In a world where civilization lies in ruins, humanity is hunted by dark entities known as the Umbrals. Survival is a daily struggle, and power is the only currency that matters. Rael Duskthorn, an orphaned scavenger hardened by the unforgiving streets, stumbles upon an ancient artifact known as a Soul Anchor during a desperate raid. The Anchor binds him to the Eclipse Fiend, a primordial being of shadows and destruction, promising immense power at a terrible cost.
To wield the Fiend’s power, Rael must face brutal trials, conquer the shadows within himself, and navigate a world teeming with factions that seek to control or destroy him. As Rael delves deeper into the mysteries of the Anchor, he uncovers a harrowing truth: the Umbrals may not be the true enemy, and his bond with the Fiend may be the key to unraveling the secrets of the apocalypse—or the catalyst for its final descent.
Shadowchain novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy genres. Written by the Author Mk_2 . Read Shadowchain novel online for free.