Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

80.2 ♥♥ Courage and Fear – Part 2 (R-18+ / BDSM)

Courage struggled against her bonds for a moment, then stopped. “It Is Tight. I Cannot Move, But I Have No Fear.”

“Fear? Is that all you want?”

Bonny wasn’t afraid of the goddess anymore, not exactly but this comment irritated her. She liked spending time with Courage, the silly one that allowed Bonny ride her openly and tease Freja by feeling her up, the helpful one that gave advice and helped with training and understanding.

This full incarnation was something more, something terrifying, something that didn’t seem to care about Bonny personally, and was no longer the friend she knew and loved.

“YES! Make ME Fear YOU.” As she spoke, the goddess' eyes grew incandescent with constrained power.

“Recovery! Justice! Can you lift her for me?” Bonny pointed at the four loops she had left in the binding, two just behind Courage’s shoulders and two near her hips. It would have been nice to have something to hang her from, but this would have to do.

The other two goddesses grabbed the ropes and lifted, hoisting Courage up to waist height. Bonny circled, slipping her fingers under the ropes to check tension and make sure nothing slipped. There were no rope burns and nothing looked too tight. She smiled, satisfied, then slid her fingers under the rope going through Courage’s pussy and ass, and yanked.

Bonny smiled at the intake of breath from the goddess. “I assume you like that, even if it doesn’t add fear?”


“But you want fear most of all?”


“Lust, can you infuse the ropes with your power? Will that cause any deterioration?”

Everyone looked at her, except Courage, who was unable to due to the way she was hanging.

Lust grinned up at her. “Yes. You already hold divine and demonic power, so your hair will be fine.”

“Bonny …” Recovery started to say something, but Bonny held up a hand.

“If Courage has a problem with it, let her use the safeword.” Bonny turned back to Lust. “Please proceed.”

Lust stood and joined them, running her hands over the bound goddess’ body. She touched the ropes and started tracing them with a finger, leaving a dark red stain as she did.

Courage sucked in a breath and struggled, unable to do more than flex her abdomen and kick out with the free leg. “No! Stop!”

Bonny held up a hand to stop Lust and moved back to look Courage in her glowing eyes. She smiled, then leaned in the rest of the way for a kiss. She slipped her tongue between the goddess’ lips playfully. When Courage responded, Bonny pulled back.

“You haven’t used the safeword. How about colors, remember how we used them with Freja? How are you doing, red, yellow, or green?” Bonny touched the goddess with her Lust aura to feel anticipation and desire building.

Courage stared up, biting her lip. She shivered violently, then answered, “Green.”

Bonny smiled and kissed her again, before backing away and winking at Recovery. “Go ahead, Lust.”

As the ropes turned from a bright whitish yellow to a combination of yellow and red, mixing into orange, Courage’s glow of power faded even more. The bright spots between diamonds vanished and only her incandescent eyes displayed her status.

Bonny summoned her dick, the large one, which was around a fifth of her height and still looked enormous against her slim body. She nodded at Lust, who summoned hers as well. It was bigger than usual, but not as large as Bonny’s.

Bonny addressed Courage, “You probably won’t be able to talk, but if you shake your head or snap your fingers, I’ll check on you. Okay?”

Courage nodded and licked her lips, her bright eyes focusing on the monstrous organ in front of her.

Bonny stepped forward, grabbing Courage by the hair and ears, and easing the tip into the waiting mouth. She tightened her grip and pushed harder, forcing Courage’s jaws and cheeks wide, then started rocking in and out, slowly working the head in, remembering how Hyzenth had stretched to fit.

With Courage distracted, she nodded to Lust, who parted Courage’s legs and pulled apart the two strands of rope than ran through Courage’s labia. The demoness lined herself up and thrust in as well.

Courage grunted and squirmed as the demoness violated her, but didn’t shake her head or snap her fingers.

Bonny grinned over the bound goddess to the two goddesses holding her, then to Lust. “Fuck her. As hard as you can.”

Lust did. The demoness grabbed Courage’s hips and thrust hard, bottoming out immediately and shoving Courage further onto Bonny’s dick. She showed no mercy, pounding hard and fast, shifting as Courage writhed from side to side, bucking and moaning into Bonny.

Recovery and Justice held on and watched, rocking back and forth as Courage swung between them. The eyes around them watched as well, silent, judging.

The gods didn’t need to breath. It was an affectation to make them appear more human, more kin.

Bonny had discovered this the first time she had had sex with them, so she didn’t worry about it now. She timed her thrusts with Lust, pushing in with each jolt that Lust gave to Courage, slowly working her head, then her shaft into Courage’s mouth and down her throat.

Courage was hanging face down and Bonny wondered if they should have flipped her, so that Bonny could watch as Courage’s breasts bobbed and her throat stretched. Maybe next time. If there was going to be one. She wasn’t sure how her plan would work out.

Once Bonny was buried halfway in, she reached forward to take the the hand loops from the other two goddesses. Lust did the same, Recovery and Justice letting go and stepping back. Bonny and Lust picked up the pace, yanking Courage back and forth, until Bonny was completely engulfed.

They released the rope and let Courage hang there, spit roasted and suspended on the two large cocks, squirming and writhing, working herself into a frenzy.

Bonny tuned into her Lust aura and felt Courage’s delight. There was fear, but it was mostly directed at her the lack of power and concern for Lust’s growing power. The sex was painful, even to the goddess, but also pleasurable and not frightening, exactly. The ropes were more concerning to her than the size of the members penetrating her.

Bonny remembered that only a small part of Courage had had a similar experience. She assumed the goddess’ senses or experiences were shared, but wasn’t quite sure how it worked. Either way, this obviously wasn’t enough.

Bonny touched Lust with her aura and felt a mirror of herself. She had never used this power on either the demoness or any of the goddesses and was surprised it worked as well as it did.

She reached down, wrapped her hands around Courage’s neck and squeezed, putting additional pressure on her shaft, then pulled back slightly and thrust in, concentrating on the feeling of friction, of pleasure, and the ridge of her dick head under her fingers. She fed those sensations to Lust and got a similar feeling in return, of Lust’s cock penetrating Courage’s womb, the tight band of muscle flexing and tensing as Courage twisted and writhed around them.

Bonny and Lust came together, filling Courage with demonic tainted cum. Their climaxes lasted forever in the timeless, divine space and Bonny opened her pleasure to Courage, who started convulsing as rapture suffused the bond between them. Bonny got a brief glimpse of eternity, of civilizations rising and falling in time with the waves of pleasure that resonated between her, the goddess, and demoness.

She felt what it was like to be a Deity, to be Endless.

The bond between Bonny and Courage was strong. Courage was the first goddess to give power to Bonny. The first to appear before her and swear to support her. Someone who always had advice and support for her.

As their shared orgasm started to wane, Bonny caressed their connection again, then tugged on it. Pulled hard!

Courage tried to scream, but Bonny’s cock sealed her exclamations and no one could know if they were from pleasure or fear. She moaned, thrashed, and struggled, but no more than she had been doing as she was getting fucked.

Time slowed again, separating Bonny, Lust, and Courage into a separate, more granular infinity. One that was distinctly detached from the rest of the paused time in the misty white pocket outside of the world.

Bonny pulled harder and felt energy flow into her, stolen from one of the most powerful divines in the world. Immortality, Light, Goodness, Power … Courage! It was all hers. She drained the goddess until her own body glowed with potential and the divinity in Courage’s eyes faded.

She felt it then, the prayers in progress, the few individuals facing their fears, and the innumerable multitudes cowering, hiding, fleeing. There was a battle of some sort a hundred or so miles to the east, with a half dozen combatants standing bravely on each side, despite the fear of pain, of death. She knew who needed her support and who deserved it, as well as who should be scorned. She understood how the gods could be omniscient within their sphere of authority and blind to the rest of the world.

Bonny pulled out and lowered the ex-goddess to the floor, watching raw terror grow in her eyes.

There was the dread of Bonny assuming her position in the pantheon and the horror of her own death, of her mortality, even as a spirit. They were obviously things the ex-goddess had never before imagined. She was speechless, unable to talk, or even move, in the shock of Bonny’s betrayal.

Bonny leaned forward to whisper into her ear, “Do you fear me now?”

The ex-goddess stared into the distance, unmoving, until Bonny kissed her. Bonny did it gently, lovingly, and she returned the stolen Power.

Time within the divine realm resumed, and Courage curled up as much as she could with her arms and one leg still tied. Her body shook as she sobbed silently, tears trickling down her cheeks in an all too mortal way.

Recovery and Justice stared at the three of them, aware that time had blipped. Recovery asked, “Bonny, what did you do?”

“I frightened her, as requested.”

Bonny dismissed her dick and cuddled up with the goddess, slipping an arm under her head, intertwining her legs with the goddess’ free one, pulling her in tight. She held Courage there, whispering to her. “It’s okay. I won’t do that again and no one else can hurt you. You’re safe now.”

Courage shivered in Bonny’s arms as they lay together. Time passing in a crawl as Bonny stroked Courage’s hair and the goddess slowly calmed down.

“How are you feeling?”

Courage nodded and tried to wiggle closer into Bonny.

“Good? Was that too far?”

Another nod and Bonny felt claws of fear tear at her stomach.

“Do … do you resent me?”

A pause, then Courage shook her head.

“Good. Do you want me to let you go?”

Another shake.

“Just tell me when. I’ll stay here with you as long as you need.”

Courage nodded and they lay together for an eternity. After a long while, Lust, Recovery, and Justice cuddled in beside them.

After a much longer while, the mysterious observers left, one by one, until the five of them were left alone, together.

Thanks for reading,

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