Urban Romance

Chapter 111

Chapter 111 Hello Brother!

[The text of Chapter 1]

Section 111: Chapter 111 Hello, Brother Long!

The fourth floor of Jinse Huanian is the guest’s lounge. If you are tired of singing and drunk, you may want to relax. The room has already been prepared for you.

After the remaining waiter was stunned, he pulled the belts of the two and tied them up directly, and then tucked them into the compartment where he had just stayed before Su Ke walked out of the toilet.

The right knee of the jeans was stained with a few drops of blood, but it was not particularly noticeable. Su Ke tried to calm himself and adjust his breathing every step. What was unexpected was that no one noticed himself along the way.

In room VIP8, Su Ke stood outside the door and clenched his hands unconsciously. He didn’t know what was happening on the other side across the door, but he couldn’t control so much. Looking around, there was still no room in the corridor. A figure raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Zhang Wenlong, sitting on the sofa, was wearing a large bathrobe with a wide open front. His years of pampering made his skin white and tender, and his belly was swollen, like the pig Bajie who drank the water of Zimuhe River.

Holding a goblet in his hand, the **** red wine was constantly rippling with the shaking of his wrist, a smile on the corner of his mouth, tilted his head, leaned on the back of the sofa, and stared at a large bed not far away.

The snow-white sheets looked like a large piece of cotton under the light, and they seemed to feel soft and comfortable, but Zhang Wenlong’s attention was all focused on the woman on the bed.

“Yeah!” Put the wine glass to your mouth, take a sip, close your eyes and slowly taste the sweet and astringent scent of red wine in your mouth, Zhang Wenlong took a deep breath and took a deep breath, making the belly look like a balloon, big A circle.

Xiaoxue, also Hong Chen, was lying on the bed at this moment, eyes closed, it looked like the whole person was asleep, his expression was soothing, the whole person was lying on it in a big character, a veil and thin skirt, pale pink snow The short-shoulder short skirt is spun, although the bust is slightly exquisite, but the long legs under the short skirt are enough to make people linger and cannot extricate themselves.

Although Jinse Huanian is a KTV, it is also a golden marketplace. Zhang Wenlong has been running this store for less than two years, and has become a millionaire. Part of them are special service providers who are forced to change jobs from the princess of the private room by Zhang Wenlong. Only in this way can the greatest economic benefits be achieved.

The method is very simple and rude, taking drugs, beatings, and detaining. As the owner of this store, Zhang Wenlong has the privilege of first taste. At present, Xiaoxue, who has just arrived a long time ago, has long remembered that, and has college students who have just graduated Qing’s youthfulness also has the vitality of a young girl, which makes him unable to hold back his heart.

Zhang Wenlong counted the time, and the effect seemed to be half way back, so he put the red wine aside, the corners of his mouth slightly tilted, and he slowly got up from the sofa.

The method of applying medicine has been tired for a long time, and now there is a lack of interest in women who are motionless like corpses, but when the effect of medicine is reduced to half, these women seem to be awake and have a resistance and can only obey Has become his favorite.

Standing next to the bed, I looked up and down this girl in front of me, graceful posture, pure face, exquisite twin peaks, two like compasses **, the next moment I have to bear my own puppet, let myself gallop After a while, thinking that Rao is a veteran of flowers, Zhang Wenlong couldn’t help but be satisfied.

His eyes followed Hong Chen’s delicate feet, rounded ankles, and moved up inch by inch, and finally fixed on the pale pink miniskirt, grunted, swallowed saliva, pinched the skirt with his right hand, and curled up.

” -!” There was a knock at the door, and it rang out of time, interrupting Zhang Wenlong’s actions below, causing him to be in a state of anger. Whoever faced such a situation could not be calm, let alone here. Jin Serhua was like an emperor in his early years!

“Why?” Lin Wenlong frowned, sitting together from the bed, cursing his mouth, shaking the fat on his body and heading directly to the door. Those who could find this private room were surely their own, without any trace of it. Hesitantly turned the doorknob directly.

“Who are you?” Unexpectedly, Zhang Wenlong opened the door and saw a stranger, or a little fart, who was seventeen or eighteen years old, thin and weak, and his face was agitated.

“Hello Brother!”

Unexpectedly, the little fart still knew himself, and he naturally responded, could not help but look up and down again, but in the memory of his mind, it never seemed such a person’s impression.

Thinking that there were still sleeping beauties waiting in the room, Zhang Wenlong didn’t care about the others. He waved his hands at Su Ke like a fly, and saw the child suddenly lifted up before he scolded. leg.

Suddenly a strong impact directly hit the belly, the strength was so great that he even slumped into the room directly from the door, slipped out a few meters, the stomach burst into the sea, his head was black on the floor.

Su Ke wasn’t sure if this man was the dragon brother, so he screamed tentatively, but now that he has straightened his body, he will naturally have no hesitation. He lifted his knees, stretched his feet, and concentrated all his strength on the right. Above the legs, one foot is according to Zhang Wenlong’s belly.

Get out quickly, as if stepping on a ball, watching this forty-year-old fat guy fall directly to the ground, followed closely into the room, and brought the door.

As soon as I entered the door, I found Hong Chen asleep, but fortunately, although there was no consciousness, except that the skirt angle was opened, the clothes on the body were still neat and finally relieved.

In his early years, Zhang Wenlong also came from a mixed society. Even though he has been pampered, his body is blessed, and his responsiveness is not as strong as before, he can quickly wake up from the ground after waking up. Su Ke’s script is sent with hate and kicks him like The intestine was broken, but he bit his teeth to bear the abdominal pain and punched Su Ke.

Although Hong Chen didn’t seem to have been bullied much, so Su Ke was relieved a lot, but when she looked at her now, she didn’t know anything, and the evil fire in her heart irresistibly appeared.

After mastering the military boxing mastery, Jeet Kune Dou mastery (primary) blessed body, like a full-powered motor, the musculoskeletal can not help but adjust to the attack state, the toes are light, the body moves the center of gravity quickly, watching Zhang Wenlong hit This punch came fiercely and never regressed.

His left hand was quickly pulled out, and even Zhang Wenlong’s wrist was clasped, his body protruded forward, as if bumped into his arms, his back was facing his chest, and his right elbow slammed on Zhang Wenlong’s right rib. , Two times in a row, heard two crackling sounds in the ear.

The left hand continued to exert force, his wrist twisted, his body turned 180 degrees, his right hand grabbed Zhang Wenlong’s shoulder, a catcher, and directly pressed him to the ground. His right fist subconsciously slammed Zhang Wenlong’s ear temples.

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