Wizard King

Chapter 152: Seige Pt.1

"So when can we expect them to arrive?" Harry asked as he stood on the battlements of the inner keep in the fort, overlooking the courtyard down below where the legionaries were busy at work preparing for the army about to come their way. And the parapet also afforded him a perfect view of the surrounding lands with the mountains range hugging the fort close and the cold winds also blowing down here into the fort.

Standing alongside him was the Commander who was also taking in the surrounding landscape.

"Anytime now," the man answered. "We have prepared the best we could to face them, now we can only wait and stand guard. Anyways," he said as he turned to face him. "Are you sure it was wise riling up that little lordling like that?"

"It was all part of my plan, the whole reason why I stuck at the Grim Tower and destroyed it was because I knew he would be incensed and would react stupidly just like right now. Look at him coming running to use on a battlefield of our choosing."

"Yes, an angry enemy would react stupid, but they would also react explosively as well. He might just b trying to take us all down with him more or less."

"Yes, but it is a risk worth taking. I do not want our little war to go on for ages as we all but destroy the countryside in our feud and draw this matter out. It is better to get it down quick and easy, and an epic battle for the ages is exactly what we need."

"Can't agree with you anymore on that line of thought," the gruff man chuckled. "I have seen what a prolonged magical war could do, wizards and witches always come up with better ways in killing each other, and the body count just continues rising!"

"Must have been so thought times," Harry commented. He never really lived turning a war time, this was a relatively peaceful time if you could call it that since there still was a Dark lord lurking about, but other than that things have been kept repressed. Though Harry did not know how long that could last, the underlying issues that have been plaguing this country have never been resolved at all, all they have been done was put back.

There was still dark creature on the prowl in the recess of society, magical beings unhappy how they are still being oppressed, purebloods angry at the increase in muggle-born wizards and witches, muggleborn still being treated and having limited options in the magical world, half-bloods stuck in between, dark and light families at each other throats.

And so many more issues he could spend all day talking about them; from the corruption in the Ministry and the ineffective heads of states, magical knowledge, and research degrading, great bloodlines slowly disappearing. The list was endless.

"Well I better be heading back inside and see to the defences," the Commander spoke up as his breath condenses before him in a puff.

"Yea, you go do that, Commander," Harry nodded his head as he stood standing where he was taking in the expansive landscape which held such mighty fortitude and beauty all at once.

Sighing to himself at what was about to come next, Harry steeled himself and calmed his nerves. everything was in perfect order so there was nothing to fear or worry about in the end they would break the Nott family's army right up against their walls.

Suddenly Harry picked up on a sound that seemed like there was countless stamping feet causing to earth to tremble in their wake. Looking to the east which was the only direction anyone could come from, Harry saw some birds take to the air as their wing beats filled the air.

Narrowing his eyes Harry saw dust clouds fill the air in the general direction that the sound was coming for. Suddenly the alarms were raised as the sounds of enemy approach was signaled. The fortress erupted in a flurry of activities as soldiers took the battlements with their weapons in hand and people quickly got to their posts.

Harry stood there in his spot as finally the dust and snow that had been kicked up cleared and he could make up the Grim Battiolion making their approach from far away with his eyes shifting towards draconic ones.

They dotted the landscape as thousands of wizards and witches made their approach, they were dressed in black liveries with the Nott family sigil on it. They all looked dark and foreboding in their black shining helmets and their enchanted armor, none of them showed a hint of an expression and they marched in neat rows.

Though Harry did catch a hint of weariness in their expression and some damage marks on their armor which put a broad smile on his face. Clearly, they ran into some of his traps he had littered throughout the mountains which must have slowed them down.

Then there was the beasts which were pulling along magic cannons and other siege weapons. There was a multitude of different assorted creatures but they all shared those black furry skin with those blood red eyes, and white skull like heads. The wendigo of House Nott! They were dark evil creatures known for hungering after the flesh of other creatures and man alike.

Beyond that what they are especially known for is their shapeshifting capabilities.

There was one individual that Harry quickly honed in on, seated on a massive sabertooth like creature was a dark haired young man the same age as him, he was wearing light magical armor that was gleaming with spells and enchantments. He held the creature's reins in tight while he clutched his wand in his other hand, and riding besides him was a man dressed in high ranking uniform who was speaking to the young man.

It could only be one person, Theodore Nott surrounded by his captains and general.

Turning around, Harry headed down and out until he came to where his lieutenants and the Commander were gathered. Reserved for him, and him alone was a golden throne that looked upon everything and was the perfect command position where he would be both safe from volleys of spell and near enough to witness the action.

Appearing before him was his loyal attendant Tobry always at his side, "Would you like something to drink, my lord?" the little house-elf asked.

"Of course, make it tea," Harry said. With a snap of his finger, Tobry proffered him a cup of steaming tea, he drank deeply, the bitter herbs well masked with honey.

"So it begins, huh," Harry muttered as he saw the invading army stop right outside all the protections and spells laid out around the fortress.

Suddenly there was an echoing voice that filled the enter valley, "Potter," it shouted which could only be the voice of Theodore, "Why don't you come out of that little egg you are hiding in like a coward, and come face me."

Snorting to himself, Harry grabbed his wand and magically amplified his voice, "If you were a fool, I won't be following in your footsteps. Come dare approach my fortress at your own risk!"

"What else would you expect from a half breed than cowardice and treachery," Theodore replied as Harry could feel the sneer in his tone why snide chuckles and jeers came from the gathered black host. "I have no idea what she sees in you," he spat out near the end.

"Someone is feeling jelly," Harry chuckled. "You should know something, Nott. It was really a treat taking her as my own. I never knew you had feelings for Daphne but it makes it all the more sweeter. It's almost like I cuckold you. HAHAHA!"

This time the jeering and laughter that came from his side was much, much louder while the Nott forced looked like they were forced to swallow a lemon.

"Anyways you only have yourself to blame. I think it's the tiny little prick she heard about that drove her away. I guess that's what happens when you fuck your sister like you pureblood like to do it!"

Before anything else, Harry heard some loud shouting and shrieking come from the Nott camp as orders were given and the army lined up, ready to charge.

"Activate the first line of defence," Harry shouted as a massive red gem set in one of the towers begin to glow an eerie light.

"Fuck it," Harry said with a wave of his hand as he saw the mood he put the enemy force in. "Activate all our defences!"

This time it wasn't only the red giant gem that light up, but also the violet colored one, the green one, and a half dozen more all ready to rain down destructive forces.

Swooping down from the sky was the exact same vulture like wendigo creature that caught the Mini Griffon, and there were hundreds if not thousands of them dotting the sky as they flew towards the fortress.

And they weren't all as wolf like wendigo creatures came running forth, followed by slithering skull headed snakes, giant mammoth black furred creatures, and so much more all coming in one great stampede right towards the fortress.

Harry narrowed his eyes at the alarming sight as he sat on his mini throne.

"They are trying to clear up our defences with their beasts," the Commander growled.

Harry shook his head, only a heartless dark family that couldn't care less for their bonded creatures would do something like that, using them as cannon fodder to have their way.

The earsplitting roars, howls, and growls filled the ear as the wendigo creatures thundered forth heedless of the defences that begin to activate. Fireballs begin to rain day as the sky reddened as if the literal air itself was on fire and they struck down in such molten heat that the very earth started to heat up and liquify into a red building mess.

What was worse was when they struck the beasts they howled in pain as their flesh flacked off and their skin boiled while they were literally cooked alive on the spot. The rain of fire didn't spot for a single second as it continued raining down mercilessly, however the creatures didn't seem to get the message as they were driven on by their master commanding them from behind.

They came on ceaselessly, not giving up or retreating for a single second!

Before they knew it the creatures reached the second line of defense, leaving behind their brethren on the ground as their corpses littered the earth.

Harry could see that this would not be working, they barely made a scratch in the endless horde even though they killed beasts numbering in the hundreds in the first line of defense.

"Release the potion," Harry called out as a flurry of motions went up at his order.

Catapults were readied as large jugs filled with something were loaded up and at his command, they were released flying high up into the air and into the crowd of onrushing creatures.

A red mist seemed to be released as the jugs cracked on the ground amidst the mass of creature and it quickly spread. As the creatures sniffed and inhaled the smoke, they suddenly seemed to have gone utterly and completely mad.

If it only was that, it would have been no problem since these sinister creatures were already baleful in the first place. No, suddenly the beasts turned upon each other, tearing and ripping at each other as they savagely broke up into a melee effectively seizing the advance to a grinding halt.

This was after all the effects of the Berserk Maddening potion, so it was to be expected!

"Commander," Harry said calling to the gruff man.

"Yes, my lord," the man said as he was smiling seeing the creatures tearing at each other while the Nott family force was gobsmacked.

"Tell our artillery force to let loose!" he said as he turned back to the battlefield. The creatures were already stuck in a precarious situation being stuck in-between the fire and lightning zones as they ceaselessly struck at them. Them turning on each other didn't help, and now getting a mouthful of artillery fire would be harrowing.

He had expected this sort of tactic from the Nott family, so that is why he had a bunch of Berserk Maddening potion readied. Sometimes the tactics of dark families can be so plain and simple that you could see it coming a mile away. Now that would be their downfall right now.

Harry could see shouting as the beasts were trying to be brought back to heel, but he knew that wouldn't be possible unless you had a counter potion which would take a while to even hone in on what going on with the beasts forget making the cure, it would be too late for them.

Seeing the siege weapons aim down at the beasts, now it was too late for the creatures. They could only blame their poor masters for their fate. Then the massive weapons let loose in the crowded heap of creatures.

Their fate was very evident as a rain of blood, black furred flesh, and white bones skulls went up into the air. The barrage of fire continued for a long while as volley after volley was sent forth into the crowd of beasts.

Even the most cold hearted man would have felt bad for the wendigo beasts as their flesh was torn and their bones were crushed after endless barrage after barrage.

After a while Harry held out his hand to cease! As the weapons weared down and the soldiers pulled back to see to the siege weapons to fix them and tone them. The dust slowly cleared and everyone finally got to lay sight on the killing field.

There was basically nothing left as they went a bit overkill, only dust drifted in the air and black earth covered a mile or so.

Everyone was silent until he heard an angry roar come from the Nott family camp. Orders were given and it was the soldiers' turn to move up.


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