.

Not only that, Bai Xian Ming was the only former Emperor Class Hero who became an executive in the Hero League. Bai Family would never meddle or get into a conflict with the other families as well.

'There must be a reason behind this…' Yuan Jinfeng secretly thought.

Then he looked at the grandson he was proud of. Yuan Chang was furious, it showed clearly on his face. He appeared to be ignorant of what he did and looked at Bai Xian Ming unkindly.

Bai Xian Ming did not give Yuan Huo Cheng even a glance but regarded with his extremely sharps eyes. Yuan Chang flinched when he received such a glare.

"Do you want to admit it? Or do you want me to tell why you are expelled?" Bai Xian Ming questioned Yuan Chang with his deep and dignified voice.

The room fell into silence and Yuan Huo Cheng also stopped clamoring. He found something amiss here. He also really knew well Bai Xian Ming was not an unreasonable Old Man. He looked at his brother and saw his brother shook his head, indicating him to not meddle yet.

Yuan Chang paled upon being questioned by Bai Xian Ming like this. He knew well what he did and understood that he was found out. However, he refused to answer and looked toward his granduncle, seeking a way out of this situation.

"Leniency for those who confess. I will take into consideration what you have done for the Hero League and you might not get expelled! Speak!" Bai Xian Ming cornered Yuan Chang to admit the mistake once again.

Yuan Chang refused to reply and turned toward his grandfather, hoping his grandfather would help him out. However, what he got only a sharp stare from his grandfather which made him even more panicked.

Yes, he did all of this without telling anyone. He kept it secret from his granduncle and grandfather. He told no one regarding his plan to steal someone else's achievement.

Yuan Chang thought the man in the video would back down if the man found out he was the part of the Yuan Family. That was why he brazenly inviting Royal Media and admitted the person in the video was him.

With this contribution, it was a piece of cake for Gold Class Hero - Rank 9 like him to climb up to Emperor Class Hero. He was being greedy for this and took the risk.

Realizing he could not get any help from his Granduncle and Grandfather, he braced himself and faced Bia Xian Ming, trying to put out his confidence.

"Executive Bai, I don't know what are you talking about? I demand an explanation!" He tried to raise his voice despite had his back on the wall. Giving out of his last-ditch effort, hoping Bai Xian Ming was just testing him.

"Sun Zhou Yi! Show him!" Bai Xian Ming commanded in a stern tone.

Sun Zhou Yi who had a low presence amongst the others stepped out. Only then everyone within the room began looked toward Sun Zhou Yi who was holding a long sword.

Sun Zhou Yi stepped out and sheathed his sword out. Along with that, a screen behind Yuan Chang turned on. It played Sun Zhou Yi's video, the video stopped and zoomed into the sword.

Everyone's attention drew onto the sword, the sword in Sun Zhou Yi's hand and the sword on the screen. They began comparing both swords and found it was the same sword.

Yuan Chang's face turned bloodless panic, his eyes were darting to the screen and the real sword. He peeked at his grandfather, he found his grandfather was glaring at him with a deadly stare.

'I am done…' Yuan Chang thought as his eyes grew listless. The big smile and enthusiasm had died a long time ago, leaving only despair and fear.

Then the video continued, it was an epic fight between man and the beast horde. Sun Zhou Yi summoned his Ki Blade proved he was the man in the video.

However, there was no need for this, the people within the room already knew the man in the video was him.

Sun Zhou Yi himself was quite nervous. He was afraid that these executives would turn hostile toward him. After all, Yuan Chang was a member of the Yuan family. The Hero League might be taking on Yuan Family's side and silencing him forever to bury the truth.


Suddenly a strong wind blew up and hit his face. The movement was too sudden and fast, a man was bypassing him just now. Sun Zhou Yi instantly turned around and found one of the old men rushed toward Yuan Chang.

The Old Man launched a punch on Yuan Chang's belly.


Yuan Chang's body flew back and hit the screen on the back. The video stopped playing and Yuan Chang coughed up blood.

He knelt while holding his belly. Yuan Chang had his head hung low, he did not dare to meet his Grandfather's eyes. He was so afraid to do so.

Yuan Jinfeng had a scary look on his face right now. He did not expect his grandson would do a taboo, stealing someone else's achievement. He was furious, anger was brewing inside him.

Yuan Jinfeng did stop his action and launch a kick at his grandson's cheek, venting out the anger brewing inside him. Again, blood spurted from Yuan Chang's mouth. This time, Yuan Chang did not stand up again but just laying down on the ground without any reaction.

"Brother! Stop! Do you want to kill him?" Yuan Huo Cheng rushed to his brother to stop him from making move again. He knew his brother well, if he did not stop him, his brother might kill Yuan Chang for real.

Yuan Jinfeng stopped his motion, he already vented out his frustration. Then he turned around toward Sun Zhou Yi and walked forward.

Sun Zhou Yi was still shocked by what happened. When he saw the old man who beat Yuan Chang approached him, he flinched and backed away subconsciously.

Bai Xian Ming stepped in and stood before Sun Zhou Yi, his figure blocked Yuan Jinfeng to reach Sun Zhou Yi.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt him, at least not now…" Yuan Jinfeng passed Bai Xian Ming.

Yuan Jinfeng stared at Sun Zhou Yi's eyes with his dagger-like stare. At first Sun Zhou Yi was feeling nervous. The Old Man was strong, he did not know if he could win against the Old Man, but this Old Man surely still weaker than his Master…

'He's weaker than My Master… What I am afraid of? Moreover, I am my Master's first disciple, I can't cower away before this old man...'

With those thoughts, his hand moved to the sword's handle. He was prepared to fight anytime as he regarded the old man cautiously.

Yuan Jinfeng was surprised for a moment, then a cold smile formed on his lips, "You made me beat my grandson, I will make you pay for this later,"

Yuan Jinfeng turned around and went out of the room. Leaving Sun Zhou Yi in a daze.

He felt the old man was unreasonable. It was that Old Man himself who beat his grandson, he never asked him to do that. He only claimed what he deserved.

'Eh… Wait, Yuan Chang is his grandson, then he is…'

Sun Zhou Yi looked at Yuan Chang then looked back at the Old Man. However, The Old Man disappeared, he already out of the room.

Yuan Jinfeng, a former Emperor Class Hero - Rank 3. He was Yuan Chang's grandfather. That Old Man was a former Emperor Class Hero and here he was, trying to challenge that Old Man.

Then puzzles after puzzles formed in his mind, why did the Old Man just leave like that? Wasn't he supposed to be on his grandson side and prevented him to get his achievements back?

Everything that happened was different from the scenario he foresaw in his mind. He thought had to fight or debate with someone else to prove he was the man in the video. But everything went smoothly, Yuan Chang was beaten by his grandfather and Yuan Family's former Emperor Class Hero also left.

Then the door opened once again, two men with a robust build wore black and red uniform entered the room. The two men walked toward Yuan Chang's direction and picked the unconscious Yuan Chang, bringing him out of the room.

"Follow me!" Bai Xian Ming said in a deep tone.

Sun Zhou Yi followed Bai Xian Ming with a bewildered expression plastered on his face. He just could not believe everything went smoothly like this.

'Eh, wait… It is not over yet…'

Sun Zhou Yi realized it was not over as he was still called by Bai Xian Ming. He recognized and admired the Old Man in front of him, a former Emperor Class Hero - Rank 1.

*** ***

Bai Xian Ming room

It had been half an hour since Sun Zhou Yi entered this room. He was sitting behind a desk uncomfortably while across of him, Bai Xian Ming was busily looking at the thick documents.

He was being ignored for half an hour. He kept fidgeting uncomfortably, but there was a thing that surprised him. The female attendant who accompanied from the lobby until the room where Yuan Chang got beaten also followed them into this room.

The female attendant was laying down on the sofa, sleeping soundly since fifteen minutes ago. Bai Xian Ming also did not drive her away.

'Don't tell me this female attendant is Executive Bai's mistress?' Sun Zhou Yi's thoughts ran wild as he kept guessing the relationship between the Old Man and the young pretty female attendant.

"She is my Granddaughter!"

It was as if Bai Xian Ming could read Sun Zhou Yi's mind, he answered Sun Zhou Yi's doubt. Sun Zhou Yi was startled, he straightened his body and looked straight to the dignified Old Man.

"Sun Zhou Yi, 21 years, an orphan raised in Area 51 Orphanage, and Wood Class Hero without special ability!"

"Yes, that's me!" Sun Zhou Yi answered straightforwardly.

"You don't have a special ability, but you what's about the blue blade you summoned just now? Did you awaken your special ability recently?" Bai Xian Ming asked again.

Sun Zhou Yi did not know why Bai Xian Ming questioned him, but he thought it was no harm to answer the question.

"No! The blue blade is not my special ability, it's my technique, Ki Sword!" he recounted what his Master told him yesterday. As for the name, he named the technique by himself. As the sword made of Ki, he named it Ki Sword.

"Your technique? Ki Sword?" Bai Xian Ming frowned as he failed to understand what Sun Zhou Yi told him.

"Yes, it's my technique, Ki Sword!" Sun Zhou Yi repeated it once again.

"Your technique? Didn't you awaken it? What's the difference to the special ability?" Bai Xian Ming asked what confused him.

"No no no, it's my technique. Special Ability is something Hero or Ranker awakened, but I did not awaken my technique, I learned it!" Sun Zhou Yi explained.


In an instant, Bai Xian Ming rose from his seat and held Sun Zhou Yi's shoulder.

"D-did you say, y-you… y-you learn it?"

Bai Xian Ming deep voice turned shaky as his cheeks turned beet red in excitement as he asked for a confirmation.

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