Wizard King

Chapter 154: Siege Pt.3

"Hold the lines," the Commander shouted from on up high where he stood right next to Harry who was seated on his throne back chair while overlooking the pitched battle on the walls.

The battle on the fortress wall had reached a fervor pitch, both sides were not budging an inch even when one side after the other took to the offense for one final push. No one gave any grounds at all so they were stuck in a mire pit of relentless fighting and combat as spells flew in the air and weapons were brandished.

With the killing fields gone, the Nott force were able to attack the fortress out right now. They were ever relentless as they tried to climb the walls while his army denied them at every turn. The enemy force kept on climbing on ladders to get on the walls. The gates were being rammed away by the Nott army, but wizards and witches stood near the gates chanting in unison as they continuously reinforced the entrances with their magic. Some were busy at work trying to dig a tunnel underneath the wall, but soon they will experience the nasty surprise he had in store for them. However, that didn't mean he would make it easy for them as he has his army deny them.

On the other hand, his defense was admirable, the Hieracosphinx Cohort stood at the walls letting nothing past as their massive bulks made an indomitable bulwark against the invading force. The Keythong were the best attack dogs any man could hope for as they ripped and tore at any invader that got on to the battlements with savage glee.

The Grecian Cohort stood back working their magic as they did a wonderful job confusing and dismantling the enemy force while healing and supporting his army. The Hippogriff Cohort and the Cynogriffin Cohort were doing an adamant job they were harassing the enemy just as he ordered and they even took it into their hand to cripple the enemy's range support.

Harry had his other units in reserve, for now, just waiting for the perfect opportunity in using them.

Then Harry saw the siege towers finally make it to the fortress. He could see all the soldiers inside geared up to attack the battlement when they connected.

He couldn't let that happen, not on his watch at all.

"Lieutenant Alex," Harry called to the glasses wearing man who answered his call immediately like he had been waiting for it all day long.

"Yes, my lord, what are your orders?" he asked as Harry could see the anticipation in his body as he already knew what Harry was about to tell him to do.

"I want you to take care of those towers," Harry simply answered as he pointed off to those dark foreboding breaching towers, he could see the dark magic wafting off them and knew they packed a bunch of surprises. He couldn't allow it to get any nearer to the fortress or else who knew what fate awaited them.

Better to take care of it right now and squash the issue with his best force.

"Your wish is my command," the fanatically loyal officer saluted and then left to follow through on his command with his Cohort ready at hand.

Watching as the Griffin Cohort took flight as their heavy wings beat in the air announcing their foray into battle. They swooped down on the siege towers with their talons at ready.

Turning for them, Harry trusted in Lieutenant Alex to follow through on his commands now it was time for him to do his job. Surveying the battlefield, he saw that both sides were stuck in a statement, something needed to happen to break it.

The only two Cohorts he had in reserve were the Mini Griffins Cohort and the Demigryph Cohort. The Mini Griffins were used for spying and scouting, their small little talons and beaks would be no risk to the enemy and their small little bodies couldn't take that much damage. So they were of little use in a full out war.

Then he had the Demigryph Cohort which was a land bound mounted unit. They did well at charging and breaking the enemy's line, however they were made for wide open field battles and not sieges. They would barely even get a running start to attack the enemy line, and he needed the gates to hold out, not let the dark army right outside his wall in.

Harry did have one more ace in the hole, but that was for last measures. And his artillery force won't be up and running for a long while now.

He needed to work with what he had right now to stop the advance of the Nott family army.

"Commander," Harry called out to the metal armed man. Turning to face him, Harry firmed his resolve on his decision, this might come at a great cost and risk to his personal, but what needed to be done, needed to be done.

"It's time we took to the offense. I will lead our forces to send back the Grim Battalion," he spoke up with firm resolve as he got up from his throne backed chair. He was decked out in his Basilisk battle robes with both of his wands on his person, some extra magic items to booster his power, and plenty of spells ready to be flung about.

"Sunchaser," Harry called out as a golden mound right besides him started moving. The Royal Gryphon stood to its full height as it dwarfed every other Griffin kin creature within sight. It slowly spread its wings out to give them a good stretch, then turned to face him with its massive head the size of a small car.

"I will be in your hands, boy," Harry spoke to the giant creature as he rested a hand on its beak covered in armor already as the Royal Gryphon was battle ready. It was decked out in fine golden armor that protected all its vital spots while also not obstructing its ability to fly.

"Are you sure, boy," the gruff old man spoke up finally breaking the silence.

"Yes, this statement can't continue any longer," Harry shook his head. "We can keep on killing the Nott family enemy force, but they will just keep on coming, and sooner than later they will breach the wall, and you know what would happen after that. The outer wall will fall and the Grim Battalion would have a foot hold in the fortress.

We can never let that happen. Thus I will need to take on a more hands on approach. I will be counting on you Commander to over see the battle. I know I can count on you."

Snorting out loud, the man answered, "I have been doing this before your parents even popped out of your grandparents' belly. No need to be concerned about me. But..." he said as worry flashed through his face, "you watch yourself out there, son. Can't have anything happening to you. You are the last Potter alive, so you better be taking care of yourself."

"No need to worry, Commander," Harry grinned at him. "This will be easy as pie. I shall part them aside like the sea before me."

Then turning around to the soldiers around him, Harry shouted, "Men gather up!"

They were his small honor guard made up of soldiers of all the different Cohorts, their singular task was to guard him with their lives. Getting up on Sunchaser's back, he turned to face these men and women who were the best of the best from among their Cohorts as each and every single one of them was a hard eyed veteran that has seen countless battles.

"Good," Harry said to himself with a nod of his head. Then raising his wand high up into the air, he shouted, "We ride out to battle! Nothing will stand in our way as we carve up these treacherous  bastards and show them why they should never invade our lands."

A blood thirsty roar went up as his men shouted at the top of their lungs letting their savage joy be known to the world.

"Follow me," Harry simply said as he signaled to Sunchaser to take flight up into the air. Soon he was being followed by a squad of a 100 expert old hands with their eyes gleaming for blood.

Having a view from on this high, it really offered Harry a perception he never did have from on his golden throne. The melee down below was a chaotic mess of spells and swords as blood flew into the air and shouts were raised.

Soon Harry was joined by Lieutenant Alex who came to fly right besides him. Pulling up visor he asked din surprise and worry, "My lord what are you doing here?! Your personage does not belong in here in these blood soaked battlefields, you should be back where you belong."

"Alex, you know I am not that type of leader," Harry smiled as he pulled out the Gryfindor Sword as well completing his perfect set of both wand in left hand and spellsword in the right.

"How is the task I assigned you going," he asked as he began to descend like a jet plane.

"Nearly all taken care of, my lord," the lieutenant responded as Harry could already see some dismantled towers and those who were even out right crushed. Only a few now remained as the Griffin riders were double teaming them. However, his gaze did not miss those downed Griffins or those who lacked riders as well.

"If you worry so much, you can join me, lieutenant," Harry grinned as he finally came upon the Nott family forces. He was like a scythe reaping a field of lush wheat as he tore into the enemy. Alex was left with no choice as he did exactly what he said, joining him in their blood bath.

Alex wasn't the only one to notice he had arrived on the battlefield as both Lieutenant Riley and Lieutenant Otto slowly come over to him.

Besides them, the other eyes that slowly turned on him weren't filled with any kindness which included the Nott force headed by their Lord and their General. "Shoot him down," Harry heard the hard eyed General shout as Theodore stared at him from across the battlefield.

Harry knew he couldn't get to him, even in the melee he was well-guarded from all sides. However that wasn't the same for his soldiers.

Seeing that all three of his Lieutenants were near him, Harry shouted at the top of his lungs to the other riders, "To me! To me!" this would be the final push forward.

Already Nott soldiers were gathering to block their path as Harry could see them preparing some very powerful magic to stop them. But Harry couldn't have that, pouring magic into his sword, Harry had found out that this amazing blade had many more functions than devouring whatever substance it comes into contact with.

The sword slowly started to grow and grow until he magically had a blade the size of Sunchaser himself with golden light pouring out of it. One slash was all it took and the soldier before him were cut down.

Already more Hippogriff and Cynogriffin and Griffin riders were gathering around him as they dotted out the sky. They came down with overwhelming force as the enemy was put into disarray. It was a blood bath as he and the men following him tore into the enemy like thin paper.

Harry could feel them bulking and slowly breaking apart. "Come on," Harry said out loud with his voice amplified with magic, "one final push!"

With an effect, everyone of his men came together for that one final push, and the Nott force broke.

The soldiers were in disarray, they weren't able to make it to the wall and now they couldn't stand this final assault. Vow or no vow, the soldiers couldn't form any semblance of cohesive force anymore.

Left with no choice, the retreat was called.

"Hold," Harry said as he held a fist to stop any enthusiastic soldier from following the retreating foe. He saw that their retreat wasn't a stampede as every soldier tried to outrun his allies and friends to get away. Who knew what they had in store for them, if he insisted on chasing them down.

"Let's pull back," Harry said as he flew back the fortress.

The siege has only just begin!


"What are losses?" Harry asked the Commander. They were able to get a good rest last night as the enemy made no move to attack through the twilight hours. They too were counting their losses just like they were.

The Commander had plenty of time yesterday to count their losses and pick up any corpses left outside the wall. He should have a good estimate now of where their current forces stand.

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