Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

81. Sunrise and Clear Skies

Time flowed weirdly in the In Between, or Astral, or Purgatory, or where ever the hell they were. Not Hell, obviously. Or, at least it hadn’t hell before Bonny fucked up Courage, both figuratively and literally.

There was no indication of time, no sensation of hunger or thirst. Bonny did get sore from lying on her side and shifted, pulling Courage across her, to her other side, as she rolled over. The other goddesses and the demoness gave her room to move, then cuddled back in, silent and expectant.

Bonny tried counting breaths but gave up after a million. That had to add up to weeks in real time, but she didn’t try to do the math.

Something was clearly wrong.

She checked her connection to Courage over and over, but it remained tight and strong. Jolts of power ran back and forth, flowing between the two. When the sparks touched her, she could feel the world out there, waiting. The battle she had noticed was delayed, the heroic few locked in place, unaware of the pause in their lives.

Bonny continued to hold the broken goddess and whispered reassurances, while stroking her back and arms.

Finally, another eternity later, there was movement. Courage pulled back slightly and met Bonny’s eyes. “Can you untie me now?”

Bonny pulled her in tight, squeezing Courage as hard as she could. “Thank goodness. Are you alright?”

The goddess nodded.

Bonny tried to hurry, then slowed down as she made a mess of the knots. Finally, she summoned the Sword and cut through a couple of them, careful not to injure the bound goddess any further.

As the ropes were pulled free, Courage’s divine glow reignited, but Bonny was horrified to discover deep wounds, burns that had eaten through Courage’s golden coat and into her skin, disfiguring her. It felt like sacrilege, a desecration of art.

Mending! Divine Mending!” The healing energy slid off the damaged tissue, leaving the burns in place, untouched. Tears ran down Bonny’s face as she traced the unyielding scars with a finger. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it would … I thought you were invulnerable.”

Recovery was watching as well, her expression indescribable.

“Can you heal her?” Bonny asked.

She shook her head and licked her lips.

Courage’s divine glow diminished as she divided into multiple spirits, each vanishing in turn. Moments later, only one remained, the one that Bonny knew best, though it was hard to say how that version was different from the other embodiments of courage. The goddess smiled briefly, a sad smile that didn't touch her eyes. “You should go now. Thank you, Bonny.”

Bonny hugged the goddess tight, then released her avatar, appearing back in her physical body, which was still laying beside a bound Freja. She hugged the centaur tight and burst into tears, trying to remember what they had been talking about a lifetime ago.

“Bonny? Are you okay? What happened?”

She didn’t answer right away. She shook with sobs as she pressed her face into Freja’s breasts.

Freja wriggled slightly, unable to hug Bonny back with her arms bound, but wanting to give comfort. Then she froze as Courage appeared, naked, with a web of diamond shaped scars visible across her body.

“Bonny? What did you do?” Freja asked, staring at the goddess.

“I hurt … her. I didn’t mean to.” She took a deep breath and continued in a rush. “She was scary and pressuring me and I thought it would be okay but it’s not and she didn’t talk for a long time but then she did but she’s still hurt and not talking.”

“Shhhh. Slow down. Sit up and tell me what happened.”

Bonny squeezed Freja tight, then sat up. She started to talk.

“… so it all happened outside of time and that’s why you couldn’t see anything.” Bonny had gotten Freja to sit up and was behind her, braiding her hair, as she finished the story. She had relayed almost everything, except the bit about draining the goddess’ power. Neither of them had slept.

Freja’s hands and arms were still bound behind her back and she kept trying to turning her head to look at Bonny and Courage, who still sat on Bonny’s shoulder.

Bonny turned Freja’s head straight. “Stop it. I’m working here.”

“Why did the ropes burn her so badly?”

“They were infused with both divine and demonic energy. She reacted badly.” Bonny didn’t say that it happened when the goddess lost her divinity. She paused and looked at the goddess. “I think she might have liked that part. For a while, I was worried I went to far and she wouldn’t like me anymore, but she’s still here.”

Courage flinched back at the sudden attention, then drew in a breath and sat up straight.

“I’m glad you stayed. How are you doing?”

Courage nodded, but stayed quiet.

“Can I have a kiss?” Bonny pursed her lips and waited.

The goddess hesitated, before standing and leaning forward to give Bonny a peck on the lips.

“Thank you.” Bonny went back to what she was doing and finished the braid she was working on. She tied off the end and stepped back to take a look. Her voice quavered as if she were trying to appear cheerier than she really was. “Looks great!”

Freja’s large braid had been untied and divided into twin tails. She whipped her head back and forth, watching two braids fly around, then asked Bonny, “Why did you want to do this?”

“You’ll see in a moment.” Bonny grinned up at the centaur and hopped back onto her back. Once in place, she grabbed the two tails, then flicked her makeshift reins and kicked her heels into Freja’s sides. “Giddy up!”

The centaur jumped up and forward, then stopped, turning to glare back at Bonny. “Was that all part of a joke?”

“Nope, I’m serious. I need you to distract me from ... you know.” Bonny flicked the tails again, clicking her tongue and kicking her heels into Freja’s sides at the same time. “You’re supposed to go where I direct you.”

Freja sighed and started trotting around the flat area on top of the giant boulder they had spent the night on. Bonny guided her in circles and figure eights by pulling on her pig tails.

“This is fun. We should get you a bridle.”

Freja shook her head, small shakes that didn’t quite pull her hair tight.

“If you’re afraid of people’s opinions, you should try it. Face your fears, show some courage.”

“That’s different from facing monsters and death.”

“I know. It’s scarier.”

Freja considered, still allowing Bonny to direct her around the camp. The sky brightened with the first faint light of dawn and Freja turned east, opposite Bonny’s guidance.

Bonny pulled back on both braids, pulling Freja’s head back. “Whoa! That’s the wrong way.”

“Dawn is coming. That’s why I brought you up here.”

“Oh, right.” Bonny let go of the braids and braced herself on Freja’s shoulders. She climbed to her knees and moved forward until she could rest her chin on the centaur’s shoulder, then reached around to cup Freja’s breasts, which were still bound above and below.

“Which do you like better, sunrise or sunset?” Freja ignored Bonny’s busy hands, much like Courage had done the first time the three had met.

“Back home, I liked the sunset better. The sun set over the ocean and was prettier than sunrise. The sunset last night was more colorful than I remember from Earth. Maybe it’s the magic.”

“I like sunrises. The new day with new challenges.”

“Challenges like me?”

Freja laughed. “Yes. You are a challenge. Every day is something new and unexpected.”

“Well, today should be quiet. We just need to check in with the council and temple. Helem and Altha should have their new classes, so I’ll hopefully be able to have them do the healing. Then we can check on Nestor and Brooke. We have the play this evening. Maybe we can go shopping before that, since Kama gave me that money the other night. Do you want anything?”

Freja shook her head. “I don’t need anything.”

“What about all that food?”

“I do deliveries for some of the farmers and they pay me with extra produce. I receive a small salary for being attached to the patrol as well. I’m not active now, but they wanted to keep me on the payroll for emergencies.”

The sky had been lightening as they talked, and Bonny noted that the colors were more vibrant than on Earth. When the sun finally crested the horizon and the last star winked out, the sky was clear and cloudless.

Bonny squinted into the bright morning then kissed the side of Freja’s neck. “Okay. I’ll just get you the bridle then.”

The centaur sighed. “I’ll wear one if it’ll make you happy. Just be aware that I don’t have a gap in my teeth for a bit, like horses."

"We can make a flat one."

"How so you like the sunrise?" Freja tried to pull Bonny's attention back to the view. They couldn't actually see Beaverton or the lake from here, since both were just over the horizon. There was a dark shadow to the north, marking the forest, and the mountains were visible soaring above.

"It's better here than at home, but my favorite view up here is you."

Freja blushed, her star turning red again. She stamped her feet and ducked her head, then asked, "Have I been a good girl? Will you untie me now?”

Bonny laughed. “You were wonderful.”

She sat down on Freja’s back and started pulling at the knots, slowly unwinding the rope, as the centaur turned and trotted back to their gear. Once the rope was loose, Bonny used her skills to check for any lingering issues from being bound so long and heal Freja's sore muscles, “Analysis! Mending!”

After Bonny slid down, Freja stretched out her arms, and Bonny took a moment to check her “Status!" before they started to pack up.

Alerts (5):

You have cured a previously incurable disease. Class upgrade available.

Your soul has been suffused with Divinity. You are immortal. Your Will has increased.

You have become the embodiment of Courage. You are invincible. Divine Affinity maximized.

You have completed Quest: “Courage: Arouse Courage through fear.” You are Courage, null reward.

You have transferred the power of Courage to another. You are no longer invincible. Divine Affinity decreased.


Name: Bonny
Race/Species: Outworlder / Rabbit-kin / Succubus
Age: 22
Health: Healthy
Soul: Fragile

Titles: Journeyman Sage, Demonic Champion, Divine Engineer, Ageless
Achievements: Proficiency with all Magic Affinities, Attention of the Gods, System Update, Demigod
Affinities: Arcane Beginner 80%, Demonic Master 54% (Lust), Divine Journeyman 65% (Courage, Healing, Justice), Elemental Novice 84% (Air, Water)
Auras: Divine Courage (allies), Divine Cleansing (area), Divine Healing (area), Divine Retribution (area), Demonic Desire (area), Demonic Drain (affected)

Class: Expert Medic/Demonic (alternatives available, Advancement available)
Skills: (no skills available, no skills may be improved)
     Analgesia (all)
     Analysis (all, spirit, system)
     Create Water (all)
     Mending (all)(Advancement available - Heal, Rehabilitate, or Restore)
     Panacea (all)(Advancement available - Catholicon, Remedy, or Theriac)
     Sacrifice (demonic)
     Ward (all)
     Wound Transfer (demonic)

Non-Class Skills:
     Contraception (all)
     Invigorate (arcane, divine)

Racial Skills: Draining Aura, Draining Kiss
General Skills: Agility, Dancing, First Aid, Flexibility, Running, Shield Use, Sword Use, Walking, Outworlder Knowledge

     Big Red - Bonded, Growth (Unique, multiple parts/Demonic)
     Sword of Justice - Bonded (Legendary/Divine)

Phys Pow: High
Phys Con: High
Stamina: High

Mag Pow: Novice 90%
Mag Con: Novice 80%
Mana: Journeyman 0%

Aura Pow: Journeyman 85%
Aura Con: Journeyman 73%
Will: Expert 0%

     Justice: Slay Matt (Mandatory).

“Holy shit!”

Courage poked Bonny on the cheek. “I told you that you are obsessed with defecation.”

Bonny stared at Courage for a moment, then laughed. “Fine. You’re right.”

“What happened?” Freja stopped packing and turned to Bonny.

“Uh, a status update. Can I show her?” Bonny directed the question to Courage, who shrugged.

Freja answered, “Most people don’t share statuses. You can make it visible, but you should probably wait till tonight … to prevent jealousy or drama with everyone.”

“That’s smart. Thank you.” She closed her status with a thought. “I guess we should go soon. Thank you for bringing me. The sunset and sunrise were beautiful.”

Freja smiled a brilliant smile. “You’re welcome. There is one last thing though.” She trotted over and grabbed Bonny under the arms, lifting the bunny into the air.


“Eloisss and Miu insisted that no matter what happened or how long we had sex, I had to service you just before we left.”

“They what?”

Still supporting Bonny under the arms, Freja pulled her close and licked up between her legs. Bonny took the hint and swung her legs wide, lifting them up onto Freja’s shoulders, opening herself up. Freja's lips met hers and …

A roar shattered the quiet morning.

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