Waifu Catalog: Warcraft Beta Tester

Good Night Nerub

6/7 night

I checked in with Zagara, finding her settled into a giant pile of castoff rotting scraps of meat and viscera left over after my logistics team stripped the creatures of Silithus for parts.The new Queens and spiderlings looked a bit different than I was expecting. I was expecting spider people, with somewhat alien looking faces. These were instead Centaur with exoskeletons covering their entire bodies from the neck down. The queens had tails, which was the main method I had to differentiate them at first.

Of course, the real question was what they looked like in different forms. I chose one of the spiderling Centaur, a young girl who had apparently been quite clumsy until this shift, and started shifting her form. There was no particular effect on dragon forms, but humanoids were a bit more interesting. She had a retractable suit of biological armor with clawed hands and substantially improved agility and dexterity. I noted with some amusement the presence of Kerrigan’s notorious Chitin High Heels when I turned her into a Domme.


I wanted to see the process, as it seemed to operate differently. After all, these were all still centaur until I started fucking with them. I brought out Mezzo and took him to one of the Hatcheries that weren’t depleted for the day. I checked, and I still had just barely enough energy for one more queen. Mezzo had very few skills that weren’t more or less universal to imps/flameborn, so relearning shouldn’t take long. Converting him would provide better type coverage so he wasn't useless against fireproof things, and make him into a pocket healer. Sure I had Lividia almost always on tap for that, but redundancies are good.

When I input the command for my Imp to become a nerubian queen, his eyes went blank and he started walking to the central chamber of the hatchery. We found an altar there, where a grub about the size of my finger was laying and waiting for him. He blankly approached and put it in his mouth. He collapsed to the floor and started spasming wildly; I nervously contacted Zagara to confirm this was normal. It was.

Apparently the process was drastically faster with spiderlings, but Mezzo would be laying there for almost an hour before he was converted fully into a queen. None of the centaur queens so far could remember the process, and from the pained look on Mezzo’s face that was probably for the best. When he finally rose, his entire body was sheathed in chitin and he had a retractable stinger tail to go with it. Honestly, uncontested win.

Overall, it showed a lot of promise for something that only cost energy in a world where I was about to double my daily energy reserves. Again. I’d need to start employing more warlocks if I wanted to convert anywhere near this many centaur into demon troops. For now, I decided that I’d let those slots stay open for Sylvanas’s daily outings. I had already hit my cap 300 for felsteed, succubus, and Nathrezim variants. I was probably going to need to shift some more Dommes into other forms if Vanessa was going to keep turning her agents into succubi. I told her male sayaad exist, but she seems dead set on succubi/human hybrids.

I left the centaur with three commandments. First, sort their entire society by strength. Those who were weaker than a fresh spiderling and who had no special skills to push them out of tier 1 were to be converted into queens and spiderlings. Preference would be given to low end craftsmen to become queens, who could guard the hatcheries while they worked. Those in tier 2 were to be reviewed by a small panel of assessors hand picked by Irma to see if those skills were actually valuable to my retinue; high quality crafting good, above average outdoor survival skills meh, combat ability that doesn’t reach tier 4 basically doesn’t exist. Those deemed uninspiring would be scheduled for conversion into, you guessed it, zerglings and queens. The strongest and most skilled in each field would be given the title of guild master and set to oversee their own area of expertise, with the sacred duty of training those who showed promise as well as any Unit who asked how to do what they do.

Second, they were to unite as a nation and continue raiding their neighbors, but only for pre-arranged targets. Naga? Yes. Humans from Nijels point? No. Demons? Yes. The trolls of Shadowprey village? No. Burning legion cultists? Yes. Goblin merchants? No. Giant lobster people? Yes. You get what I’m saying. There are more than enough places to raid in this world without attacking the innocent. I encouraged the clans to treat it as a competition for prestige, tallying up the corpses (for Tara’s pile), live captures (for conversion), and material goods they can gather and show off. I own the whole damn species; we want clan-wide rivalries, not wars. Think sports teams, but with raiding. Importantly, I wanted crafted goods and gathered resources to be held in equally high regard to goods stolen during raids.

Third, Varian and Tyrande would be sending envoys to get the Centaur on the books as members of the alliance as quickly as possible. I didn’t actually care what legal tricks they used; I imagine they will end up surrendering unilaterally to the garrison at Nigel’s Point and become a vassal state for Stormwind. I’d also be moving the Blackrock Orcs here as I captured them, setting up a town with nerubian buildings and moonwells and encouraging them to compete with the centaur as a new clan.

Finally and most importantly, I’d be having Leh’Prah, Zaetar, Theradras, and Lunara rule over the united clans. Leh’Prah would be in charge of day to day management of clan politics, Zaetar would be handpicking any Centaur that seemed like they would be good Druids. Theradras would oversee the shaman, with Sagorne Crestrider being shanghaied to teach the Centaur more advanced shamanic techniques. Finally, Lunara would have a tremendous amount of fun with her role of humbling any Centaur warrior that thought he was hot shit, training them the way Sylvanas had trained me until they either cried and gave up or were actually equal in strength to the warrior demigoddess.

I didn’t intend to use the centaur for too much immediately. Getting me some new Naga and warlock recruits would be good enough short term. I was getting an entire nation’s worth of new revenue streams, apparently including a giant underground opal mine full of slaves that would need to be freed, processed, and put back to work in better conditions. The passive energy income would probably be dumped mostly into generating potentially hundreds of spiderlings and dozens of queens every day. I might even build up some drones to see if they can mine opals better than malnourished slaves; I bet they can.


When I returned to the apartment, I found a platinum blonde archmage milf waiting for me. She smiled as I entered, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. “So… I believe I put in my request some time ago. I had enough time to become an archmage between then and now.” She curled her purple lips into a smile. “I’ve got a lot of stress to work out.”


I didn’t need her to ask me twice. Lividia was out slaughtering Silithid, I had all four limbs, and I have a creeping suspicion that Aegwynn made her breasts larger just for tonight. I gave them an appreciative squeeze while I kissed her. I reached down and tested to see how damp she was. With a little work, she was ready. We didn’t bother leaving the dining room; why go to the bed when you can start on the table? I pushed her down against the table and hiked up her robes for easy access. She hadn’t bothered wearing anything under them.

As I slowly worked my way into her pussy, she hissed out a grateful “yes.” Her breath caught as I began to pull out, then pushed all the way inside. She grinded herself against me, meeting me halfway each time I thrust. Round one didn’t take long, but thanks to sexual calibration we only needed to wait a few moments before I was ready to go.

I took the opportunity to actually ask my lover if there was anything she wanted to do. I had godlike power over her body and mind, the chance of this being an unsatisfying night for her was basically nil. I could make her cum uncontrollably for 6 hours while I slept if I really wanted. “So, do you have any fantasies you’d like to try? I won’t promise anything but you’ve got me all night long.”

She gently pulled herself off of my dick so she could look at me, lips pursed in thought for several long moments. “This may sound odd, but my first time was particularly shit. I’ve been enjoying going back to school for a few days. Do you think we could cap it off with… well, a bit of roleplay?”

I winked at her. “Your wish is my command. Go wait in the bedroom, I’ll be right in.” I had a little fun with this one. If she wanted to redo her first time, I was going to go all out. I largely wiped away her memories of the last several centuries, putting them in storage. I reduced her physical age from milf to roughly 18. I implanted a few memories, making me into her beloved boyfriend. I specified as little as possible, letting her fill in the exact details of what led her to believe this was the perfect night to lose her virginity to me for herself, and why she was in a bedroom with dwarven architecture.

“Erich, are you ready?” I walked down the hall to find her waiting for me nervously.


I smiled at her, wondering what she was thinking. “I’ve been looking forward to this.”

She threw a pillow at me. “Then please get over here!” She was beaming. I tried to kiss her gently, but she was impatient for the main event. I didn’t have to lead her through anything. There was no awkward fumbling; she hadn’t lost any of her carnal knowledge, just the memories attached to them. It was a perfect first time, with her knowing exactly what to do at every step. I pumped her full of cum more than once, at her insistence. In her mind, she’d cast a contraceptive spell already. Knowing her stated goal for tonight, it didn’t seem likely that memory was true.

We collapsed together after more rounds of sex than any bookish teen, no matter how fit, could have possibly managed on her first time. She had a dopey grin on her face, and snuggled up against me, immobilizing my arm as we lay together. I temporarily returned her full memories, and she let me know that she was perfectly happy finishing the night just like this. It was already past midnight, so I let her slip back into the dream.


Shifting Sands update
Silithid 15172
Alliance war effort + 584 (normal Business) + 313 (gnomish war effort) + 298 (charm sales) + 565 (food and medicine) + 917 (freight at cost) + 420 (glaive throwers) = 14236 (2.8%)
Horde war effort +1751 (Undercity cottage industry) + 440 Ancient of Wonder + 400 Lumber + 280 (fel iron equipment) + 220 (Scorpid Armor) + 35 Wands + 770 Mining the Molten Core + 999 Dark Iron Weaponsmithing + 104 (medkits) + 295 (charms) + 791 (dark iron trade) + 5714 (investments) = 414,729 (82.9%)

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