Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 544: Mithra Reinforcement

Central Orlais.

Salo Witmayor was a Baronet, the lowest noble rank in Orlais state. This nearly 30 years old man inherited his title from his father who was missing in action in the previous year invasion of the neighboring country, northern Dioral. However, his family 's demesne was a small land including a poor village. 

When he thought his life was hopeless, the recent civil war had brought him unexpected luck. The self-proclaimed queen, Selena Saxon who was unifying the country under her rule, had waged wars against aristocracy. However, she sided with the lower noble families and even promoted them into important roles in her Saxon-Fanoss Union soldiers. 

As the division led by Salo Witmayor encircled the territory ruled by the loyalist Baron, tensions ran high. Salo, now a commanding officer with hundreds of soldiers under his leadership, felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. This was a crucial moment that could shape his future in the volatile political landscape of Orlais.

Salo had always been a man of ambition, driven by a desire to rise above the limitations of his family's meager demesne. The recent turn of events had granted him an unexpected opportunity to prove his worth and potentially secure a more prominent position within the Saxon-Fanoss Union. He was determined to seize this chance and leave a lasting mark on the pages of Orlais' history.

As Salo Witmayor watched over his soldiers, a sly smile crept onto his face. 

Ambition burned within him, and he saw this moment as his gateway to power, wealth, and the luxuries he had always desired. His mind raced with possibilities, envisioning a future where he could rise above the constraints of his humble background.

In this new era of Selena Saxon's rule, the traditional aristocracy was under threat, but Salo had managed to position himself favorably. The queen's support for the lower nobility presented an opportunity for him to climb the social ladder and secure a more influential role within the Saxon-Fanoss Union.

With his newfound command and the trust placed in him by the self-proclaimed queen, Salo felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. The outcome of the battles ahead could determine his future and the heights to which he could ascend within the political landscape of Orlais.

His ambitions, however, seemed to transcend mere power. As he muttered to himself, his words revealed a darker side to his desires. "Money and women... I could obtain everything," he whispered, his voice filled with a sense of greed and a hunger for pleasures that went beyond the realm of status and influence.

"My lord!"

A knight called him. That man was also fortunate to gain a position like him. He nodded as a cue to him to report the latest situation.

A group of soldiers had breached into the villages defended by the Viscount's soldiers over an hour earlier. The knight pointed to the many houses viewable from their high position.

"My lord. We captured a village. As you commanded, we kept the women alive. You can go there to pick the ones you like."

Salo Witmayor's eyes gleamed with a mixture of satisfaction and anticipation at the knight's report. His dark desires and twisted ambitions had found fertile ground within the chaos of the civil war.

He composed himself, wearing a mask of authority and control, though his mind raced with debauched fantasies. His voice, steady but laced with a sinister undertone, responded to the knight's report. "Excellent. Make sure the prisoners are kept secure until I arrive. I shall join you shortly."

As the knight departed to carry out his orders, Salo's smile grew wider, revealing a hint of sadistic pleasure. He reveled in the power he held over the lives of those he saw as mere playthings. In his mind, he justified his actions by viewing the women as rewards for his newfound position, treating them as objects to satisfy his carnal desires.

As he made his way towards the village, Salo Witmayor's steps were accompanied by a sense of foreboding. 

He saw dozens of young women sitting on the ground surrounded by his men. He instinctively licked his lips and his men were grinning. 

There were around 300 men following him into the village. He didn't believe anyone could stop him now. 

Suddenly, he heard chaotic noises. He saw a ruckus not far from him.

A group of 50 cavalry were ambushing his men. 


The group managed to penetrate deep and finally reached his position. He saw a group of 50 cavalry donning armours unknown to him.

"My lord. They didn't seem like any army from Orlais!" A knight beside him commented.

However, Salo's eyes were glued to the one who seemed like the leader of the group. 

He leered to the person's body, from toe to head. She was a woman with a well knit but curvaceous

body. Her exposed arms and thighs were muscled but gracile.

Although her followers donned usual leather armours, her garments were obviously made of animal skin and bark of trees, exuding the aura of nature. Her light brown hair was cut short in a layered bob which exposed her striking feature, her ears that pointed upward. 

"Half-elf? Dalish tribe who descended from elves?" His men chatted among themselves. 

"My name is Mithra. We are from a foreign country to stop you!"

Salo Witmayor's eyes widened in surprise and intrigue as he listened to Mithra's proclamation. The arrival of this group of foreign cavalry, led by a half-elf woman, added an unexpected twist to the situation. His mind raced, trying to assess the potential threat they posed and the implications it could have on his ambitions.

Though taken aback, Salo quickly composed himself, his desire for power and control outweighing any momentary surprise. With a flicker of amusement in his eyes, he stepped forward, adopting a posture of confidence and authority.

"Mithra, was it?" he addressed her, his voice oozing a mix of arrogance and curiosity. "You claim to be here to stop me? How amusing. I was just about to enjoy the spoils of victory and indulge in the rewards that fate has bestowed upon me."

Salo gestured towards the captive women, still surrounded by his men, and a cruel smile played on his lips. "These women were to be my just rewards, a privilege of my position. But I suppose I can make an exception for you, my dear half-elf. Perhaps you would like to entertain me instead?"

Mithra's expression hardened, her eyes narrowing as she regarded Salo with disdain. "You have no right to treat these women as objects for your pleasure. Your actions are vile and despicable, and we will not stand idly by while you perpetrate such atrocities."

Her words struck a nerve, causing a flicker of anger to cross Salo's face. However, he quickly regained his composure, his smile returning as he regarded Mithra with a mixture of lust and malice.

"I see you have a fiery spirit, Mithra," Salo responded, his voice laced with a sadistic undertone. "But you misunderstand the nature of power. In this world, the strong take what they desire, and the weak serve their purpose. These women are nothing more than pawns in the game of power, and I am the one who holds the reins."

Mithra's expression hardened further, her hand gripping the hilt of her sword tightly. "Your twisted notion of power is nothing but a facade. True strength lies in protecting the innocent and ensuring justice prevails. We will not allow you to continue your vile actions unchecked."

Salo's amusement grew, and he took a step closer to Mithra, invading her personal space. "Oh, my dear half-elf, you are quite the idealist. But tell me, how do you plan to stop me? Your small band of foreign cavalry is outnumbered, and I have an army at my command. Are you prepared to sacrifice your own life and the lives of your followers for the sake of these insignificant women?"

Mithra's gaze remained unwavering, her voice steady and resolute. "We may be outnumbered, but we fight for what is right. We fight to protect the innocent and bring an end to the tyranny of men like you. We will not falter in the face of adversity."

Salo chuckled darkly, his eyes gleaming with a sadistic pleasure. "Very well, Mithra. If you wish to play the hero and challenge me, I shall kill all your men and make you my plaything."

She became slightly nervous when the enemies were slowly closing on her group.

"By the way, my name is Salo Witmayor. Remember the man who shall be your husband from today onwards."

Mithra's eyes burned with a fierce determination, her voice cutting through the tension-filled air.

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