Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 545: Subdued Woman

A village in central Orlais.

Mithra, the dalish girl with her 50 men were encircled by about 300 enemies. 

"You underestimate us, Salo. We may be outnumbered, but our resolve is unwavering. We will not allow you to continue your reign of terror unchecked. Prepare to face the consequences of your actions."

With those words, Mithra drew her sword, the glint of steel reflecting the fire in her eyes. Her cavalry, though outnumbered, formed a protective circle around her, ready to defend their leader and the innocent captives.

Salo's expression shifted from amusement to anger, his face contorting with rage at the defiance before him. "You will regret crossing me, half-elf. I will see you and your pathetic band of rebels crushed beneath my heel."

As he drew his own weapon, Salo signaled his men to attack. The clash of swords and the thunder of hooves reverberated through the village as the battle began in earnest. Mithra and her cavalry fought with skill and determination, striking at Salo's forces with calculated precision.

Despite their valiant efforts, Salo's larger numbers threatened to overwhelm Mithra's forces. The outcome of the battle hung in the balance, and the fate of the captive women, as well as the future of the territory, rested on the outcome.

As the battle raged on, Salo's sadistic nature emerged, fueled by his anger and frustration. He reveled in the chaos, taking pleasure in the pain and suffering inflicted upon both friend and foe. But Mithra and her followers fought with a conviction that Salo couldn't comprehend. They fought not only for victory but for the ideals they held dear, for justice and the liberation of the oppressed.

The clash of swords and the cries of the combatants filled the air, a symphony of violence that would determine the course of history. In the midst of the chaos, Mithra's gaze locked with Salo's, a silent challenge passing between them. She knew that defeating him went beyond physical victory; it meant dismantling the very system of power and oppression that he represented.

"Wow, you could give us a good fight. Hehehe. Even your men were good." Salo Witmayor praised his foes but felt hard-pressed by the small group.

His leer never escaped from her exposed cleavage. He licked his lips.

He shouted, "I will ensure you and these village women will enjoy sleepless nights with me!"

Mithra slashed her sword but he skillfully parried. The horny man was clearly superior to her in terms of speed and skill.

Mithra gritted her teeth, feeling the weight of Salo's superiority in their duel. She knew that defeating him would not be easy, but she refused to back down. Her determination burned within her, fueling her every move as she sought to find a weakness in Salo's defenses.

As their swords clashed, Mithra's mind raced, analyzing the situation. She knew that brute force alone wouldn't be enough to overcome Salo's advantage. She needed to rely on strategy and seize any opportunity that presented itself. With a swift sidestep, she narrowly evaded a powerful swing from Salo, his blade slicing through the air where she had just stood.

Mithra's agile movements allowed her to evade Salo's strikes, but she needed to find a way to turn the tide in her favor. As the battle continued around them, she studied Salo's fighting style, looking for patterns or weaknesses she could exploit. Suddenly, she noticed a brief moment of vulnerability in his defense after a particularly aggressive attack.

Seizing the opportunity, Mithra launched a rapid series of feints and strikes, aiming to disrupt Salo's rhythm and catch him off guard. Her blade danced through the air with precision, each swing calculated to exploit his momentary lapse in defense. However, Salo's skill proved formidable, as he deflected and parried each of her attacks with ease.

Realizing that a direct confrontation might not be enough, Mithra shifted her approach. She began using her surroundings to her advantage, maneuvering strategically and leading Salo toward a patch of uneven ground. With a calculated move, she swiftly changed her tactics, unleashing a barrage of swift strikes towards his lower body, aiming to destabilize him.

Salo's speed and skill were still a challenge, but Mithra's determination and resourcefulness pushed her to fight on. She knew that every second counted, that the fate of the village women and the liberation of the oppressed rested on her ability to overcome Salo's supremacy. Her heart pounded in her chest as she poured every ounce of her strength and skill into each swing of her sword.

The battle continued to rage, and the clash of steel echoed through the village. Mithra's men fought valiantly alongside her, their determination unwavering. Together, they formed a cohesive unit, their collective strength bolstering each other. The tide began to turn as their coordinated efforts and Mithra's unwavering leadership started to take its toll on Salo's forces.

As the battle reached its climax, Mithra refused to yield. She pressed forward, her sword clashing against Salo's with renewed determination. She could see the weariness in his eyes, the cracks in his composure. She knew that victory was within reach, and she wouldn't let it slip away.

With one final, powerful strike, Mithra's sword found its mark, disarming Salo and leaving him vulnerable before her. 

The villagers, who had watched the battle unfold, erupted into cheers, their hope rekindled by Mithra's triumph. 

"Too soon to celebrate, little girl." As he said, his mouth curled up.

With his bare arms, he grappled her neck. 

She retaliated but his brute strength was above her.

Mithra struggled against Salo's grip, feeling the strength of his hands closing around her neck. She gasped for breath, her vision blurring as she fought against his overpowering force. Desperation fueled her actions as she clawed at his arms, desperately trying to break free.

In that critical moment, Mithra's men, seeing their leader in danger, rallied around her. They launched a coordinated attack on Salo, striking him from all sides and forcing him to release his grip. Mithra fell to the ground, gasping for air, but her determination remained unbroken.

Taking advantage of the opening her men had created, Mithra swiftly regained her footing and launched herself back into the fight. With a renewed sense of purpose, she fought with everything she had, her strikes fueled by the near-death experience she had just faced. Salo, caught off guard by her resilience, struggled to defend himself against her onslaught.

The battle raged on, and despite his initial advantage, Salo found himself overwhelmed by Mithra's relentless assault and the united strength of her men. 

Despite their brave fight, one by one of her allies was being cut down.

As Mithra witnessed her comrades falling one by one, a mix of grief and fury welled up within her. She refused to let their sacrifices be in vain. Channeling her anguish into unwavering resolve, she fought with increased ferocity, her strikes becoming more precise and devastating.

With each fallen ally, Mithra's determination only grew stronger. She fought not only for her own survival but to honor the fallen and protect the innocent villagers from being violated by the horny men.

Her sword moved with increasing speed, finding weaknesses in Salo's defenses and exploiting them with ruthless efficiency.

As the battle raged on, Mithra's unwavering leadership inspired those around her. The villagers, witnessing her indomitable spirit and unyielding resolve, joined the fight, picking up whatever weapons they could find to aid in the struggle. United against a common enemy, they fought with newfound courage, refusing to back down in the face of overwhelming odds.

Her eyes started to be blurry and her hands were weary as she was noticing the village men were defeated one by one.

Despite her exhaustion and the mounting losses, Mithra refused to let despair consume her. She knew that giving up was not an option, not when so much was at stake. With a deep breath, she pushed through her fatigue and pressed on, rallying the remaining villagers and urging them to fight alongside her.

Together, they formed a determined and defiant front against Salo and his remaining forces. The battle became a desperate struggle, with Mithra and the villagers fighting tooth and nail for their lives and the freedom of their village. Their blows landed with renewed strength and conviction, fueled by their unwavering belief in their cause.

Mithra's exhaustion was palpable, but she pushed herself beyond her limits, drawing on reserves of strength she didn't know she possessed. Every swing of her sword became an act of defiance.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the tides began to turn. The combined efforts of Mithra, the surviving villagers, and their unwavering determination began to wear down Salo's remaining forces. With each defeated enemy, their morale soared, and their fighting spirit grew stronger.

Suddenly, sounds of galloping were heard. She stopped and looked around.

About 100 cavalry appeared and Salo grinned.

He said, "I applaud you for pushing me this far but....Men...kill them all..only leave this girl alive!"

"Yes..my lord!"

The new enemies swarmed over Mithra and her remaining comrades.

As Mithra and her remaining comrades were swarmed by the fresh wave of enemies, the odds seemed insurmountable. They fought valiantly, but the sheer number of attackers overwhelmed them. One by one, Mithra's comrades fell, their resistance fading against the onslaught.

However, Mithra refused to surrender. She fought with unwavering determination, her sword slashing through the air in a desperate attempt to hold back the overwhelming force while Salo was laughing.

But the weight of the enemy numbers proved too much to bear. Mithra found herself surrounded, her movements restricted as enemies closed in from all sides. 

Mithra fell on her knees and was breathing hard. Salo stood before her. She attacked him but he easily disarmed her exhausted hands.

As Mithra knelt before Salo, her body weary and her spirit tested, she stared defiantly into his eyes. Despite her disarmed state, her determination remained unbroken. Salo, reveling in his perceived victory, taunted her with a sadistic smile.

"You fought well, half-elf, but your resistance ends here," Salo sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "I will make you suffer for your defiance, and the village women will be mine to do with as I please."

As Mithra's vision blurred, her body succumbing to exhaustion, she fought against the encroaching darkness threatening to consume her. But her spirit remained resilient, refusing to surrender even in her unconscious state. Her last conscious thoughts were of her fallen comrades, the innocent villagers, and the horrors that awaited them if Salo emerged victorious.

As she was passing out, Sola commanded, "Bind her!"

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