World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 236 Male Baths

“Ah… This is nice…” Van said as he settled in the hot pool of water. He had a towel wrapped around his lower waist and was leaning his back against the massive tub that probably would have allowed another six or seven people at max capacity.

“It’s… nice…” Seral said unsure. Also settling down, but with a towel completely covering his body from shoulders to knees. “Shouldn’t you cover yourself a bit more?” He asked Van, looking at his friend oddly.

“Why? It’s not like I have anything to show?” Van said, looking down at his completely bare chest and its lack of nipples and belly button. “Besides, we're the only ones here. So it’s okay.”

“If you say so…”

Not soon after Samira entered the bathroom making Van’s back stiffen. She bowed her head towards Seral and told him that she had gotten the water heater fully active and that hotter water was on its way. Then explained that she and Anna will be guarding the door up front to prevent anyone from trying to enter the males bath. And with that, and a brief glance at Van, she left.

“Well… Maybe I spoke too soon…” Van muttered.

“Sorry about that.” Seral apologized.

“Not your fault.” Van sighed, sinking deeper into the water. It was actually getting nice and warmer…

After a while, Van decided to just take his time and soak for a bit. Bringing out his book on transformations and blood and shadow summoning, he opened them up and began reading them in a relaxed state of mind as they floated in front of him. Time passed and Seral kept giving glances towards Van’s way until his curiosity got the better of him.

“Hey Van…”

“Yes?” Van answered, flipping through another page.

“Are you… A chimeric?”

Van paused his reading and slowly sat straight. He moved his books aside to give a proper look at his friend. “Yes… Actually… I am… Is that a problem?” Asking in a careful and slightly guarded manner. Worried that his friend might actually care about that kind of stuff.

“No! No, I’m okay with it.” Seral quickly said. “It’s just that… I’ve never seen an… actual Chimera before… Do… Do you have difficulties with other people finding out?” He asked awkwardly.

Van blinked and had to think about that. The only people he knew were the ones that slept with him and could put two and two together, and they didn’t seem to mind even after finding out. And it wasn’t like he hid the fact that he was a chimera anyway, though he could understand that unless he showed off his body like he did now, most wouldn’t even realize or know. So he explained this to Seral.

“So… most people who found out didn’t care?” Seral asked, sounding somewhat surprised by this tidbit of information.

Van thought about the fact that most of the women he had slept with were actually non-vampires in one form or another. And they didn’t seem to care that much. Or were people who were one night stands such as with the lover guild, and may not have had the time to check, being preoccupied as they were… “Yes… They didn’t…” He replied thoughtfully. “Though I think that’s mostly because they never bothered to check…”

“Oh… See.. Well… I don’t care either. You’re still my friend, no matter what.” Seral said, making sure he clarified this so as not to make Van worry. “But umm… It might be different over here… If people found out that you are a chimera, women or not, aroused or not, they might not take kindly to your presence. The people over here take their bloodlines very seriously, and would view yours as something like… A mutated dog with many limbs and pieces… You understand?” Being bluntly truthful for the sake of his friend, and hoping Van would realize that and not get offended.

Van’s mind whirled with such a thought. He had to think deeply about this for a few seconds before thanking Seral for this tidbit of information. “Thanks, I’ll be careful with who I share the fact that I’m a chimera with, while I’m here.”

“Good, that’s… Good…” Seral said. Then not wanting an awkward silence to descend between them, asked about the books Van was reading. “So… What kind of books were you reading?”

“Oh?” Van looked a little surprised by Seral’s interest, and a little happy too, and turned his still-floating books around to show them off. “I’m reading the book that was left for us on our beds when we first arrived. Plus another book I got from a friend. I’m trying to figure out how to turn into familiars and how to control them better and make more of them. It’s very interesting stuff.”

“Really?” Seral asked, a thoughtful look passing on his face. “You know, you always seemed to enjoy making more followers and summons then training with your sword and body now that I think about it.”

Van nodded. “I’ve never really liked moving my body. Much prefer others move theirs for me. Though I admit that having some strength is useful. Especially when you're trying to tell a girl no and she’s to dumb to understand a two-letter word.”

Seral wholeheartedly agreed, nodding his head enthusiastically. “Oh yes, I completely agree with you. In fact, when I first stayed the night here, one of my roommates tried to enter my bed. Thankfully I took your advice and Samira was already there to kick her off. It was a bit embarrassing, but it helped. And when I showed my strength fighting Tabitha’s butler, the next night no one dared to try and sneak in under my sheets.” Sounding a bit proud of himself.

Van snorted in good humor. “No one dared to try and pull a stunt on me my first night. But after showing them my strength by beating Tabitha’s butler, I found one on top of me this morning! Even gave me a good morning kiss before running away before I or my wife could do anything. Seems having a lot of strength is a double edged sword!” he snorted.

“No way!” Seral gasped.

“Yup!” Van laughed.

““WOMEN!”” They both said together before both giving a dark chuckle.

“Still, are you okay? Who was it that still tried to pull such a stunt on you?” Seral asked, a little concerned.

“It was actually that cat girl from Troa believe it or not.” Van said.

“Ah, makes some sense then. Beast-kin have always been attracted to strength.” Seral replied. “You got unlucky.”

“Ge, thanks.” Van said.


“Not your fault.” Shaking his head.

“So what are you going to do now?” Seral asked.

“Now I just want to study and figure out what kind of classes I’m going to take.”

“You should probably take military classes since you plan to have such a large following of people and troops. I’ve seen a few of them and they seem pretty good. First they teach you about logistics, then about strategy, and then finally tactics. Though I also suggest a few martial classes. I’m planning to take squire classes in order to become a Vampire Knight. It’s always been my dream to become one.” Seral said, his eyes gazing into the future of one day finally becoming a knight.

“Don’t you first have to start as a page for that?” Van asked.

“Yes, so it’s going to be a long road. Vampire Knights are the strongest in all of Alcray! They are like one-woman armies! They can summon hundreds of soldiers, fight off against titanic monsters, heal from any wound, and are defenders of all vampire kind! If I can become as strong as them, my mother promised me that I could leave Alcray to explore the world! And show everyone the chivalry of a vampire knight to everyone!” Seral eyes practically seemed to glow with excitement and joy about talking about his dream.

Van smiled at his friend's dream, and was just about to tell Seral how he should go follow it when the both of them heard a loud snort. Turning their heads they were surprised to find Trevon entering the bathroom, a few feet away from the pool.

He was also covered up and stood on the edge of the bath looking down on Seral and Van. “You? Dreaming of becoming a vampire knight? Only the best of the best can become vampire knights. Just because you sneak attacked me during our spar, doesn’t mean you can go and start thinking above your means.” Trevon said in a derisive manner.

Van wondered who let this asshole in, but then he remembered this was the shared males bathroom, and it wasn’t like Samira or Anna could just not let him enter…

Van snorted in return and crossed his arms. “Say’s the guy who couldn’t even handle us at half our power.”

“Hmph.” Trevon glared at Van. “Lying won’t do you any good. There is no way that you two tanned skins can beat me without cheating in some way.”

Van and Seral bristled. Being called tan was like being said that they were less than vampires. Like they spent too much in the sun making their brains melt, or buddied up to foreigners at the expense of vampire kind. It was a great insult…

“And what would a milk skin like you know? Hmm?” Van retorted. Milk skin being the opposite of tan skin. Practically saying that Trevon was so afraid of the light that even touching a stray sun beam would hurt him and burn him away and that he needed to be babied and taken care of because they couldn’t handle the truth of their now more modern world. It was an insult that the western half of Alcray came up with in retaliation for being called tan.

Trevon balled his hands into fists. “Better a milk skin than being a mutt. How can a disgusting chimera like you expose himself like that? Aren't you afraid that you might make someone throw up? It’s no wonder that Ingrid married you, you two fit each other perfectly…”

Van got up ready to fight. The tension in the air became thick enough that someone could cut it with a knife. But with great willpower, Van forced himself to take a deep breath and let it out. He got out of the bath and simply walked around Trevon towards the exit, Seral quickly getting up to follow his friend.

As Van was just about to pass Trevon, he said. “You know… I may be a chimera… But at least I have friends. You, on the other hand, are going to be all alone here… Think of that next time you open your mouth. Because you just ruined any chance of living life with at least one person you can call that. And with the way you're going, you will never find one. And if you ever speak ill of my wife again… I’ll make you regret it.” letting off a wave of killing intent.

And with that, Van left.

Leaving a pissed-off, yet contemplative Trevon all alone…

After changing in the changing room, Van and Seral left to go back to their dorms. Samira and Anna kept their distance, sensing that they needed some alone time.

Van sighed. “Well that was a train wreck and a half…”

“I think you did pretty good in holding yourself back.” Seral said, sounding impressed.

“Maybe… But if he pulls that shit again I’m going to punch him where it hurts… And I mean it.”

Seral nodded. “And I wouldn’t stop you, my friend. I wouldn’t stop you…”

As they walked down the hall and neared their dorms, Van and Seral noticed that a very agitated Avalyn was outside looking frantically around. Upon noticing them, she rushed up and began asking if they had seen Astrid.

“Have either of you seen Astrid! She’s nowhere to be found!” Her panicked eyes bored into Van’s.

Hilda sighed not far from them, her arms crossed and looking like she’s dealt with this kind of crap before. “I keep telling you we need to-”

“We are not going to put a leash on her!” Avalyn snapped at her friend before turning back to Van.

“Sorry, I only saw her this morning. She left a while ago.” Van, leaning away from Avalyn and her intensity as she had grabbed him by the arms in her panic.

“Do you know when! Do you know where!?”

Van shook his head. “Sorry. I don’t.”

Avalyn looked crestfallen. She let go of Van and began to once more look right and left for any sign of Astrid.

“Avalyn, calm down. Astrid will be fine, she always is.” Hilda said, trying to calm her friend down.

“That was when we were in Fandor! Now we are-” She stopped herself before she could say something like ‘the vampire lands’ or anything else rude that might imply that she didn’t fully trust the vampires around her.

“I just- I just want to make sure she’s okay…” Avalyn said lamely, though her fear and concern was genuine.

Van wished he could help, when a sudden idea came to him. “Hmm…” Rubbing his chin in deep thought.

Avalyn whirled on him. “Do you have an idea!” Making Van lean back again.

“Actually… I do.” He then gave a polite cough and began to concentrate.

Soon a black shadowy Azra formed from his shadow and gave a curious look. “Miew?”

“By the gods…” Avalyn’s eyes widened. “It’s so cute…” Completely smitten by the soft and fluffy-looking shadow cat. Completely forgetting her lost friend for a second.

“Azra, do you remember that kitty from before that you growled at? Can you be a dear and hunt her down and lead Avalyn to her?” Van asked politely.

Azra cocked her head and began sniffing the air. She blinked and began sniffing closer to Van until she jumped onto him and began sniffing his torso and neck and finally face. She gave a low growl and jumped off of Van, shooting off towards the exit, only stopping to look back at Avalyn with another meow.

“She says she has Astrid's scent and to follow her.” Van explained.

Avalyn looked towards the cat and back to Van. it was clear she had some questions by the look on her face. But felt like it could wait. What was important now was that she put a stop to her friends' antics before she did something they would all regret.

She followed Azra, picking up speed as the cat fled out the door and began her chase, quickly followed by Hilda who heaved a huge sigh of annoyance but quickly went after Avalyn.

Van watched them all leave, turning his head to Lucia who was in the corner reading a book. “Shouldn’t you join your friends?” He asked her.

Lucia looked up from her book. “They will be fine… This happens all the time…” Then proceed to go back to her reading.

This was the first time Van had ever heard her speak before, so it was actually surprising that she answered.

But now that this weird situation was resolved, for the most part, Van turned to Seral asking what he wanted to do next.

“I heard there are some martial arts tests being held in the blood hall. If we take them, we can be accepted into certain martial arts classes.” Seral explained.

“So you need to take tests in order to be allowed in classes?” Van asked.

“It’s mostly to gauge your level of skill and ability. If you're a beginner, you can only take beginner classes, but if you prove yourself, you can take intermediate or advanced classes right away.” Seral explained.

“Okay, sounds fun. Besides, I feel like I still have to beat something up after what happened in the bathroom.”

“Let's head out then. Do you remember the way?” Seral asked.

“Yes. Let’s go.”

And with that the two left to go take some tests for martial classes.

Little did they know, the antics that Astrid would leave in her wake and the chase that followed by Avalyn and Hilda would leave a story that would be told for years to come…

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